L14 Flashcards
What is the sympatholytic drug class?
Inhibits post-gang sympa nerve
Sympa - lytic (cut)
Which sympatholytic drug works be depleteing NE in storage vesicles?
Reserpine = adrenergic neuron blocker/depleter
What are the 2 central A2 agonist drugs?
= X sympa outflow from CNS
Which drug inhibits NE synthesis to stop sympathetic activity?
Reserpine mechanism
Blocks dopamine into the vesicle - no NE synthesis
Is reserpine hydrophilic or phobic?
Philic = lipid soluble
Crosses BBB, placenta
What is the recovery time when you withdraw reserpine?
Slow - weeks
B/c depletion of NE was gradual, the recovery and re-synthesis will be slow
What are drug interactions with reserpine?
X NE releasers
- Duh, nothing there to release
↑sen to pharm NE or norad receptor agonists
- Receptors have been hypersensitized while NE has been low
What is the difference between low and high dose reserpine?
Low = PNS sympatholytic High = CNS action = sedative
What is the clinical use of reserpine?
Reserpine adverse effects
Associated with high dose (CNS)
- ↑depression
- ↓ seizure threshold
- Potential CNS depressors (alcohol)
Mechanism of clonidine
Directly acts to increase A2 receptors in brainstem
Mechanism of methyldopa
Methyldopa –> MeDopamine –> MeNE
Conversion @ brainstem where MeNE will work
Net effect of A2
↓sympa outflow to CV
Won’t get the ability to increase HR, CO, contractility etc
Do baroreceptor reflexces change with central A2 agonists?