L34 Flashcards
4 clinical syndromes of pericardial disease
Constrictive pericarditis
Acute pericarditis
- 3 infectious causes
- Pathology
- Clinical maifestation
Infectious causes: - Viral: echo or CoxB - TB - Pyogenic bacteria Pathology = serofibrinous pericarditis - "Bread and butter" b/c fibrin deposits Clinical: - Pleuritic chest pain (when you breathe) - Fever - 3 part pericardial friction rub - Changes to EKG
Transudate vs exudate
Transudate = non-inflam - Clear fluid w/ low protein Exudate = infection, cancer, or collagen defect of vasculature - B/c of vasc permeability - Bloody or pussy w/ high protein count
Effusion clinical presentation
- L chest dull ache
- Compression of nearby structures: dysphagia, dyspnea, hoarseness, hiccups
Hemodynamics of pericardial tamponade
- Fluid in pericardium - increasing pericardial P
- All pressures in heart chambers are equal during DIASTOLE b/c of external pressure applied
- Decrease V filling b/c no forward movement
- Decrease SV - progressive low CO - hypotension
Pulsus paradoxus
= drop BP > 10mmHg during inspiration
Pulse disappears during systole
Electrical alternans
Change in size every other QRS
EKG for severe TAMPONADE - heart is swinging in large pleural effusion
JVP of pericardial tamponade vs pericardial constriction
Tamponade = increase JVP (everything is backing up!)
Other physical finding differences for pericardial tamponade vs constriction
- Low BP
- Quiet heart
What are the 3 part of the friction rub of acute pericarditis
Hear this
Atrial contraction before S1
Ventricular contraction between S1-2
Ventricular diastole after S2
Describe the presentation for pleuritic chest pain of acute pericarditis
Sharp, stabbing, pleuritic pain the radiates to scapula
EKG for acute pericarditis
DIFFUSE ST elevation
- Esp if see PR depression
Elevation b/c outer wall involved
Treat acute pericarditis
Supportive - resolves on own
3 bugs that will cause purulent pericarditis
Staph aureus
GN rods
Dressler’s syndrome
Delayed pericarditis after STEMI