Knowledge VII Flashcards
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Libra(), Leo(Power couple, Feed ego, Jealous) Aquarius(Unpredictable, Rebellious, Stubborn) Sagittarius(most sex, passionate), Gemini (intellectual Convo/Passionate/thick skinned) As the first sign in the zodiac, the presence of Aries always marks the beginning of something energetic and passionate. Me, Marie(same birthday) Gemini -May 21-June 20 - Compliment each in every respect. Starts projects together but both have trouble finishing them. Prefer to always be talking. Leo- aggressive, passionate, and will help Leos finish things aries starts. Don’t discuss past lovers Sagittarius- both passionate adventurous and intelligent. Feed off each other but Aries is more philosophical.
They like animals, cleanliness and collected on the surface but are always calculating. They are good strategists. Date range: August 23 – September 22 Element: Earth Darrel, Elishiva, Gabby, Kia Strengths: Loyal, analytical, kind, hardworking, practical Weaknesses: Shyness, worry, overly critical of self and others, all work and no play Virgo likes: Animals, healthy food, books, nature, cleanliness Virgo dislikes: Rudeness, asking for help, taking center stage
Get people to commit to a position
“I’ve seen you a fair person, you see yourself that way right?” “Your the type of person who likes win/win right?”
Be curious for validation
Be curious for validation Validate in 80-90% of conversations Ask questions and be curious and show empathy. “Why do you say that?” “Why do you feel that?”
Formula to Charisma
Made of Power, Warmth and Presence
if i seem to see so fr its only because im standing on the shoulders of giants
Remember we are part of the same whole.
Remember we are part of the same whole.
I’m not suggesting
I’m not suggesting for one second that my opponent could have started a vile rumor. (You don’t want to cause a scene) I’m not suggesting you put you own commission in front of the company. I’m just saying how it may look to people who dont know you as well as I do.
Break report
Break report and get qualification over and over
Dont make to many definite statements. I dont recall saying that, to the best of my knowledge I didn’t approve that.
People will accept whatever image you project. You can dial up power and warmth.
People will accept whatever image you project. You can dial up power and warmth.
Rule of 3- Speeches
I’m not asking $100 I’m not asking $50 Im not even asking $20
Move the set.
Get targets involved in the experience. Get them to move. Your body in motion gets your mind involved. Use your attitude(state) and intent. Its infectious.
Apologize if you slip up
“And I just realize you didnt ask for my opinion. My apologies “
Are you adventurous?
Are you adventurous?
Team building
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to be far go together.- African Proverb Team building Building the avengers Wingman, riser(level up relationship)
Kindness Charisma
Warmth and acceptance. kindness like parents with a newborn. It is vital to avoid any body language of tenseness or judgement. Without power, you risk coming off too eager to please.
Global warming, Learning to swim
We’ve got about 30 years left before things go downhill. Its kinda annoying to be black during this kinda Apocalypse. i mean, you die first in any apocalypse but this is the worse one. I rather have the zombies. Were good at that Cardio. Wu-Tang taught me how to swing a sword.
Fear Based
Paint a picture of what could go wrong then what the alternative is Wrong : “ if you have sex without a condom, you could get aids” aids is overused word and people are inoculated against it. Right : “ Imagine your friends and love ones all crowding around you in hospital as you for from the common cold,” then the alternative “Now imagine you paying no money die a condom .(steps to improve) Now see yourself as 70 years old. Still kicking and still having sex” Negative emotion × steps for improvement = Behavioral plan. People generally the to stop anticipated regret for future actions
Find 3 things about a person you meet that you admire. Are they cool? did they shine their shoes?
Find 3 things about a person you meet that you admire. Are they cool? did they shine their shoes?
Absolutely Certainty Tone
Show you have metaphysical certainty in what you are saying
Dont ask yes or no questions
This is important for shy people. What, where, why, how or who.
Maintain frame: If there person gets off topic bring them back. Use what definitions that benefit you. (rightwinger- republican-convervative- nazi) Story- A good story goes a long way. Proof- Evidence in this stage is crucial. Use stats, evidence and studies. Concession - Give a concession to other party. Civil rights /Civil disobiedence has its place as well but don’t march or protest without solution and later persuasion in mind.
Listen Bitch
Telling is not selling Rephrase most of your answers to questions.
Take control of prospects inner monologue.
sually they are listening to two things, the words you’re saying and their own inner monologue. Sales can be over before they begin because people are having their own inner monologue about you as you are talking to them.
Dont use absolutes
“You always do this “ “you never do”. At least say “I feel like you often do this”
How much do you value your life? Time may be the most valuable thing we have.
One of the best deep conversation starters, this one can show what a girl prioritizes in her life.
Credibility in writing
People believe what they see in writing over what they hear. Sales binder are good because you can show people and read it along with the customer.
Give them options
Dont corner them and make them feel trapped. People can get self destructive. Americans want to feel free. “Take a look at the two and tell me what would be good for you.” The secret is you can live with both.
For exampe: we bare our teeth when we’re happy and slap our hands together to signal approval.
Seduction I
Choose the right victim. Screen using interest, who are they with, what are they doing, what do you have in common using social media (works for me too) Attraction is not a choice. Spy on your Target on social media and see what they enjoy doing and casually drop that. Send mixed signals. Chill short texts but fun in person. Take her on a great date then back off. Be an object of desire. Have an aura of desirability Install discontent. Remind them they aren’t doing what they always wanted with their lives. Find a lack I their life greed, vanity, boredom, forbidden fruit.
Speeches - Chrisma myth
Make eye contact 2 seconds per person. Use fire side chat. Act as if you are telling a secret. Dont use a podium. Pause after a story, joke and big point. Pause for 3 seconds before starting your speech. Pause after last words and say thank you.When you practice as color bars to or stickers to remind you when you should pause, voice fluctuate or smile.
You can learn what she looks for most in people and also whether you have any of the qualities.
Metaphor- Speeches
Use expressive language. It makes a huge difference which words we use. people are vermin. Concrete jungle. Financial storm ( as if it was an act of nature) Positive- sunshine positivity. Arab spring
Script Writing
Dont frontload script. Frame it first. Put up the framing like you’re building a house. There have to be stopping of point to take a breath. Its gotta be bit by bit. Save some content for user objections Focus on benefit, not features. People care about what the customer gets from buying. Features should be briefly mentioned then focus on what they gain (spend more time with family, travel more etc) Must have stopping points. Don’t make to powerful statements back to back. Ask customer small questions for periodic rapport and creating a yes ladder (you following me so far? Makes sense so far) check rapport before moving on. Give them more info, then ask again Write in spoken word not logical English. Sound educated but don’t talk above your prospect or they will tune out. It must flow perfectly. Practice it and revise it. Don’t lie. Check with accuracy. Don’t let your people go out with lies, eventually it spirals out of control poisoning your cooperate culture. Make sign up easy as possible. Make it painless. If they ask about price again what do they get for that (the was 300 but as I said you get benefit #1, benefit #2, and as I said it will be quick and easy to set up, sounds fair enough. After this the only problem you’ll have is that you didn’t buy more. Sound fair enough) cash outlaw was re-framing. Product first, sales person second, then company Logical arguments first, then emotional second Routines for certainty , 1st call - intelligence gathering and report building (5-7 minute)
Give them both carrot and the stick if you have to. Talk about the negatives and the positives.
Make the best of bad of situation. Tommy Shelby
First forgive yourself. this way you can come from a place contrition, but also strength. Hear them out. Let them talk. Interrupting us the worst thing you can do. Even if you have a retort wait until the end. The mindset should be “help me understand how you view things”. Use focus and kindness charisma. Keep voice warm and slow. Give a heartfelt, warm, low “I’m sorry “ show you understand how this affected the company or their life. Be sincere.
Be original
Spice up job title Unique email signature Don’t serve coffee, serve hot coco Add hidden links to your website Daily fun fact
Before we go any further with the sale: “Do we have anymore of those left if the back?” “I was just checking on that, theres one left” If youre looking for a job, act as if they are your favorite offer but you have others.
Scale from 1-10
Probe for info with the scale from 1-10. “What do you think scale from one to 10? What could we do to make it a 10” learn biggest objection quick and easy.
Answer 4 questions.
How much do I pay How much do I get back When do I get these returns How sure can I be that I’ll get these? Presentation must revolve around these questions.
Dont worry It could be worse It’s not that big of a deal It’ll be fine (We usually invalidate a bad emotion like anger, fear and jealousy)
Invalidating emotions
Logic makes people think, emotion makes them act.
Logic makes people think, emotion makes them act.
Be fully present
Pay attention and be present in every interaction. People can pick up on small signals of you faking paying attention and not listening. Use meditation to improve focusing on this. Try to focus on your breath/toes for just a second if you find yourself getting distracted. Act as if you are actually speaking to the most important person in a room
Restate their objection but dont agree
After an Objection. You’ll see if a real objection. “Is the price the only thing that’s bothering you?” And access weather it’s the price, quality or shipping. Dont mention their bad mood.
Got logistics
Where are you staying. Where are you going after? Who are you here with? What are you doing tomorrow
Trial closing questions
Get feedback continuously throughout the presentation. Does this make sense to you so far? Do you like what I’ve shown you so far? Do you like this color? Would this be an improvement on your current situation? You with me? You cant get a ‘no’ without stalling out. If a customer says ‘no’ to a particular feature. Its ok, because its just one feature. You need to stop and see what a customer is thinking all all points.
Use the magic phrase:
“How do you mean” “We dont have it in the budget” “It cost to much” “Were happy with our existing supplier. Questions equal control.
Do not criticize
Criticism is futile because it puts a man on the defensive, and usually makes him strive to justify himself. Criticism is dangerous, because it wounds a man’s precious pride, hurts his sense of importance, and arouses his resentment.” – Dale Carnegies
The judging game
i love people watching. i like to come up with stories about people. it helps me writing.
Osho downfall
Shela threatened violence, cursed, was very intense when she wanted to present that image. Went on every show that invited her She would curse when she she wanted a broadcast cut. She makes the people feel like they are in protected and tell her people she will fight for them. Sometimes says shes the mother of them. She slowly escalated. The income fell by 75% in the two years after Oregon. Buguan soon attracted rich Hollywood crowd. He would accept million dollar rolex watches and bought 20 rolls royces. He was slowly destroyed by his own greed. Hes started doing drugs bought by the rich people and stared to even push Sheila way. Flirty fishing - Using attractive women to attract followers.
