Knowledge III Flashcards
Superior Man V
Woman will always distract you. This is their role.
Feminine energy isnt that great at masculine tasks, so dont expect it to be. Woman you cooperate the best with in life tend to be woman you dont really burn for sexually.
Would sex with multiple women or would relationships serve your purpose better
A woman doesn’t want a man who gives up his career/passions for her. She wants to know that the man will go on. If you go after a woman who doesnt want you and move your core toward her, shell move away from you. You have no core. You have no purpose.
Your track record in the past means nothing. Actions and words must be align right now.
When you make a mistake. Apologize. Move on. Dont collapse in your weakness. Focus on NOW. Dont talk about your problems unless you’re trying to help yourself. It doesn’t help her. She’s not your therapist.
She recives love through energy, not through ‘action steps’
Egypt | Debt 5000
Didn’t have interest nearing debts for most of it’s history.
Money arose as a means of account. Very rich and self contained and centralized.
Mutual aid between neighbors was very common. Debt slaves was not common at all.there wasn’t any evidence debt reached crisis proportions like Mesopotamia.The debtor could be taken to court and was beaten if he didnt pay. He had to promise to pay by a specific date.
720 - 715 BC Bakenranef - He felt it was absurd for solider to be hauled away to debt prison when he is about to fight for his country. There is more evidence for markets but not much. By the time of the ptolomys amnesties had been instituted.
Slavery in ancient Egypt was established in the New Kingdom (1550-1175 BCE). Discussions of slavery in Pharaonic Egypt are hindered by the complicated terminology used by the Egyptians to refer to different classes of people with limited freedom; these terms also changed in meaning over the course of dynastic history. Interpretation of the textual evidence of slaves in ancient Egypt is indistinct and has been difficult to differentiate between “servant” and “slave” by word usage alone.[1] There were three types of enslavement in Ancient Egypt: chattel slavery, bonded labor, and forced labor.
Ancient Egypt was a peasant-based economy and it was not until the Greco-Roman period that slavery became a greater impact. Slave dealing in Ancient Egypt was done through private dealers and not through a public market. The transaction had to be performed before a local council or officials with a document containing clauses that were used in other valuable sales.
Many slaves who worked for temple estates lived under punitive conditions, but on average the Ancient Egyptian slave led a life similar to a serf. They were capable of negotiating transactions and owning personal property. Chattel and debt slaves were given food but probably not given wages.Masters were forbidden to force child slaves to harsh physical labor.
There is a consensus among Egyptologists that the Great Pyramids were not built by slaves. Rather, it was peasants who built the pyramids during flooding, when they could not work in their lands
Several departments in the Ancient Egyptian government were able to draft workers from the general population to work for the state with a corvée labor system. The laborers were conscripted for projects such as military expeditions, mining, quarrying, the building of pyramids, and other construction projects for the state. Forced laborers were paid a wage, depending on their skill level and social status for their work. Conscripted workers were not owned by individuals, like other slaves, but rather required to perform labor as a duty to the state. Conscripted labor was a form of taxation by government officials and usually happened at the local level when high officials called upon small village leaders.
Superior Man II
What is my purpose?
How does my Purpose integrate to help purpose?
What is spiritual purpose? Meditation or feeling at a fundamental level apart from change. Feeling your deepest self. Just being.
Choosing ways of making money that are not aligned with your purpose is a mismatch
Who would you be if you if you wanted to die complete? What would need to happen?
Divorce your purpose from the changes of your mind. Your female will see you flipping and flopping and not expressing your fundamental purpose. The depth should always stay the same.
Give up trying to resolve the feminine into a masculine form. The feminine, you mind, your partner, is change itself. You have to just accept that. Don’t let it affect your masculine form. Embrace her dance in love.
Keep your eye on the prize at your deepest core.
Men Big Data
Men- 16/ top 100 top searches are for incest. Mother is high. Teen
Most men - Search Babysitters.
Teacher/ Cheerleader is always top 4
Men Google their dicks more then any other body part and they ask. Men Google it 107× more than women.
Most common search about liking gfs boobs
Men make just as much searches about sucking themselves then as giving their partner oral sex.
“People who are wasteful and out of job because they’re really lazy dont deserve money. this was the situation during the great depression with plenty of fields and mines and restaurants but because of some physiological hangup that money is real and people must suffer to get it. The purpose of the machine is to relive you of that suffering. We need to change the physiological attitude to money and to wealth. we have to get the message across to the general public that money isn’t real. “
the first truly divine theory of money-creation | Debt 5000
Speculation on everything money increased and citizens were encouraged to get involved in speculation themselves with 401ks and homes mortgages. Credit increased to make up for the missing wages. Regan breaking up strikes and attacking labor showed All deals were off .the bank regulates money in circulation to promote artificial scarcity. 1980’s Usury laws (that limited 7-10%) were overturned by act of Congress and lobbying became legal.
Such effusions inspired evangelists like Pat Robertson to declare supply-side economics “the first truly divine theory of money-creation.
The chief cause of bankruptcy is catastrophic illness. If one doesn’t have a car one cannot work, going to college saddles most with debt with half their life. Debt peonage becomes something allegedly what everyone has. Capitalism is a system of power and exclusion. When things crash there are oil shocks.
Capitalism has crisis inherent in it. Labor is source of profit > machines are produced and take place of labor > system creates corrections so cost of goods decreases so workers can still buy things > the rich will switch to using financial markets for risk averse investor’s.
Marx thought capitalism would collapse in the 1800’ s but they underestimated the power of capitalism to mutate.
Marx thought that labor would make people. Professor William losonic showed factory life created factory culture. Marx thought that the workers would rebel because they didn’t have resources. He was wrong and instead this culture created self education meetings, co-op store’s, self education, book shops etc. He was wrong to think automation would destroy skill and working class could not produce enduring culture. (Most data came from England 1848). He was right about capitalism but was wrong about what the workers would do.
Gregories Keely -Canadian barrelling–They had tons of unions, Masonic handshakes, own their own tools, controlled output to keep wages up, had oaths , rituals and would all take blue min(hungover days) off.
Jesus and Female and Male
Salvation represents overcoming divisions. Female should not be separated from male. We should be fully integrated
(22) Jesus saw some little ones nursing. He said to his disciples, “These little ones who are nursing resemble is those who enter the kingdom.” They said to him, “So shall we enter the kingdom by being little ones?” Jesus said to them, “When you (plur.) make the two one and make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside and the above like the below, and that you might make the male and the female be one and the same, so that the male might not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye and a hand in place of a hand and a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image - then you will enter [the kingdom].”
Old Generations
Globally old people are living longer. They don’t work and need healthcare. Smaller workforce. Lower growth. Global situation is bleak.
Government debt will shoot up. S&P unless governments slashed pension liabilities by 2050, their debts will sink the world. China, US Japan and most other developed nation’s are in the same boat.Median net debt of developed counties will still be 220% of GDP by 250. America’s will increase 3xs. Japan will be 500% as opposed to 250 now . By 2050 60% of all countries will have junk bonds and will be unlendable.
Ireland and Slave girls | Debt 5000
The human economy was calculated in slave girls and money wasn’t really used except for compensation. In Ireland slave girls were used as currency (slave girls -kumals or ancillae). This was usually used for paying fines and for gifts. Those who had the highest degree of honer were like gods. Everyone had an honer price. If they were offended you would have to pay their honer priced. They often wouldn’t trade actual slave girls but would have to pay 21 cows or 21 ounces of silver. Kings honer were worth at least 7 slave girls. Any man who allows himself to satirized, a king who works field, a king who murders his relatives etc lawyers could demote him and he could have a smaller honer price. A women had 1/2 value of a close male relatives unless she was and independent land owner and if she was a whore she had no honor. Slave girls stop changing hands before 600AD due to influence of the church. Though in wales, a very similar code if someone Injured a bishop his closest women will become the lowest level slave(washer women). This was the greatest dishonor, seeing your mother or sister become a washer women.
People want to work less
1800- 60-70 hours a work. No free time
1791- carpenter in Philadelphia went in strike for 10 hours a day
1916 -Addamson act. 8 hours for railroad workers
1937- Fair labor standards act made 8
2011- 11% reduction of total hours reduced. 34 hours of paid labor a week.
Median wage rises. People are making more money so work less. When we make enough we don’t work as much and so more to make ourselves happy.
Use stocks and bonds to disperse earnings.
