L13 bony orbits and eye movements Flashcards
what 7 bones contribute to the orbital cavity?
- orbital plate of** ethmoid**
- sphenoid
- orbital surface of maxilla
4.** zygomatic** bone
5.** lacrimal **bone -
palatine bone
7.** frontal** bone
what bones make up the roof of the orbit?
- orbital plate of frontal bone
- lesser wing of sphenoid bone
what bones make up the floor of the orbit?
- orbital surface of maxillary bone
* zygomatic bone - orbital surface of **palatine bone **
what bones make up the** lateral wall** of the orbit?
- **greater wing **of sphenoid bone
- orbital surface of **zygomatic bone **
what are the foramina / fissures of the orbit?
- superior orbital fissure
- inferior orbital fissure
- optic canal
- infraorbital foramen
- supraorbital foramen
- infra orbital groove
what bone that makes up the roof of the orbit separates the orbit from the anterior cranial fossa?
the frontal bone
what bone that contributes to the floor of the orbit seperates the orbit from the underlying maxillay sinus?
the maxilla
what bones make up the medial wall of the orbit?
- the ethmoid
- maxilla
- lacrimal
- sphenoid bone
what are the** contents of the orbit**?
- eyeball
- fascia
- muscles
- vessels
- nerves
- lacrimal gland
- orbital fat
what vessel does the eye primarily receive blood from?
the ophthalamic artery
what veins drain the orbit?
venous drainage via the superior and inferior ophthalamic veins
what **cranial nerves **supply the eye and its structures?
- optic nerve
- oculomotor nerve
- trochlear nerve
- trigeminal nerve (via ophthalmic nerve branch)
- abducens nerve
what is the function of the orbital fat?
it cushions the eye and **stabilises extraocular muscles **
what are the 3 main foramina by which structures can enter and leave the orbit?
- optic canal
- superior orbital fissure
- inferior orbital fissure
what** 3 structures **(2 vessels and 1 nerve) pass through the optic canal?
- optic nerve (CNII)
- Opthlamic artery
- central retinal vein
what region of the orbit does the ophthalamic artery supply?
the **medial wall **of the orbit
what is the function of the central retinal vein?
- drains blood from capillaries of retina into the superior opthalamic vein or cavernous sinus directly
what** 8 structures** pass through the superior orbital fissure?
- cranial nerve III,IV,VI
- **lacrimal nerve **- CNV1
* frontal nerve - CNV1 - Nasociliary nerve - CNV1
- orbital branch of middle meningeal artery
- recurrent branch of lacrimal artery
- superior orbital vein
- superior opthalamic vein
what are the** cavernous sinuses**?
- one of the dural venous sinuses of the head
- network of veins that sit in a cavity
what 2 structures does the superior orbital fissure connect to?
- cavernous sinus
- intracranial space
what structures pass through the** inferior orbital fissure**?
- infraorbital nerve
- maxillary nerve (branch of CN V)
- zygomatic nerve
- parasympathetics to lacrimal gland
- infraorbital artery
- infraorbital vein
what are other minor openings into the orbital cavity?
- the nasolacrimal canal - drains tears from eye to nasal cavity
- supra orbital foramen and infraorbital canal - carry small neurovascular structures
what are the** extrinsic muscles of the eye** called?
extraocular muscles
what are the intrinsic muscles of the eye called?
intraocular eye muscles