Easy to deny
You’ve been caught to doing something. Dont deny or admit. “It would be easy for me to deny the accusations and put the matter to rest, that would be the easy thing to do. But sometimes the easy way is not the best way, but there’s a larger question at stake here, is my opponent entitled to make me answer to every foul rumor he comes with. Regardless of who might start that rumor?”
First loop
Dont answer it head on. “I hear what your saying bill, (reasonable man, make him feel heard) but let me ask you a question? Do you like the idea( money aside tonality)” The enthusiastic yes and an ambivalent yes are not the same. If it’s not certain enough you have to loop back. Its it’s an under a 5 on the scale. Under a 3 you should drop. “Exactly, it really is a great buy, one of the true beauties here is.” (Use response for anything) Loop back to build an airtight logical case (pace pace lead to build rapport) Enter their world (reply slightly above their level of certainty) Pace him, pace him, lead him to your tone (slowly increase your tonality , timing it so you hit your peak halfway through the pattern) Get him up to a 9 or 10, presentation has to be tight af. Mystery tone - A very interesting question just popped into my mind “Now bill let me ask you something. (Mystery tone) if I’d been your broker for the last 3 or 4 years making you money on a consistent basis (reasonable man ton) you probably wouldn’t say let me think about it (obvious tone) you’d be saying let me get those shares, am I right (reasonable man tone)” 95% will come completely clean here. (Yea, I mean than I would) mean trust is the cornerstone issue for him. It means he likes the product and that bogus answer isn’t it. If they are part of 5% then answer with a little mocking ton (you mean to tell you if I put you into Facebook at 15 and take you out at 100, you wouldn’t let me throw 300 at Microsoft. ) Go to forest gump if trust is the issue
Arguments aren’t fights. We only argue with people we need to work with to achieve something. Start arguments with Praise, humor and sincere expressions of interest. Give a small concession early on. People are like a person sitting on top of and elephant. The elephant must be convinced before the rider using emotion and Ethos. Pathos , Ethos and Logos must all be used together.
Anger - Draw out Emotions
“Its clear to see you’re angry and I understand, and maybe I’ve got a right to be angry too. but staying angry wont help us. Maybe it’s time we put that behind us and move forward and figure out a way we can move together. Fair enough?”
No matter how good food smells, it’s never a good smell on a person.
Reasonable Man Tone
If you have 60 seconds, id like share something with you? Got a minute? ( I’m reasonable, you’re reasonable. Raise you’re voice a little at the end. Make it sound like its no big deal)
I.e., what is most important to you? Family, friends, and adventure are common responses.
I am not a part of an organized political party. I’m a democrat. ( Will Rogers)
I am not a part of an organized political party. I’m a democrat. ( Will Rogers)
Its a key tool in negotiation When someone as spoken let them think you heard what they just said. Your face, absorbs, reacts, then you answer. Let the other persons brilliant statement breathe. Pause for a second before you answer.
Phrasing a declarative as a question
Hi my name is bill person? Calling from blah travel company? In Beverly hills? (You’ve heard of us right? you’re not out of loop right?) Use it sparingly. It sends prospect brain into search mode which paralysis the monologue from working against you.
Rhetoric Attacks
Quips - One liners and quips are one of the most powerful tools to get the audience in your side. They want to be entertained. Concession Attack -Give a concession but turn it into a disadvantage - “I’ll give you experience but its bad experience” You can concede arguments given but debate one part inparticular. Attack ethos - “You are all talk no action” but immediately back it up with the logos of proof. “When you were at GE you lost 10 million” Future Pathos - Incite fear of dire predictions if something happens. Compare and contrast - what you were doing at different points in the past. “I was traveling the world while you were marching with Alt right”. Bonus points for specific issues. Long list of failure - Using Ethos attack, list all failures and re-iderate them. Accusation - “So you admit that you.” “You admit your message is to divide?” Assuming the sale - “So why should women put up with this?” (There is a hidden presupposition that there is something to put up) Smash technique - Smash 2 terms or questions together .”Why not tell your followers to quit the abuse and quit the anger?” (Assumes there is abuse but end on anger to distract from the abuse) Smash Questions - Barage people with questions. Give them so many the can answer one. Kafka trap - If you deny it you did it Ad hominem - Personal attack to deflect from the underpinning question. Its only a distraction.
Date range: October 23 - November 21 Element: Water Scorpion. Chill until provocted. Feel emotions more intensly than anyone else. Suspicious, paranoid but have self control.Intuative Strengths: Resourceful, brave, passionate, stubborn, a true friend Weaknesses: Distrusting, jealous, secretive, violent Scorpio likes: Truth, facts, being right, longtime friends, teasing, a grand passion Scorpio dislikes: Dishonesty, revealing secrets, passive people
Try imagining 100 duck sized horses without squealing.
Art Party
I love art parties here in Atlanta. I went to a gallery once and got invited to a Halloween party afterwards. The only problem was it was July. It was as weird as you would think. There was a full band performing in a 10 by 10 living room, Literally every guy there had a curly mustache. all of them, and some of the women. My friend actually got cursed there. He’s like, I got cursed. And Im like, do you you mean cursed out? He hit on a girl who turned out to be a full blown witch. Like, straight slitherin. Im like ‘what line did you say bro?” She didn’t like his line so she cursed him to always think of his parents during sex. This guy was an atheist all his life, never believed in magic. I don’t know if magic is real but he says he definitely believes it it now.
ou can’t argue with a feeling but you can acknowledge it. . Name the emotion- Give validation Listen to feelings, validate fears, repeat her emotion words. Name an emotion by micro expression. Understanding Find out what they are seeking “You seem, are you feeling…, what caused this” Identify their primary value. Narrow it down. Don’t move on until they are done talking. Wait until emotion is gone. Transform Address her primary value met. “What can we do to make you feel better, how can I help” Won’t work on everyone.
Clothes is the easiest way to stand out. Do that shit.
Time to throw away and old shirt and buy a new one.
1) Talk about how simple it is to get started. This is energy in, benefits out equation. 2 ) Ask for the order directly, no beating around the Bush. Ask for order maybe 3 or 4 times. Low pressure and graceful way. Give me one shot and if I’m even half right, the only problem you’ll have is that you didn’t call me sooner.
Never address a prospect in an overly formal manner
Instead of saying “ Hi, this is Mr. Peterson from blah,” Says “ Is john there?” in an upbeat tone.
Dont say BUT
validate the emotion, give a compliment etc instead of “but” say “and”. “I see you’re frustrated ‘and’ I think he didn’t mean to hurt you.
Sex appeal is 50% what youve got, and 50% what people think youve got
Sophia lauren
3 sentences in which opening clause is repeated: it communicates emotion.- Speeches
We shall fight on the beaches We shall fight on the Landing grounds We shall fight on the fields and om the streets
If her response is people who ask questions, think about getting the check.
5 questions
Im going to ask you 4 questions and you have to answer them all wrong. What bar we in? Am i super hot. (either was is correct). how many questions was that?
Take here somewhere arousing, like a bridge, top of a building etc
people often conflate feeling of anxiety with arousal
Hypnosis Phrases II
Imagine what would happen if…(imagine) If I could show you a way to make more money would What would it be like if you had 10,000 in income You may not know.. Can I show you.. I’m wondering if… Don’t you think that … Don’t you feel that…
Cultural Appropriation/ Lalapolooza
Im not really offended by cultural appropriation. I only got weirded out by it one time. I saw Kendrick Lamar in Buenos Aires Argentina. To put this into context Argentina is funny because they consider themselves the ‘whitest’ country of all of south america. Fun fact, that’s where alot of the Nazi’s wen’t after WWII so…they aren’t wrong. Just keep that in mind. Anyways… I’m actually chilling with a girl I was seeing at the time and at the convert another girl spots me. She was the literal embodiment of cultural appropriation. Shes a pale princess, but she wearing a full blown dhashiki, plates in her hair, fucking everything but black face. Then she had the nerve to hit on me in front of my girl. She starts twerking on me and I really had to be like ‘chill out gretal, im taken’.
Listen empathetically -Validation
get curious and show your interest. Look beyond the words and try to understand the emotion. What emotions do I see in them? Ask clarifying questions and ask them to expand “she said that to you” “you see worried “ match their energy. Dont point out silver linings or try and fix it.
Changing beliefs II
Casual You are a jerk because you use physical violence, you are a genius because you aced the exam, you are a healer because you touched them and they got well Non Casual Stat based, 3x as many women die from best cancer, children killed in school student are at an all time you. Must get person to call into question his belief instead of push a new belief system.stats are bad for changing beliefs. Most effective - Causal, Mixed approach Not effective - Non Causal
I’m not offended
Letting someone knows your upset. “Alot of people would be offended by that, but I’m not because I know it’s not meant like that. You’ve always been loyal but its seems your doing a complete 180 on a small thing like this”
Authority Figure
Paint yourself as an expert or quote an expert the customer already likes. Leads to directed thinking. “I know you like Einstein. Here’s what he said”
Damn your fucking trouble
Damn your fucking trouble
Dont say I know exactly how you feel, but say you “felt something similar when…” relate but then bend the focus back to them with a question. “That reminds me of when me and Jessica broke up, the last weekends were shitty, is that how you’re feeling “. If you dont have the same experience say so “I cant even imagine how painful that must be”
Who Dares, Wins
british SAS
Martial arts
If you could run hands on persons add from history. Not Hitler. Trump or Ajit from the FCC, Mitch Michononel, Bosenaro, Logan Paul, PewDiePie, Martin Shkrili Who would you fight?
Forest Gump
If the are 95% say the forest Gump pattern. “My name is forest gump, I guess we’re not strangers anymore.” “Now that I can I can understand. You don’t know me, and I don’t have much of a track record with you. Let me reintroduce myself I’m — title — from this company —ive been here for this number if years and I pride myself of on —(degrees, licences, talents awards, goals at the company, what you stand for in terms of ethics, how you can be a an asset) write 3 versions of this so you can keep talking to yourself intelligently. Next talk about the company And as far as my company goes: It’s of the most respected companies. 1 one in this, innovating in this, fastest growing that, the chairman of the board has accomplished, and hes built this company on one thing above all else — ( 2 or 3 versions )
Criticize the bad behavior not the person
People hate being attacked.
