L6 Flashcards
What is the rate limiting step in NE synthesis?
Tyrosine –> DOPA
Tyrosine hydroxylase
What enzyme converts DOPA –> dopamine?
DOPA decarboxylase
What enzyme converts dopamine –> NE?
Dopamine beta hydroxylase
What transporter brings dopamine into vesicles in the adrenergic nerve terminal?
H+ counter transport
Which drug can be used to deplete NE by inhibiting VMAT2?
When enzyme converts NE –> E? In what organ?
PNMT inside vesicles
Adrenal medulla
What is the mechanism of NE feedback inhibition?
Alpha 2 auto-receptors on the pre-synaptic side
What is the primary mechanism for NE inactivation?
NET reuptake into pre-synapse
What is the secondary mechanism for NE inactivation?
Facilitated diffusion out of cleft by OCT3 into the post-synaptic side
How does cocaine work at adrenergic nerve terminals?
Inhibits NET
Increases NE time in synapse
What are the 3 ways NE adrenergic receptors can be regulated on the post-synaptic membrane?
- Desensitization (sec)
- Phos the receptor, uncouple action from ligand binding - Sequestration (mins) = aggregation, internalization
- Down regulation (hrs) via less mRNA
If the receptor is G protein independent, what is the mechanism by which it will be regulated?
B arrestin = signaling molecule to inactivate
If the receptor is G protein dep, what is the mechanism by which it will be regulated?
B arrestin = chaperone for INTERNALIZATION
Does MAO or COMT metabolize NE in the pre-synaptic neuron?
Does MAO or COMT metabolize NE in the post-synaptic neuron?
Describe the sympathetic nerve metabolism of NE/E
- NE/E + MAO –> DHPG
- MHPG reduced = glycol
MHPG oxidized (liver) = VMA
Describe the adrenergic nerve metabolism of NE/E
- N/E + COMT –> normet/met
- MHPG reduced = glycol
MHPG oxidized (liver) = VMA
What is elevated plasma free (unconj) metanephrines diagnostic of?
Catecholamine secreting paraganliomas
Or pt is on drugs that release or inhibit reuptake of NE
A1 agonist