Social security is a black box. We have no idea what the government is investing on our behalf. The government should give us “stocks and bonds” to portfolio of people who volunteer for elderly or mentor troubled teens. The shares vest overtime. We could invest in our own neighborhoods.
The problem after a war is with the victor. He thinks he has just proved that war and violence pays. Who will now teach him a lesson?
When trying to pull out of Vietnam - south Vietnam nationalist wanted fighting to continue because they wouldn’t be able to beat the communists in government.
There should not be one law for America and one for the rest of the world.
The civil rights movement shows non violence is the way to go.”violence is absurd against the US. “They are experts at violence.
One must not be forced into civil disobedience. Resistence is a moral responsibility.
No army ever lossess a war. The all knowing general are stabbed in the back by civilians
but where for Smith, the division of labor is actually an outgrowth of our “ natural propensity to truck and barter” in pursuit of individual advantage, for Tusi, it was an extension of mutual aid | Debt 5000
but where for Smith, the division of labor is actually an outgrowth of our “ natural propensity to truck and barter” in pursuit of individual advantage, for Tusi, it was an extension of mutual aid : Let us suppose that each individual were required to busy himself with providing his own sustenance, clothing, dwelling place and weapons, .first acquiring the tools of carpentry and the smith’s trade, then readying thereby tools and implements for sowing and reaping, grinding and kneading, spinning and weaving . . . Clearly, he would not be capable of doing justice to any one of them. But when men render aid to each other, each one performing one of these important tasks that are beyond the measure of his own capacity, and observing the law of justice in transactions by giving greatly and receiving in exchange of the labor of others, then the means of livelihood are realized, and the succession of the individual and the survival of the species are assured.
Once you start fro m the initial premise that markets are primarily about cooperation rather than competition-and while Muslim economic thinkers did recognize and accept the need for market competition, they never saw c competition as its essence87-the moral implications are very different. Nasruddin’s story about the quail eggs might have been a joke, but Muslim ethicists did often enjoin merchants to drive a hard bargain with the rich so they could charge less, or pay more, when dealing with the less fortunate.88
We took our system piecemeal from a very different system. This was a genuine free market not back by governments, police and prisons. It wasn’t people trying to gain advantage at any cost.
Nuer people| Debt 5000
South Sudanese tribe that shares everything with members in their camp. The children are strictly taught to share with others. With other tribes, will give other tribes wrong directions. They are forbidden to eat with enemies, but share most things with friends (except cattle)
The entire Nuer society is basically watching after each other, for example, as Evans-Pritchard noted that,“When one household has a surplus, it is shared with neighbors. Amassing wealth is not an aim. Although a man who owns a large herd of cattle may be envied, his possession of numerous animals does not garner him any special privilege or treatment.”
Slavery only works based on violence because it is needed to rip people from their context.
Slavery only works based on violence because it is needed to rip people from their context.
Slavery across in china, Sumer, Rome, Judea (Niamaiah), Ireland (where slave girls were used as currency). A mans wife, children and sheep were considered in the same category as markets for slaves developed. It appears at the same time as money and markets. It arose in agricultural lands and spread around from these places. This can be seen as a start of patriarchal domination as well (5:38)
In human economies no person is equivalent to another. Money can never substitute for a person. A person could never substitute for a person. Slavery could only be possible by ripping a person from their context . It takes literal bondage to isolate so much from their Network (like say Atlantic slave trade)
Paul and the Bible
Was just writing letters to new church
Didnt know they would stand side by side with holy text
Biblioa - Greek for books (library of books) multiple perspectives
Apostles- lots more than 12. It just means representatives of jesus. Also people who Jesus appeared to people after his death. Mary Magdalene was an apostle. Catholic church suppressed this. Paul said Jesus revealed to him last because he was the least of his apostles implying the first people who Jesus appeared created a pecking order. They assumed marry was prostitute but there was no evidence of this.
Valentine - angelic male self and human female self. Jesus wanted to unite both sides.
No sources in Aramaic - just in Greek. Translations can be hainous
Isaiah- by his strifes we are healed. Could be about Jesus but maybe it’s about moses
New testament - means new covenant. Essentially the new deal that Jesus made with humanity.
Different Greek copies in from Byzantine came from about 200 300 ad and protestants after Martian Luther worked from 1500 sources and are still being corrected and changed today. Byzantium had just fallen to the Muslims so these scholars came to Europe in droves.
Copies of copies produced mistakes. Older sources are a constant quest to translate accurately.
marcion bible - shortened bible with just new testament.
Martain Luther - James , Jude and revelations where moved to the end because he doubted their cannon. He put apocryphal in their own section. The Catholic church disagreed but the luthers printing press bible was really influential.
John more spiritual. Synoptic gospels. Q is sayings of jesus
Paul wrote 7 letters to churches he founded. Thessalonians, Philippians, Corinthians, Romans, Galatians (paul is pissed because other Christian missionaries have told people they need to be circumcised when it was decided by the Jewish scriptures they didn’t)
ColossIans is debated
Ephisians, Timothy Titus where all from different writers then Paul.
Hebrews is debated
Socialism isn’t some system out of left field. Many of the greatest civilizations of earth have been socialist, the modern corporation only started in 1600 (East India Company) and quickly proceeding to commit genocide, invade sovereign territories and exploit workers during the industrial revolution.
In much of human history there was no such thing as ‘abject poverty” due to poor resource allegations. Many societies had a communist system where the government provided for the people which was paid for by taxes on farmer or laborers in the form of grain(in exchange for defense, roads, irrigation etc). Many, many, Anthropologist conclude time and time again that there was no such thing as barter and people would loan others in their communities anything they need to survive in exchange for mutual help. Barter is a myth created by Adam smith to sell his invisible hand idea. “The propensity to truck and barter on thing for another”, which historically untrue.
Egypt had government distributed grain in exchange for labor. Since the Nile flooded regularly there was a surplus. Free citizens had enough time out of the year during times of harvest, they were able to build the the great monuments of the world (not built by slaves, as Im sure you already know). In Mesopotamia people had little class distinction and grain was distributed by the priest, in Rome “Free bread and circuses” was part of the deal of being a roman citizen and they had grain distribution in the streets even up until the time of the goths (5th century AD).
The Inca fed one of the worlds biggest empires in exchange for labor a month out of the year. Similar collective agriculture existed in the Aztecs, where at the village level farming and resources was shared. Many native american tribes had no concept of private property and/or food before Europeans invaded. Is ‘wealth’ for a few better than the majority eating and the invention of starvation around the world? Before capitalist systems were forcibly installed starvation due to inefficient resource distribution was much less of a problem then it is around the world today.
We can use some of those socialist elements to improve our society. The same elements that have been used around world for 300,000’s of years. I think that’s humanities natural state. Instead of subsidizing the war machine, only made possible by by Boeing and lockhead-martian looking to make a profit by blowing people up, we could use that money to feed poor kids. We could use it to fund more science in universities and therefore fund innovation. We’ll need as much of them as possible if were going to save ourselves from global warming. We could pay those professors more and lower insane prices of student loans (which is another unsustainable capitalist model). We could use empty homes (viable space) to house people without homes. We could use surplus we waste every year to feed them, thus giving us more productive, happier citizens. Its not as if we don’t have enough. We have TOO MUCH surplus. We throw away billion of dollars of food every year in the US alone and its illegal to give it to the homeless.
People should be able to work less and enjoy the spoils of their labor. Machines and AI replacing are going to take care of that sooner than later, and unemployment will inevitably go up as more jobs are replaced. Were going to have to change the way we think about labor in relation to worthiness to eat.
Lots of things need to be changed in our generation if were going to continue the human experiment. If we don’t fix them soon there may not be a society left.
TED TALK: Why socialism is humanism.
Stratification of work Force
Bethlehem steel. Fredrick Winslow trailer- scientific management - pick up a pig (iron weighing 92 lbs) and walk. He studied who would do more and making them managers. Gave them raises based on how well they did this.
At another factory he laid of 70% of work force. Laid off smartest people who don’t work quick enough. He succeeded and moving brain work as far away from physical work as possible to prevent union trouble’s. He thought low skill worker resembled an ox more than a human.
Henry Ford - Ford did this next. Had a white collar elite. Production line hired low skilled worker who were mostly immigrants, young and didn’t belong to unions. Ruthless anti unions hiring.
