L32 Flashcards
[‘infəntri] n. 步兵;步兵团
Noun.1 a : soldiers trained, armed, and equipped to fight on foot b : a branch of an army composed of these soldiers
2 : an infantry regiment or division
[in’fætjueit] vt. 使糊涂;使冲昏头脑;使迷恋
n. 热恋者;迷恋者
adj. 着迷的
[ 过去式infatuated 过去分词infatuated 现在分词infatuating ]
Adj.: being in an infatuated state or condition
vt.1 : to cause to be foolish : deprive of sound judgment
2 : to inspire with a foolish or extravagant love or admiration
[,infi’lisitəs] adj. 不幸的;不适当的;不吉利的
Adj.: not felicitous: as a : not appropriate or well-timed an infelicitous remark b : AWKWARD, UNFORTUNATE an infelicitous moment
[,infi’lisiti] n. 不幸;不适当;不吉利(复数infelicities)
Noun.1 : the quality or state of being infelicitous
2 : something (as a word or phrase) that is infelicitous minor infelicities
[in’fə:nəl] adj. 地狱的;恶魔的;可憎的
Adj.1 : of or relating to a nether world of the dead
2 a : of or relating to hell b : HELLISH, DIABOLICAL
3 : DAMNABLE an infernal nuisance
[in’fleim] vt. 激怒;使燃烧;使发炎
vi. 燃烧;发炎;激动
Transitive verb
1 a : to excite to excessive or uncontrollable action or feeling; especially : to make angry b : to make more heated or violent : INTENSIFY insults served only to inflame the feud
2 : to set on fire : KINDLE
3 : to cause to redden or grow hot from anger or excitement a face inflamed with passion
4 : to cause inflammation in (bodily tissue)
intransitive verb
1 : to burst into flame
2 : to become excited or angered
3 : to become affected with inflammation
[,inflə’meiʃən] n. 炎症;发炎;燃烧;发火
Noun.1 : a local response to cellular injury that is marked by capillary dilatation, leukocytic infiltration, redness, heat, and pain and that serves as a mechanism initiating the elimination of noxious agents and of damaged tissue
2 : the act of inflaming : the state of being inflamed
[‘inflʌks] n. 流入;汇集;河流的汇集处
Noun.: a coming in an influx of tourists
[in’fɔ:md] adj. 消息灵通的;见多识广的
v. 通知;使了解;提供资料(inform的过去分词)
Adj.1 a : having information informed sources informed observers b : based on possession of information an informed opinion
2 : EDUCATED, KNOWLEDGEABLE what the informed person should know
[in’fɔ:mə] n. 告密者;通知者;控告人
Noun.1 : one that imparts knowledge or news
2 : one that informs against another; specifically : one who makes a practice especially for a financial reward of informing against others for violations of penal laws
[in’frækʃən] n. 违反
Noun.: the act of infringing : VIOLATION
[in’frindʒ] vt. 侵犯;违反;破坏
vi. 侵犯;侵害
Transitive verb
1 : to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another infringe a patent
2 obsolete : DEFEAT, FRUSTRATE
intransitive verb : ENCROACH ? used with on or upon infringe on our rights
synonyms see TRESPASS
[in’dʒestʃən] n. 摄取;吸收;咽下
Noun.1 : the taking of material (as food) into the digestive system
2 : the taking of air, gas, or liquid into an engine
[in’ɡreiʃieit] vt. 使迎合;使讨好;使逢迎
vt.: to gain favor or favorable acceptance for by deliberate effort ? usually used with with ingratiate themselves with the community leaders ?William Attwood
[‘inɡres] n. 进入;入口;准许进入;入境
Noun.1 : the act of entering : ENTRANCE the seal prevents ingress of moisture
2 : the power or liberty of entrance or access an area with restricted ingress
[in'heil] vt. 吸入;猛吃猛喝 vi. 吸气 Transitive verb 1 : to draw in by breathing 2 : to take in eagerly or greedily *inhaled about four meals at once ?Ring Lardner* intransitive verb : to breathe in
[in’herit] vt. 继承;遗传而得
vi. 成为继承人
Transitive verb
1 : to come into possession of or receive especially as a right or divine portion and every one who has left houses or brothers or sistersTfor my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life ?Matthew 19:29 (Revised Standard Version)
2 a : to receive from an ancestor as a right or title descendible by law at the ancestor’s death b : to receive as a devise or legacy
3 : to receive from a parent or ancestor by genetic transmission inherit a defective enzyme
4 : to have in turn or receive as if from an ancestor inherited the problem from his predecessor