They are the most important person
Leave the impression of everyone that the are the most important person you’ll meet all day. you’ll be surprised who you will need later. Don’t patronize, but realize we are all part of the same whole. Shake someones hand and take note of the color of their eyes. This way you remember to look in their eyes.
Demonstration close
Say : If you showed you the best product in the market today, are you capable of investing 5000 today. You are essentially qualifying them and it changes the focus of the convo to being about them. If they say yes - Could you invest 10,000? If they say no- Could you invest 3,000 if it was the best investment you’ve ever seen. He can say he doesn’t have the money at the end of the presentation.
End validation by validating again
“I admiring the way you’re handling” “it sounds like you have a plan good luck with it “ thank them for opening up to you and acknowledge how hard it can be to open up.
Date range: May 21 -June 20 Mom, Strengths: Gentle, affectionate, curious, adaptable, ability to learn quickly and exchange ideas Weaknesses: Nervous, inconsistent, indecisive Gemini likes: Music, books, magazines, chats with nearly anyone, short trips around the town Gemini dislikes: Being alone, being confined, repetition and routine
Some of them love is but some are just annoyed we keep coming there. Most Americans don’t go anywhere where people don’t speak American. *English impression* there’s a cue bruv. The fish and chips
Deliver bad news
Deliver bad news in a relaxing place. No place noisy. Don’t use white elephant (you shouldn’t feel offended)
Balancing statements ( we like balance)- Speeches
Ask not what your country can do for you But what you can do for your country.
Situation power
If they have enough power over you that you have to make a concession do it and do it gracefully. Try and maintain good will for future cost.
Essentially, how does the girl you’re talking to want the world to see her?
Charisma & dress
Motivate people to accomplish and to want to succeed. Demogauges rally peopls around hate or fear. When the demagogue is gone the crowd snaps out of the fear and doesn’t remember what they were so angry about. William Wallace is an example of charismatic leaders Unique in dress, laugh easily, fearless Never let on that not winning is possible. Different dress gives an air of nonconformity. You stand out and may give your team something to aspire you an air of being put together.
Criticized more traditional communities. He was a professor of philosophy in the 60’s. He would travel and be invited to conferences because he was a dissident. He attack Ghandi. He was holding meditation camps. He got an apartment in Bombay and took a new name. He named his followers neo-sanyasans, like hindus but still required them to wear orange like traditional monks. He added a portrait of himself t their prayer beads. He gave his followers new names prefix Sumi or Ma for men and women. Built a printing factory and had an army of lawyers in california. His followers from america would go to see him india then he would send them back to the US and franchise his meditation centers. Finally moved to Ashram. Created dynamic mediation with shouting. Used swiss bank accounts to hold his money. 10x White residents than indian. Eventually the city revoked his tax exempt status and wanted to sue for back pay. Preached the fusion between western materialistic man and eastern spiritual man. Embraced sex and told people it was ok. Parties and orgies were common. Danced and shouted to become enlightened. Embraced meditation but really wanted people who wanted to work. Mediators were a second priority. Housed the homeless (mostly for voting /personal gain) but it helped their image immensely. It is a very good PR move. Eventually after and incident with homeless aggression she drugged the homeless people. Influenced politics with sheer number. Lots of sex all over the commune at all areas. Facade of sharing and love and smiling. Put together their own police force by sending them to police academy Had a bunch of highly educated college graduates with skills used to build the community. Built a hotel in the commune to make more money from forigners to study.
Whatever she says, marvel at it.
Russell brand instincts
“Thats a very nice dress. I’m only flesh and blood I’ve got instincts” blame your approach on her “I’m gonna be late work, you’re causing me to get into trouble “ “stop looking at me like that”
Russell brand complement
When you get a complement, accept the compliment then give the complement back. Thanks so much and you look spectacular today as well.
Sometimes a character is written so well, you don’t care that they’re not real.
History nerd
I get overly excited about history. People think its boring because of all the black and white WWII documentaries showing all day Sunday afternoon. But before its sanitized for school it’s basically just wars and titties. Its like game of thrones but with like 10 extra story-lines going on except it was in black and white. Im pretty sure the world had no color before 1950. Prove me wrong.
If she says yes and it’s The Bachelorette, you are not her only date this week.
2nd loop
Don’t answer their objection rebuttals. Those aren’t the real reasons. This second time you have to be a little more directs. He may say “That sounds good, Ill do blah blah, and get back to you” “I hear what your saying bill, I’ve been in this business for x amount of years and if there one thing I’ve learned is when people say they are going to think about it, or call you back, what ends up happening is that they put the idea in the back of their mind and deciding against, not because they don’t like the idea, in fact in your case i know that you actually like it. the simple fact that were both busy people and you go back to your life and end up missing up on this, and i don’t want to see that happen to you. In fact, let me say this, one of the true beauties of the situation is Microsoft is on the cusp of…” The action threshold in the level of certainty the client must be at to buy. (Ill hold your hand every step of the way, give them a time to return the product, give them a money back guarantee) “Bill let me ask you an honest question, whats the worse that could go wrong here. Lets look at the downside here, lets say im wrong, and the stock goes down a few points, is that going to put you in the poorhouse? (response) Exactly, now lets say I’m right, which we both think i am now, and you make 15, 20k, Now is that going to make you the richest man in town? Now its not going to make you rich or its not going to make you poor but what it will do is serve as a benchmark for future business. So lets do this, since it our first time working together, Lets start a bit smaller this time, instead of taking a block of 10k shares, lets start with 1k, Now believe me bill, if you do even half as well as the rest of the clients in this program, the only problem you’ll have is that you didn’t buy more. Does that sound fair?” Then stfu. (75% of people buy here) They are excellent long term clients.
Authority charisma
speak slower and with the right pauses. Evolutionary we are design to seek authoritative figures. Be clean, well groomed and with good fashion. It seems as if you can do things for them. It doesn’t invite feedback and reduces critical thinking in others. It encourages immediate compliance. Use it when you don’t want feedback but not in creative situations, weddings or funerals.
Bucket list
I took alot of stuff off my bucket list when I was traveling. I went scuba diving, paragliding, spelunking, had a roman orgy. All the usual. All the white people like Whats on your bucket list?
Greed - Draw out emotions
“Can I get something on the table? Now I appreciate your desire to drive an hard bargain, I don’t have a problem with that. Many people would feel that your trying to take advantage of a bad situation. I know you well enough to know you arent doing that. Now let’s talk about a price that’s fair for both of us”
Imagine future
Shift targets time reference. Send person into the future in their imagination. “What would you do with that extra $3000?”
Free breakfast, lunch to attract potential followers. They are allowed to ask whatever questions to a senior member. Adherents wake up early and prepare food to explain to potential followers. They chant and play for guests. They have a large van that acts as a traveling temple. They take it to every town in Britain. They have a library, a shower, and a kitchen. Take it to festivals. They don’t accept anyone with criminal record or very bad debt. They don’t accept anyone who just wants a place to stay and to eat. They say its because they are a very hard working community and expect work from converts. Introductory course lasts 3 months. 40% leave in the 1st year. Must master 26th virtues from the vedas. The is a temple president that takes care of the day to day. They teach kids sanskrit, nature studies, geography, they put on plays, history. Choose their own path when they are 16-18. Give out books on the street.
Remember Names
End a sentence when with persons name when you ask for the sale. Tilt your head and smile. Shake hands, notice color of eyes > (This is trigger)> Remember name> Name game Get deeper by asking Clarify spelling Determine how they like to be address Use rhyming slang (stairs = apples/pears) Relate the name to famous person/place Use name quickly as possible Use name again when you leave (Ask them again if you forget!!) Remember faces by linking dumb image with persons face (name) Try and stack names and see how many you can remember in one day.
Must give subordinates enough control to take responsibility and feel confident in their decision. Trust must be established in order to give power to subordinate leaders. The senior leader that plan something that says what’s the goal is and give a basic plan. Subordinate leaders should be able to deviate from the plan on the fly. Leader must be accepting of mistakes. Subordinates must trust simple human mistakes won’t be a mark against them Compulsion can keep a man in a battle but can’t make him fight.
Date range: April 20 - May 21 Michela Hardworking, practical, traditional. Strengths: Reliable, Peaceful, Luxury, Conservative, Sensual, patient, practical, devoted, responsible, stable Weaknesses: Stubborn, possessive, uncompromising Taurus likes: Gardening, cooking, music, romance, high quality clothes, working with hands Taurus dislikes: Sudden changes, complications, insecurity of any kind, synthetic fabrics
This is a good way to guide the conversation towards more sexual topics.
Never assume poverty, Never assume that they understand. A confused mind will say no. Ask them if they are with you. Never assume if they believe you.people hate when when you question their credibility. Never tell them more than you think they can believe. Point out disadvantages too to seem ultra honest.
Drunk test: How many 9’s are between one and 100.
20 (91,92,93…)
Offer something of value when you leave the convo
“Going to find a friend, Next time well see you well get a drink” “I send you that book/article/movie list next time I see you” A connection- someone they should meet Viability- an organization you could invite them to speak
1) You are a sifter, not an alchemist. You cant turn shit customers into gold 2) Ask permission to ask questions. It helps with report (John let me ask you a couple of quick questions so I don’t waste your time, John a few quick questions so I can see what your needs are) 3) Always use a script. Questions need to be asked in a particular order. Since you know the words you can concentrate on tonality 4) Go from less invasive questions to more invasive questions. Don’t start with questions about money liquidity. They need to be desensitized 5) Actively listening- Narrow eyes and perce your lips while nodding your head. Nod more intensely for pain points. Lean back when you question grounded in logic. 6) Always follow a logical path.if the questions arent in logical order it seems like the person isn’t an expert. (Where do you live, how long have you lived there, etc) map out questions before hand for best logical flow. Small cuts (mistake) will kill your game 7) Dont try to resolve the pain, try to amplify their pain. Let them finish talking and future pace them to see their future without your project 8) Finish with a strong transition. Not every buyer is good for you (refer them to someone else if they arent right for you. John , based in what you’ve just told me, I dont know if we can help, I’m really sorry about that. 9) “Well John, Based on what you just told me, my product is definitely for you. Let me tell you why” 10) stick to the straight line. Dont spiral off into Pluto. Get the answer to question, dont build rapport by lying. It’s the opposite of what needs to happen. Also seems like you arent an expert. Genuine rapport is about making people feel like you have best interest at heart. Commonalities only works If it’s TRUE. You’re job is to actively listen bring them back to the straight line. (Ah well, that totally cool, I see why you feel that way) use I care, and I feel your pain tonality.
