L41 Flashcards
[swaip] vt. 猛击;偷窃;刷…卡
n. 猛击;尖刻的话
vi. 猛打;大口喝酒
Noun.1 : a strong sweeping blow a swipe of a paw
2 : a sharp often critical remark took a parting swipe at management
intransitive verb : to strike or move with a sweeping motion
transitive verb
1 : to strike or wipe with a sweeping motion
3 : to slide (a card with a magnetic strip or bar code) through a slot in a reading device so that information stored on the strip can be processed (as in making a purchase)
[swə:l] n. 漩涡;打旋;涡状形
vi. 盘绕;打旋;眩晕;大口喝酒
vt. 使成漩涡
Intransitive verb
1 a : to move with an eddying or whirling motion swirling water b : to pass in whirling confusion
2 : to have a twist or convolution
transitive verb : to cause to swirl swirled her drink
Noun.1 a : a whirling mass or motion : EDDY b : whirling confusion a swirl of events
2 : a twisting shape, mark, or pattern
3 : an act or instance of swirling
[swu:p] vi. 猛扑;突然袭击;突然下降;飞扑
n. 猛扑;俯冲;突然袭击
vt. 攫取;抓去
Intransitive verb : to move with a sweep
transitive verb : to gain or carry off in or as if in a swoop ? usually used with up
Noun.1 : an act or instance of swooping
2 : a single concentrated and quickly effective effort was done in one swoop ? often used with fell solved everything at one fell swoop
[,sɪbə’rɪtɪk] adj. 奢侈逸乐的;柔弱的
Adj.1 usually capitalized a : of, relating to, or characteristic of ancient Sybaris b : of, relating to, or characteristic of the people of Sybaris
2 : marked by or given to luxury or voluptuous living take his rest in sybaritic grandeur that eclipses the splendor of a sultan’s harem?Green Peyton the T basically sybaritic boy became a strong, aggressive, Spartan adult?G.W.Johnson
synonyms see SENSUOUS
[‘sɪŋkrɪtaɪz] vt. 融合;结合
vi. 融合;结合
vt. : to attempt to unite and harmonize especially without critical examination or logical unity
[‘sindrəum, -drəm-] n. [医]综合征;[医]综合症状;[医]并发症状;[计]校验子;[计]并发位
Noun.1 : a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality or condition
2 : a set of concurrent things (as emotions or actions) that usually form an identifiable pattern
[si’nɔpsis] n. 概要,大纲
Noun.1 : a condensed statement or outline (as of a narrative or treatise) : ABSTRACT
2 : the abbreviated conjugation of a verb in one person only
[‘teibl] n. 桌子;表格;平地层
vt. 制表;搁置;嵌合
adj. 桌子的
Noun.1 : TABLET 1a
2 a plural : BACKGAMMON b : one of the two leaves of a backgammon board or either half of a leaf
3 a : a piece of furniture consisting of a smooth flat slab fixed on legs b (1) : a supply or source of food (2) : an act or instance of assembling to eat : MEAL sit down to table c (1) : a group of people assembled at or as if at a table (2) : a legislative or negotiating session the bargaining table
5 a : a systematic arrangement of data usually in rows and columns for ready reference b : a condensed enumeration : LIST a table of contents
6 : something that resembles a table especially in having a plane surface: as a : the upper flat surface of a cut precious stone ? see BRILLIANT illustration b (1) : TABLELAND (2) : a horizontal stratum
vt.1 : to enter in a table
2 a British : to place on the agenda b : to remove (as a parliamentary motion) from consideration indefinitely c : to put on a table
Adj.1 : suitable for a table or for use at a table a table lamp
2 : suitable for serving at a table table grapes
3 : proper for conduct at a table table manners
[tə’bu:, tæ-] n. 禁忌;禁止
adj. 禁忌的;忌讳的
vt. 禁忌;禁止
Adj.1 : forbidden to profane use or contact because of what are held to be dangerous supernatural powers
2 a : banned on grounds of morality or taste the subject is taboo b : banned as constituting a risk the area beyond is taboo, still alive with explosives ?Robert Leckie
Noun.1 : a prohibition against touching, saying, or doing something for fear of immediate harm from a supernatural force
2 : a prohibition imposed by social custom or as a protective measure
3 : belief in taboos
vt.1 : to set apart as taboo especially by marking with a ritualistic symbol
2 : to avoid or ban as taboo
