L28 Flashcards
[‘daɪvəgeɪt] vi. 离题;流浪;漫游
vi. : to wander or stray from a course or subject : DIVERGE, DIGRESS
[dai’və:səti] n. 多样性;差异
Noun.1 a : the condition of being diverse : VARIETY; especially : the inclusion of diverse people (as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization programs intended to promote diversity in schools
2 : an instance of being diverse a diversity of opinion
[di’vain] adj. 神圣的;非凡的;天赐的;极好的
vt. 占卜;预言;用占卜勘探
vi. 占卜;预言;使用占卜勘探矿
n. 牧师;神学家
Adj.1 a : of, relating to, or proceeding directly from God or a god divine love b : being a deity the divine Savior c : directed to a deity divine worship
2 a : supremely good : SUPERB the pie was divine b : HEAVENLY, GODLIKE
transitive verb
1 : to discover by intuition or insight : INFER divine the truth
2 : to discover or locate (as water or minerals underground) usually by means of a divining rod
intransitive verb
1 : to practice divination : PROPHESY
2 : to perceive intuitively
[dɔk] n. 码头;船坞;被告席;尾巴的骨肉部分
vt. 使靠码头;剪短
vi. 入船坞
Noun.1 : any of a genus (Rumex) of coarse weedy plants of the buckwheat family having long taproots and sometimes used as potherbs
2 : any of several usually broad-leaved weedy plants (as of the genus Silphium)
Noun.1 : the solid part of an animal’s tail as distinguished from the hair
2 : the part of an animal’s tail left after it has been shortened
vt.1 a : to cut off the end of a body part of; specifically : to remove part of the tail of b : to cut (as ears or a tail) short
2 a : to take away a part of : ABRIDGE b : to subject (as wages) to a deduction c : to penalize by depriving of a benefit ordinarily due; especially : to fine by a deduction of wages docked him for tardiness
Noun.1 : a usually artificial basin or enclosure for the reception of ships that is equipped with means for controlling the water height
2 : 2SLIP 1b
3 a : a place (as a wharf or platform) for the loading or unloading of materials b : a usually wooden pier used as a landing place or moorage for boats
transitive verb
1 : to haul or guide into or alongside a dock
2 : to join (as two spacecraft) mechanically while in space
intransitive verb
1 : to come into or alongside a dock
2 : to become docked
Noun. : the place in a criminal court where a prisoner stands or sits during trial
[dɔdʒ] n. 躲闪;托词
vi. 躲避,避开
vt. 躲避,避开
Noun.1 : an act of evading by sudden bodily movement
2 a : an artful device to evade, deceive, or trick b : EXPEDIENT
intransitive verb
1 a : to move to and fro or from place to place usually in an irregular course dodged through the crowd b : to make a sudden movement in a new direction (as to evade a blow) dodged behind the door
2 : to evade a responsibility or duty especially by trickery or deceit
transitive verb
1 a : to evade by a sudden or repeated shift of position dodge tacklers b : to avoid an encounter with celebrities dodging the media
2 : to evade (as a duty) usually indirectly or by trickery dodged the draft by leaving the country dodged questions
[dɔf] vt. 脱(衣,帽等);丢弃,废除;落纱
vt.1 a : to remove (an article of wear) from the body b : to take off (the hat) in greeting or as a sign of respect
2 : to rid oneself of : put aside
[‘dɔɡmətizəm] n. 教条主义;独断,武断
Noun.1 : positiveness in assertion of opinion especially when unwarranted or arrogant
2 : a viewpoint or system of ideas based on insufficiently examined premises
[‘dəulful] adj. 寂寞的;悲哀的;阴沉的;忧郁的
Adj.1 : causing grief or affliction a doleful loss
