L17 spinal chord nerves, tracts Flashcards
what are the 5 regions of paired nerves of the spinal chord & how many are there?
- cervical nerves - 8 pairs
- thoracic nerves - 12 pairs
- lumbar nerves - 5 pairs
- sacral nerves - 5 pairs
- coccygeal nerve - 1 pair
what can neurons / nerves within the spinal chord be classified as?
- somatic afferent / efferent
- visceral afferent/ efferent
what do the anterior roots vs the posterior roots of the spinal chord contain?
- anterior root -they contain motor/efferent nerve fibers to skeletal muscle etc
- posterior root - they contain sensory/afferent nerve fibers from skin, subcutanous tissues
what is the vertebral column?
- the spine
- extending from the cranium (skull) to the coccyx - forms the skeleton of the back and neck
- functions to protect the spinal chord and spinal nerves
what are the rootlets of the spinal chord - what do they form?
multiple rootlets attach to the posterior and anterior surfaces of the spinal chord and converge to form posterior and anterior roots of the spinal nerves
what is a segment of the spinal chord?
the part of the spinal chord to which the rootlets of one bilateral pair of roots attach
what does the central grey matter of the spinal chord contain?
- nerve cell bodies and fibres
what does the white matter of the spinal chord contain?
myelinated fibres that may be ascending or descending
compare the dorsal vs ventral horns of the spinal chord
ie what type of nerve are associated with them etc
- dorsal/ posterior horns - receive axons of sensory afferent neurons
- ventral/anterior horns send out axons of motor / efferent neurons
what is the acronym for remembering dorsal vs ventral horns and what nerves are associated with them?
* Sensory Afferent Motor Efferent
* Dorsal Afferent Ventral Efferent
how do the spinal nerves exit the vertebral column?
through the intervertebral foramina
what is the white matter of the spinal chord divided into?
- divided into the posterior, anterior and lateral funiculi
what is a funiculus or column?
a bundle of one or more nerve fascicles or tracts
what is descussation?
the crossing of patheays from one side of the CNS to the other
what is somatotopy?
a precise spatial relationship between tract fibres which reflect orderly mapping of the body
what are the 3 main types of tracts & what is their function?
divided by their direction & functiom
- ascending - transmit sensory information
- descending - transmit motor information
- intersegmental - transmit information between spinal segments
Describe ascending (somatic sensory) pathways
- these pathways conduct sensory afferent impulses upward - typically through a chain of 3 neurons to various areas of the brain
what are the first order neurons of the ascending pathway?
also describe function
- first order - **cell bodies residing in a ganglion **
- they conduct impulses from cutaneous receptors of skin & proprioreceptors to the spinal cord or brainstem to synapse with 2nd order neurons
what are the 2nd order neurons and what is their function?
- 2nd order neurons are** cell bodies residing in the dorsal horn of the cord** or medullary nuclei
- they transmit** impulses to the thalamus or cerebellum where they synapse**
what are 3rd order neurons and what is their function?
- cell bodies in the thalamus
- they project axons to a speciic area of the cerebral cortex (primary somatosensory cortex)
what are the 3 pathways that carry somatosensory information on each side of the spinal cord?
- the posterior column -medial lemniscus pathway (PCML)
- the anterolateral (spinothalamic) pathway
- the** trigeminothalamic **pathway
Describe the posterior column medial lemniscus (PCML) pathway
- carries information about** fine touch, vibration and proprioception** from the limbs, trunk, neck and posterior head
- sensory information travels through the dorsal (posterior) column - cuneate fasciculus and gracile fasciculus
- the 2nd order neurons** decussate in the medulla** and** travel through the medial lemniscus in the brain stem **to the thalamus
- impulses are then projected into specific areas of the somatosensory cortex
Describe the anterolateral (spinothalamic) pathway
function and 3 neurons
- transmits impulses for pain, temperature, itch, tickle, crude touch from limbs, trunk, neck and posterior head
- 1st order neurons synapse in the dorsal horn
- second order neurons decussate almost immediately in the spinal chord and continue as lateral or anterior spinothalamic tracts
what information does the anterior-spinothalamic tract carry?
carries sensation for crude touch and pressure