[‘tæsitə:n] adj. 沉默寡言的;无言的,不太说话的
Adj. : temperamentally disinclined to talk
synonyms see SILENT
[‘tækl] n. 滑车;装备;用具;扭倒
vt. 处理;抓住;固定;与…交涉
vi. 扭倒;拦截抢球
Noun.1 : a set of the equipment used in a particular activity : GEAR fishing tackle
2 a : a ship’s rigging b : an assemblage of ropes and pulleys arranged to gain mechanical advantage for hoisting and pulling
3 a : the act or an instance of tackling b (1) : either of two offensive football players positioned on each side of the center and between guard and end (2) : either of two football players positioned on the inside of a defensive line
transitive verb
1 : to attach or secure with or as if with tackle
2 a : to seize, take hold of, or grapple with especially with the intention of stopping or subduing b : to seize and throw down or stop (an opposing player with the ball) in football
3 : to set about dealing with tackle the problem
intransitive verb : to tackle an opposing player in football
[‘tæktik] n. 策略,战略
adj. 按顺序的,依次排列的
Noun.1 : a device for accomplishing an end
2 : a method of employing forces in combat
Adj. : of or relating to arrangement or order
[‘teikiŋ] n. 取得;捕获;营业收入
adj. 可爱的;迷人的;会传染的
v. 拿;捕捉;夺取(take的ing形式)
Noun.1 a : SEIZURE had a taking, which he took calmly, simply bidding us hold him upside down by his ankles?J.J.Chapman b obsolete : a seizure or attack from a malevolent influence : BLIGHT
2 a chiefly Scotland : an unfavorable state or condition : PLIGHT his head and his stomach were in a very sad taking?C.E.Abernethy b : a state of violent agitation and distress put him in a great taking T grew as white as a napkin?John Buchan
3 : something taken or received: as a takings plural : receipts especially of money in those days the takings of a popular play were much less?W.S.Maugham takings did not cover expenses gross takings b : a catch or take of fish or animals c : a holding of land for mining
Adj.1 : that takes the fancy : ALLURING, ATTRACTIVE, CAPTIVATING, PLEASING book has a very taking period flavor?Times Literary Supplement knew she would be a taking girl; how lovely, I did not guess?George Meredith something inexpressibly taking in his manner?Douglas Jerrold
[‘tæli] n. 计数器;标签;记账
vt. 使符合;计算;记录
vi. 一致;记分
Noun.1 : a device (as a notched rod or mechanical counter) for visibly recording or accounting especially business transactions
2 a : a recorded reckoning or account (as of items or charges) keep a daily tally of accidents b : a score or point made (as in a game)
3 a : a part that corresponds to an opposite or companion member : COMPLEMENT b : a state of correspondence or agreement
transitive verb
1 a : to record on or as if on a tally : TABULATE b : to list or check off (as a cargo) by items c : to register (as a score) in a contest
2 : to make a count of : RECKON
3 : to cause to correspond
intransitive verb
1 a : to make a tally by or as if by tabulating b : to register a point in a contest : SCORE
[,tæmbə’ri:n] n. 小手鼓;非洲野鸽
Noun. : a small drum; especially : a shallow one-headed drum with loose metallic disks at the sides played especially by shaking or striking with the hand
[teim] adj. 驯服的;平淡的;乏味的;顺从的
vt. 驯养;使变得平淡;制服
vi. 变得驯服
Adj.1 : reduced from a state of native wildness especially so as to be tractable and useful to humans : DOMESTICATED tame animals
2 : made docile and submissive : SUBDUED
3 : lacking spirit, zest, interest, or the capacity to excite : INSIPID a tame campaign
transitive verb
1 a : to reduce from a wild to a domestic state b : to subject to cultivation c : to bring under control : HARNESS
2 : to deprive of spirit : HUMBLE, SUBDUE the once revolutionaryTparty, long since tamed ?Times Literary Supplement
3 : to tone down : SOFTEN tamed the language in the play
intransitive verb : to become tame
[tæmp] vt. 夯实,砸实;填塞
n. 捣棒;打夯的工具
vt.1 : to drive in or down by a succession of light or medium blows tamp wet concrete
2 : to put a check on : REDUCE, LESSEN tamp down rumors
Noun.: a tool for tamping