Remind people they chose you
You had a choice and you chose us. You must have had a good reason
On influence - How to win friends
[T]he only way on earth to influence other people is to talk about what they want and show them how to get it.
Bucket list
Intelligence gathering phase
1) Ask your prospect for permission to ask questions. (What do you like or dislike about your current supplier, what’s your biggest headache with your business (convey sincerity and concern to seem genuine) 2) How long has this been going in? Is it getting better or worse? How has it affected your health or your family (make them talk about their pain?) What is your idea program If you can design it? (Logic based tonality) of all the factors we talked about, what is most important to you? 3) Is there anything I missed? Have I asked about everything that’s important to you
Ask open ended questions
Where are you, what was it like growing up there. What’s your story?
Use state breaking questions -Tommy Shelby
When someone is trying to pressure you, ask a state breaking question. They may threaten you and you say: Where did you get those shoes? it distracts them and throws them off of their game.
Love language’s
Straight up ask if you can or see how they treat you. Word of Affirmation Love letter, Texts, Spoken, phone free during meals, weekly checkin Gifts Jewelry, candy, flowers Acts of Service Cooking, running errands, or crafting something Quality time Just being in the presence, trips Physical Touch Cuddling, holding hands, massage
1st Loop close
Go to close “So bill why don’t we do this, so all I’m asking for is this” Scale down to a smaller order. “If you give me 1% of your trust I’ll earn the other 99%, I’m obviously not getting rich here but it could be a benchmark for future businesses” 20% will buy right now. If they don’t you’ll have to increase certainty for one of the 3 10s, increasing pain, or lowering action threshold
Crafting a mission
Where do you want to be 5 years from now. Clearly and specifically with a time frame. Can a 10 grader understand it Is it clearly expressed in paragraph Is it believable. Keep it simple. Spread it to everyone. All your employees need to know the mission. We admire people who stand for something. Credibility should be inspiring but attainable. Provide an if they can do it I can do it story about a previous employee. The mission is more important than any one person on the team.
Paraphrase what your customer says after a long phrase.
Try to always say you instead of I
Instead of I say “you know,” “you must be a speed reader because they way you said…” “You seem like the time to”
This one is like a choose your own adventure, and the ending is never good.
Awesome but too many foreigners. They need to build a wall to keep other Americans out. Its basically cuba and It’s like paradise. I’m taking pics of beautiful cubanas and I get back to edit the pics and you just see giant pasty Midwesterners looming in the background. Like every time.
Dont think I’m just going to give it up Dont think about taking me home. Your going to have to buy me a drink first.
Let them know that other people besides you think your product is good. People will believe you more with people who endorse your methods. Keep testimonials and ask for them
Listen as if you are with the completely like JFK. Don’t interrupt AF. Don’t interrupt them back (unless they are Carlos) Let them talk as much as they want, especially in a job interview
Red and black are the most attractive colors by many colors. youre doing alright
Colors more attractive in this order: red, black, blue, green, yellow, white
Avoid white elephants.
Dont make people think of things you don’t want them to think of It wont ‘sink the company’ all they remember is ‘sink the company’ Even phrases like ‘no problem’ can make people remember ‘problem. Instead say its all good.
Depersonalize criticism
Always criticize the behavior, not the person. Zero in one particular behavior. Describe how that behavior makes you feel
On dealing with people- How to win friends
When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.
Narnia, Hogwarts, Gotham City. Here’s a question that can lead to hours of fun if you get into the details.
Validate but you dont have to agree
Validate but you dont have to agree. Still dont give advice. Validate emotions first before you disagree. Think about how they must feel with only their part of the story. Guess how they feel on question form (“you must be excited, nervous, a mixture of both?” “Are you feeling frustrated and angry?”).
Exaggeration- Speeches
I’ve been waiting to give this speech my entire life. I’m going to give my heart and soul to you.
Make the other person feel important
And do it sincerely
Focus charisma
Elon Musk- based on a perception of presence. makes people feel heard, listened to and understood.
all of your best sales lines in your best order. When sales people talk they start to eventually flounder into dumb shit without a script. They may even say things that are inaccurate. Everything from braveheart to GoT or reality shows are scripted. Use a script. Different scripts First 4 seconds, qualifying questions/transition Main body, asking for the order Objection/rebuttal script Looping scripts Try and have a 2 call system (give people chance to review documents) of you have to wait make schmooze calls, send articles and websites to reinforce. Scripts have a very strong good enough factor. It doesn’t need to be perfect but you want to know it well enough that you only focus 10% on the words and 90% on non verbals.
Date range: February 19 - March 20 Element: Water Lexi Strengths: Compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, musical Weaknesses: Fearful, overly trusting, sad, desire to escape reality, can be a victim or a martyr, Bad with money Pisces likes: Being alone, sleeping, music, romance, visual media, swimming, spiritual themes Pisces dislikes: Know-it-all, being criticized, the past coming back to haunt, cruelty of any kind Pisces are very friendly, so they often find themselves in a company of very different people.
I always thought photography was ridiculous. You don’t make any money, there are no jobs unless you work at Nat Geo or playboy. It takes so much time to edit when you could be doing literally anything else…so im a photographer now. I because a photographer to tell stories and spread the beauty of life. And used to work out more but now i know how to make my abs look really good in photoshop, so thats a bonus. My dream is to be an IG model. Have you ever modeled?
Downplay importance of anything you get. We’ve been in business for 28 years. We’re not gonna jeopardize that by 1 sale. We want to make sure every-time you think about this you thank us
Asking for an answer
If they hesitate say “ I appreciate that but you promised me an answer about whether this is right for you. After hearing about your circumstances this seems perfect unless there is something I dont understand.
Women smell weakness like smells blood.
Dont get it twisted.
Use metaphors from their fields. If their into boating a disaster becomes a “shipwreck” If they golf that success was a “hole in one” Program it was like a “system crash” If their military you are a “good solider” Sport”you can quarterback this one”
Structure it like an onion only letting certain people into the inner core. Keep the followers away from the truth until its to late to change direction. Don’t try to recruit, just say you are sharing something meaningful. We have secrets to self improvement, join us and be special, join our elite mission to save to world, personal happiness. “A lot of people want this but don’t have the courage to do it.”. Usually recruited after a big change in life. Recruit online. Look for people new to city. Recruit from similar groups. Offer something free and try to get something in return. Love bombing at first, surrounded by a bunch or people who act as a new family. Use food to bond people. “You’re wonderful, look how quickly you got through that course.” Your phone doesn’t stop ringing. Time is running out, you must make your discion now. “Its important to make this descion now because this is a matter of urgency.” Surround them with true believers. Surround them with love bombing initially. Act friendly and interested and get information about them. Later they grant or withhold this love and attention to manipulate, or use the information against them. Control behavior - wear these clothes, eat this food, come live with us. Prescribe a ridged schedule. Use thought stopping rituals like dancing or singing, Chanting to clear thoughts. Hours of meditation. Revert them back to childhood independence and mindless obedience. Dress the same for protest. Separation from family - Friends and family wont understand. Stop wasting time with non-believers. Control their thoughts - “Our doctrine has all the answers”. Charles Manson said thinking is stinking. Make them fear their old way of thinking. Use alcohol or drugs to control thinking. (shrooms, LCD) Make them feel like a special elite group. They are exclusive and secretive. Emotional control - Induce guilt. people are dying of starvation. You are not living up to your potential. They use fear - They enemy will kill you, shock you. Control information - Don’t reveal all at once. Have your own news letter or curation. Must eliminate toxic parts of their minds or bodies. Ego is the issue. Claim authority - come from a divine source, bogus scientific research, claim special knowledge. Take a little truth wrapped in lies. Make up stories about yourself to prove your importance. Set up front groups saying they are a management center, or meditation group, or bible study, world peace, or personal development. Paranoia - People are being persecuted by some outside force. Confessionals - where people demonize their old lives and talk about how great the present is. “Before i came here my life was self centered greedy, lost. I hate my old life. “ I can’t trust my own thinking, ill let you do the thinking.” Develop us vs them mentalities. Talk about outsiders as bad people. If you leave you become a normal person again. Reduce boundaries between people. Sexual boundaries, physic boundaries, Self Appointed Charismatic Leaders - Put themselves in power position, sometime like a father. They say gods law (Their law is higher than law of the land). He thinks its his right to change the destiny of the world or even the galaxy. Usually espose they are the one true path. Layer of enforcers whos job it is to be sure to keep the rules.
Avoid physical barriers like tables or desk. Have them sit on your left. Get them to move to start having them comply to your request. Say you would like to relocate, then stand. Wait for them guide you.
Avoid physical barriers like tables or desk. Have them sit on your left. Get them to move to start having them comply to your request. Say you would like to relocate, then stand. Wait for them guide you.
I broke Up with gf and decided to work on myself. An by work on myself i mean I went to try an meet a ton of new girls oversees. Take that Kiandra. Its funny because I had petty ass motivations but it turned into this crazy journey of self discovery. And I say that completely ironically. I learned alot about myself and the world. So, take that Kiandra. (Museum of broken relationships)
Appreciation Language
What do they complain/ brag about? What do they dream/ worry about? Love- affection, like being included, appreciated Service-support, care, warmth, favord Status- give responsibility, titles, power/credit Money- coin, currency, the like affording shit Goods- tangible products, lots of tokens Information-advice, opinions, learning, teaching, like being asked opinion
% of people in your sales funnel
If half the people who enter your sales funnel who enter your funnel are qualified you are doing ok
Museum of broken relationships. I was there, alittle somber. Thinking about my ex. Looking at all the things left behind from relationships. Heartbreaking really. Then I met a girl. I got over it pretty quick.