intransitive verb : to take or hold a possession or rights by inheritance
[i’nikwəti] n. 邪恶;不公正
Noun.1 : gross injustice : WICKEDNESS
2 : a wicked act or thing : SIN
[‘iŋkliŋ] n. 暗示;略知;模糊概念
v. 暗示 (inkle的ing形式);[英国方言]略知;低声说出
Noun.1 : a slight indication or suggestion : HINT, CLUE there was no pathno inkling even of a track ?New Yorker*
2 : a slight knowledge or vague notion had not the faintest inkling of what it was all about ?H. W. Carter
[‘inmeit] n. 居民;同住者
Noun. : any of a group occupying a single place of residence; especially : a person confined (as in a prison or hospital)
[,inju:’endəu] n. 暗讽,讽刺;影射
vt. 暗示,旁敲侧击地表达
vi. 影射;说讽刺话
Noun.1 a : an oblique allusion : HINT, INSINUATION; especially : a veiled or equivocal reflection on character or reputation b : the use of such allusions resorting to innuendo
2 : a parenthetical explanation introduced into the text of a legal document
[i’nɔkjuleit] vt. [医]接种;[植]嫁接;灌输
vt.1 a : to introduce a microorganism into inoculate mice with anthrax beans inoculated with nitrogen-fixing bacteria b : to introduce (as a microorganism) into a suitable situation for growth c : to introduce immunologically active material (as an antibody or antigen) into especially in order to treat or prevent a disease inoculate children against diphtheria
2 : to introduce something into the mind of
3 : to protect as if by inoculation
synonyms see INFUSE
[‘inrəud] n. 侵袭,袭击;减少
Noun.1 : a sudden hostile incursion : RAID
2 : an advance or penetration often at the expense of someone or something ? usually used in plural
[in’sein] adj. 疯狂的;精神病的;极愚蠢的
Adj.1 : mentally disordered : exhibiting insanity
2 : used by, typical of, or intended for insane persons an insane asylum
3 : ABSURD an insane scheme for making money
[in’sænəti] n. 疯狂;精神错乱;精神病;愚顽
Noun.1 : a deranged state of the mind usually occurring as a specific disorder (as schizophrenia)
2 : such unsoundness of mind or lack of understanding as prevents one from having the mental capacity required by law to enter into a particular relationship, status, or transaction or as removes one from criminal or civil responsibility
3 a : extreme folly or unreasonableness b : something utterly foolish or unreasonable
[in’skraib] vt. 题写;题献;铭记;雕
vt.1 a : to write, engrave, or print as a lasting record b : to enter on a list : ENROLL
2 a : to write, engrave, or print characters upon b : to autograph or address (a book) as a gift
3 : to dedicate to someone
4 : to draw within a figure so as to touch in as many places as possible a regular polygon inscribed in a circle
5 British : to register the name of the holder of (a security)
[in’skru:təbl] adj. 神秘的;不可理解的;不能预测的;不可思议的
Adj.: not readily investigated, interpreted, or understood : MYSTERIOUS an inscrutable smile inscrutable motives
[in’siɡniə] n. 记号,标志;徽章;荣誉
Noun.1 : a badge of authority or honor
2 : a distinguishing mark or sign
[‘insələns] n. 傲慢;傲慢无礼的行为
Noun.1 : the quality or state of being insolent
2 : an instance of insolent conduct or treatment
[in’sɔlvensi] n. 破产,无力偿还;倒闭
Noun.: the fact or state of being insolvent : inability to pay debts
[ɪn’susɪəns] n. 无忧无虑;漫不经心;满不在乎
Noun.: lighthearted unconcern : NONCHALANCE
[in’su:sjənt] adj. 漫不经心的,漠不关心的;无忧无虑的
Adj.: exhibiting or characterized by insouciance an insouciant manner a gay insouciant person
[,inspə’reiʃən] n. 灵感;鼓舞;吸气;妙计
Noun.1 a : a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation b : the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions c : the act of influencing or suggesting opinions
2 : the act of drawing in; specifically : the drawing of air into the lungs
3 a : the quality or state of being inspired b : something that is inspired a scheme that was pure inspiration
4 : an inspiring agent or influence
adj. 有灵感的;有创见的
[ɪn’spɪseɪt] vt. 使浓缩;使气氛沉重
vi. 浓缩
vt. : to make thick or thicker
[in’stɔ:l] vt. 安装;任命;安顿
vt.1 a : to place in an office or dignity by seating in a stall or official seat b : to induct into an office, rank, or order installed the new president
