L2 Flashcards
Remind yourself… what are the muscarinic receptors? Where are they?
CHOLINGERIC receptors - bind ACh!!! M1 - ganglia - slow EPSP M2 - Ganglia - IPSP - Heart = ↓HR & contractility M3 - on GI, eyes, BVs, etc - Smooth muscle contraction - Gland secretion
Are muscarinic receptors ion channels or GCPRs?
M1 & 3 - Gq
M2 - Gi
Which muscarinic receptors are found in the GI? Fxn of each.
M3 - mediates smooth muscle contraction = motility; secretions
M2 - inhibits relaxation
Working together to maintain basal parasympa tone
Which muscarinic receptors are found in BVs? Fxn of each?
Usually para sympa has no influence on BVs
But BVs do express M3 receptors that bind circulating ACh (not directly innervated by para) to aid relaxation
What is the fxn of muscarinic receptors at sphincters?
M3 (M1?) = relax sphincter
What are the 4 muscarinic agonists?
Which muscarinic agonist works at the heart? What would the effects there be?
Net parasympa tone
What muscarinic agonist works at the GI, bladder, and eye but is muscarinic only (vs nicotinic > muscarinic)?
What muscarinic agonist works at the GI, bladder, eye, and is nicotinic > muscarinic?
Which muscarinic agonist is hydrophobic and used to treat the eye?
Which 2 muscarinic agonists are resistant to AChE hydrolysis?
Resistant = bethanechol & carbamylcholine
Slow AChE hydrolysis = ABM
What is the mneumonic for parasympa overstim = OD on muscarinic agonists?
SLUDE Salivation Lacrimation Uriniation Defication GI motility Emesis = vomiting
What are the cardiovas symptoms of para overstim?
Hypotension - M3 vasodilation
Bradycardia - M2 at SA node and myocardium
What are the resp symptoms of para overstim?
Both M3
What are the GI symptoms of para overstim?
Ab cramps - activated smooth muscle