Offer justification for feeling an emotion. Refer to specific emotion and Wow that would be confusing He really said that? That would be confusing I’m so happy for you, you worked incredibly hard, it must feel amazing
scent is the biggest sense tied to memory.
Buy good cologne
Hypnosis phrases I
“I wouldn’t tell you to buy this car, that’s something you need to do on your own” “I don’t know if you should buy stocks now. How do you decide? “ you may want to buy this beautiful car now” “ You don’t have to decide now” “ What is it that helps you buy an X or a Y?” “Why is it that people are scared to leave home. Not you, just some people…” “Would you like to see this in blue” “ If you could have a perfect car what would it be like?” “Have you ever seen a…”( same as imagine)
Tribal wear
Adapt to peoples tribal wear. Always dress like the people you want to impress. Look at their outfits and wear the upper end of that. You can have the same opinion on two different different days wearing different outfits and get a different reaction.
Lower price selling
Sell them the lower model to save them money. It looks more trust worth because you arent making as much commission
Exaggeration- visual image that goes overboard. Understatement- Downplay something. Man stubs his toe and is hoping around cursing - he doesn’t seem to like that to much. Self deprecating humor - a put down. When Kennedy was accused of having his father buy him seats he said “my father said dont buy more votes than necessary, I’ll be damned if I pay for a landslide “ Silliness or incongruity- “ why arent you loyal to me? Come to work earlier “ “ I am loyal, id come to work in a dress if you wanted to” “I dont care about the dress just you on time” “ I really had my heart set on the dress” Surprise Start somewhere and end somewhere funnier.
Sharing similar lessons in life can give you a way to connect with where you’re at right now.
To know somebody, we must walk a mile in their shoes. That’s why we all want to understand people with really nice shoes.
I don’t know if Ill ever get married. Its not that I’m scared of commitment. I have tatoos. Im getting a puppy soon, but not a wife. I just dont think were programmed to be married. Humans are super super bad at it. divorce rate is 50%. So basically I’m betting 50% of my stuff that one of us dies before we cant take it anymore. Forever is never really thought of day by day. I think it should be like a subscription service. Every 5 years you have to renew your subscription. You could just let your subscription lapse.
Failed 2 years of Spanish and 1 year of Japanese. I was on a roll so I didn’t want to stop. Then I dated a Panamanian girl who spoke Spanish and called me papi chulo. I learned pretty fucking quick. She taught me “Me gusta comer tu culo.” We stayed together for like 3 years. That way longest relationship. In started Japanese working at Mitsubishi on my lunch break. The guys get so excited hearing Japanese from a gaijin(yes you are still a foreigner if they come here) I’m working on my third language now. If you could learn any language tomorrow what would it be?
Quicknotes Charisma myth
Express a vision and be bold. Convey complete confidence. Act decisively to achieve it Give people names to live up to and difficult goals to work towards. Crisis creates uncertainty and angst. Faith vision and authority have the most impact at these times.
You’re (actually) really friendly
You’re (actually) really friendly
I did have a few racist experiences. Montenegro is racist but like good racist. So I went to this Castle in Montenegro. The guy was being super nice. I thought it was a bit weird. It turns out he just was looking at me because he was a racist. Good kind of racist. He was like “ Russian accent” hello comrade you play hip hop music and stay in the biggest room for free. I’m like *weird look*…ok. That accent isn’t from Montenegro but its good racist.
Be prepared for a disarmingly honest reply. This will reveal what matters to her the most.
Pathos first.
Sell emotions first. then back it up with logic to prevent buyers remorse.
Ah, the “Matrix” question. At its heart, this asks: Is it good enough to live in a fantasy world, or do you crave an understanding of reality?
Power voice
Lower pitch, high volume, Tempo slow measured with frequent pauses, Drop intonation at ends of question. dont breathe through your mouth, just your nose.
There is more to this question than meets the eye. Will she say a hero or a villain? A funny sidekick or the star?
Me and good friend rented a car and drove the countryside. We met these cute Irish farmers and sheep af. Basically Ireland is just Guinness, old castles and sheep. We were doing this tour watched teens, shit you not smoked behind a 1000 year old castle. I was irrationally pissed off at these kids. This is a castle older than England and they’re just using it as the turn up spot. It was the first time I wanted kids to get off my lawn. That’s when I knew I was getting old. (Getting Old)
Leaders vision and a plan
f you don’t know where to go you aren’t likely to get there. You need both the vision and plan.
Sales introduction
When you introduce yourself sound upbeat and enthusiastic “If you recall, we met at the Marriott last week, you sent us an email a few weeks back. “ Justifier - reason for call. Valid reason to be calling today Qualifying - permission to ask questions. just a few questions so I don’t waste your time. Transition. Based on everything thing you’ve told me today, this would be perfect for you.
Let the customer think they are being rewarded, you are the catch.
you are so good at what you do they need you. Selling is a numbers game.
3rd Loop
Circle back, use sympathetic tone and amplify your prospects pain. “Now bill, i know you said before that you’re worry about their retirement..etc” “bill let me ask you a question, given the way things have been deteriorating, where do you see yourself in a year, or even worse 5 years for now. Are things going to be worse in terms of all the sleepless nights. I get it, I’ve been around the block a couple of thousand times , these things don’t really resolve themselves unless you take action to resolve them. Then re-pitch the 3 10s and future pace your client through your product. After the 3rd loop, if they stick to the same objection, let them go on with their lives. Don’t let them feel too pressured. Please to misconstrue my enthusiasm for pressure, i just know this would be a good fit for you. let me email you the info and call you back next week after you get time to wrap your head around it.
Caring tonality
How are you today? (I really want to know)
Children of Men, space oddessy, City of God, Good fellas, pulp fiction, 3000+ marvel movies. What’s a movie everyone loves that you hate? (Gravity)
Micro expressions
Anger- Pinch eyebrow, pursed lips Think Opportunity. Finish Contempt- one sided mouth raise When you catch contempt, inquire for more information. Happiness- upper cheek muscles in eyes Ask for details and be excited. Fear - Eyebrows raised horizontally, wide eyes, take a breathe There has to be more. Figure out the fear and neutralize it. Sooth and comfort. Surprise- Eyebrows raised u shaped. Clarify, do they know what you know. Diqust- wrinkled nose, tighen lose lids, Flash of lower tips People flash disgust when they think they don’t want to offend someone. Sadness- corners of mouth down Think Empathy. Understanding. Give space
Salsa Dancer
I’ve always been a bad dancer. Every time I dance like Carlton in a club i get points against my black card. The consul of black people basically paid for me to get salsa lessons so I would stop embarrassing them in public. Its funny because Cali Colombia is such a black city and all the clubs are salsa bars. Im still a bad dancer there but I’m actually pretty good here. thanks gringos.
Receiving a complement
stop absorb the complement, show it on your face, look thoughtful thank them and thank them on their thoughtfulness maybe say they’ve made your day. Awe shucks.
Exorcise the problem
People may lash out and first you have to exorcise the problem. They may be mad at you or someone else and not you. But let them talk. Afterwords you may just sincerely apologize if it was your fault.
High School
I’ve always been a fish out of water. I used to try and copy will smith when I was a kid, then in middle school was all Hawaiian shirts. In high school I was straight nerd goth. I listened to Linkin park, system of down on Jimi Hendrix repeat. I still loved Nas and Wu Tangs but that would’ve ruined my goth, nerd, bohemian aesthetic so I never bought them up. I have a theory that people who were nerdy in school are popular now.
Our dreams can keep us going — even during hard times, it’s darkest before the dawn.
To connect deeply with others, we must first have healthy self-esteem — something about ourselves to be proud of.
Number ESP
Walk up to a girl and say, “Do you believe in ESP?” Remember to SMILE or you may startle her. “Just think of the first # that pops into your head from one to four. Don’t say it. Just think it … now take that # and imagine that it is drawn on a blackboard in your head. Have you done that?” She says OK “What’s so neat about imagination is … we both have it … On the blackboard, I see the number … three.” Whether you get it right or not reply. “Alright, lets try this one more time. This time think of a different # from one to 10. Got it? Picture it in white chalk on the blackboard … you are thinking of the number … 7.” If you got the first wrong and the second right, you look like you finally got it … a 1 in 10 chance. If you get BOTH right (a 90% chance seeing as it is a psychological trick where most north Americans naturally choose 3 and 7 as their first picks) that’s a 1 in 40 chance … “and of course I don’t stake my reputation on mere chance.” If you get the first right but the second wrong or both wrong, say… “PROOF! ESP does NOT exist!” Then start to laugh like this “Mooa ha ha ha ha ha ha! And you believe in ESP!” a good neg hit to start. If she mentions that most people pick 3 and 7 (most girls wont know this though) just say, “really? Hmm… didn’t know that … thank you Cliff Claven.”
I hope I see you again. If not I’ll just meet somebody else and invite you to the wedding.
I hope I see you again. If not I’ll just meet somebody else and invite you to the wedding.
Questions are King
When you ask a question, they have to answer. They cant think. It short circuts their thinking because they are talking.
Reward and punishment
Switch between reward and punishment but keep it subtle. Punishment can be used subtlety implying things could get unpleasant but when it looks like they will cave in switch back to reward power. To much reward has law of diminishing returns.
Trust Test
YOU: “OK, I have to ask: how long have you guys known each other for? (If you think they’re sisters ask: “Are you guys sisters or best friends?”) THEM: “Blah blah blah…” YOU: “See, I knew that” THEM: “How could you know that?” YOU: “I’ll show you. In fact, I’ll give you the best friends test” THEM: (Gets all excited) YOU: “OK… (pretend you’re just about to ask a serious question) “Do you both use the same shampoo?”
Who needs meaningful relationships anyway?
Youtube channel/ I have a camshow
Im a camshow performer…or I have a youtube channel. Im just going to start doing a camshow while I do it maybe ill get some more subscribers. You gotta do what you gotta do. I already shoot from the waste up but don’t wear pants.
“You look like you need a glass of wine. Long day?”
Wine opener
Staying connected to the people in our past helps prepare us to walk boldly into a happier future.
I think we should take it slow
I think we should take it slow. I dont want to disrespect you tonight by having some crazy wild sex in a public place bathed in sunlight. I’d rather take it slow and get to know each other and maybe cuddle
Social proof
Link your product to rich, powerful, celebs etc. Endorsements, testimonials etc.