[‘tæmpə] vi. 篡改;干预;损害;削弱;玩弄;贿赂
vt. 篡改
n. 填塞者;捣棒
vi.1 : to carry on underhand or improper negotiations (as by bribery)
2 a : to interfere so as to weaken or change for the worse ? used with with did not want to tamper with tradition b : to try foolish or dangerous experiments ? used with with c : to render something harmful or dangerous by altering its structure or composition was charged with tampering with consumer products
[‘tæŋi] adj. 扑鼻的;有刺激性的;强烈的
Adj.: having or suggestive of a tang
[‘tæntrəm] n. 发脾气;发怒
Noun,. : a fit of bad temper
['tæri] vi. 等候;逗留;耽搁 vt. [古]等待 n. 逗留 adj. 涂了焦油的 vi.1 a : to delay or be tardy in acting or doing b : to linger in expectation : WAIT 2 : to abide or stay in or at a place Noun. : STAY, SOJOURN Adj.: of, resembling, or covered with tar
[tɑ:t] adj. 酸的;锋利的;尖刻的
n. 果馅饼;[俚]妓女
vt. 打扮
Adj.1 : agreeably sharp or acid to the taste a tart apple
2 : marked by a biting, acrimonious, or cutting quality a tart rejoinder
Noun.1 : a dish baked in a pastry shell : PIE: as a : a small pie or pastry shell without a top containing jelly, custard, or fruit b : a small pie made of pastry folded over a filling
2 [earlier slang, girlfriend, probably short for jam tart, rhyming slang for sweetheart] : PROSTITUTE
['teisti] adj. 美味的;高雅的;有趣的 n. 可口的东西;引人入胜的东西 Adj.1 a : having a marked and appetizing flavor *a tasty meal* b : strikingly attractive or interesting *a tasty bit of gossip* 2 : TASTEFUL synonyms see PALATABLE
['tætə] n. 碎布;碎纸 vt. 扯碎;撕碎;使破烂 vi. 变得破烂 Transitive verb : to make ragged intransitive verb : to become ragged Noun.1 : a part torn and left hanging : SHRED 2 plural : tattered clothing : RAGS
['tætl] vi. 闲谈;泄露秘密 n. 闲谈 Noun.1 : idle talk : CHATTER 2 : GOSSIP intransitive verb 1 : CHATTER, PRATE 2 : to tell secrets : BLAB transitive verb : to utter or disclose in gossip or chatter
[‘tæti] adj. 不整洁的;不值钱的;破旧的
Adj. : rather worn, frayed, or dilapidated : SHABBY a tatty shirt
[‘tɔ:tən] vi. 拉紧
vt. 拉紧;使绷紧
Transitive verb : to make taut tauten the rope
intransitive verb : to become taut
[t?ə,tiə] n. 眼泪, (撕破的)洞或裂缝, 撕扯
vt. 撕掉, 扯下, 扰乱
vi. 流泪, 撕破
Noun.1 a : a drop of clear saline fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland and diffused between the eye and eyelids to moisten the parts and facilitate their motion b plural : a secretion of profuse tears that overflow the eyelids and dampen the face
2 : a transparent drop of fluid or hardened fluid matter (as resin)
3 plural : an act of weeping or grieving broke into tears
vi. : to fill with tears : shed tears eyes tearing in the November wind ?Saul Bellow
transitive verb
1 a : to separate parts of or pull apart by force : REND b : to wound by or as if by tearing : LACERATE tear the skin
2 : to divide or disrupt by the pull of contrary forces a mind torn with doubts
3 a : to remove by force : WRENCH ? often used with off tear a cover off a box b : to remove as if by wrenching tear your thoughts away from the scene
4 : to make or effect by or as if by tearing tear a hole in the wall
intransitive verb
1 : to separate on being pulled : REND this cloth tears easily
2 a : to move or act with violence, haste, or force went tearing down the street b : to smash or penetrate something with violent force the bullet tore through his leg
Noun.1 a : damage from being torn; especially : a hole or flaw made by tearing b : the act of tearing
2 a : a tearing pace : HURRY b : SPREE got paid and went on a tear c : a run of unusual success the team was on a tear
[ti:z] vt. 取笑;戏弄;梳理;欺负;强求;使起毛
n. 戏弄;爱纠缠的小孩;挑逗者;卖弄风骚的女孩
vi. 取笑
vt.1 a : to disentangle and lay parallel by combing or carding tease wool b : TEASEL
2 : to tear in pieces; especially : to shred (a tissue or specimen) for microscopic examination
3 a : to disturb or annoy by persistent irritating or provoking especially in a petty or mischievous way b : to annoy with petty persistent requests : PESTER; also : to obtain by repeated coaxing c : to persuade to acquiesce especially by persistent small efforts : COAX d : to manipulate or influence as if by teasing e : to make fun of : KID
