L16: Hypocalcemia & Hypoparathyroidism Flashcards
Def of Hypocalcemia
Serum calcium level below the reference range, (Which is 8.5-10.5)
Causes of Hypocalcemia
- PTH Related (Low - High)
- PTH Non-Related
- Drugs
Causes of Hypocalcemia D2 Low PTH
- Congenital
- Acquired
Causes of Hypocalcemia D2 Low PTH
- Congenital
Causes of Hypocalcemia D2 Low PTH
- Acquired
Causes of Hypocalcemia D2 High PTH
Parathyroid hormone resistance
Causes of Hypocalcemia Independent on PTH
Drugs inducing hypocalcemia
CP of Hypocalcemia
- Acute & Chronic Manifestations
Pathophysiology of acute manifestations of Hypocalcemia
Increase peripheral neuromuscular irritability
When do Manifestations of Latent tetany appear?
Serum calcium:
- 7.5-8 mg / dl.
Manifestations of Latent tetany
Chvostek’s sign
Facial sign tapping on facial nerve in front of ear twitches of facial muscles.
Peroneal sign
tapping on peroneal nerve at the neck of fibula contraction of peroneal muscle
Trousseau’s sign
Elevation of blood pressure on the brachial artery above systolic for 3 – 5 minute → carpal spasm
Erb’s sign
- Current less than 4 Milli amperes produce muscular Contraction.
- Normally, at least 8 Milli ampere required
When does Manifest tetany appear?
7 – 7.5 mg / dl
Manifestations of Manifest tetany
- Pain & paresthesia
- Carpo-pedal spasm
- Other muscular spasm
- Convulsion and generalized seizures
Pain & paresthesia in Manifest tetany
in the extremities & around mouth
Carpo – pedal spasm in Manifest Tetany
Other muscular spasm in Manifest Tetany
Blepharospasm → spasm of eye lid muscles.
Rhisus sardonicus → spasm of facial muscles.
Trismus of Jaw → spasm of mastication muscles.
Laryngismus stridulus → laryngeal muscle spasm.
Opisthotonus position → spasm of back Ms.
Spasm of GIT ms → colic.
Blepharospasm → spasm of eye lid muscles.
Rhisus sardonicus
Rhisus sardonicus → spasm of facial muscles.
Trismus of Jaw
Trismus of Jaw → spasm of mastication muscles.
Laryngismus stridulus
Laryngismus stridulus → laryngeal muscle spasm.
Opisthotonus position
Opisthotonus position → spasm of back Ms.
Spasm of GIT ms
Spasm of GIT ms → colic.
Convulsion and generalized seizure in Manifest Tetany
In severe hypocalcemia
Chronic manifestations of hypocalcemia
Chronic manifestations of hypocalcemia
- Extrapyramidal Disorders
Basal ganglia calcifications
Leads to parkinsonism, other movement disorders
Some cases only improve with TTT.
Chronic manifestations of hypocalcemia
- Occular Disease
Chronic manifestations of hypocalcemia
- Dental
Dental hypoplasia, failure of tooth eruption, and carious teeth.
Chronic manifestations of hypocalcemia
- skeletal
Osteosclerosis, cortical thickening, and craniofacial abnormalities
Chronic manifestations of hypocalcemia
- Ectodermal
Skin: dry, coarse.
Nail: brittle.
Hair: loss.
Vitamin D deficiency
- Can cause hypocalcemia
- If severe, lead to rickets and osteomalacia.
INVx for hypocalcemia
- Investigate for Cause
INVx for hypocalcemia
- Confirm the Dx
INVx for hypocalcemia
- To Confirm Dx
- To Identify Cause
- To Identify Complications
INVx for hypocalcemia
- Investigate for complications
TTT of Hypocalcemia
- during Attack
- TTT of Cause
TTT of Hypocalcemia
- During Attack
1 to 2 g of calcium gluconate can be infused over 10 to 20 minutes.
Can be repeated.
TTT of Hypocalcemia
- TTT of Cause
TTT of Hypocalcemia
- TTT of Cause (decreased PTH)
lifelong calcium and active vitamin D supplementation (calcitriol)
TTT of Hypocalcemia
- TTT of Cause (Decreased Vit D)
TTT of Hypocalcemia
- TTT of Cause (CKD)
Phosphate binder, calcium and active vitamin D supplementation (calcitriol).
Nature of PHP (In terms of Genetics)
A.D disease
Pathology in PHP
End Organ Resistant “No PTH receptors in kidney and bone “.
Characters of PHP (Labs)
PTH resistance is characterized by
Elevated PTH concentrations
Types of PHP
1 & 2
Etiology of PHP type 1
Caused by mutation of GNAS gene coding the alpha subunit of the G protein, which coupled to the PTH receptor
Leads to inability to activate adenyl cyclase
Types of PHP type 1
A, B & C
PHP Type 1A
PHP Type 1B
PHP Type 1C
PHP Type 2
- Nature (Genitically)
PHP Type 2
- CP
All hypo calcemic manifestations
No features of AHO.
PHP Type 2
- Defect
Not Detected
As Hypoparathyroidism
Lifelong calcium and active vitamin D