Expect to be welcome.
Sometimes your prospect has had a bad morning ever said she arrives she has been loose with phone messages, emails and complaints. The coffee was called her employees are sick or unhappy and her boss is mad. Then you come in the prospect thinks thank heavens. Here’s a nice pleasant intelligent positive looking person Who’s got something interesting to tell me. Many people feel this way. You could be the highlight of the entire morning or afternoon. When you are buzzing and smiling. They will be happy to see you
is used to establish trust with an audience. Show calmness and stoicism to increase credibility. Shared values and common ground. “We are both concerned about _” Reputation - What I’ve accomplished in the past plus an anecdote. State it - Declare why you are trustworthy
This is one of my favorite questions to ask a girl to get to know her. People who are driven by a purpose or mission are always more likely to succeed in their lives!
What is it that each of you is searching for in life? Having shared goals in life that you’re both working towards is a great way to develop a deeper connection with a girl.
Hurt - Draw out emotions
” i can see that you’re hurt by this. you;ve trusted me for however long. i don’t want to just get your business back, i want to get your trust back. what could we do to get it back.
Try get an initial agreement. After you get an initial agreement on a small thing, then start adding small addons. Dont ask for huge things all at once. This was used in POW camps. First they asked if everything was perfect in the west. Then later they would ask them to elaborate. Then they would get them to write essays about this.
On the secret of success - How to win friends
If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.
Or are we swirling through a downward spiral?
Refused to talk standing up,
You know, when you arrive at your appointment. Sometimes a busy prospect will come out to meet you in the reception area and ask you to tell them about your product, but you should refuse to make your presentation standing up. If you do, you run the risk of devaluing your product or service, no one buys a product or service standing up refuse to sell it that way. Remember the adage, everything counts. Unless you sell in a showroom. Nobody considers a product or service at any value. If you’re willing to talk about it and try to sell it standing up instead say what I have to show you is really important and I just need about 10 minutes of your time. If the prospect does not invite you to sit down to discuss your offering. Say, if you don’t have the time right now. Perhaps we could schedule 10 minutes at a later date when it would be more convenient for you. But refuse to discuss your product or service standing up. The basic rule is this. If the prospect cannot buy your product standing up. Don’t try to sell it standing. respect your product.
Find hot button.
You have good taste…/ i noticed that…/ you mentioned that… Find threads Common place, common interest. Teach me- if someone says something you know nothing about ask them to teach you (ive never met anyone who did that) Is there any way I can help- ask if there os anyway you can help people in the future.
Date range: July 23 - August 22 Element: Fire Mercedes, Akoma, Jordan Creative, dominant, spontaneous, arrogant. Community and family and luxury Strengths: Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous Weaknesses: Arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy, inflexible, Large ego Leo likes: Theater, taking holidays, being admired, expensive things, bright colors, fun with friends Leo dislikes: Being ignored, facing difficult reality, not being treated like a king or queen
The hard times, and our reactions to them, help define us as people.
Dogs v cat
I have this theory. If a women has cats she gets along with women, if she has dogs she gets along better with guys. Cats are like women, (Women, by an definition you want to use, i just mean female energy) They stuck around if you feed them and give them head pats/attention. Otherwise you may not see them for weeks at a time. When I was a kid our family cat would disappear for weeks at a time and come back randomly and we’d feed her and spend a few days together and she’d be like ‘aite, imma head out’. Turns out she was sleeping with another family the whole time. Eating their catnap. Cats are identified with femininity. Thats why if a man has a cat, thats probably all the pussy hes going to get. Im getting the cutest dog when I get my new place (Jon Snow V ugly kid)
The way a person was raised has a huge effect on their satisfaction with life as an adult.
Reframe insults and misunderstand things for fun.’=
“You think Im plump?” Pick one thing out of the insult and misunderstand it.
Anchor that on an item of hers or yours.
Anchor that on an item of hers or yours.
“Just take it” dialogue
“Let me think it over” “From what you told me this seems like the perfect product for you. Why not just take it?” and just start filling out the the close for them. They have to stop you. “I dont know” “I’m sorry I dont make callbacks” “What?” “You know everything you’ll know about this product. (Restate the benfit). Why dont you just take it?
Complement then ask a question
I like that necklace. What’s the story behind it?
You’re right, and
“You’re right, and …” “You may be right and that has been right for 20 years, obviously now the economy is changing”
Visual language
Paint a picture with your words. Would you remember exact figures if how many people smoking kills every year or that’s it equivalent to 3 bowing 747s. Use the most visual metaphors as possible. Harsh is bloody Is okay as long it suits your goal. “ not keeping you clients In compliance is like letting them happily paddle along not telling them there is a waterfall coming up. Watching as they crash down to the rocks below, their bodies mangled, their blood spilling in the water.
Tell a Secret
Make a confession, then ask the favor of keeping it a secret. It draws them into the conspiracy “I think we know each other well enough for me to let you know this boat had an upgraded radio, i should have told the manager so he could charge more but i didn’t. If you promise no to tell ill give it to you for the base price” “I shouldn’t be telling you this” “Can i trust you to keep a secret” tell the companies biggest gossip a secret on purpose. Rumor is that im up for a promotion.
I’ve noticed a lot of people are embarrassed about secretly loving when this happens.
God probably doesn’t want to hang out with us. He probably know millions of aliens cooler than us.
God probably doesn’t want to hang out with us. He probably know millions of aliens cooler than us.
Provide Value
Give them something extra for expending their time on you. They are subconsciously measuring return on their investment Add information, make it entertaining, give good feelings (make them feel good about themselves)
Only sell where you can sell
If your prospect cannot buy what you are selling over the phone. Don’t try to make it over the phone sale. If the prospect cannot buy and pay for it through the mail. Don’t try to sell it through the mail. If selling your product requires you being there physically, then insist on being there personally to make the sales presentation. People don’t make buying decisions standing up. They make buying decisions, sitting down, where they are comfortable in their offices or their homes. They make buying decisions after listening, considering reflecting and looking at your material. They only buy after they have evaluated reviewed and decided that the benefits you offer are worth more than the price you charge.
A person who values art is someone who’s able to see the beauty in life.
Give 100% of attention.
Put your phone away. Dont touch it. Even on the table its distracting. Turn off the TV or down the music. Invite Them to open up
Be ready for a potential loophole if she doesn’t believe God exists.
Appeals to emotion. Use humor with this appeal for maximum effect Enargeia- Vivid description - Make person feel as if they are with you. Bring them into the scene (end on this not) Humor - Super important as a tool for pathos. You can penetrate people shell by making them laugh Deliberative Rhetoric - Talk about the future. Take the person with you to the future. Show disinterest - Show how you are not motivated by personal gain.
old tech notes
Move the set!! Make statements Merge Sets Collect info Push pull Clear Your Intent
Dragon Con
Dragon Con is a 4 day long Halloween in September. I took a formally popular friend to a con and she was shocked about how dirty nerds could be. She said their coke was pretty good though. I wasn’t surprised about freaky nerds, She’s never seen really fucked up hentai before. You know its one of top 5 categories of porn? And avengers endgame is the highest grossing movie of all time. Soon it’ll be number one too.
Implied obviousness Tone
(advanced form of future pacing) Benefits of what you’re selling is a given. “Now john, you’ll make money with this, but more importantly is what I can do for you in the long term” (Obviously the product is a winner)
First GF/ Virginity
First gf was a blonde hair blue eyed white girl. It was crazy. She invited me over once to her house when here parents weren’t home. I’m not even kidding, her dad was in the clan. I know that’s an afroman lyric, but he basically just plagiarized my life. I lived in North Carolina at the time, so that wasn’t very surprising. Long story short I heard and 1950’s Chevy truck pull up in the driveway but I was able just jump out the trailer park window and run back to my trailer window before anyone caught me.
Get the other person’s point of view and see things from his angle
he thing here is to give to your interlocutor what he wants, and not what you, you want.
I feel your pain Tone
Used when ask questions that uncover primary pain points
Social map
Stand where people exit the bar on either end of the bar.Your goal is not to meet every one, just the right people.
Absolutely Sincere Tone
Your telling someone you have their best interest at heart.
Date range: January 20 - February 18 Greatest Overall Compatibility: Leo, Sagittarius Carlos, Mike, llyod Strengths: independent, humanitarian Weaknesses: Runs from emotional expression, temperamental, uncompromising, aloof Aquarius likes: Fun with friends, helping others, fighting for causes, intellectual conversation, a good listener
Fuck, Marry or Kill
Fuck, Marry or Kill
Best food in Europe. Europe is where they invented not seasoning chicken. Seriously the best food in England is Indian food. Spain doesn’t even have tacos. Not one. As an American I was hurt and confused. Italy’s got that pasta tho. I was loosing weight from all the walking but when I left I was thicc as shit.
Seduction III
Show your inability to control yourself around her. It hides tactical use. Engage their narcissism. When there is an achievement make videos of them and taking pictures of them. Do her activity and say you are a better person by hanging with her. Combine a thing she loves with sex. Yoga and books combined with sex. smoking with sex Find out her fantasy is and do it. It puts you in a different category. The freakier the better. Make boundaries clear. Give real qualifiers- you don’t read books? Oh ok She should be trying to figure you out and never know you Compliment based on wit on intellect, better after a neg. Change the topic. Source of pain and pleasure Speak with emotion. When talking about heart be more emotional. We all want a challenge
Urgency stories
Have you ever had a time when you should have acted faster? Urgency stories explains why they should act now. (Blah,blah) After that time I realized it’s a good idea to jump on things when you know it’s a good idea.
Our dreams can keep us going — even during hard times, it’s darkest before the dawn.
Element: Water Date range: June 21 - July 22 Ximena Sentimental and deeply intuitive. Sensitive, homebodies and emotional. Hard to get to know. Strengths: Tenacious, highly imaginative, loyal, emotional, sympathetic, persuasive, protective Weaknesses: Moody, pessimistic, suspicious, manipulative, insecure Cancer likes: Art, home-based hobbies, relaxing near or in water, helping loved ones, a good meal with friends Cancer dislikes: Strangers, any criticism of Mom, revealing of personal life
I dont normal smoke because in a lightweight. The guy jumps of a car. It was the really intense standoff. “You already know what it is. Issa robbery”. I swear the guy was 21 savage.The 14 people in the car were probably wondering why I wasn’t freaked out. I was thinking if it’d be weird to get a selfie.
