L1: P&P (Risco) Flashcards
P&P =
planned animal health and production management
production medicine**
integration of specialties in vet med and animal science within a production system. Includes: clinical med, economics, epidemiology, nutrition, genetics, human resources, herd health, reproduction, animal well being, judicious use of abx and hormones
standard operation procedures
traditional disciplines of food animal prod. med
infectious diseases and path
analytical acumen
monitoring strategies
record analysis/problem solving
tools: computer software, stats, epi
factor which when altered, produces a change in the frequency or char. of disease
state of dysfunction of the body detectable by one or more of the person’s senses
functional or anatomical abnormality detectable only w/ diagnostic aids, lab tests or indirect measures
state of inability to adapt to stressor, leading to physical, behavioral and physiological changes
a set of signs or a series of events occurring together that often point to a single disease or condition as the cause. Ie: Downer Cow Syndrome (could be due to ketosis, hypocalcemia, selenium or vit. E issue, or MS in nature)
Ie: lack of cyclicity, lowered conception, abortion, death at birth, death of calf –> lowered calf crop
any subjective evidence of disease or of a patients condition, ie. such evidence as PERCEIVED BY THE PATIENT, a change in a patients condition indicative of some bodily or mental state
an objective physical finding found by the examiner
group approach is driven by:
agricultural orientation economics management infections nutrition record analysis genetics
group syndrome**
collection of diseases with a common characteristic (the major sign)
- starting point in diagnostic process
- ie: low calf crop in beef cattle
herd monitoring in prod. med.
routine, systematic collection and evaluation of info (data) from the farm including:
1) production (milk, fat, protein)
2) reproduction (preg. rate, abortions)
3) health (mastitis, ketosis, LDA’s, metritis, etc.)
financial impact, trends, animal group
target goals
attainable goals in the production system including
1) health parameters (LDA, milk fever, RFM, dystocia)
2) quality milk parameters (SCC, clinical mastitis)
3) repro parameteres (preg. rate, heat detection, abortion, days open)
action goals
figure (level) where intervention must be taken by management
role of vet in FA prod. med.
efficient production of livestock and their products through preventive medicine programs and animal comfort
role of producer in FA prod. med.
sale of a wholesome product and compete for consumer dollars while following good management practices consistent with sustainable ag.
Southeast Milk animal husbandry audit
Publix includes standards for housing, nutrition, herd health, milking procedures, handling, animal safety,and management
T/F: amt. of meat consumed in developing countries is growing 3x as much as in developed countries
CAFO’s regulations
- safely manage manure
- zero discharge standard, site-specific management plant to prevent runoff or excess nutrients into water sources
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits must be obtained
economic impact of CAFOs
- increase dependability and consistency of product
- increase affordability
- important to economy and businesses
benefits of CAFOs
inc. quality of food, health of animals, quantity of food produced. Dec. price of food, green house gas emissions
CAFOs produce what percent of meat globally?
growth of organic dairy industry
20% per year over the last 10 yrs
benefits of organic products
- better for env. and promotes animal welfare
- safer and more wholesome b/c no hormone or abx use
- better nutritive value and taste