At first they thought this would cause passivity and separation but really it caused people to learn more. They taught themselves philosophy and economics from 1910-1913 (The great unrest) Socialist parties grew.
High levels of repression happened to fight back. By WWI the worker movement was forgotten.
“That must’ve been hard”
“I’ll bet you were happy”
“I’m sure you were excited”
“Tell me more about yourself.”
“How did that make you feel?”
Newton II
The elites use the Roman system of divide and conquer to keep us apart. After the civil war the elite class pushed racism to separate white and blacks.
Violence should be used as a lost resort. The Panthers were against war. They wanted to pick up a gun to abolish war. Newton said it’s absurd to tell the Vietnamese to put down his guns against American.
The police use violence. The states uses violence by letting children starve.
We must gain security in ourselves and therefore have respect and feelings for all oppressed people. We must not use the racist attitude that the white racists use against our people because they are Black and poor. Many times the poorest white person is the most racist because he is afraid that he might lose something, or discover something that he does not have. So you’re some kind of a threat to him. This kind of psychology is in operation when we view oppressed people and we are angry with them because of their particular kind of behavior, or their particular kind of deviation from the established norm.
One problem was they didnt really vent early members.
Slavery religion and debt in the Axial Age | Debt 5000
Markets emerged in the near east at least as a side-effect of government administrative systems. After a while it got entangled in Axial age warfare systems. that logic eventually came to conquer government itself. Philosophers start to see this and develop ideas to combat cold logic of living solely for profit. They align themselves with social movements and deeper spirituality. Everywhere these movements were first and foremost peace moments and morality. At first rulers ignored these movements, but then as their empires were in market crisis(since the military, slave, coinage wouldn’t work since they could no longer expand) they adopted these ideas as official ideas for their empire (Constantine, Ashoka, Wudi (Confucianism). Human sphere started to be separated ( Market Greed v Religious Generosity). Axial age religions ephisized giving and charity. Pure greed and pure charity wont work without the other. Cash money appeared and the religious came up to combat them.
Radicals say religion is only escapism. Peasants used to be able to get up and leave. They would defect for larger communities and outlaw slavery in their territories (Esines and Buddhism). Slavery faded as an institution(in later Europe it was seen as barbaric) , wars became less brutal (Chivalry, honor, etc).
There is a line from- free market- monopoly and from colonization to global war.
In ‘What is to be done’ Working class is unable to understand its position in the marxist system. Socialist consciousness is to be bought from them from without. The labor union would have to be diverted from its moderate pathway and toward the seizure of power.” He argue it need an elitist party to lead them as a opposed to Marx who said it was the workers themselves. Lenin argued stratification had caused privilege of one class (Labor aristocracy)
Lennin thought Skilled labor division is a permanent condition that came from colonialism around the world.
Marx thought working class, skill would disappear through automation
Debating within religion
Clements and Orgin or Alexandria :Disagreements in religion are good. Because doctors and lawyers disagree do you stop going to doctors or lawyers? (Also burning house, more than one way to the finish line)
Revelation was from 100 ad (non cannon) most Jewish apocalypse books are very common.
It used to be that there were different types of Christianity, just like Buddhism or Hinduism. Justin marter started calling everyone else heretics. He said they were inspired by demons. He was eventually killed by Romans. He decided he was teaching truth and everyone else was teaching hereseys. Ironious picked it up afterwards . the Catholics were able to get everyone to believe the same thing. after the Catholic reformation sects were once again allowed.
Information tech
It started out that internet was a tool mapped onto capitalism. It was thought businesses would be able to control the spread of knowledge still before around 2004 But now we know that was wrong. Wikipedia and cryptocurrency prove this.Microsoft and Apple tried to control it for years but currently open source is getting bigger.
The first thing is the democratization of information. Less political propaganda and centralized opinions. It is increasingly evident that capitalism conflicts fundamentally with data value.
Reversing globalization at this point would mean getting out of fiat money, reversing credit. Counties won’t do that. Trade wars may even spill over into other more violent areas.
OECD report - French think tank - World grow will slow to 2.7% over next 50 years. Semi skilled jobs will become automated and eliminate middle class. Inequity will rise by 50%. Climate change will eliminate 2.5 off world GDP. Tech won’t increase work force productivity on it’s own. Income taxes will be useless on poor people who have nothing to pay.
Migrants - by 2060 us and Europe must absorb 50 million migrants each. without work force and tax base of the west will go broke by 2060 without them.
The highest educated generation must think of a solution.
Unforgiven - redemption
Anti heroes use the same tools as the devils to fight the laws of the world. The only reason he is better is because the people he kills are worse than him.
Belief is dead at the beginning of story.
To introduce Anti hero -
Introduce a false good hero..(talks like virtue but walks like vice)
Introduce Other minor anti heroes in Opposition
Accepts tragic rules of the story world until he doesn’t.
Death / Impermanence
Time is just based off of the previous moment. The illusion that You are one thing and not a process. Everything you eat is constantly in flux. You will not die and you were never born. When you die you become part of the universe and continue as part of something else.
Is there any connection between the molecules in your hand? Is there a really connection between galaxies. Its an exercise in perception. You can see yourself existing now or you exist as everything forever.
Masculine chivalry II
urn emotions and overtalking off.
We want to feel like the best somewhere. King of our castle.
Men are judged by who they are, what they do and how much they make. As a man, being able to provide is an important thing.keeping you and yours provided for helps you feel manly.
Protection and providing is a necessary part of being a man. Like my father, as head of his clan. Providing for the clan is an invention of society since agriculture. It may not be part of our primate brain but its a necessary part of today’s society.
Never out your value drop in her eyes. Always guard your position as a man. Don’t let decisions be dictated by emotions (ie. You can miss her but separate that from actions of begging for her back and not allow her to lose respect)
Wild men are in touch with nature. Sexuality flows from life and not just from women.They must understand ashes
From a woman : we need a women loyalty, gratitude, an sex.
We build gangs and country clubs around loyalty and support.
As a child some people are used as conductors for their parents. Women could become conductors for every boyfriend she has.
Don’t be controlled by emotions like men without fathers are. Real men don’t respond emotionally to situations. Stay calm and think it through.
Bushman | Debt 5000
There is a famous story about anthropologist giving a bushman a nice knife. Within a year everyone in the band used it and had been in possession of it. If a friend praises a possession it is most often given to the complimenter.
What kind of data would you need to change your mind?
HELP ME, understand why you believe this?
WHY NOT try this?
What if we found these assumptions wrong?
What would you do if you are in my shoe?
What makes that Optimal?.
depression | Big Data
40% fewer depression searches in hot climates than cold climates.
Form self betterment organization
Join ADS
Form self betterment organization
Write a book or several espousing Ideas. Lenin used different pen names to make it seem like multiple people were writing. Che’s was 300 pages (for more elite)
Make Internet videos espousing Ideas and videos representing the ideas (fyre festival, music video vibe. published from different parts of the world?) (for younger viewers)
Make a newsletter/ meme page and pay someone to write articles. Hire interns.
Take speaking engagements, as many as possible.
Do a nationwide tour founding sects in different US cities. (Marcus Garvey, Castro) College campuses.
Climb organization ladder, split off
Hacker network (Recruit at defcon), Street people (Che's farmers urban equivilant)? (Political division, hacker division, Information division) Vertical farms. One farm the size of a new york city block 30 stories high, could 100 people to have 2000 calories a day. Temporary carbon negative devices. Plankton sympathize (100 million tons of CO2, Iron fertilization ). Grow algae on buildings. Man made clouds to reflect sunlight. Government funding for batteries and solar panels. Wind turbines in the sky to capture more wind because their high up. Professor uri bromo created a way to trigger artificial photosynthesis (Coverts Co2 into 2 kinds of solar fuel) Everyone plant a tree. Test tube meat. (Demand for mean is rising globally. ) Ranchers are up in arms but fuck them, we need to live. Pay people to pick up trash and build roads like new deal (no more free prison labor) Create fake far right propaganda? Selfton delmar - English/German agent against the Nazis. He used 80% real news and 20% fake news to confuse Germans. Had a fake German character who pretended to be a Nazi but was actually produced by Britain. Would use sexual stories to catch attention then proceed to demoralize the enemy. He used fanfics about Germans with English girl to demoralize the enemies. (the counterfeit spy)
Replaced stagnant incimes with credit
1999 repeal of gloss Steagall made it easy for invest banks to make money out of nothing all over the world. Mergers and acquisitions went crazy. The message was that the feds will always save us. In the 1980’s banks got
People bet on if you will pay on your contract and get paid somewhere up the chair (phone contacts, housing. Loans , etc) credit cards, loaned student loans, etc are part of everyday life. Financial instruments make Money without actually selling anything or providing any goods or services. From the 1980s onward the the name of the game was short term profit at any cost. Ti maintain this they ship jobs overseas and make money from loan interest.