I legit think the world ended in 2012 and were dead. This is like the island on lost. Were definitely on the darkest timeline. If i could fight 3 people from history I think all of them are people who are alive today. (Trump, Mitch Michonoal, Steve Bannon)
Trinity of organization
The mission, the leadership, and the people. Build a company backwards. Know the story then work backwards.
Pause before answering. Allow the words to seep in. Allow silence in the conversation.
The first time I went to the hospital I was one. My grandma convinced my mom to take me because I would not stop crying. I was one and my whole family came from new Jersey to basically say goodbye to me because the doctors were saying I wouldn’t live through the night. They couldn’t believe it when I slowly recovered. I was born fighting. When I was 9 I went back into the hospital to get the heart replaced. It took me like a month to recover and it was pretty horrible being in bed the whole time but I got to play sega. so…you know, win/win. When I had surgery when I was 18 I spent I was pretty much over. I spent my time drawing nurses to distract me from my chest being open. I spent most of the time chugging applesauce and hitting on nurses.
Be an expert
Specialized knowledge makes you seem like a real expert. Why do doctors write in Latin
Rhyme- Speeches
Research shows they are persuasive. They are signifiers of truth and easy to remember.
I Basically just spend time on duolingo and watch telanovelas. I started just watching to learn. We wold take shots anytime someone did something over-dramatic. If you could learn any language? (Dominican Neighborhood)
Send alittle gift after the sale to lock them in. Flowers, thank you card, etc
Send alittle gift after the sale to lock them in. Flowers, thank you card, etc
Give honest, sincere appreciation
Dr. Dewey says the deepest urge in human nature is ‘the desire to be important
Call structure
1st call - intelligence gathering and report building (5-7 minute) Second call - reengage (great by first name, reintroduce yourself and company, positive and upbeat. Tell him you sent info or w.e but dont ask if he read it. Ask him if the convo rings as bell, hell probably say yes. Say he told you to call him next time you had a good prospect. Tell him something just came across you desk without alot of upside and very little downside(conspiratorially). If you have 60 seconds id like to share the idea with you. (Reasonable man) Got a minute?) Transition to main body of presentation. Then you ask for the order. (Here what I want you to do, by 10,000 shares of Microsoft) it’s too big but then you can reduce it as you go.
We should put small talk out of its misery.big talk is is like space mountain. Being memorable gives people chemical pleasure and they get dopamine hits from your highs and lows. Spark story but cut it off if it isnt going anywhere.
Use E-meter to attract potentiality followers to get to clear. Some use tests. Character assassination. Will interview people about crimes (like in the master) and get them to confess. Once the person confesses, their info will be kept. This can be used for blackmail or discredit anyone who goes to press when they leave. This was also used to destroy their self esteem. When they question the leaders they use cultic assassination and attack your weaknesses. Scientologist keeps people very busy and surrounded by group activities so they can’t think about their own involvement. Its sometime under the guise of monastic lifestyle. 300,000 to get to the top of the bridge in Scientology.
I love brunch because socially acceptable alcoholism.
Is a leading technique where you ask and not at the end. “Before you work on that special product, lets grab a coffee, ok?.”
Flattery is telling another person exactly what he thinks of himself.
Bonding cycle
Symbols, words, chants, Help achieve unit cohesion. The soldiers should be like a family. Hard times create better team cohesion. After training they should now they are part of the group and what role they should play on the team.
New York
I love New York. Its a bunch of upwardly mobile young people living in closets. I still have successful sex in the city fantasies of movie to Manhattan and having mimosas with the girls. Mimosas are just socially acceptable Alcoholism.
Value blueprints are important
For people and organizations, people value consistency. You should sit your employees down and tell them what your values are and keep them consistent.
Micro validation
“I get why you’re confused, last week I said something and now its another. “ “You should feel great you worked really hard on the project “ “damn really?”
i understand why you would feel that
I understand why you feel like like that. Many others have felt that. But what they look closer they found ( you let them save face)
2 Truths one lie
play after you tell your chica you are on a small talk diet
Scarcity Tone
Verbal Scarcity - “We only have one more black BMW and when its gone, there wont be much left” Tonal Scarcity - Power whisper Information Scarcity - Even the information itself is in short supply.
Tuning your voice
Voice fluctuations is a foundation for warmth and power Add variations in tone, it makes a huge difference People rate you smarter, more interesting and funnier based soley on voice fluctuation. Pitch high or low volume - loud or quiet tone - resonant or hollow tempo- fast or slow tempo- fluid or staccato
Following your dreams is a game of balance: If money weren’t part of that equation, what would be more important?
Most prospects have defense against sales messages by default. Its natural in a capitalist society.
Most prospects have defense against sales messages by default. Its natural in a capitalist society.
Who am I?
Im Indiana jones with a tan
Either way, it’s complicated.
End with close ended question
Usually you will ask open ended question: Do you want to get started right way? Is this what you were looking for? Are you ready to purchase this product right now?
The situation determines your charisma
What’s best suited to your goals, your personality Obama was focus with a touch or authority Bill Clinton is warmth Steve jobs is visionary
Spain doesn’t even have tacos. Not one. As an American I was hurt and confused I get hangry pretty easily. My most favorite and least favorite thing about Spain is siesta. Spanish people will go out until 6 in the morning and wake up for work the next day like nothing happened.I was awake at 12 and realized literally no one was serving food. I wandered around like the hangry hulk. Finally I found an Italian restaurant.
Nuwaubian Moors
York - Would recruit through preaching islam. Had recruits move into his complexes where he provided food and shelter in exchange for complete control. Polygamist, even with other brothers wives. Sacrificing for the greater good. Moved commune to another place. Changed motif to cowboy, then alien, the Egyptian. Serious, disgusting pedophile behavior. Went crazy with power.
Visionary Charisma
Conviction and certitude in your beliefs. Driven by a nearly messianic zeal. Jobs doesn’t sell computers, hes selling a better world. MLK or Joan of Arc. Jim Jones. Appearance matters slightly less here because the message matters more. SHED ALL DOUBTS.
I started drawing when I first saw titanic. I thought It might be a useful skill as an adult. I was wrong. I watch that 2 VHS movie for nothing. By the way I know people always say there was room for jack on that door but shit…maybe she was ready to break up. Maybe he was in love and she was trying to say less just be friends. She wanted to let it go. Cold as ice. Dragonball Z. These something about a high schooler in a monochrome uniform us weebs really like. (orange or green seem to be the favorite) (DragonCon Thread)
Use precise numbers
Use precise numbers whenever possible (99.3% pure v 100% pure) it shows you have sone your research. (87% v twice as much)
Reasonable man + bonding
You’re have an open mind right? If I could show you why you should stay with us youd be open to listening right?
People don’t really fall in love with books anymore. I read a bunch dusty ass English novels. It was a bunch of dudes from the 1600 hundreds trying to get laid. I can’t imagine them actually hooking up though. a bunch of guys in stockings, high heels, makeup, long jackets and wooden denchers go out to the bar to beat some checks. I can just imagine, Annabe lee to throw that ass In circle. She drops her glove, bends over an picks it up. Shows up later to her sitting rooms, takes 3 hours unbuttoning her corset. Get some pussy that hasn’t been washed in 3 month. I like Murkami, Hemingway, RR Martian , What are your 3 favorites?
Things I hate for no reason/pet peeve
Talking on the phone. Like, i take it as a personal slight when people call me. Ill say, hey, im having lunch to get them off the phone. Yes, i know its 11 at night. They ask. what are you eating…. bruh.
Mark Twain
God created war so that americans would learn geography
Powerful introduction
( keep notes on tones to use, and actively listen to prospects to build massive rapport) Sound enthusiastic off the bat Always speak in the familiar Introduce yourself and company in first sentences. Restate name of your company. Power words like - most well respected, explosive, dramatically, fastest growing Use your justifier Ask to start qualifying
Managing Jealousy
Think of a way where that person has inspired your. Ask him for his opinions then go back to them later and tell them positive effects.
CAPRICORN TRAITS Element: Earth Date range: December 22 - January 19 Goal oriented and successful. Traditional . dedication to small details. Logical and appear emotionless.They hate being wrong. Strengths: Responsible, disciplined, self-control, good managers Weaknesses: Know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, expecting the worst Capricorn likes: Family, tradition, music, understated status, quality craftsmanship Capricorn dislikes: Almost everything at some point Capricorn is a sign that represents time and responsibility, and its representatives are traditional and often very serious by nature.
Dont try to impress people, let them impress you.
Dont try to impress people, let them impress you.
You need to appear consistent. You have a code and you never deviate.
Gratitude is a key player in the search for happiness and connection in life.
What are you most passionate about in your life
What are you most passionate about in your life
Mystery and intrigue
” No the reason I’m calling you today is because were offering a select group homeowners in your area…” (Conspiratorial tone, lower voice to just above a whisper)
Ask if they want advice
Dont give help unsolicited. “What can I do?” “Is there anyway I can help” “ do you want my opinion?” “I have a few thoughts on that if you don’t mind”. If they are angry at you you may share.
This is deep and meaningful territory and especially relevant for the girlfriend conversations. Whatever her answer is, suggest that you savour it together.
Always ask for higher
Even if you ask for a raise. Any concessions on your part will trigger a concession on their end as well. Break it down to the ridiculous (you’re not gonna let a $5 increase stop you are you?) Always ask for more than you need so you scale down. “Can we look again in 3 months? Ok, maybe 6”
Persuading on the fly
1) Clearly states what you plan to accomplish. Stay calm while staying your objective to them so they know where you’re going. Plan out all objectives you want to accomplish. This will diffuse much of anger. Criticize the person’s behavior, not the other person 2) Determine the other sides needs. Listen to them and hear them out. Gather all the info you have. 3) Determine power. What are each person’s options. If you dont know them learn about the research. Determine what the power dynamics of the situation. What is the worse that can happen if no persuasion is reached. 4) Find a concession you can make to the other side. It will be more palatable if you get them them something they want in order to proceed. Even if it’s not real trade off, it lets the other person save face. It could be something you want anyway but it let’s them imagine you’re doing something for them. They’ll feel good about giving in. “If you stop drinking, I’ll stop smoking? Sound fair?”
