L23 Flashcards
[ə’beis] vt. 使…谦卑;降低…的品格;降低…的地位
vt.1 archaic : to lower physically
2 : to lower in rank, office, prestige, or esteem
[ə’bæʃ] vt. 使困窘;使羞愧;使局促不安
vt.: to destroy the self-possession or self-confidence of : DISCONCERT
synonyms see EMBARRASS
[ə’beit] vt. 减轻;减少;废除
vi. 减轻;失效
Transitive verb
1 a : to put an end to abate a nuisance b : NULLIFY 1 abate a writ
2 a : to reduce in degree or intensity : MODERATE may abate their rancor to win peace b : to reduce in value or amount : make less especially by way of relief abate a tax
3 : DEDUCT, OMIT abate part of the price
4 a : to beat down or cut away so as to leave a figure in relief b obsolete : BLUNT
intransitive verb
1 : to decrease in force or intensity
2 a : to become defeated or become null or void b : to decrease in amount or value
[‘æbdikeit] vi. 退位;放弃
vt. 退位;放弃
Transitive verb
1 : to cast off : DISCARD
2 : to relinquish (as sovereign power) formally
intransitive verb : to renounce a throne, high office, dignity, or function
[əb’hɔrət] adj. 可恶的;厌恶的;格格不入的
Adj.1 a archaic : strongly opposed b : feeling or showing abhorrence
2 : not agreeable : CONTRARY a notion abhorrent to their philosophy
3 : being so repugnant as to stir up positive antagonism acts abhorrent to every right-minded person
[‘æbdʒekt, æb’dʒekt] adj. 卑鄙的;可怜的;不幸的
Adj.1 : sunk to or existing in a low state or condition to lowest pitch of abject fortune thou art fallen ?John Milton
2 a : cast down in spirit : SERVILE, SPIRITLESS a man made abject by suffering b : showing hopelessness or resignation abject surrender
3 : expressing or offered in a humble and often ingratiating spirit abject flattery an abject apology
synonyms see MEAN
[æb’dʒuə] vt. 发誓放弃;公开放弃;避免
vt.1 a : to renounce upon oath b : to reject solemnly
2 : to abstain from : AVOID abjure extravagance
[‘æbniɡeit] vt. 放弃;舍弃;禁忌
vt.1 : DENY, RENOUNCE abnegated their God
2 : SURRENDER, RELINQUISH abnegated her powers
[,æbni’ɡeiʃən] n. 拒绝;放弃;克制
Noun.: DENIAL; especially : SELF-DENIAL
[ə’bɔliʃ] vt. 废除,废止;取消,革除
vt.1 : to end the observance or effect of : ANNUL abolish a law abolish slavery
[ə’bɔmineit] vt. 痛恨;憎恶
vt.: to hate or loathe intensely : ABHOR
synonyms see HATE
[ə'bɔ:tiv] adj. 失败的;流产的;堕胎的 Adj.1 obsolete : prematurely born 2 : FRUITLESS, UNSUCCESSFUL 3 : imperfectly formed or developed 4 : tending to cut short
[ə’baund] vi. 富于;充满
vi.1 : to be present in large numbers or in great quantity : be prevalent
2 : to be copiously supplied ? used with in or with life abounded in mysteries ?Norman Mailer institutions abound with evidence of his success ?Johns Hopkins Magazine
[ə,bʌv’bɔ:d] adv. 光明正大地;率直地
adj. 光明正大的;直率的
Adv.: in a straightforward manner : OPENLY
Adj.: free from all traces of deceit or duplicity
[ə’breid] vt. 擦伤;磨损
vi. 经受磨损;受擦伤
Transitive verb
1 a : to rub or wear away especially by friction : ERODE b : to irritate or roughen by rubbing
2 : to wear down in spirit : IRRITATE, WEARY
intransitive verb : to undergo abrasion
[‘æbrəuɡeit] vt. 废除;取消
vt.1 : to abolish by authoritative action : ANNUL
2 : to treat as nonexistent abrogating their responsibilities
synonyms see NULLIFY
[ə’brʌpt] adj. 生硬的;突然的;唐突的;陡峭的
Adj.1 a : characterized by or involving action or change without preparation or warning : UNEXPECTED came to an abrupt stop an abrupt turn an abrupt decision to retire b : unceremoniously curt an abrupt manner c : lacking smoothness or continuity an abrupt transition
2 : giving the impression of being cut or broken off; especially : involving a sudden steep rise or drop abrupt hills a high abrupt bank bounded the stream
[əb’skɔnd] vi. 逃匿,潜逃;避债
vi. : to depart secretly and hide oneself
[əb’zɔlv, -‘sɔlv] vt. 免除;赦免;宣告…无罪
vt.1 : to set free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt
2 : to remit (a sin) by absolution
synonyms see EXCULPATE
[æb’sti:mjəs] adj. 节约的,节省的;有节制的
Adj. : marked by restraint especially in the consumption of food or alcohol; also : reflecting such restraint an abstemious diet