This is a booming industry and as big as the service sector in the US. The fiction is that people can get the consumer lifestyle and American dream without wages rising.
Subprime lending 160 billion - 600 billion
Adjustable lending- became 48% ( start cheap and become expensive as times moves on)
Communism | Debt 5000
Many firms, families and engineers operate in communist ways. Though businesses are ran top down we are starting to understand specifically through tech companies hierarchy is bad for business. Bosses are out of touch and lower employees drag their feet. To each according to their needs and to each according to their abilities. Families, friends it would be sometimes absurd to ask for things back.
When bad things happen society people revert back to communist dealings. After September 11 and other disasters strangers work together. If the cost is reasonable enough, if the people don’t hate each other, and in a disaster we see a lot of communist dealing. In smaller communities where there is less social division sharing is a lot more common. Many communities even charge the poor less in their shops. (Thats why most people in the hood are from different ethnic groups)
We may buy a friend a beer, but don’t expect the same food back. Same with food. Why would one throw a party and foot the bill and expect no party back. There is no one for one exchange here. This works mostly with people of similar status.
Competitive gift exchange was huge in the modern world. Celtic story from a greek source talked about two raiders Agel and Inder who exchanged gifts competitively. They would sit together and compose poetry until one day on gave the other a magnificent old shield. When the other saw this he thought he may have to kill him in order to perserve his honer.
Baseline communism seems to be our natural state. Its the ground of all social life. Transformation
People would borrow freely but eventually people would would give back freely. But once money began to develop people knew the value of objects and how much it would cost to buy or rent that object. They would see each other as a way to make this profit.
What is different between interest and returning a gift that is worth slightly more? One was repugnant and one was expected
Great founding myth of economics. | Debt 5000
it is a legend passed down from one professor to another. Aristotle said in his treaty on politics. He said families must have produced everything they needed and eventually specialized but wasn’t clear as to how. Adam smith said property, money, markets predated governments and were the foundation of society and therefore governments only exist to protect private property.
“What is the basic of economic life? A certain propensity in human nature. The propensity to truck, barter and exchange~ animals don’t do this ~ humans will try to seek “. Incendentlly truck and barter was a synonym for bamboozling ripping someone off 100 years before smith was born (Same with equivalents in french, Spanish, German and Portuguese)
He argues division of labor and money in inevitable though cant really understand native American systems.
In barter view, life is neatly decided from marketplace Where you do whatever you need to get your hands on others goods and family/home/festival life.
Secret handshake
Slap hands
Merge Sets
Secret handshake
Slap hands
Merge Sets
Wage labor | Debt 5000
Renting of our freedom as slavery is to sale. you can alienate your liberty temporarily, and the violence has been pushed out of sight.
We own ourselves. How can we own ourselves like houses, cars, or furniture? This is based on Roman notions of ownership. But how could we own ourselves? We are owners and slaves simultaneously. The usual solution is that our mind owns our body…but that just kicks the can down the road because then how do we own our minds? Modern cognitive scientist renders this non-sensical
Q4) Comes out of crisis with with corrected
Philosophy and comes out with a corrected goal. Philosophy finally changes. They need to become proactive( except in very rare cases).
Its great to have an unexpected timeline moved up or knock the hero off balance for final excitment.
Political Shaka II
This system creates more criminals. It does not make less
Drug enforcement is population control for blacks and Latinos
All financial incentives for law enforcement to arrest our people must be removed
Federal grant money for drug enforcement must end.
Give as much money for more public defense as to prosecutors. Meaningful re-entry important.
Drug health should be accessible to everyone
Drug property forfeiture laws must be revoked.
Concentration of enforcement in poor communities must cease. Change culture of law enforcement and stop treating communities like occupied zones. They must treat them as people and humanly.
Do you think were spending too much or too little on assistance to the poor(instead of welfare)
Communist/ black panther/Leninist - ex military personal is great because they know leadership and combat.
Central committee Leadership roles Finance Prime minister Culture education Defense Chief if staff Foreign affairs Communication Need music? Activities? Give business tax credits for providing food, health
Muhammad insist in mystery.
Muhammad insist in mystery. The sublime is absolute and unintelligible to our understanding. Like string theory. Despite out tentative grasp we won’t get it.
Every character - The lie your character believes. The wound they have, why they believe it. Blaming themselves for the wound (like kal or Ang) is even more compelling.
Antagonist should Belive a lie too (Joker - people are fake and chaotic) this create differences in ideologies. The antagonist should compete with the character on similar themes
The lie your character believes
People don’t start out liberal and become conservative. | Big Data
People don’t start out liberal and become conservative.
Popular democrat/unpopular Republican will imprint on 18 years old. (14-24yo)
1941 Greatest - Dwight D Eisenhower Rep
1946-1954 Boomers- Kennedy, Johson, Nixon
1965-1982 Gen xers -
1983-2000 Milennials- Bush, Obama, Trump
Migrant Crisis
Half of all projected growth from now to 2050 will take place in africa. Nigeria, Uganda, Tanzania, Congo, Ethiopia, Niger, And India/US.
Either poor countries must become richer poor people will come to Rich countries.
Global Elite are in denial.
“Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically. The cataclysm has happened, we are among the ruins, we start to build up new little habitats, to have new little hopes. It is rather hard work: there is now no smooth road into the future: but we go round, or scramble over the obstacles. We’ve got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen.”
― D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Boomers are used to Market Solutions or Violent solutions for every problem. Climate change, healthcare, elderly crisis cant be solved by these.
We need radical reform, in a bigger way then just occupy wallstreet.
Crowdfunding, Essays, Book, Film that points people to collective.
Dialogue II
In prose, you could just tell audience. In scripts you can’t.
Put exposition into conversation. Seduction, fighting, teasing, w.e
3 Actions - mental, physical and verbal action.
Mental - longer in books. Chanes thoughts.
Physical - important for screen. Shows mental state.
The unsaid pushes these actions. In the subtext of a conversation
Dialogue- what characters do to each other. What do the want out of this situation. The unsaid are what the characters don’t say.
Unsay-able deepest desires. Maximum pressure shows this. What is your characters deep wound?
Only psychopaths have text and subtext always in sync.
Labor used to try to push down long days and hours per week. We gave up on that after WW2. When people think of work reduction they think well have to give up trappings. That may be alittle true but the we could save money on communicating, baby sitting so forth. Many would probably choose to work less given the choice.
John Maynard Keynes thought we would be working 15 hours a week by now.
There is lack of damand for labor now. We buy less shit because we don’t have enough money.
Liberals falely claim education will save us all but we need to concentrate more on class warfare politics.
“Capitalism will transition into devolve into barbarism” - Luxembourg
We need to figure out what our meaning is of it isn’t work (Kurt vonnoget short story about factory workers). We need to untie ourselves from work as our actual meaning in life. Men will feel useless (maybe unlike female counterparts). Men want to feel useful even if your job isn’t actually useful
Marx said - labour wouldn’t become means of life but lifes prime want (this could just be activity we find fulfilling)
John Maynard Keynes - (economics) for our grandchildren. He talks about after work is abolished well have to face mans real problem. What to do with all of freedom?
German study -Unemployment isn’t inherently unhealthy or unpleasant. Retired people are more happy than unemployed people.
Some things don’t need to be automated. Some people like being nurses or even a barista could have a few people there to socialize.
Labor reduction
The rich and the poor have the freedom to sleep under the bridge at night. By such arguments the poor and week were seduced.(essentially freedom is a way to compel the poor to were chains. We could all get rich, right)
Anatoly Franz
Orisha Prayer
I give thanks for all of my ancestors who were (African). I asked for peace for all my ancestors who were slaves. I ask light and blessing for all my elevated ancestors whose names I do not know.
Apprentice yourselves to your ancestors and have them teach you about the skills hidden in their Gene’s you inherited. Get to know the spirits of your lineage.
Start simple, move slowly but steadily, be yourself, find the soul of your people.