2 : to establish in an indicated place, condition, or status installing herself in front of the fireplace
3 : to set up for use or service had an exhaust fan installed in the kitchen install software
[in’steit] vt. 任命
vt.1 obsolete a : INVEST, ENDOW b : BESTOW, CONFER
2 : to set or establish in a rank or office : INSTALL
[in’stil] vt. 徐徐滴入;逐渐灌输
vt.1 : to cause to enter drop by drop instill medication into the infected eye
2 : to impart gradually instilling a love of learning in children
synonyms see IMPLANT
[,insə’fiʃənt] adj. 不足的,不充足的
n. 不足
Adj.: not sufficient : INADEQUATE insufficient funds; especially : lacking adequate power, capacity, or competence insufficient bandwidth
[ɪn’suːp(ə)rəb(ə)l; ɪn’sjuː] adj. 不能克服的;无敌的
Adj.: incapable of being surmounted, overcome, passed over, or solved insuperable difficulties
[,ɪnsə’rekʃ(ə)n] n. 暴动;叛乱
Noun.: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government
synonyms see REBELLION
[in,tænkʒə’biləti] n. 无形;不能把握;不确定
Noun.1 : the quality or state of being intangible there is a certain intangibility about this problem
2 : something that is intangible : an intangible element fond of the pretty intangibilities of romance?Hugh Miller b. 1891
[‘intiɡrəl] adj. [数学]积分的;完整的,整体的
n. [数学]积分;部分;完整
Adj.1 a : essential to completeness : CONSTITUENT an integral part of the curriculum b (1) : being, containing, or relating to one or more mathematical integers (2) : relating to or concerned with mathematical integrals or integration c : formed as a unit with another part a seat with integral headrest
2 : composed of integral parts
3 : lacking nothing essential : ENTIRE
Noun.: the result of a mathematical integration ? compare DEFINITE INTEGRAL, INDEFINITE INTEGRAL
[in’teɡrəti] n. 完整;正直;诚实;廉正
Noun.1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : INCORRUPTIBILITY
2 : an unimpaired condition : SOUNDNESS
3 : the quality or state of being complete or undivided : COMPLETENESS
synonyms see HONESTY
[in’tensifai] vi. 增强,强化;变激烈
vt. 使加强,使强化;使变激烈
Transitive verb
1 : to make intense or more intensive : STRENGTHEN
2 a : to increase the density and contrast of (a photographic image) by chemical treatment b : to make more acute : SHARPEN
intransitive verb : to become intense or more intensive : grow stronger or more acute
[in’tə:] vt. 埋;葬
vt.: to deposit (a dead body) in the earth or in a tomb
[,intə’si:d] vi. 调解,调停;求情,说项
vi. : to intervene between parties with a view to reconciling differences : MEDIATE
synonyms see INTERPOSE
[,intə’sept] vt. 拦截;截断;窃听
n. 拦截;[数]截距;截获的情报
vt.1 obsolete : PREVENT, HINDER
2 a : to stop, seize, or interrupt in progress or course or before arrival b : to receive (a communication or signal directed elsewhere) usually secretly
3 obsolete : to interrupt communication or connection with
4 : to include (part of a curve, surface, or solid) between two points, curves, or surfaces the part of a circumference intercepted between two radii
5 a : to gain possession of (an opponent’s pass) b : to intercept a pass thrown by (an opponent)
Noun.1 : the distance from the origin to a point where a graph crosses a coordinate axis
2 : INTERCEPTION; especially : the interception of a missile by an interceptor or of a target by a missile
3 : a message, code, or signal that is intercepted (as by monitoring radio communications)
[,ɪntɚ’dɪsəplɪnɛri] adj. 各学科间的
Adj.: involving two or more academic, scientific, or artistic disciplines
[,intə’fiərəns] n. 干扰,冲突;干涉
Noun.1 a : the act or process of interfering b : something that interferes : OBSTRUCTION
2 : the mutual effect on meeting of two wave trains (as of light or sound) that constitutes alternating areas of increased and decreased amplitude (as light and dark lines or louder and softer sound)
3 a : the legal blocking of an opponent in football to make way for the ballcarrier b : the illegal hindering of an opponent in sports
4 : partial or complete inhibition or sometimes facilitation of other genetic crossovers in the vicinity of a chromosomal locus where a preceding crossover has occurred