2 : full of grief : CHEERLESS a doleful face
3 : expressing grief : SAD a doleful melody
[‘dɔlərəs] adj. 忧伤的;悲痛的
Adj. : causing, marked by, or expressing misery or grief
[də’mestɪkeɪt] vt. 驯养;教化;引进
vi. 驯养;使习惯于或喜爱家务和家庭生活
vt.1 : to bring into domestic use : ADOPT
2 : to adapt (an animal or plant) to life in intimate association with and to the advantage of humans
3 : to make domestic : fit for domestic life
4 : to bring to the level of ordinary people
Noun.: a domesticated animal or plant
[‘dɔminənt] adj. 显性的;占优势的;支配的,统治的
n. 显性
Adj.1 a : commanding, controlling, or prevailing over all others the dominant culture b : very important, powerful, or successful a dominant theme a dominant industry
2 : overlooking and commanding from a superior position a dominant hill
3 : of, relating to, or exerting ecological or genetic dominance
4 : being the one of a pair of bodily structures that is the more effective or predominant in action dominant eye
Noun.1 : the fifth tone of a major or minor scale
2 a : a dominant genetic character or factor b : any of one or more kinds of organism (as a species) in an ecological community that exerts a controlling influence on the environment and thereby largely determines what other kinds of organisms are present c : a dominant individual in a social hierarchy
[dəʊ’ne?t] vt. 捐赠;捐献
vi. 捐赠;捐献
n. 捐赠;捐献
Transitive verb
1 : to make a gift of; especially : to contribute to a public or charitable cause
2 : to transfer (as electrons) to another atom or molecule
intransitive verb : to make a donation
['du:dl] vi. 涂鸦;闲混;[美口]随意弹奏 n. 涂鸦;蠢人 vt. 乱涂出;闲混;随意弹奏 Intransitive verb 1 : to make a doodle 2 : DAWDLE, TRIFLE transitive verb : to produce by doodling Noun.: an aimless or casual scribble, design, or sketch; also : a minor work
[‘dɔ:mənsi] n. 休眠,冬眠;蛰伏
Noun. : the quality or state of being dormant
[dəut] vi. 溺爱;昏聩
vt. 溺爱
vi.1 : to exhibit mental decline of or like that of old age : be in one’s dotage
2 : to be lavish or excessive in one’s attention, fondness, or affection ? usually used with on doted on her only grandchild
[‘dʌbl’krɔs] n. 欺骗行为
vt. 欺骗;出卖
vi. 进行欺骗
[duə] adj. 严厉的;顽强的;阴沉的;不爱讲话的
[daus] vt. 插入水中;弄湿;弄熄;急速收帆;脱掉(衣鞋等) vi. 浸泡 n. 泼洒 Transitive verb 1 : to plunge into water 2 a : to throw a liquid on : DRENCH b : SLOSH 3 : EXTINGUISH *douse the lights* intransitive verb : to fall or become plunged into water Noun. : a heavy drenching Noun.British : BLOW, STROKE vt.1 a : to take in : LOWER, STRIKE *douse a sail* b : SLACKEN *douse a rope* 2 : TAKE OFF, DOFF
[‘daudi] adj. 懒散的;过时的;寒酸的
n. 懒散的女人;邋遢女人
Noun. archaic : a dowdy woman
Adj.1 : not neat or becoming in appearance : SHABBY a dowdy old hat
2 a : lacking smartness or taste a dowdy room b : OLD-FASHIONED a dowdy institution
[‘daunpɔ:] n. 倾盆大雨;注下
Noun. : a pouring or streaming downward; especially : a heavy rain
[drə’kəunjən] adj. 严厉的,苛刻的
Adj.1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of Draco or the severe code of laws held to have been framed by him
2 : CRUEL; also : SEVERE draconian littering fines
[‘drægɪ] adj. 拖拉的;极为讨厌的;呆滞的
[drein] vi. 排水;流干
vt. 喝光,耗尽;使流出;排掉水
n. 排水;下水道,排水管;消耗
Transitive verb
1 obsolete : FILTER
2 a : to draw off (liquid) gradually or completely drained all the water out b : to cause the gradual disappearance of drain the region’s wealth c : to exhaust physically or emotionally feeling drained at the end of a long workday