Strongest force we wield is choice and change. Our control is power. We choose and re choose what leads us on our paths
Rebirth we choose our path, orisha that will guide us. We stop at the tree of forgetfulness before heading to earth. Our life is remembering our rebirth choices
Money is not from barter. Most old societies used trust.
Money is and always has been an IOU from the state. Its value is not backed by anything but government trust. It is just run by belief.
Aristotle Eudimania
Eudimania / Greek philosophy that says you should love your purpose( Dharma). Know your purpose and follow it.
Searched for highest good. Said that pleasure was only good for cattle, honor is confered on you by honers, wealth is only a means to something else, excellence can be squandered easily.
We have to look for what a human being is before we find our purpose. Everything leads to trying to be happy. Happiness is never a means to an end. Its the end in itself.
One point perspective
Hired Mexican daylaborors for grips
Sidelining dolly shots. He often uses them to show dancers in a dance hall until he encounters his hero.
Godfather- Tragedy / failing to change.
Clean non moving cinematography. Drew heavily on avant garde European styles. Darkend darks and shot scenes like a painting.
Mafia don compared to ancient Roman god Jupiter . Zeus a dark god with unlimited power who murders and rapes to get what he wants. The godfather is the strong patriarch the world needs in the story. The movie starts by saying democracy has failed.
Tragedy begins and ends in a note of sublime power. Its cyclical and ultimately it’s a tragedy because the world changes Michael and not the other way around.
Michael is at conflict with his father. Michael was a marine and fights for democracy. His biggest fear is about becoming his father. He declares independence from the world but ultimately he can’t escape it.
Sonny(older brother) v Hegal(advisor) have two Different solutions after father is shot. They voice 2 parts if the fear ( too gangster v too busyness) this shows two fears and motivates hero to act.
4/5 would have to be released from prisons to get it back down to 1970s level.
700,000 prison guards will lose jobs. They have powerful lobbies.
Private prisons fund politicians.
Private prisons are making a killing.
Mass incarceration creates more crime then it stops. Unemployables and ripping apart families.
Angela Davis- The prison system creates criminals. Criminals spread crime skills. When she was in prison she was tough how to steal by other inmates.most People commit crimes but only a few are put into the justice system. Programmed to be afraid of young black men.
Being in solitary - the only way to stay sane is to read and write.
Fruit of Islam
Fruit of Islam had a militia called nation of Islam but told them not to fight first. He used them to police the community and pressure the police to do the right thing. Always wore nice clean suits.started a debate team and read every book in the prison like library. Preached around the world to recruit
Biggest scandal of capitalism is there is nowhere that it didn’t start as slavery or forced labor. | Debt 5000
There is a through-line of capitalism always employing forced labor. There is a through-line of black slaves and tribe like Watato Native americas were forced to accept loans a gun point until they became legals slaves, and indentured servitude(debtors). Contract laborers mostly came from people who were debt pions.
Masculine chivalry V
Monogamy, specifically marriage doesn’t work.
Co-parenting may work? You get to keep your Priscilla and eat her get family without the promise of exclusivity.
Polygamy, seems hard.I don’t want other men in the picture but if I don’t allow them she’ll find a way. Possibly off premises guys.
The promise of potential family is strong. Why? She wants to feel like the relationship is going somewhere because of the all important clock.
Dress masculine but always with a bit of the feminine to catch the woman’s eye
1919-1920 world wide decline
1919-1920 world wide decline
Bolshevik revolution. Seizures of factories in Italy, strike action bordering on insurgency in France and Scotland, strikes from Seattle to Shanghai.
Hungary - The workers couldn’t manage their factories. Varga(later worked for Stalin) , the works would sit around and try to democratize work and endure themselves to employees but that means nothing would ever get donel .
After the bulshivic took over using military conditioning in the factories and abolished worker control. Peasants refused to supply grain. They started central planning using central government
Workers control v central management turned out to be a big problem.
Capitalism had post war problems too. It was a near terminal crisis. The U.S. and Britain set interest rates to high, Austria /Hungary had huge debes. Germany had rapid inflation.But the goverment did stabilize them by 1920s. It eventually crashed and they had to fix it again.
Do the right thing - Alienation effect
This was a response. Driving miss daisy that glossed over racial history.
Never tells audience what to think. Gets them two opposing views that are both potentially right. Ends on a sour note that makes people think.
Starts with “wake up, wake up”,
Many Different characters opposed to the world like strangers in a strange land. There is no one hero. We all need to work together.
2 motives for fighting the same injustice in one character.
Circular subplots- this will all happen again unless
Bobby seale
There’s nothing wrong with being a cop. There’s nothing wrong with being a white person. It’s about where your heart is…We’ve got to get everyone beyond the xenophobic isolationism.
You don’t fight racism with racism, the best way to fight racism is with solidarity.
We don’t suffer on the hang up of skin color
There should be 2 levels of movement. Revolutionary and reformist. Revolutionary is just the raft. Reformist is the whole ship.
First you have to teach people they aren’t helpless. the slave must know the master isn’t god or indestructible
He ran for mayor of Oakland. Eventually they laid down their guns (we should use cell phones)
Eldridge Clever broke off against Newton after he was free. This was exploited by the media. Eldridge wanted to overthrow the US government. Huey wanted to concentrate on survival programs. They fought each other and it was exaggerated by FBI.
Russo on Freedom
“All ran to meet their chains, thinking they secured their freedom. Thus society as laws…Destroyed natural freedom for all time, established forever the law of poverty and inequality. Change A clever usurpation to an inalienable right. For the profits of a few ambitious men relegated the the entire human race to work, servitude and misery. Government tend toward arbitrary power as their corruption and extreme limit. This power is by its nature is illegitimate. New revolutions must dissolve the government all together or bring it to its legitimate institution.”
Russo want to see the original man. The essential property of man is freedom. Slaves being born slaves is not a natural state. Men should be born free(in a Satrian sense) .
Socialist ideas
Form self betterment organization
Write a book or several espousing Ideas. Lenin used diffrent pen names to make it seem like multiple people were writing. Che’s was 300 pages (for more elite)
Make Internet videos espousing Ideas and videos representing the ideas (fyre festival, music video vibe. published from diffrent parts of the world?) (for younger viewers)
Make a newsletter/ meme page and pay someone to write articles. Hire interns.
Take speaking engagements, as many as possible.
Do a nationwide tour founding sects in different US cities. (Marcus Garvey, Castro) College campuses.
Climb organization ladder, split off
Hacker network (Recruit at defcon), Street people (Che’s farmers urban equivalent)? (Political division, hacker division, Information division)
Vertical farms. One farm the size of a new york city block 30 stories high, could 100 people to have 2000 calories a day. Temporary carbon negative devices. Plankton sympathize (100 million tons of CO2, Iron fertilization ). Grow algae on buildings. Man made clouds to reflect sunlight.
Government funding for batteries and solar panels. Wind turbines in the sky to capture more wind because their high up. Professor uri bromo created a way to trigger artificial photosynthesis (Coverts Co2 into 2 kinds of solar fuel) Everyone plant a tree. Test tube meat. (Demand for mean is rising globally. ) Ranchers are up in arms but fuck them, we need to live. Pay people to pick up trash and build roads like new deal (no more free prison labor)
Create fake far right propaganda? Selfton delmar - English/German agent against the Nazis. He used 80% real news and 20% fake news to confuse Germans. Had a fake German character who pretended to be a Nazi but was actually produced by Britain. Would use sexual stories to catch attention then proceed to demoralize the enemy. He used fanfics about Germans with English girl to demoralize the enemies. (the counterfeit spy)
Cheap money hangover.
Cheap money was used to fix cheap money. The disease was used to cure the disease.12 trillion dollars is fiat money was used in 2008 to fix economy.
Japan, US and EU all do this to stop short term economic downturns.
Fargo- Existentialism
Every animal thinks their superior or right. Everyone is gripped by rage to control. Its blind Darwinian struggle
Existentialist find meaning in their own lives and let others find their own meaning.
Marge is not in conflict(technically) because she’s existentialist who refuses to play animal game with the world of Fargo.
Delay marges entrance and making her a detective is helpful to make her an existentialist hero.(since she can’t act)
Start with a man with a pointless plan. Encounter another man with a pointless plan, sparking a Darwinian Battle of chaos. Add more characters with more pointless plans . watch characters spiral as the existentialist learns his own truth.
Modern Day | Debt 5000
Its a myth that credit is something new. This was likely the first form of interactions.