4 : to comb (hair) by taking hold of a strand and pushing the short hairs toward the scalp with the comb
5 : to tantalize especially by arousing desire or curiosity often without intending to satisfy it
synonyms see WORRY
Noun.1 : the act of teasing : the state of being teased
2 : one that teases
['ti:tə] vi. 摇晃;玩跷跷板;步履蹒跚;摇摇欲坠 vt. 使…摇摆;使…上下晃动 n. 跷跷板;摇摆 vi.1 a : to move unsteadily : WOBBLE b : WAVER, VACILLATE *teetered on the brink of bankruptcy* 2 : SEESAW Noun.: SEESAW 2b
[ti:təutəl] adj. 完全的,绝对的;绝对戒酒的;滴酒不沾的
vi. 绝对戒酒
Adj.1 : of, relating to, or practicing teetotalism
[ti’merəti, tə-] n. 鲁莽,冒失;蛮勇
Noun.1 : unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger or opposition : RASHNESS, RECKLESSNESS
2 : an act or instance of temerity
[‘tempə] n. 脾气;(钢等)回火;性情;倾向
vt. 使回火;锻炼;调和;使缓和
vi. 回火;调和
vt.1 : to dilute, qualify, or soften by the addition or influence of something else : MODERATE temper justice with mercy
2 archaic a : to exercise control over : GOVERN, RESTRAIN b : to cause to be well disposed : MOLLIFY tempered and reconciled them both ?Richard Steele
3 : to bring to a suitable state by mixing in or adding a usually liquid ingredient: as a : to mix (clay) with water or a modifier (as grog) and knead to a uniform texture b : to mix oil with (colors) in making paint ready for use
4 a (1) : to soften (as hardened steel or cast iron) by reheating at a lower temperature (2) : to harden (as steel) by reheating and cooling in oil b : to anneal or toughen (glass) by a process of gradually heating and cooling
5 : to make stronger and more resilient through hardship : TOUGHEN troops tempered in battle
6 a : to put in tune with something : ATTUNE b : to adjust the pitch of (a note, chord, or instrument) to a temperament
Noun.1 a archaic : a suitable proportion or balance of qualities : a middle state between extremes : MEAN, MEDIUM virtue isTa just temper between propensities ?T. B. Macaulay b archaic : CHARACTER, QUALITY the temper of the land you design to sow ?John Mortimer c : characteristic tone : TREND the temper of the times d : high quality of mind or spirit : COURAGE
2 a : the state of a substance with respect to certain desired qualities (as hardness, elasticity, or workability); especially : the degree of hardness or resiliency given steel by tempering b : the feel and relative solidity of leather
3 a : a characteristic cast of mind or state of feeling : DISPOSITION b : calmness of mind : COMPOSURE c : state of feeling or frame of mind at a particular time usually dominated by a single strong emotion d : heat of mind or emotion : proneness to anger : PASSION she has a real temper
4 : a substance (as a metal) added to or mixed with something else (as another metal) to modify the properties of the latter
synonyms see DISPOSITION
['tempist] n. 暴风雨;骚动;动乱 vt. 使狂怒;扰乱,使激动 vi. 小题大作;起大风暴 Noun.1 : a violent storm 2 : TUMULT, UPROAR vt.: to raise a tempest in or around
[tem’pestjuəs, -tʃu-] adj. 有暴风雨的;暴乱的;剧烈的
Adj.: of, relating to, or resembling a tempest : TURBULENT, STORMY tempestuous weather a tempestuous relationship
[‘tempəu] n. 速度,发展速度;拍子
Noun.1 : the rate of speed of a musical piece or passage indicated by one of a series of directions (as largo, presto, or allegro) and often by an exact metronome marking
2 : rate of motion or activity : PACE
[‘tempəraiz] vi. 拖延;妥协;顺应时势;迎合潮流
vi.1 : to act to suit the time or occasion : yield to current or dominant opinion
2 : to draw out discussions or negotiations so as to gain time you’d have to temporize until you found out how she wanted to be advised ?Mary Austin
[tend] vi. 趋向,倾向;照料,照顾
vt. 照料,照管
Intransitive verb
1 archaic : LISTEN
2 : to pay attention : apply oneself tend to your own affairs tend to our correspondence
3 : to act as an attendant : SERVE tended to his wife
4 obsolete : AWAIT
transitive verb
1 archaic : to attend as a servant