3 a : to make gradually dry drain a swamp b : to carry away the surface water of the river that drains the valley c : to deplete or empty by or as if by drawing off by degrees or in increments drained the country of its resources d : to empty by drinking the contents of drain a mug of beer
4 : DROP 7c, SINK drained the putt
intransitive verb
1 a : to flow off gradually b : to disappear gradually : DWINDLE
2 : to become emptied or freed of liquid by its flowing or dropping waiting for the tub to drain
3 : to discharge surface or surplus water
Noun.1 : a means (as a pipe) by which usually liquid matter is drained
2 a : the act of draining b : a gradual outflow or withdrawal : DEPLETION
3 : something that causes depletion : BURDEN
4 : an electrode in a field-effect transistor toward which charge carriers move ? compare GATE, SOURCE
[‘dreinidʒ] n. 排水;排水系统;污水;排水面积
Noun.1 : the act, process, or mode of draining; also : something drained off
2 : a device for draining : DRAIN; also : a system of drains
3 : an area or district drained
[drɔ:l] vi. 慢吞吞地说
vt. 慢吞吞地说
n. 慢吞吞拉长调子的说话方式
Intransitive verb : to speak slowly with vowels greatly prolonged
transitive verb : to utter in a slow lengthened tone
Noun. : a drawling manner of speaking
[drɔ:n] adj. 拔出的
v. 画,绘图(draw的过去分词)
Transitive verb
1 : to cause to move continuously toward or after a force applied in advance : PULL draw your chair up by the fire: as a : to move (as a covering) over or to one side draw the drapes b : to pull up or out of a receptacle or place where seated or carried draw water from the well drew a gun; also : to cause to come out of a container or source draw water for a bath the nurse drew a blood sample the wound drew blood
2 : to cause to go in a certain direction (as by leading) drew him aside
3 a : to bring by inducement or allure : ATTRACT honey draws flies b : to bring in or gather from a specified group or area a college that draws its students from many states c : BRING ON, PROVOKE drew enemy fire d : to bring out by way of response : ELICIT drew cheers from the audience e : to receive in the course of play the batter drew a walk draw a foul
4 : INHALE drew a deep breath
5 a : to extract the essence from draw tea b : EVISCERATE plucking and drawing a goose before cooking c : to derive to one’s benefit drew inspiration from the old masters
6 : to require (a specified depth) to float in a ship that draws 12 feet of water
7 a : ACCUMULATE, GAIN drawing interest b : to take (money) from a place of deposit c : to use in making a cash demand drawing a check against his account d : to receive regularly or in due course draw a salary
8 a : to take (cards) from a stack or from the dealer b : to receive or take at random drew a winning number
9 : to bend (a bow) by pulling back the string
10 : to cause to shrink, contract, or tighten
11 a : to strike (a ball) so as to impart a backward spin b : to strike (a golf ball) so that a slight to moderate hook results
12 : to leave (a contest) undecided : TIE
13 a (1) : to produce a likeness or representation of by making lines on a surface draw a picture draw a graph with chalk (2) : to give a portrayal of : DELINEATE a writer who draws characters well b : to write out in due form draw a will c : to design or describe in detail : FORMULATE draw comparisons
14 : to infer from evidence or premises draw a conclusion
15 : to spread or elongate (metal) by hammering or by pulling through dies; also : to shape (as plastic) by stretching or by pulling through dies