[æb’stenʃən] n. 弃权;节制;戒绝
Noun.: the act or practice of abstaining
[æb’stenʃəs] adj. 有节制的
Adj. : ABSTINENT : self-restraining
[‘æbstinənt] adj. 禁欲的;有节制的;饮食有度的
n. 禁欲者
Adj.: practicing abstinence : ABSTEMIOUS, CONTINENT, TEMPERATE
Noun.1 : one that abstains
2 usually capitalized : one of a 4th century Christian ascetic sect in southwestern Europe that rejected meat eating and held that the relation between the sexes should be purely spiritual ? compare PRISCILLIANIST
[ə’bju:z, ə’bju:s] n. 滥用;虐待;辱骂;弊端;恶习,陋习
vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂
Noun.1 : a corrupt practice or custom
2 : improper or excessive use or treatment : MISUSE drug abuse abuse of tranquilizers
3 obsolete : a deceitful act : DECEPTION
4 : language that condemns or vilifies usually unjustly, intemperately, and angrily
5 : physical maltreatment
synonyms ABUSE, VITUPERATION, INVECTIVE, OBLOQUY, BILLINGSGATE mean vehemently expressed condemnation or disapproval. ABUSE, the most general term, usually implies the anger of the speaker and stresses the harshness of the language scathing verbal abuse. VITUPERATION implies fluent and sustained abuse a torrent of vituperation. INVECTIVE implies a comparable vehemence but suggests greater verbal and rhetorical skill and may apply to a public denunciation blistering political invective. OBLOQUY suggests defamation and consequent shame and disgrace subjected to obloquy and derision. BILLINGSGATE implies practiced fluency and variety of profane or obscene abuse directed a stream of billingsgate at the cabdriver.
vt.1 a : to put to a wrong or improper use abuse a privilege b : to use excessively abuse alcohol; also : to use without medical justification abuseing painkillers
2 obsolete : DECEIVE
3 : to use so as to injure or damage : MALTREAT
4 : to attack in words : REVILE
[ə’bju:siv] adj. 辱骂的;滥用的;虐待的
Adj.1 : characterized by wrong or improper use or action; especially : CORRUPT abusive financial practices
2 a : using harsh insulting language an angry and abusive crowd b : characterized by or serving for abuse abusive language c : physically injurious abusive behavior
[eɪ’kɑːpəs] adj. 不结果的;[植] 无果实的
[ək’sesəri] n. 配件;附件;从犯
adj. 副的;同谋的;附属的
Noun.1 a : a person not actually or constructively present but contributing as an assistant or instigator to the commission of an offense ? called also accessory before the fact b : a person who knowing that a crime has been committed aids or shelters the offender with intent to defeat justice ? called also accessory after the fact
2 a : a thing of secondary or subordinate importance : ADJUNCT b : an object or device not essential in itself but adding to the beauty, convenience, or effectiveness of something else auto accessories clothing accessories
Adj.1 : assisting as a subordinate; especially : contributing to a crime but not as the chief agent
2 : aiding or contributing in a secondary way : SUPPLEMENTARY
3 : present in a minor amount and not essential as a constituent an accessory mineral in a rock
[ə'kleim] vt. 称赞;为…喝采,向…欢呼 n. 欢呼,喝彩;称赞 vi. 欢呼,喝采 Transitive verb 1 : APPLAUD, PRAISE 2 : to declare by acclamation intransitive verb : to shout praise or applause Noun.1 : the act of acclaiming 2 : PRAISE, APPLAUSE
[ə’klaimit] vi. 服水土;适应新环境
vt. 使适应;使服水土
Transitive verb : to adapt to a new temperature, altitude, climate, environment, or situation
intransitive verb : to become acclimated
[‘ækəuleid, ækəu’leid] n. 荣誉;荣誉称号授予仪式;连谱号;称赞
Noun.1 a : a ceremonial embrace b : a ceremony or salute conferring knighthood
2 a : a mark of acknowledgment : AWARD b : an expression of praise
3 : a brace or a line used in music to join two or more staffs carrying simultaneous parts
[ə’kʌmpliʃt] adj. 完成的;熟练的,有技巧的;有修养的;有学问的
Adj.1 a : proficient as the result of practice or training an accomplished dancer; also : skillfully done or produced an accomplished film b : having many social accomplishments