Party all night or start your day off right?
Align your need with other persons.-Tommy Shelby
Convince them based of doing whats good for them. View the world from their perspective not what you would want. Do your research before the meeting or ask them. Always offer how you can help.
I almost died drowned on my trip. Both time in Budapest. Which is landlocked so… On the same day. That was pretty embarrassing. Irish guy invites me to an authentic Budapest bath. One of the biggest group baths in Europe. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go. I didn’t know what he wanted. He was European. It was great. Huge building drifted about in circles for a bit. All the pools were in Hungarian and looked the same and they all felt the same. Except one was 30 feet deep. I know im a walking caramel stereotype.
Look like an expert in your field.
Tonality Never stay in any tonality too long or person becomes bored. Be enthusiastic, then whisper. Speed up and slow down. Seem soo enthusiastic about your product under then surface. Act as if your a wealthy smart person. You have to be in a state of absolute certainty in before any sale
Stoic in all times. No emotion under pressure .
Tommy Shelby
Gently disagree with objection
“That hasn’t been my experience.” Wait until they ask what is your experience. Never try to persuade an angry person.
Approach close
Please relax, I’m not here to sell you anything right now. That not the purpose of my visit. All i want to do in the time we have together is show you some of the reason why so many other people have bought this product and continue to buy it. All i ask is that you look at this with an open mind. determine whether or not it applies to your situation. Then tell me at the end of our conversation you if you think this makes sense. Is that fair. Then go into socratic selling by asking questions.
Innocent questions
Him: makes a demand. Usually something off the top of their head. You: Well why would you want to do that? It forces someone to clarify and restate their objection. Then you can answer the real objection
Price comes last
Price comes up after the decision to buy is made. If they try and ask the price early say “That a good question, I’m going to get to that in a moment” Price out of place kills the sale. The they become preoccupied with the price rather than benefits
The more ordinary, the weirder. Could eating your peas one at a time be a deal breaker?
Let them know we have nothing to gain
If you dont work on commission. Team bonus may be a way to go here.
I like to waste a lot of time sharing dank memes. Mom and grandma have fb now and I cringe every time they tell me in a me-me or tag me in 5 1/2 year old me-mes. Add me on fb Meme daddy
Rhetoric Defense
Talk about how that claim has been debunked. Grab on to concession from the other person or a small part of argument that can be used as a springboard for your point. Experience Ethos - Talk about your ethos and why your experience is relevant. Postulate what has to be proved - “I started this because the country was in such poor shape” You don’t need to prove the country is in poor shape, just saying it is enough.
Main body
1) First words describe product, program or service you’re offering. (Radar detectors with commercial and home use from “the wolf of wallstreet) 2) 1 or 2 paragraphs focused on what directly affects your customers needs. Use comparisons or metaphors. Try and link it to a respected person / institution. 3) After the pattern ask if you are following me so far? 4) Repeats steps 2-3 1 more time, than one more time after that 5) Transition to close by creating urgency. Try to use scarcity to justify urgency
Give feedback
Start with positives. Tell them how you admire them as a person and past projects. Reassure them that this one wrong thing doesn’t negate all they’ve done in the past. Try not to trigger their defensiveness or they’ll never agree with you. You may win buy you make an enemy for life as Ben Franklin noted. If they do get defensive say “I may not be explaining this right, let me start again” praise even the slightest way they took your criticism gracefully.
Diffusing anger
Diffuse anger by envisioning this person had just seem a loved one die. Deep breath. Zoom out and think of this on brand grand scale of the universe. Remember you are part of the same whole.
Picture them as a child
Think about all the things that must have happened between them between then and now
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Gemini, Aries Date range: November 22 - December 21 Kim O Travel, discover, meet new friends, question everything. Gradious plans but no follow through. Spiritually inclined and seek Enlightenment Strengths: Generous, idealistic, great sense of humor Weaknesses: Promises more than can deliver, very impatient, will say anything no matter how undiplomatic Sagittarius likes: Freedom, travel, philosophy, being outdoors Sagittarius dislikes: Clingy people, being constrained, off-the-wall theories, details
Date range: September 23 - October 22 Greatest Overall Compatibility: Aries, Sagittarius Element: Air Scales signs. Need balance in their lives but can seem wishy washy. Finds happiness when others is happy. Fair and just . Arent leaders but but will be heard. Indecisive. Most sociable Strengths: Cooperative,diplomatic, gracious, fair-minded, social Weaknesses: Indecisive, avoids confrontations, will carry a grudge, self-pity Libra likes: Harmony, gentleness, sharing with others, the outdoors Libra dislikes: Violence, injustice, loudmouths, conformity
Standup tips
If you use put down humor on people make it a known trait (george Bush equals stupid) If it someone on your life the audience has to be on your side first. (Think of 1 putdown for each debate opponent). Personal struggle is comedy gold (I get no respect) You can put down whatever you are not things you are now. Crowdwork - Ask audience a question, repeat answer, plan for yes or no.
4 buyer archetype
Buyers in heat- want, need, and can afford product. Ready to act in the offer. Buyers in power- arent feeling the same pain. They have power because they aren’t ready to pull trigger (30%-40%) amplify their pain. Lookilous/Tire kickers- disguise themselves as buyers in power. Waste time talking to them when they have no intention of buying. Should have been weeded out (30%-40%) Ask questions they already know answer to Let out alot of uuhhh and ahhs and yelps Kick tires or what it is your product When asked about finances they become boisterous or very vague Mistakes- people who were dragged there Sifting through prospects in sales funnel. Asking questions let you identify buyers in heat and buyer in power. Eliminate lookielous and mistakes.
The puppy dog close
Let people take the puppy home before deciding. Give people the free trial, let then test drive, get customer to participate in their future experience. Let them know what it’s like. Give them that Experience.
I love making Apps though. The best part is nobody really knows how long it takes to design an app, especially the older guys. You can basically be taking selfies instead of making anything. People always want me to make their billion $$ App Idea “hey man ive get this great app that will let kittens talk to each other” Whats your million dollar app idea?
“I never learned anything while I was talking” Stop interrupting AF. Listen for attack points. Highlight important parts of what is said. Give people labels to live up to- Be excited af about peoples achievement- 5 whys(Toyota founder)? Never let commonalities pass without drilling down deeper.
what song are you obsessed with now
Make the best of bad of situation. He pretended the assassination as author succeeded to conceal him until he needed him as a trump card. He pretended the man in season 1 was dead so he could use him as a spy. He then hid the guns in his grave where no one would look
Tommy Shelby Make the best of bad of situation.
Pause before an answer
pause before you answer
Seduction II
Compliment someone using detail. Give small gifts that show you were paying attention. “The value of a person can’t really be just being pretty, I love art and capturing beauty but a person is something bigger than that. I just traveled the world. The person you are in 20 years after beauty has faded is what important and what we should be building up” Have conflicting qualities. Seem rounded person. Have a triangle of selection (show female friends) Inflict pain - you also inflict pleasure. Be ok with offending. It’s better to piss her off then not be on her raider. Criticize but then compliment Insinuate insecurity - say you love something she doesnt have and quickly change the subject. Tease a girl as a game. Make out with them, turn them on, then just leave. Be unpredictable. Take a step back. Once you see the are chasing you again reward her. Venerability- show that your human. Too much drinking insecurity and goals.
Good handshake
Look in the eyes, (remember their eye color ) smile and linger for one second too long to show warmth. Shake from the elbow. Stand up.
Warmth Voice
Smile or think about smiling. people can tell if you’re smiling over the phone. Study preachers and the Dali Lama
Keep Notes
Keep file on everyone who is important you meet. Keep a file on your friends if you can. Also all the people at company with which you do business. “Last time we talked you told me your son was backpacking in Montana”
Types of maybes
Let me think about it Let me call you back Send me some info I’m not liquid right now I have another broker Its not a good time of year I need to speak to someone else (spouse, lawyers) The response is always the same
There’s only one way to find out if she’s telling the truth.
Were both after the same thing, arent we? Even if we cant agree on the method. “Arent we both out for the same thing?”
I sing. But im not good at it. (American idol in the shower)
Whats one quirky thing about you?
This will inevitably lead to talking about the book or movie, so a great question for more conversation.
Project the image who is far above recommending something for monetary reward
Want to dress intimidate you dont need the sale. but not to intimidate.
Russell Brand chode defense
If someone’s a dick to you, just rephrase what they said as a question “you look like a nerd dude” “I look like a nerd? Hm. Why so you say that” It makes then have to think and explain themselves
Change peoples minds - Win friends and influence
1) Begin with praise and honest appreciation 2) Call attention to people’s mistakes indirectly 3) Ask questions instead of giving direct orders 4) Let the other man save his face 5) Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Be “hearty in you approbation and lavish in your praise.” 6) Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to 7) Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest
Remind people how they inspired you
This way they take some ownership of your success. This makes them want you to have more of it. “ Thank you for the way you handled that call. I learned alot even if you didnt know you were teaching”
Validate all emotion
You can validate any emotion even if you dont agree. You dont need to agree you can still be curious until the get it all out. “That sounds super frustrating “
Power of association
Linking your product or service with something pleasurable helps you sell it. Golf, a fancy meal, a party, etc are all examples of this. People make decisions easier in these circumstances. Associate your product with the high points of the dinner or activity. Ask for the sale when its going well. Pay attention to high and low points in the activity. Commercials also do this by linking their car to freedom. They never show it in traffic. Radio ads associate it with the popular song
Straight line Stay on straight line
Your prospect will try to get you off the line. They will talk to you about irrelevant shit Gather intelligence. Your job is the keep them in line . within bounds its ok and often good to stay in line. If you stay on it you have within bounds you are building rapport, finding objections etc. Identify their values. Find out how liquid they are and how much they have invested before. Otherwise you get off track to Pluto or your anus. The front half of the sale is before you ask for the sale. The back half is closing. Goal oriented communication - every word that comes out of your mouth is moving toward the goal . increase prospect to highest level of certainty as you Bring them down the line.
Ask an opinion
Ask for an opinion from an enemy. It makes them rationalize what they did for you as them liking you.