intransitive verb
1 : to come or go steadily or gradually night draws near
2 a : to move something by pulling drawing at the well b : to exert an attractive force the play is drawing well
3 a : to pull back a bowstring b : to bring out a weapon drew, aimed, and fired
4 a : to produce a draft the chimney draws well draw on a cigar b : to swell out in a wind all sails drawing
5 a : to wrinkle or tighten up : SHRINK b : to change shape by pulling or stretching
6 : to cause blood or pus to localize at one point
7 : to create a likeness or a picture in outlines : SKETCH
8 : to come out even in a contest
9 a : to make a written demand for payment of money on deposit b : to obtain resources (as of information) drawing from a common fund of knowledge
Adj.: showing the effects of tension, pain, or illness : HAGGARD a face drawn with pain
[‘driəri] adj. 沉闷的,枯燥的
Adj.1 : feeling, displaying, or reflecting listlessness or discouragement
2 : having nothing likely to provide cheer, comfort, or interest : GLOOMY, DISMAL
synonyms see DISMAL
[drentʃ] vt. 使湿透;给(牲畜)灌药
n. 滂沱大雨;浸液
Noun.1 : a poisonous or medicinal drink; specifically : a large dose of medicine mixed with liquid and put down the throat of an animal
2 a : something that drenches b : a quantity sufficient to drench or saturate
vt.1 a archaic : to force to drink b : to administer a drench to (an animal)
2 : to wet thoroughly (as by soaking or immersing in liquid)
3 : to soak or cover thoroughly with liquid that falls or is precipitated
4 : to fill or cover completely as if by soaking or precipitation was drenched in furs and diamonds ?Richard Brautigan
synonyms see SOAK
[drentʃd] adj. 湿透的;充满的
v. 浸湿;强使服药;覆盖(drench的过去分词)
[drip] vi. 滴下;充满;漏下
n. 水滴,滴水声;[医]静脉滴注;使人厌烦的人
vt. 使滴下;溢出,发出
Transitive verb
1 : to let fall in drops a brush dripping paint
2 : to let out or seem to spill copiously her voice dripping sarcasm trees dripping Spanish moss
intransitive verb
1 a : to let fall drops of moisture or liquid wet clothes dripping onto the floor b : to overflow with or as if with moisture stories dripping with pop-culture references toast dripping with butter
2 : to fall in or as if in drops let the excess drip off
3 : to waft or pass gently
Noun.1 : a part of a cornice or other member that projects to throw off rainwater; also : an overlapping metal strip or an underneath groove for the same purpose
2 a : a falling in drops b : liquid that falls, overflows, or is extruded in drops a pan to catch drips
3 : the sound made by or as if by falling drops
4 : a device for the administration of a fluid at a slow rate especially into a vein; also : a material so administered
5 : a dull or unattractive person
Adj. : of, relating to, or being coffee made by letting boiling water drip slowly through finely ground coffee drip coffee a drip pot
[drivəl] n. 鼻涕;口水;糊涂话 vi. 淌口水;流鼻涕;说傻话 vt. 浪费 vi.1 : to let saliva dribble from the mouth : SLAVER 2 : to talk stupidly and carelessly Noun.1 archaic : DROOL 1 2 : NONSENSE
[drəul] adj. 滑稽的;好笑的;逗趣的
n. 小丑,滑稽可笑的人
vi. 开玩笑
Adj.: having a humorous, whimsical, or odd quality his dignified presence decorated our droll little quarters ?Gwendolyn Brooks
Noun.: an amusing person : JESTER, COMEDIAN
vi.archaic : to make fun : JEST, SPORT
[dru:l] vi. 流口水;胡说
vt. 从嘴淌下;散漫地说
n. 口水;梦话,胡说
Intransitive verb
1 a : to secrete saliva in anticipation of food b : DRIVEL 1
