L36 Flashcards
What type of hypertrophy is seen in hypertrophic CM
Preference to septum
Histo of hypertrophic CM
Myocardial disarray
Genetic mutation for hypertrophic CM
Sarcomere mutation
B myosin heavy chain
Hypertrophy - stiff
High LV diastolic P
Are most hypertrophic CM obstructive?
75% non-ob
4 symptoms of obstructive hypertrophic CM
Same as aortic senosis:
- Angina
- Syncope
- Sudden death
What causes obstruction during HOMC
Systolic anterior motion of mitral valve
HOMC murmur
Like AS
- High velocity flow murmur
Different - changes with position
What makes the HOMC murmur louder? Softer?
Softer = squats b/c increasing blood volume in heart Louder = valsalva (decrease preload)
Avoid what drugs with HOCM
Inotropes - don’t want to increase contractility
What is the carotid pulse for HOCM
Pulses bisferiens
Spike = initial rapid ventricular emptying
Dome = obstruction reflected waves return from periphery