2 a : to apply oneself to the care of : watch over tended her sick father b : to have or take charge of as a caretaker or overseer tend the sheep c : CULTIVATE, FOSTER d : to manage the operations of : MIND tend the store tend the fire
3 : to stand by (as a rope) in readiness to prevent mischance (as fouling)
vi.1 : to move, direct, or develop one’s course in a particular direction cannot tell where society is tending
2 : to exhibit an inclination or tendency : CONDUCE tends to be optimistic
[‘tensail, -səl] adj. [物]拉力的;可伸长的;可拉长的
Adj.1 : capable of tension : DUCTILE
2 : of, relating to, or involving tension tensile stress
[‘tenjuə, ‘tenjə] n. 任期;占有
vt. 授予…终身职位
Noun.1 : the act, right, manner, or term of holding something (as a landed property, a position, or an office); especially : a status granted after a trial period to a teacher that gives protection from summary dismissal
[‘tə:minəl] n. 末端;终点;终端机;极限
adj. 末端的;终点的;晚期的
Adj.1 a : of or relating to an end, extremity, boundary, or terminus a terminal pillar b : growing at the end of a branch or stem a terminal bud
2 a : of, relating to, or occurring in a term or each term terminal payments b (1) : leading ultimately to death : FATAL terminal cancer (2) : approaching or close to death : being in the final stages of a fatal disease a terminal patient (3) : of or relating to patients with a terminal illness terminal care c : extremely or hopelessly severe terminal boredom
3 a : occurring at or constituting the end of a period or series : CONCLUDING the terminal moments of life b : not intended as preparation for further academic work a terminal curriculum
synonyms see LAST
Noun.1 : a part that forms the end : EXTREMITY, TERMINATION
2 : a terminating usually ornamental detail : FINIAL
3 : a device attached to the end of a wire or cable or to an electrical apparatus for convenience in making connections
4 a : either end of a carrier line having facilities for the handling of freight and passengers b : a freight or passenger station that is central to a considerable area or serves as a junction at any point with other lines c : a town or city at the end of a carrier line : TERMINUS
5 : a combination of a keyboard and output device (as a video display unit) by which data can be entered into or output from a computer or electronic communications system
[‘tə:mineit] vt. 使终止;使结束;解雇
vi. 结束,终止;结果
adj. 结束的
Adj.: coming to an end or capable of ending
intransitive verb
1 : to extend only to a limit (as a point or line); especially : to reach a terminus
2 : to form an ending
3 : to come to an end in time
transitive verb
1 a : to bring to an end : CLOSE terminate a marriage by divorce terminate a transmission line b : to form the conclusion of review questions terminate each chapter c : to discontinue the employment of workers terminated because of slow business
2 : to serve as an ending, limit, or boundary of
synonyms see CLOSE
[‘tə:minəs] n. 终点;终点站;界标;界石
Noun.1 : a final goal : a finishing point
2 : a post or stone marking a boundary
3 : either end of a transportation line or travel route; also : the station, town, or city at such a place : TERMINAL
4 : an extreme point or element : TIP the terminus of a glacier
[‘testifai] vt. 证明,证实;作证
vi. 作证;证明
Intransitive verb
1 a : to make a statement based on personal knowledge or belief : bear witness b : to serve as evidence or proof
2 : to express a personal conviction
3 : to make a solemn declaration under oath for the purpose of establishing a fact (as in a court)
transitive verb
1 a : to bear witness to : ATTEST b : to serve as evidence of : PROVE
2 archaic a : to make known (a personal conviction) b : to give evidence of : SHOW
3 : to declare under oath before a tribunal or officially constituted public body
[‘testiməni] n. 证词,证言;证据
Noun.1 a (1) : the tablets inscribed with the Mosaic law (2) : the ark containing the tablets b : a divine decree attested in the Scriptures