IMF warns second bailout would threaten democracy (Capitalism)
The public will not bail out the financial services sector for a second time if another global crisis blows up in four or five years time, the managing-director of the International Monetary Fund warned this morning. Dominique Strauss-Kahn told the CBI annual conference of business leaders that another huge call on public finances by the financial services sector would not be tolerated by the “man in the street” and could even threaten democracy.
Barter is such a ubiquitous system and such common sense that no one questions it. There is no evidence it ever happened and much that it didn’t happen . Adam smith didn’t have access to Native American economics books.
Stanley Jevens - who wrote definitive book on origins of money ignored actual native culture. He just took examples from Adam smith.
Period of Luminality
Period of Luminality- essentially a period like Mardi Gra or carnival where the normal culture is turned on its head. It allows humans to be back on the state if nature for a second.This brings community closer.
Another example is rights of passage. Men in fulbae become men when they have a circumcision ceremony. They are taken away from mothers, made to eat unclean food, bond, are circumcised, and returned back. When they return women are allowed to oggle the men.
Sambia -PuaPua New Guinea : segregated sides of houses. Men have clubhouse. Women have menstrual huts. They go there but there is conflicted evidence that the women may actually appreciate this time of the month.
They have initiation where they have ritualized homosexuality. They make them dance until They get got the edge of consciousness. They must suck off older boys in order to get semen to build up in the system. This is supposed to improve vigorously and warrior energy. There is a period of bisexuality.
They aren’t supposed to waste semen. Not so much sex and licking sap from a tree.
Jesus showed Over-piety is another symptom of selfenteredNess.
Jesus showed Over-piety is another symptom of selfenteredNess. They just want to look great instead of helping the poor
Sumarian History
6000 bc maybe earlier
Sumer- first settlers
Who were they? Not necessarily related to an ethnic group known. Hulof people.
Languages- not connected to others from surrounding cultures. Names of cities also not connected.
Ubiad - first people large enough to be civilizations. Irrigation . near city of Ur.
Small villages that proceeded cities.
Slowly towns became interconnected before they became one town.
The language started with pictocrams, then wedge writing to keep records. Also used to pass down farming knowledge.
Potters maybe first artisans. Made pots mostly for elite (priestly? Economic? Political?)
Ubiad settlement has one large house and many small houses. First monument
4000 bc. City of Uruk. Enormous city with dense population. It was twice the size of Athens
2000-5000 people
Diffrent from anywhere else in the world
Temples to Ishtar/anana earth mother and god of the sky.
No palaces, just temples.
Cuniform developed in 4000 bc
Used tokens(like runes) to communicate numbers and objects.
Most of the city states were uniquely governed had their own gods and saw themselves as individuals
Akkadians 2300 - 2100 BC
Sargon was the first emperor. He was an akkadian (akkad has never been found it was probably somewhere in Bagdad) Conquered uruk and put his daughter in charge of the priesthood to control religious side of city. His daughter composed songs to the gods making her the first writer in history.traded with indus river valley. New weights and measures.
Kings were buried with servants probably poisoned. Sargon grandson naramsim portrayed himself as a god and ultimately lost the south.
After the fall of akkadians, Babylonia emerged. Lagash emerged after the fall.
Natural hippies want humans to go back to nature. Nature never cared about us. Extinctions happened before we got here and will continue when we’re gone. Dropping off the maps and living in the woods helps no one.
The Anthropocene makes us consider how we can better get along with nature. We can’t destroy it but are still be humans. We could need a synthesis approach.
Nature v humanity
Marcus Garvey
Garvey traveled around the states starting chapters of the negro improvement operation.
Had a division for men and women.
Preached unity
Developed official songs and the pan African flag
Started a paper with poems, historical events, essays. Gave people overblown titles like barron of the nile.
Had uniforms made (the shortest man in uniform looks like giant)
Had elaborate rituals
People could join just by submitting a picture and mailing it into the office.
Bought a church building for his official headquarters and called it liberty hall.
Made many investment funds.
He wanted to teach success. He started many black business that would benefit people. Employed 100 people in Harlem. Unfortunately he hired people with little experience and moved money from one business to cover losses in another.
communication is changing from 1 to many system to a 1 to one system with the internet. We are looking at a wholesale disruption of a societal model. This age is different. Were all enmeshed in a global civilization fabric. If we drop the ball now we could permanently fuck up our future.
Jordan Greenhall
Chimps and strategy
Strength wins battles as much as intelligence. Chimps make alliances. Plot with females young and covertly mate to overpower a stronger male.
Movies decrease crime
Economist Dahl study that on a weekend where violent movie were release crime dropped notable. Young men most likely to commit crimes were in the theater not around other violent drinking young Men.
Nicholls screenwriter competition gets you noticed but only if you win. Austin screenwriter competition is also good
Dont send in scripts to agents. They wont read them. Fuck loglins.
Agents like to read second scripts and scripts with a voice
Meet someone who knows agents. Meet other writers who already have agents. Agents know other agents and know what’s happening all around Hollywood
They want want writers with more than one script, someone who is personable, and someone with an original voice (even if Hollywood won’t make it)
Agent Scriptnotes Podcast
Polarity of Ashe
Two sides of Ashe are active and without gender. life and death. not necessarily physical death. The orishas express these two contrasting sides.
Yimaiya - calm blue waters of south pacific/ raging tidal wave
Obatala - piece of mind and insanity
Elegwa - Open door and a closed one
Ouya - Queen of the cemetery /breath of life
Guns, Germs and Steel II
Farmers v hunter gatherers. Develop different diseases
Great ape disease/non crowd diseases - Infect hunter gatherers
Smallpox, leprosy, aids are all crowd diseases. Need millions to infect - Trade routes via the silk road spread germs. farmers spread feces and used them to grow food causing more disease. Measles came from cattles.
Tech develops cumulatively rather than all at once. This settled civilization can invent easier. It catalyzes itself
restrictive beliefs, capitalism and american individualism are factors that influence technology. Wars boost innovation but also destroy populations
In the middle ages Islam preserved the advances of the greeks and romans. They worked in concert with the europeans while not even being aware.
Lele people | Debt 5000
Raffia Cloth is made by men in the village. They are considered rough by neighbor but consider themself the clothes of the reason. The cloth is not used as currency outside the village and often used as gifts that flowed upwards. The elder would have the most and the clothes could be used to settle debts in the village.
If someone is killed they must pay a debt. blood debts are the foundation of their entire society. One person wanted to have as many pawns as possible. they were trading human lives and nothing could substitute for a human life. In practice human life meant ‘womens life’ This was not the same of slavery which was very patriarchal. Women could be born a pawn but could game the system. If she didnt want to be a wife, she could slip off to an enemy village and she could become village wife. Meaning she was protected by the entire village. New village wife were treated like princesses and were bribed and won over by the men of the village. She would have sex with all, then a few, then just one. Any children would be a collective child of the village and would be taken care of.
Lele in everyday life didn’t use enforce claims against another. Men would fight but mostly about women and not very often. They weren’t very many slaves but never very many at all. they were usually captured to be sacrificed at their funerals.
1) solutions are often counter initiative
2) high concept will always help you sell while character will always help you get through. People dont steel concepts because concepts are ephemeral
3) Audiences will always choose one protagonist to back. They will choose one they interact with. People will identify with on person per episode. Every hero must be active, resourceful, powerful and motivated.
4) Audiences dont care about story, only characters.
CGI Heavy Montages to start are usually signs of a flop.
5) introduce elements from hero’s point of view. We need to care about what the hero cares about. Introduce world from hero’s point of view and if you can help it try not to go-introduce characters.
If you switch to villains the should be negation of heroes philosophy. Or introduced in relation to hero.
6) it hard to get audience to care about a hero because they’re afraid of being hurt. Many audiences will tentatively put their hope in hero until and demand a lot from them. They don’t want to be lied to or have their heart broken by a character they cant connect with
Writing tips
Buddhism/ Heart Sutra
Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.
To understand ordinary reality, see Whats in front of you. You must experience the growing and changing of things while also seeing what’s in front of you. See ourselves was we are and not who we project.
Never let conception of the world overtake your raw perception on the world. We forget were all the same entity. We think the world revolves around us because we see the world as subject/object. We sometimes to get to See. Love as the dew drop.
To ignore the moment we live in is to lose reality. To live only in the moment and forget sequence is to loose meaningfulness of this moment. Mindfulness helps with this.
