L3 - Confidence And Self-Efficacy Flashcards
What is sport confidence (Vealey, 1986)
The degree of certainty individuals possess about their ability to be successful in sport
- comprises of three components (mental toughness, optimism, self-efficacy)
What is mental toughness?
- a natural or developed psychological edge
- enables better coping with the demands of performance
- able to remain determined, focused, confident and in control
What is optimism?
A tendency, expect the best possible outcome, dwell on the most hopeful aspects of a situation
What broadly speaking, is self-efficacy?
Belief that one can successfully execute the specific behaviour required to produce the desired outcome
What are the various measures used to measure confidence?
Task-specific self-efficacy measures
Sport specific confidence measures (TSCI, SSCI)
Qualitative and idiographic measures
What did Vealey and Chase (2008) find when looking at confidence and performance?
They found a positive and moderate relationship between confidence and performance
Gender differences depended upon: sex typing of attributes, performance feedback, conception of ability
What are the three sources of confidence?
Social climate
Do sources of confidence vary by gender?
Females are significantly higher in mastery, physical self-prep, social support, coach’s leadership and environmental comfort (Kingston, Lane and Thomas, 2010)
Do sources of confidence vary by time?
Demonstration of ability, physical self-preparation, situational favourableness, physical mental preparation all increase closer to competition
Basic premise of Bandura self-efficacy theory?
Performance accomplishments -> vicarious experiences -> verbal persuasion -> arousal
How can sport confidence be developed by performance accomplishments?
- enhance the probability of success
- guided participation
- goal setting
- performance plans and pre comp routines
How can vicarious experiences develop sport confidence?
- modelling, self-modelling and imagery all helpful
How can verbal persuasion develop sport confidence?
- positive statements from others
- evaluative feedback from others
- praise
- self-talk
- performance deception
How can emotional arousal help develop sport confidence?
- manipulate interpretations of arousal symptoms
- reduce arousal by relaxation techniques (diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation)
In summary, how can one develop confidence from Bandura (1977,1997) self efficacy theory?
4 components -> efficacy beliefs -> behaviour (choice/effort/persistence), cognitions (goals/attribution/decision making/ problem solving), affect (anxiety, arousal, depression, confidence, flow)
What are the top 5 confidence enhancing techniques used by coaches (Vargas et al, 2004)
- Coach acting confident
- Enhance performance through instruction drilling
- Set specific goals
- Encourage positive talk
- Verbally persuade