2 : established beyond doubt or dispute an accomplished fact
[ə’kɔst] vt. 勾引;引诱;对…说话;搭讪
vt.: to approach and speak to often in a challenging or aggressive way
[ə,kauntə’biləti] n. 有义务;有责任;可说明性
Noun.: the quality or state of being accountable; especially : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions public officials lacking accountability
[æ’kri:t] vi. 合生;增大生长;依附
vt. 使依附;使连接;把…吸引过来
adj. 合生的;增积的
Intransitive verb : to grow or become attached by accretion
transitive verb : to cause to adhere or become attached; also : ACCUMULATE
[ə’kru:] vi. 产生;自然增长或利益增加
vt. 获得;积累
Intransitive verb
1 : to come into existence as a legally enforceable claim
2 a : to come about as a natural growth, increase, or advantage the wisdom that accrues with age b : to come as a direct result of some state or action rewards due to the feminine will accrue to me ?Germaine Greer
3 : to accumulate or be added periodically interest accrues on a daily basis
transitive verb : to accumulate or have due after a period of time accrue vacation time
[ə’kju:mjuleit] vi. 累积;积聚
vt. 积攒
Transitive verb : to gather or pile up especially little by little : AMASS accumulate a fortune
intransitive verb : to increase gradually in quantity or number
[‘ækjurət] adj. 精确的
Adj.1 : free from error especially as the result of care an accurate diagnosis
2 : conforming exactly to truth or to a standard : EXACT providing accurate color
3 : able to give an accurate result an accurate gauge
synonyms see CORRECT
[ə’siːdɪə] n. 绝望;懒惰,倦怠
[ə’sə:bəti] n. 酸,涩;刻薄
Noun.: the quality of being acerbic
[,ækwi’es] vi. 默许;勉强同意
vi. : to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively ? often used with in and sometimes with to
synonyms see ASSENT
[ə’kwizitiv] adj. 贪得的;想获得的;可学到的;有获得可能性的
Adj.: strongly desirous of acquiring and possessing
synonyms see COVETOUS
[ə’kwit] vt. 无罪释放;表现;脱卸义务和责任;清偿
vt.1 a archaic : to pay off (as a claim or debt) b obsolete : REPAY, REQUITE
2 : to discharge completely (as from an obligation or accusation) the court acquitted the prisoner
3 : to conduct (oneself) usually satisfactorily especially under stress the recruits acquitted themselves like veterans
synonyms see BEHAVE, EXCULPATE
[‘ækrid] adj. 辛辣的;苦的;刻薄的
Adj.1 : sharp and harsh or unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor : IRRITATING
2 : deeply or violently bitter : ACRIMONIOUS an acrid denunciation
synonyms see CAUSTIC
[‘ækrəbæt] n. 杂技演员,特技演员;随机应变者;翻云覆雨者,善变者
Noun.1 : one that performs gymnastic feats requiring skillful control of the body
2 a : one skillful at exercises of intellectual or artistic dexterity b : one adept at swiftly changing or adapting a position or viewpoint a political acrobat
[ə’kju:əti] n. 敏锐;尖锐;剧烈
Noun.: keenness of perception : SHARPNESS
[ə’kju:men] n. 聪明,敏锐
Noun. : keenness and depth of perception, discernment, or discrimination especially in practical matters
synonyms see DISCERNMENT
[ə’dæpt] vt. 使适应;改编
vi. 适应
Transitive verb : to make fit (as for a specific or new use or situation) often by modification
intransitive verb : to become adapted
[‘æditiv] n. 添加剂,添加物
adj. 附加的;加法的
Adj.1 : of, relating to, or characterized by addition an additive process
2 : produced by addition
3 : characterized by, being, or producing effects (as drug responses or gene products) that when the causative factors act together are the sum of their individual effects
Noun.: a substance added to another in relatively small amounts to effect a desired change in properties food additives
['ædl] vt. 使腐坏;使混乱 vi. 变质;变混乱 adj. 腐坏的;糊涂的,昏乱的 Adj.1 of an egg : ROTTEN 2 : CONFUSED transitive verb : to throw into confusion : CONFOUND intransitive verb 1 : to become rotten : SPOIL 2 : to become confused
[ə’dju:s] vt. 举出;引证
vt.: to offer as example, reason, or proof in discussion or analysis
[əd’hiərənt] n. 信徒;追随者
adj. 附着的;粘着的
Adj.1 : able or tending to adhere
2 : connected or associated with especially by contract