4 Noble truths
Life is suffering, desire causes suffering, overcoming desire stops suffering, path leads to nirvana.
Politicians from both sides competed to get tough on crime. Coded language to poor whites.
Bill Clinton- Said no one could perceive him as soft on crime. Flew to watch mentally impaired black man be executed.He enforced 3 strikes and your outlaw in 1994 state of the union address. 30 Billion crime bills that swelled police
Clinton escalated incarceration more than any other President.
TANF- 5 year lifetime limit on welfare. Ban for people using drugs including marajuana. Public housing was being used for prison construction. Public housing was slashed 64%. Boosted prison construction by 19 billion(171% increase). One strike and you’re out of public housing. Then they were denied right to vote.
After all that white poor still never had wage increase.
Law and order- glosses up what happens really happens in criminal justice system. There are more people in drugs today that were incarcerated for all reasons on 1980.
4/5 drug arrest are from possession. 1/5 is for sales. People have no violent history.
Were all addicts
Were all addicts looking for a fix because of our happiness. Sex, business, travel experiences. They provide fleeting rewards. So we should be mixing tranquility with our moments of victory. Chasing a high forever is no way to live
Supreme God in yuraba tradition. Hes unknowable
Gospel of Thomas quotes
Do not fast or pray because what’s important is cultivation of your soul
Asceticism will help you
What goes into your mouth won’t defile you. What comes out of your mouth will.
Don’t lend with interest. Wealth is ultimately a distraction.
When you are naked without being ashamed you will see the kingdom
Gospel of the female disciple sallamae(who also appears in mark . observed crucificaian and found the tomb open) Jesus came to destroy the works of the female (all desire)
“How the fuck do you release a movie in in a year” Kubrick to Steven Spielberg
Ill recognize skynet issue when my computer can find my printer.
Andrew McAfee
Oleroons magic from his pot overflows in this world. Its called Ashee and permeates every part of our world.
Everyone and Everything expresses Ashe differently. It flows through everything and works like karma where we express it in different ways.
There is no devil. We use our ashe for good or bad. Nature also uses its Ashe for good or bad. It is a neutral energy that is always holy.
Was the most distributed language group in the world before English
Very skillful settlers
They would load different types of seeds, animals and materials to different islands. The would shift course in a zig zag in order to find islands. There would be one navigator who would sit apart from the crew and would not sleep. they were honored as crucial. Navigated by stars and coulds that take different shapes over islands, and fish schools that lived in different waters. They would set up trading networks traded over 1000 miles.Hawaii Volcanic blades were found on islands 2400 miles away toaattu.
May have reached America.
Sweet potato comes from South America but was found in polynesia around 1000, Chickens are an old world animal but ancient chicken bones were found in Chile and carbon dated to 1300.
Energy | LIFE project
4% Solar - paneling .it produces toxic waste water. It contains cadmium that is a carcinogen.
More giga factories to produce more batteries.Elon Musk producing more lithium ion batteries. More absorbant solar panels that work more efficiently.
4% Waves and wind power. Floating windmills,
Nuclear - Nuclear is pretty safe. Used as a backup after solar, wind and water are exhausted. We only here about negatives like airplanes. 52,000 people annually died because of air pollution compared to 0 in the US.Waste is tiny. 81% of citizens who live next to plants supported it.
Geothermal depending on location.
Are you adventurous?
Almost Kiss?
A lot of women out there LOOK good, but the sad fact is they’re LOUSY in bed. They never had a reason to be good in bed, because guys will still want to sleep with them based on their looks.
Yes latter leading to a kiss
I think we should take it slow. I dont want to disrespect you tonight by having some crazy wild sex in a public place bathed in sunlight. I’d rather take it slow and get to know each other and maybe cuddle in a non-sexual way - We can enjoy each others company and get to know each other. For now, I’m glad we can have this vibe and that we like each other though. Dont you agree? (You can’t image negatives. Its impossible not to think about)
Toy story -Big Sympathy
shakespere for kids.5 act play
Deep human problem the script refuses to acknowledge
Two protagonist - like hamlet woody and buzz are of two minds.
Change The tone between comic and sympathetic narrator. Move back and forth between two characters with different tones.
On big soliloquy.
Mirror scene changes how characters feel between each other. The character needs to realize someone is exactly like them. They character needs to see reflection of himself in rival.
Plot Ideas
Long Form Betrayal - Roose Bolton, Ragnars brother
Double betrayal- make it seem like character will betray the hero, but in the end they betray the betrayer (Floki, Vikings)
Subvert Hero Trope - Red wedding /Oberyn Martel
Jealousy - loyal characters get jealous of success and plot
Unpopular decisions lead to rift in friendships
The returned soldier - Really turned or not? (Homeland)
Smoke the bad guy out - Lure bad guy out with something unrelated he wants whne the chips are down then strike (breaking bad)
Capsule episode - Characters resolve issues and bond (Glow dessert episode)
Put in simulation for interrogation
Character tires to killed themselves after a betrayal (SOA)
Competing leadership and bad team work loses army a battle. (Vikings)
Unexpected deaths - (House of cards, Jimmy Darmady, Gemma)
Affair - Huge fight, Physical fight, pregnancy, death result.
What and how Narrator focuses on is where tone comes from. Where you point the camera and how is a way of how character focuses or how a god sees the world.
It can focus on big things, little things.
Gods eye- objectively like genesis. Only big things
Comic/Ironic narrators like Jane Austin compare big things with small things to make comedy.
Lowly- hick fin talking in slang. Shameless kids playing in toilet.
Sentimental narrators- ordinary material things of life that symbolize bigger things. Specific things through lens of character. nostalgia, sympathy, hope.
Which jobs to replace -
Look for high volume and repetitive tasks to replace.
Look for jobs that Don’t lean on decision making
Task requiring low levels of empathy.
Task hiring lots of Data.
Brass wall- you will be told its impossible.
Find the bottleneck.
Invest cautiously in the big waves.
Kaizen- small incremental improvements that slowly improves the whole.
Hits pay for misses.(just like in Hollywood)
Success is determined by putting your money on many different products. Manage a portfolio. Half if all investment dont make their money back. The more investments the better. Place mire bets.
Combine kaizen(small innovations) with blue sky (big) innovation
. Relation of a slave is not a social relation. Slave-owners might dress it up in all sorts of legalistic or paternalistic language | Debt 5000
Must be completely ripped from ones context. Relation of a slave is not a social relation. Slave-owners might dress it up in all sorts of legalistic or paternalistic language, but really this is just window-dressing and no one really believes it; . Its a relationship based purely on violence. He has no binding relationship with anyone else. He can be beaten tortured or killed. He is alienated from his ancestors, clan, community, city. Even if he acquires a family it can be broken up. It is a relationship of pure degradation.
For the ‘master’ honor comes from his his ability to strip honor from other people.
Slavery was the ability to degrade people and turned them into money.
Racism | Noam Chomsky
Capitalism doesn’t care about racism. They want all people to be interchange cogs. Producers and consumers.
School and the academic system turn kids into people who can only think along certain lines. Its not that their bad, its just that their part of establishment and they give only let people teach along certain lines. Harvard teaches intellectual to conform to cooperate ideas
Industrial revolution stated to from cotton and Britain destroyed India so that they would not compete. Cotton was the oil of the 19th century.
Americans broke up labor protest forcefully. slovely convinced people on farms that wave slavery was their natural state
Marcus Garvey II
He was shot 3 times and recovered getting even more followers. 1/4 million followers.
Called Africa for the Africans. There were 500 divisions of UNIA around the world in 22 countries. It was printed in Spanish, french and other languages.
Was tracked by hoover and the justice department. Hoover called he the Negro Moses. Hoover hired first black FBI agent in history to infiltrate his organization.
He called for blacks returning from WWI with army training which sounded alarm.
Tried to start a black star line that would let black communities trade around the world. Was betrayed by people who built ships who gave him 5x as much as the ship was worth. One worked for J.Edgar Hoover.
Had a convention with 1000 leaders of the organization from all over the world.
Supported Irish republican Army. Had delegates go to UN to argue for giving up african colonies to Africans.
Lost tons of money on the black star line. Mismanaged organizations by hiring inept people.
Defended himself in court, firing his attorney. Was charged with mail fraud. bad decision. He was deported. Assets were seized by the government and former organization members were destroyed.
