What are methods of overcoming resistance
Methods of overcoming resistance to change are the tactics that can be used to reduce the strength of different barriers to change.
What are the effects of education and communication
Provide staff with information about the reasons behind the proposed change
Persuade people of the logic of a change
Time consuming and required trust in the information provided
When is education and communication appropriate
Staff may trust managers, but do not have full information about the change
What are the effects of participation and involvement
Overcoming change by giving employes a degree of ownership about the outcomes of the change
Employees contribute ideas
May increase commitment to change
When is parcipitation and involvement most appropriate
Staff are highly skilled and have access to information that initiators of the change may not
The organisation has time to review contributions
What are the effects of Facilitation and support
Providing staff with care, such as time off, training or material support as the organisation undertakes the change
May help staff to adjust to the change
When is facilitation and support most appropriate
There is insurmountable information failure
Managers intent to force through the change, but workers are resisting
A paternalistic management style is used
What are the effects of negotiation and agreement
Taking steps to meet with staff representatives to discuss concerns and how perceived negative impacts might be diminished
When is negotiation and agreement. most appropriate
Managers are going to undertake the change
Unions are powerful
There is likely to be resistance from staff
What are the effects of manipulation and co-operation
Manipulation is the wilful control of information that is relevant to the change
Co-operation occurs when a key leader in the resistance is given a role or an incentive to bring the dissenters on side
Could damage long term trust
When is manipulation and co-operation most appropriate
The resistance is led by ineffable individuals
Negotiations have failed
What are the effects of implicit and explicit coercion
Coercion occurs when there is a threat to someone if they do not behave in the desired manner
Implicit coercion occurs when hints are made as to the costs of resistance
Explicit coercion occurs when clear threats are made
High costs associated with this strategy - lack of trust
When is implicit and explicit coercion most appropriate
Workers strongly oppose the changes, nut they are essential for survival
Time is short
If the workers are non essential and easily replaceable