2 a : firsthand authentication of a fact : EVIDENCE b : an outward sign c : a solemn declaration usually made orally by a witness under oath in response to interrogation by a lawyer or authorized public official
3 a : an open acknowledgment b : a public profession of religious experience
[‘testi] adj. 易怒的;暴躁的
Adj.1 : easily annoyed : IRRITABLE
2 : marked by impatience or ill humor testy remarks
[θɔ:] vi. 融解;变暖和
vt. 使融解;使变得不拘束
n. 解冻;融雪
Transitive verb : to cause to thaw
intransitive verb
1 a : to go from a frozen to a liquid state : MELT b : to become free of the effect (as stiffness, numbness, or hardness) of cold as a result of exposure to warmth
2 : to be warm enough to melt ice and snow ? used with it in reference to the weather
3 : to abandon aloofness, reserve, or hostility : UNBEND
4 : to become mobile, active, or susceptible to change
Noun.1 : the action, fact, or process of thawing
2 : a period of weather warm enough to thaw ice the January thaw
3 : the action or process of becoming less aloof, less hostile, or more genial a thaw in international relations
[‘θə:məl] adj. 热的,热量的
n. 上升暖气流
Adj.1 [Latin thermae public baths, from Greek thermai, plural of therm*] : of, relating to, or marked by the presence of hot springs thermal waters
2 a : of, relating to, or caused by heat thermal stress thermal insulation b : being or involving a state of matter dependent upon temperature thermal conductivity thermal agitation of molecular structure c : having low energies of the order of those due to thermal agitation thermal neutrons
3 : designed (as with insulating air spaces) to prevent the dissipation of body heat thermal underwear
Noun.: a rising body of warm air
[‘θespiən] adj. 戏剧的;悲剧性的;泰斯庇斯的
n. 悲剧演员;演员
Adj.1 capitalized : of or relating to Thespis
2 often capitalized [from the tradition that Thespis was the originator of the actor’s role] : relating to the drama : DRAMATIC
Noun. : ACTOR
[θræʃ] vt. 打;使逆行
vi. 打谷;白忙;猛烈摆动
n. 打谷;逆风浪行进;踢水动作
Transitive verb
1 : to separate the seeds of from the husks and straw by beating : THRESH 1
2 a : to beat soundly with or as if with a stick or whip : FLOG b : to defeat decisively or severely thrashed the visiting team
3 : to swing, beat, or strike in the manner of a rapidly moving flail thrashing his arms
4 a : to go over again and again thrash the matter over inconclusively b : to hammer out : FORGE thrash out a plan
intransitive verb
1 : THRESH 1
2 : to deal blows or strokes like one using a flail or whip
3 : to move or stir about violently : toss about thrash in bed with a fever
synonyms see SWING
Noun.1 : an act of thrashing
2 : rock music (as heavy metal or punk rock) that is extremely fast and loud
[‘θredbεə] adj. 磨破的;衣衫褴褛的;乏味的;俗套的
Adj.1 a : having the nap worn off so that the thread shows : SHABBY threadbare clothes b : wearing threadbare clothing : very poor took in threadbare relatives ?Russell Baker c : barely adequate because of cheapness or shabbiness a threadbare production
2 : exhausted of interest or freshness
synonyms see TRITE
[θrəʊ] n. 阵痛;剧痛
vi. 使…痛苦
Noun.1 : PANG, SPASM death throes throes of childbirth
2 plural : a hard or painful struggle the throes of revolutionary social change ?M. D. Geismar
[θrɔŋ, θrɔ:ŋ] n. 人群;众多
vt. 群集;挤满
vi. 蜂拥而至;群集
adj. 拥挤的
Noun.1 a : a multitude of assembled persons b : a large number : HOST
2 a : a crowding together of many persons b : a pressing increase of activity this throng of business ?S. R. Crockett
synonyms see CROWD
transitive verb
1 : to crowd upon : PRESS a celebrity thronged by fans
2 : to crowd into : PACK shoppers thronging the streets
intransitive verb : to crowd together in great numbers
[θrʌst] n. 推力;刺
vt. 插;插入;推挤
vi. 插入;用向某人刺去;猛然或用力推
Transitive verb
1 : to push or drive with force : SHOVE
2 : to cause to enter or pierce something by or as if by pushing thrust a dagger into his heart
5 a : to put (as an unwilling person) forcibly into a course of action or position was thrust into the job b : to introduce often improperly into a position : INTERPOLATE
