Clinical Cardiac Anatomy Flashcards
Trace blood through body: RA -> superior vena cava
RA Tricuspid valve RV Pulmonic valve R or L pulm artery Pulm arterioles Pulm capillaries Pulm venules 1 of 4 pulm veins LA Bicuspid valve LV Aortic valve Aorta Peripheral arteries --> arterioles --> capillaries --> venules --> inf/sup VC
If you pass a catheter from the inf vena cava into RA, where can the catheter go from there?
- Tricuspid –> RV –> pulm art
- Patent foramen ovale –> LV
- Coronary sinus
What route would you take to place pacemaker wire in the RV?
Sup VC
RV - wedged into trabeculae of RV apex
What route would you take to place pacemaker wire in the LV?
Sup VC
Cornary sinus which lies behind LV
How can you tell the RV from LV?
RV = more trabeculae + tricuspid valve LV = smoother + mitral valve
How can a clot from the legs cause stroke?
It's going to cause a PE... duh Stroke: - Septal defect - Increased R sided P = Paradoxical embolus
If the pt is in AFib, where is a thrombus likely to form?
No atrial contraction –> clots in atria
Increased risk for PE
**LA appendage
Name the associated L and R coronary arteries.
From sinus of valsalva = outpouching from aorta
L main coronary art from L coronary cusp sinus of Valsalva
- L circumflex
R coronary art from R coronary cusp of sinus Valsalva
Describe the path of the LAD - what pts of the heart does this supply
Ant interventricular groove
- Ant septum
- Ant wall LV (largest pt of LV)
Describe the path of the L circumflex - what parts of the heart does this supply
Post AV groove = between LA & LV in back of heart
Supplies LV lat wall
Describe path of RCA - what parts of the heart does this supply?
Ant AV groove = bet RA & RV anteriorly
Supplies inf wall of LV & RV
Why is it difficult to bypass directly to the main circumflex art in surgery?
Coronary sinus is in post AV groove on top of main circumflex art
Branches of circumflex can easily be bypassed
How do you est RA pressure?
Int jugular vein catheter
If the P wave vector (direction of atrial depol) is abnormal, what are the possible sites of pacemaker?
Normal atrial depol = bet 0 –> +90 degrees
Abnormal means pacemaker cannot be the SA node
Other options:
- Somewhere else in atrium = ectopic atrial rhythm, atrial flutter
- AV node = junctional rhythm
- The ventricle