2 : to make an effusive show of pleasure or often envious or covetous appreciation
3 : to talk nonsense
transitive verb : to express sentimentally or effusively
Noun.1 : saliva trickling from the mouth
[dru:p] vi. 下垂;萎靡;凋萎 vt. 使…下垂 n. 下垂;消沉 Intransitive verb 1 : to hang or incline downward 2 : to sink gradually 3 : to become depressed or weakened : LANGUISH transitive verb : to let droop Noun. : the condition or appearance of drooping
[draut] n. 干旱;缺乏
Noun.1 : a period of dryness especially when prolonged; specifically : one that causes extensive damage to crops or prevents their successful growth
2 : a prolonged or chronic shortage or lack of something expected or desired
[drʌb] vt. 用棒打;硬灌;打击 vi. 打击;敲击 Transitive verb 1 : to beat severely 2 : to berate critically 3 : to defeat decisively intransitive verb : DRUM, STAMP
[‘dʌlsit] adj. 美妙的;悦耳的;怡人的
Adj.1 : sweet to the taste
2 : pleasing to the ear dulcet tones
3 : generally pleasing or agreeable a dulcet smile
[dju:’plisitəs] adj. 奸诈的;双重的;搞两面派的
Adj.: marked by duplicity : deceptive in words or action
[djuə’res] n. 强迫;监禁
Noun.1 : forcible restraint or restriction
2 : compulsion by threat; specifically : unlawful constraint
[dis’peptik,-kəl] adj. 消化不良的;患胃病的;胃弱的
n. 消化不良者
Adj.1 : relating to dyspepsia : having dyspepsia a dyspeptic symptom ? opposed to eupeptic
2a : gloomy or negative took a dyspeptic view of the whole affair b : ILL-TEMPERED, MOROSE
Noun. : a person having dyspepsia
[‘i:ɡlit] n. 小鹰
Noun.: a young eagle
[‘iəriŋ] n. 耳环,耳饰
v. 抽穗;[美俚]听见(ear的ing形式)
Noun. : an ornament for the ear and especially the earlobe
[‘ɜːθ,ʃeɪkɪŋ] adj. 极为重大的;震撼全球的
Adj. : of great importance : MOMENTOUS an earthshaking announcement
[‘ə:θi] adj. 土的;土质的;朴实的;粗俗的
Adj.1 a : of, relating to, or consisting of earth earthy creatures like worms b : suggestive of earth (as in texture, odor, or color) an earthy yellow c : rough, coarse, or plain in taste earthy flavors
2 a archaic : EARTHLY, WORLDLY b : characteristic of or associated with mortal life on the earth prefers earthy to ethereal themes
3 : suggestive of plain or poor people or their ways: as a : PRACTICAL, DOWN-TO-EARTH earthy problems of daily life b : CRUDE, GROSS earthy humor c : plain and simple in style : UNSOPHISTICATED earthy peasant cookery earthy decor earthy clothes
[‘i:zəl] n. 画架;黑板架
Noun. : a frame for supporting something (as an artist’s canvas)
[i’bʌljəns,-jənsi] n. 奔放;兴高采烈;沸腾;冒泡
Noun.: the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts or feelings : EXUBERANCE
[‘ekstəsi] n. 狂喜;入迷;忘形
Noun.1 a : a state of being beyond reason and self-control b archaic : SWOON
2 : a state of overwhelming emotion; especially : rapturous delight
3 : TRANCE; especially : a mystic or prophetic trance
4 often capitalized : a synthetic amphetamine analog C11H15NO2 used illicitly for its mood-enhancing and hallucinogenic properties ? called also MDMA
[ik’stætik] adj. 狂喜的;入迷的
n. 狂喜的人
Adj.: of, relating to, or marked by ecstasy
Noun. : one that is subject to ecstasies
[,i:kju:’menikəl, ,ekju-,-ik] adj. 普遍的;世界范围的;全基督教的
Adj.1 : worldwide or general in extent, influence, or application
2 a : of, relating to, or representing the whole of a body of churches b : promoting or tending toward worldwide Christian unity or cooperation
[‘edʒi] adj. 急躁的;尖利的;刀口锐利的
Adj.1 : having an edge : SHARP
2 a : being on edge : TENSE, IRRITABLE b : characterized by tension edgy negotiations