6 : to press, force, or impose the acceptance of upon someone thrust new responsibilities upon her
intransitive verb
1 a : to force an entrance or passage b : to push forward : press onward c : to push upward : PROJECT
2 : to make a thrust, stab, or lunge with or as if with a pointed weapon thrust at them with a knife
Noun.1 a : a push or lunge with a pointed weapon b (1) : a verbal attack (2) : a military assault
2 a : a strong continued pressure b : the sideways force or pressure of one part of a structure against another part (as of an arch against an abutment) c : the force produced by a propeller or by a jet or rocket engine that drives a vehicle (as an aircraft) forward d : a nearly horizontal geological fault
3 a : a forward or upward push b : a movement (as by a group of people) in a specified direction
4 a : salient or essential element or meaning the thrust of the argument b : principal concern or objective the plan’s major thrust is testing ?Ryan Lizza
[θʌmp] vt. 重击;用拳头打;砰地撞到
vi. 重击;狠打;砰然地响
n. 重打;重击声
Transitive verb
1 : to strike or beat with or as if with something thick or heavy so as to cause a dull sound
4 : to produce (music) mechanically or in a mechanical manner ? usually used with out thumped out a tune on the piano
intransitive verb
1 a : to inflict a thump b : to make or move with a thumping sound
2 : to make a vigorous endorsement got a couple ofTsenators to thump for him ?New York Herald Tribune
Noun.: a blow or knock with or as if with something blunt or heavy; also : the sound made by such a blow
[‘tikliʃ] adj. 不安定的,不稳定的;难对付的;易倒的;易痒的;忌讳的
Adj.1 a : TOUCHY, OVERSENSITIVE ticklish about his baldness b : easily overturned a canoe is a ticklish craft
2 : requiring delicate handling a ticklish subject
3 : sensitive to tickling
[tif] n. 淡酒;一口;口角;生气 vi. 生气;小争吵 vt. 啜;饮 vi.: to have a petty quarrel Noun. : a petty quarrel
[‘tait’fistid] adj. 吝啬的
Adj. : reluctant to part with money
[tilt] vi. 倾斜;翘起;以言词或文字抨击
vt. 使倾斜;使翘起
n. 倾斜
Noun.: a canopy for a wagon, boat, or stall
vt. : to cover or provide with a tilt
Noun.1 a : a contest on horseback in which two combatants charging with lances or similar weapons try to unhorse each other : JOUST b : a tournament of tilts
2 a : DISPUTE, CONTENTION b : SPEED ? used in the phrase full tilt
3 a : the act of tilting : the state or position of being tilted b : a sloping surface c : SLANT, BIAS a tilt toward military involvement
4 : any of various contests resembling or suggesting tilting with lances
transitive verb
1 : to cause to have an inclination
2 a : to point or thrust in or as if in a tilt tilt a lance b : to charge against tilt an adversary
intransitive verb
1 a : to move or shift so as to lean or incline : SLANT b : to incline, tend, or become drawn toward an opinion, course of action, or one side of a controversy
2 a : to engage in a combat with lances : JOUST b : to make an impetuous attack tilt at social evils
[‘timbə, ‘tæm-, ‘tæŋbrə] n. [音]音色;音质;音品
Noun.: the quality given to a sound by its overtones: as a : the resonance by which the ear recognizes and identifies a voiced speech sound b : the quality of tone distinctive of a particular singing voice or musical instrument
[‘taimli] adj. 及时的;适时的
adv. 及时地;早
Adv.1 archaic : EARLY, SOON
2 : in time : OPPORTUNELY the question was notTtimely raised in the state court ?W. O. Douglas
Adj.1 : coming early or at the right time a timely decision timely payment
2 : appropriate or adapted to the times or the occasion a timely book
[‘taimwɔ:n] adj. 陈旧的;老朽的
Adj.1 : worn or impaired by time timeworn mansions
2 a : AGE-OLD, ANCIENT timeworn procedures b : HACKNEYED, STALE a timeworn joke
[‘timid] adj. 胆小的;羞怯的
Adj.1 : lacking in courage or self-confidence a timid person
2 : lacking in boldness or determination a timid policy
[‘tində] n. 火绒;易燃物
Noun.1 : a very flammable substance adaptable for use as kindling
2 : something that serves to incite or inflame that rhetoric was ready tinder for revolution ?Margaret Peters