Noun.: one that adheres: as a : a follower of a leader, party, or profession b : a believer in or advocate especially of a particular idea or church
synonyms see FOLLOWER
[ə’dʒə:n] vi. 休会;延期;换地方
vt. 推迟;使…中止;使…延期
Transitive verb : to suspend indefinitely or until a later stated time
intransitive verb
1 : to suspend a session indefinitely or to another time or place
2 : to move to another place
[ə’dʒu:dikeit] vi. 裁定;宣判
vt. 裁定;宣判
Transitive verb : to settle judicially
intransitive verb : to act as judge
[‘ædʒʌŋkt] n. 附属物;助手;修饰语
adj. 附属的
Noun.1 : something joined or added to another thing but not essentially a part of it
2 a : a word or word group that qualifies or completes the meaning of another word or other words and is not itself a main structural element in its sentence b : an adverb or adverbial (as heartily in They ate heartily or at noon in We left at noon) attached to the verb of a clause especially to express a relation of time, place, frequency, degree, or manner ? compare DISJUNCT 2
3 a : an associate or assistant of another b : an adjunct faculty member at a college or university
Adj.1 : added or joined as an accompanying object or circumstance
2 : attached in a subordinate or temporary capacity to a staff an adjunct professor
[,ædəu’lesnt] adj. 青春期的;未成熟的
n. 青少年 adolescent health 青少年健康 adj.青春期的;未成熟的 pubertal, hebetic n.[人类]青少年 youths, teener
Noun.: one that is in the state of adolescence
Adj.1 : of, relating to, or being in adolescence
2 : emotionally or intellectually immature
[ə’drɔit] adj. 敏捷的,灵巧的;熟练的
Adj.: having or showing skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in handling situations an adroit leader adroit maneuvers
synonyms see CLEVER, DEXTEROUS
[‘ædjuleit] vt. 过分称赞;谄媚;奉承
vt.1 a : to praise effusively and slavishly : flatter excessively : fawn upon sheepish fools that adulate every decision of their leaders b : to pay homage to without exercising a critical sense of values a man who respects science without adulating it
2 : to admire or be devoted to abjectly and excessively teen-agers adulating the newest movie star
[ə'dʌltəreit] adj. 通奸的;搀杂的 vt. 搀假 vt.: to corrupt, debase, or make impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance or element; especially : to prepare for sale by replacing more valuable with less valuable or inert ingredients Adj.1 : being adulterated : SPURIOUS 2 : tainted with adultery : ADULTEROUS
[‘ædvənt] n. 到来;出现;基督降临;基督降临节
Noun.1 : the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas and observed by some Christians as a season of prayer and fasting
2 a : the coming of Christ at the Incarnation b : SECOND COMING
3 not capitalized : a coming into being or use the Advent of spring the Advent of pasteurization the Advent of personal computers
[,ædv(ə)n’tɪʃəs] adj. 外来的,偶然的
Adj.1 : coming from another source and not inherent or innate a Federal house without adventitious later additions
2 : arising or occurring sporadically or in other than the usual location adventitious roots
[əd’və:t] vi. 注意;谈到
n. 广告
vi.1 : to turn the mind or attention ? used with to adverted to the speaker
2 : to call attention in the course of speaking or writing : make reference ? used with to adverted to foreign-language sources
Noun. chiefly British : ADVERTISEMENT
[əd’vaizəbl] adj. 明智的,可取的,适当的
Adj. : fit to be advised or done : PRUDENT
synonyms see EXPEDIENT
[‘ædvəkeit, ‘ædvəkət] vt. 提倡,主张,拥护
n. 提倡者;支持者;律师
Noun.1 : one that pleads the cause of another; specifically : one that pleads the cause of another before a tribunal or judicial court
2 : one that defends or maintains a cause or proposal
3 : one that supports or promotes the interests of another
vt.: to plead in favor of
synonyms see SUPPORT
[‘eiəreit] vt. 充气;让空气进入;使暴露于空气中
vt.1 : to supply or impregnate (as the soil or a liquid) with air
2 : to supply (the blood) with oxygen by respiration
3 a British : CARBONATE 2 b : to make light or sparkling