5 a : confusion of a received radio signal due to the presence of noise (as atmospherics) or signals from two or more transmitters on a single frequency b : something that produces such confusion
6 : the disturbing effect of new learning on the performance of previously learned behavior with which it is inconsistent
[,intə’dʒekʃən] n. 感叹词;插入语;突然的发声
Noun.1 a : the act of uttering exclamations : EJACULATION b : the act of putting in between : INTERPOSITION
2 : an ejaculatory utterance usually lacking grammatical connection: as a : a word or phrase used in exclamation (as Heavens! Dear me!) b : a cry or inarticulate utterance (as Alas! ouch! phooey! ugh!) expressing an emotion
3 : something that is interjected or that interrupts
[,intə’leis] vt. 使交错;使交织
vi. 交织;交错
Transitive verb
1 : to unite by or as if by lacing together : INTERWEAVE
2 : to vary by alternation or intermixture : INTERSPERSE narrative interlaced with anecdotes
intransitive verb : to cross one another as if woven together : INTERTWINE
[ɪntə’lɑːd] vt. 使混杂;混入
vt. : to vary by intermixture : INTERSPERSE, INTERLACE
[,intə’lɔk, ‘intəlɔk] v. 互锁;连锁
Intransitive verb : to become locked together or interconnected
transitive verb
1 : to lock together : UNITE
2 : to connect so that the motion or operation of any part is constrained by another
Noun.1 : the quality, state, sense, or an instance of being interlocked
2 : an arrangement in which the operation of one part or mechanism automatically brings about or prevents the operation of another a safety interlock
3 a : a stretchable fabric made on a circular knitting machine and consisting of two ribbed fabrics joined by interlocking b : a garment made of interlock
[‘intələupə] n. 闯入者;(为私利)干涉他人事务者;无执照营业者
Noun.: one that interlopes: as a : an illegal or unlicensed trader b : one that intrudes in a place or sphere of activity
[‘intəlu:d] n. [音]插曲;穿插;幕间节目;[计]插算
vt. 使中断
vi. 插入
Noun.1 : a usually short simple play or dramatic entertainment
2 : an intervening or interruptive period, space, or event : INTERVAL
3 : a musical composition inserted between the parts of a longer composition, a drama, or a religious service
[,intə’miŋɡl] vt. 使混合;使搀和
vi. 混合;掺杂
[,intə’miʃən] n. 幕间休息;暂停;中断
Noun.1 : the act of intermitting : the state of being intermitted
2 : an interval between the parts of an entertainment (as the acts of a play)
[,intə’mitənt] adj. 间歇的,断断续续的
Adj.: coming and going at intervals : not continuous intermittent rain; also : OCCASIONAL intermittent trips abroad
[,intə’pəuz] vt. 提出(异议等);使插入;使干涉
vi. 干预;插入;调停
Transitive verb
1 a : to place in an intervening position b : to put (oneself) between : INTRUDE
2 : to put forth by way of interference or intervention
3 : to introduce or throw in between the parts of a conversation or argument
intransitive verb
1 : to be or come between
2 : to step in between parties at variance : INTERVENE
[in’terəuɡeit] vt. 审问;质问;询问
vi. 审问;质问
vt.1 : to question formally and systematically
2 : to give or send out a signal to (as a transponder) for triggering an appropriate response
synonyms see ASK
[,ɪntə’rɒgətɪv] n. 疑问词
adj. 疑问的;质问的
Adj.1 a : used in a question b : having the form or force of a question
Noun.1 : a word (as who, what, which) or a particle (as Latin -ne) used in asking questions
[,intə’rʌpt] vt. 中断;打断;插嘴;妨碍
vi. 打断;打扰
n. 中断
Transitive verb
1 : to stop or hinder by breaking in interrupted the speaker with frequent questions
2 : to break the uniformity or continuity of a hot spell occasionally interrupted by a period of cool weather
intransitive verb : to break in upon an action; especially : to break in with questions or remarks while another is speaking
Noun.: a feature of a computer that permits the temporary interruption of one activity (as the execution of a program) in order to perform another; also : the interruption itself
[,intə’spə:s] vt. 点缀;散布
vi. 点缀;散布
vt.1 : to place something at intervals in or among intersperse a book with pictures
2 : to insert at intervals among other things interspersing drawings throughout the text