L31 Flashcards
Compare L vs RV stroke volume
The same!!!
RV pumps same SV w/ less work b/c lower resistance in pulm vasc
RV contraction shape/type
Longitudinal - contracts down
Equation for La Place’s law
wall tension = (P x r) / (2 x wall thickness)
RV is naturally thin walled - ↓thickness, ↑wall tension
Describe RV ischemia due to MI:
- Stunning
- Hypotension
- ↑JVP
Stunning = RV not contracting, conduit only, temporary - will recover
Hypotension due to stunning
↑JVP as fluid backs up into venous system
What kind of MI leads to systolic dysfxn?
Inferior - leads 2, 3, avF
R coronary artery
Treat (do and do not use) RV ischemia due to MI:
- Preload
- Contractility
- Afterload
Preload - + fluids, the only situation you do NOT diurese the ↑JVP
Contractility - inotropes to maintain SV
- **Only during decomp states (dilated)
Afterload - do NOT use systemic vasodiltors
What kind of RV F does a PE cause? Include mechanism.
Acute RV F
↑P -> ↑wall tension
Treat acute RV F due to a PE
- Anti-coag
- Diuretics to ↓preload
- ↑contractility
- Pulm arterial vasofilators to ↓afterload
2 drugs can use to ↑contractility of RV - include mechanism of each
Dobutamine - B1 > B2 agonist (↑cAMP)
Milrinone - PDE I, prevent cAMP breakdown
How does wall thickness change with pulm HTN - compensated –> decomp?
Pulm HTN is ↑P to RA –> immediate ↓SV so to regain SV:
Comp = ↑wall thickness
Depcom as vessel lumen gets even smaller = dilation
Net dilation
Symptoms of chronic RV F
“Fluid retention + ↓CO”
Dyspnea, fatigue, lethary
Exertional syncope
Anorexia - ab swelling - edema
PE for chronic RV F
Loud P2 = pulmonic component of S2 RV heave Tricupid regurg murmur ↑JVP Hepatomegaly
What is cor pulmonale
RV F due to chronic lung disease
- Interstitial lung disease
- Pulm fibrosis
Treat cor pulmonale
+O2 but only if hypoxic
↓Na diet
Why add O2 forRV F due to chronic lung disease
Chronic hypoxemia can worsen pulm HTN –> worse remodeling