L23 Flashcards
What are the 3 components of the outside of a lipoprotein particle? What is in the core?
Apo-lipoproteins + free cholesterol + phospholipids = outer
Core = TGs + cholesterol esters
What surface molecule is unique LDL? HDL? (remember LDL & HDL are low/high density lipoproteins)
LDL, IDL, VLDL, remnants = apoB (binds LDL receptor)
HDL = apoA1
Equation for LDL
LDL = TC - (TG/5) - HDL
Does the liver secrete VLDL, IDL, or LDL?
What happens to VLDL in circulation?
Releases TGs –> FFAs
- By lipoprotein lipase
FFAs can be taken into tissue for use and E source or into adipocytes for storage
What are IDL
Intermediate density lipoproteins = smaller, cholesterol enriched remnants
What happens to IDL in circulation
- Back to liver - donates cholesterol
2. IDL –> LDL, release more TGs –> FFAs into circulation
What is the fxn of LDL in the blood
Cholesterol transporter to either liver or other tissues
What happens if LDL is oxidized?
= athrogenic form
Can be taken up by marcophages without limit –> foam cell formation –> atherosclerosis
Describe LDL endocytosis
apoB + LDL receptor
In via clatharin coated pits
LDL into lysosome
Receptor recycled to membrane
Fxn of PCSK9 - SEs
LDL receptor degradation - no separation from LDL particle into lysosome
Net increase LDL in circulation b/c no receptors to bind to on tissues
Potential treatment for overactive PCSK9
Describe familial hypercholesterolemia - 4 most likely causes
High LDL –> premature CHD
- Hetero or homozygous for LDL receptor
- Mutated apoB so can’t bind LDL
- Mutated PCSK9 - excess
- LDL RAP1 mutations - can’t make clatharin pits for endocytosis
Physical exam findings for FH
- Achilles tendon
- Corneal arcus = young pts
What is phytosterolemia?
Clinically present like FH, but doesn’t have to do with LDL
Increased absorption of non-cholesterol plant sterols