3 : having a bold, provocative, or unconventional quality an edgy film
[‘iəri] adj. 可怕的;怪异的
adj.1 chiefly Scottish : affected with fright : SCARED
2 : so mysterious, strange, or unexpected as to send a chill up the spine a coyote’s eerie howl the similarities were eerie; also : seemingly not of earthly origin the flames cast an eerie glow
synonyms see WEIRD
[i’feminət] adj. 柔弱的;女人气的
n. 女子气的男人
vt. 使柔弱;使无男子汉气概
vi. 变得无男子汉气概;变得柔弱
Adj.1 : having feminine qualities untypical of a man : not manly in appearance or manner
2 : marked by an unbecoming delicacy or overrefinement effeminate art an effeminate civilization
Noun. : an effeminate person
[,efə’ves] vi. [化]泡腾;冒泡;兴奋
vi.1 : to bubble, hiss, and foam as gas escapes
2 : to show liveliness or exhilaration
[i’frʌntəri] n. 厚颜无耻
Noun.: shameless boldness : INSOLENCE
synonyms see TEMERITY
[i’fʌldʒənt] adj. 光辉灿烂的
Adj.: marked by or as if by brightly shining light : impressive in resplendence : extremely radiant : BRILLIANT her effulgent beauty?Arnold Bennett the same little effulgent flash of intuition?J.D.Salinger
synonyms see BRIGHT
[‘i:ɡəuizəm, ‘eɡ-] n. 利己主义,自我主义
Noun.1 a : a doctrine that individual self-interest is the actual motive of all conscious action b : a doctrine that individual self-interest is the valid end of all actions
2 : excessive concern for oneself with or without exaggerated feelings of self-importance ? compare EGOTISM 2
[‘i:ɡətist, ,eɡ-] n. 自高自大者;言必称“我”者(形容词egotistic,副词egotistically)
Noun.: one characterized by egotism : one marked by boastfulness or arrogance or egocentricity an atrocious egotist in his disregard of others?G.B.Shaw
[aɪ’detɪk] adj. 异常清晰的;极为逼真的
Adj.: marked by or involving extraordinarily accurate and vivid recall especially of visual images an eidetic memory
[i’dʒækjuleit, i’dʒækjulət, -leit] vt. 突然说出;射出
vi. 射精;射出液体
n. 一次射出的精液
Transitive verb
1 : to eject from a living body; specifically : to eject (semen) in orgasm
2 : to utter suddenly and vehemently
intransitive verb : to eject a fluid
Noun.: the semen released by one ejaculation
[i’leitid] adj. 兴高采烈的;得意洋洋的
v. 使兴奋(elate的过去式和过去分词)
Adj. : marked by high spirits : EXULTANT
[‘elidʒi] n. 挽歌,哀歌
Noun.1 : a poem in elegiac couplets
2 a : a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead b : something (as a speech) resembling such a song or poem
3 a : a pensive or reflective poem that is usually nostalgic or melancholy b : a short pensive musical composition
[,eli’fæntain, -tin] adj. 似象的;巨大的;粗笨的,笨拙的
Adj.1 a : having enormous size or strength : MASSIVE b : CLUMSY, PONDEROUS elephantine verse
2 : of or relating to an elephant
[‘eliveit] vt. 提升;举起;振奋情绪等;提升…的职位
Adj. archaic : ELEVATED
transitive verb
1 : to lift up or make higher : RAISE elevate a patient’s leg exercises that elevate the heart rate
2 : to raise in rank or status was elevated to chairman
3 : to improve morally, intellectually, or culturally great books that both entertain and elevate their readers
4 : to raise the spirits of : ELATE
intransitive verb : to become elevated : RISE his voice elevated to a shout
synonyms see LIFT
[i’liksə] n. 不老长寿药;万能药;炼金药
Noun.1 a (1) : a substance held capable of changing base metals into gold (2) : a substance held capable of prolonging life indefinitely b (1) : CURE-ALL (2) : a medicinal concoction
2 : a sweetened liquid usually containing alcohol that is used in medication either for its medicinal ingredients or as a flavoring
3 : the essential principle