What is Hofstede’s mational culture
Hofstede’s national culture is a model that considers the preferences that people tend to have for one stage over another, and how this influences their values and behaviour.
What is Hodstede’s model useful for
Understanding how to lead an international workforce - structure, delegation, planning, consultation
Improving communications and getting the message across
Undertaking joint ventures or direct investment
Userful for helping you understand any customers you may have
What is element 1of the model
(element one of the model) The power distance index considers the extent to which members of the culture accept a degree of inequality and hierarchy in the distribution of power.
What would element 1 determine
Business decisions:
The structure that you use
The degree of consultation
The leadership style you adopt
High score:
High Power Distance society - often the subordinates wouldn’t question the management
Acceptance of tall structures
Management control
Authoritarian leadership style
Low score:
Low Power Distance Society
Preferences for flat hierarchies
Consultative leadership
What is individualism and collectivism
Individualism or collectivism considers the degree to which individuals performance in more important than team performance
What does individualism/ collectiveism determine
Business decisions:
Help make better team work decisions
Help make better decisions about pay reward
High score:
Highly individualistic - individual bonuses for good performance
Low score:
Highly collectivist - team rewards
What is masculine vs feminine
Masculine vs feminine considers the approaches to decision making within a culture
What does masculine vs feminine determine
Business decisions:
Degree of consultation/ leadership style
High score:
Preferences for fact based approach to leadership that is based on data
Low score:
Preferences for a consultative approach to decision making based on intuition and consensus
What is uncertainty avoidance
Uncertainty avoidance considers the extent to which people are comfortable with the fact the future is ambiguous (ambiguous = doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness), and to which they try to control future outcomes.
What does uncertainty avodiance determing
Business decisions:
Risk taking
Strategic planning
High score:
High uncertainty avoidance
Importance of clearly communicating strategic plans
Avoidance of risk
USe of rules and hierarchies
Low score:
Low uncertainty avoidance
Willingness to embrace change
Willingness to accept risk
Use of emergent strategies
What is long term oriantation
Long term orientation considers the extent to which maintaining societal norms and traditions is valued (normative), rather than taking a long term (pragmatic) view that encourages adaptation and innovation.
What does long term oriantation consider
Business decisions:
Degree of long term strategic planning/ investment decisions
High score:
High LTO - importance of long term strategic plans and reinvestment of profits
Low score:
Low LTO - importance of living for the day, rewards for employees performance and shareholders
What is indulgence vs restraints
Indulgence vs restraints consider the extent to which individuals within society are encouraged to either indulge or restrain their urges and desires
What does indulgence vs restraints determine
Business decisions:
Motivation techniques and rewards
High score:
High indulgence
Reward employees for their endeavours
Work/ life balance
Low score:
Reinvesting for the future
Long hours