Agriculture notes
At the time of Columbus the native Americans were the best farmers in the world
They saw wild plants going and decided to domesticated them. Grew enough food without large scale agriculture. It was a more chill life to be a hunter gatherer
Hunted wild goats then started breading them to eat.
Agriculture started people holding on to land. This is where ancestor worship holding onto the land. Diseases also grew in the time of agriculture. More population more disease. Lowered infant mortality though..
Slash and burn agriculture was popular at first until the population started growing quickly and they couldn’t just burn down forest in Europe anymore.
2000 ad Polynesian cultures settled Pacific .
Gospel of Mary and Thomas
Gospel of Mary - talks about abandoning desire and passion. Sin is really just ignorance. Revealed things to Mary he didn’t reveal to other disciples. Dont lay down any rules or laws beyond this
Thomas and gospel to Mary both have debates between Peter and Mary about Jesus treating women as equal
Thomas represents the path not taken as obscure sayings, inner knowledge and not sin, forgiveness and the cross
Malcolm x rally In Harlem with Zanzibar revolutionary.
Dear brothers and sisters of Harlem. I would have liked to be with you and brother Babu, but the actial conditions are not good for this meeting. receive the warm salutations of the Cuban people and especially those of Fidel who remembers enthusiastically his visit to Harlem a few years ago. United, we will win
Have fashion uniforms developed as a symbol of professionalism
Dialogue III
Sub-motivation> motivation> excuse >
People make excuses to justify actions all the time. They may have to justify true motivations to others.
Even with cliché, use character specific language. Alabama - “ sweet bleeding Jesus” Detroit “Fking Christ”
Shun poly syllabus words.
The more emotional people become, the shorter their words and sentence.
Never have characters repeat beats. Don’t use repetition in dialogue. Notorious in first drafts.
There is a law of diminishing returns by using the same type of beats. (3 scenes back to back) . People will flip the moods after 3 scenes of the same time.
Dialogue has to relate in the same level as the inner desires. If they are off balance you get melodramatic scenes or nonsensical ones
Paraphrasing- rewriting bad dialogue is usually a function of underlying motivation, not word
Characters that are obsessive with desire without taking a looking deep at themselves
Have fewer Dimensions then dramatic characters but can have a few levels like jack Donahue being ruthless capitalist but also being cool to Liz Lemon.
Set up/payoff
Comedy is in gap of cause and effect.
Exaggeration - bloat a minor cause into a major overstatement. Shrink major cause into minor understatement
Timing- need right time before setup and payoff.
“Young boderick, stuffed with Barry Goldwater”
Give room to laugh immediately after joke.
Incongruity- Adult therapist acting like children
Funny shit comes from the stories you tell your friends. Say it, then recreate the good ones as material. Practice telling story in phone.
Edit to Amplify. Edit our story you don’t read.
When you write out joke put S for setup and P for punchline. 4 lines of setup to punchlines. Try and get a laugh every 15 seconds.
End on a punch word. Its a que to laugh. Put the funniest word at the end.
Revision -
Rewrite bad dialogue from other people.
Transcribe standup sketches to get the rhythm.
Feudal system
After the feudal system collapsed after the black death. Farm workers could command higher wages because there were few of them. Workers revolts in France and England and even Florence and gent (manufacturing town)
1500 Medici’s then the Fugger family of Ausenborg created transnational corporation and wielded unofficial power over kings through business.
Capitalism was created within the feudal economy. Flow of money went to non-Aristocrats. After the pillage of the Americans (conquistadors stole 1.3 Millon ounces of gold from Peru )Boosted banking, market forces, craft manufacturing and fueled power over now impoverished nobles.
1450 - printing press - 8 million books were produced, more than all the scribes and monks. Elizabeth Eisenstein - bought together, scholars, priest, metal workers. Fuel Protestantism, humanism and the scientific revolution. Fueled chockablock knowledge and authorship. Transformed the way humans think.Essentially free wealth from Americas.
1620 - Frances bacon said - printing, gun powder and the compass have changed the whole face and state of things throughout the world.
The forces of production tend to stall and recede during a transition. Feudalism was structured around customs and laws around obligation, capitalism was structured around something economic : Market.
Global imbalances- vast debts
Financial Autumn - when nations turn to finance in history instead of making anything it’s the beginning of the end. The us is a nation of borrowers.
We not only generate profits for our bosses but also for financial middlemen who make money from out interest.
Germany, Japan and china , oil producers-practice neo mercantilism and are able to manipulate their currency in order ti stay ahead. China has doubled forgin currency stockpiled since 2014 to 4 trillion dollars.
Fred Hampton
Fred Hampton was a young man who was the leader of the youth NAACP. He built a coalition with applatian white boys, Latin street gangs, church folks.j edgar Hoover feared most young whites and blacks working together.
He was executed by police in a raid with a submachine gun.
He said:
Fidel Notes
Fidel set up 10 safe houses for training, formed army is exiled and refugees. Joined a party and then split with it taking followers with him. once convinced an enemy that he was his superior to get info. Made many temporary alliances to be broken at first opportunity. It was necessary to appear less radical to get allies. Special concentration on radio propaganda
Purged old police and military officers, threatened rival revolutionaries until they surrendered. Put all his people in power. He then met with communist leaders along with che nightly to mold them into a single revolution. Che then made an academy to raise cultural level if the army, fidel pretended he wasnt a communist while che shored up his power base. Executed a few hundred prisoners after trials every night
In book talk first about downfall of socialism and downfall of communism. (Marxist, Lennon, cuba). Socialism is step one
Destroy the works of the female
Clement of Alexandria said this meant to destroy the works of the female meant abandon desire. He says celibacy is a choice but I think its more liberal.
UN SOLUTIONS | Noam Chomsky
Accept jurisdiction of international court and world court
Sign Kyoto protocol
Let the UN take the lead in international
Keep to interpretation of UN charter
Rely on diplomatic and economic measures instead of military measures
Give up Veto power in UN security and have decent respect for opinion of mankind
Cut back sharply on military spending and increase social spending.
Our lives our our most important creative masterpiece. It should be a conscious creation of art and beauty
(400 things know chpt 17)
Cops profile all the time. Its part of their standard procedure. they will find reasons to pull you over Slow ride though stop sign is the king of all excuses. Air fresheners and fuzzy dice result in obstruction of windshield. They pull over and stop people they think have drugs.
Neck tats, teardrops, etc are a way of identifying gangsters. Criminals love to take pictures and put up gang signs and legally cell phone are like any container you may search. They can download all your shit. They will check your social media.Black sweatshirts and black hooded pants are a gang uniform.
Handcuff keys are pretty much universal. Get a key.
Police have a code of silence too. They dont snitch on other cops as a rule. If they do testify against other cops will retaliate (16)
Thugs look around and dont look like they’re going anywhere. If the police don’t see you drop drugs they cant place it on you. They probably cant get prints from it. Same with guns.
Cops will stop and ask you your name. You dont have to answer. They can use Public city ordinances like littering, spitting on the street, or Jay walking.
They take people in for minor offenses all the time. Timothy McVeigh was arrest for license plate violations.
80% of cops are divorced.
Us terrorists states | Noam Chomsky
In order for the us to invade a country on the ground of preemptive defense the country must be defenseless , they must have resources to steal /strategic position, must be able to be frame as monsters and threat to us.
The norms of preemptive invasion were established by the Iraq war even tho non of the hijackers were Iraqi and Saddamn had nothing to do with Osama.
Only the most power are permitted to establish norms of behavior around the world. Israel is allowed. Al Oxa intifada 2000-2003 - 175 assassination attempts. 235 of 156 were suspected of crimes.
Its a justified thing if it is done by Israel. Israel’s Osirac reactor bombing in 1981 was at first criticized. Once a minored crime before 2001 when Saddam became a monster it became celebrated. The site was inspected by Harvard physics chair and said it wasn’t suitable for nuclear weapons. This in turn accelerated development of weapons in the middle east to defend itself from Israeli attacks.
Now the white house can hold anyone as an enemy combatant including us citizen without counsel.
UN is often used as a tool for US power. Even when Iraq complied with UN sanction demands the US vetoed lifting sanctions . US veto record shows that even when isreal violates international law, any attempt to punish them will be vetoed by the US.
Colin Powell said we can talk to UN but we dont need their help.
Kenneth Waltz - WMDs are proliferation are developed as a counterpoint to US. Because of escalation counter power will always develop. The us won’t attack north Korea because it I can actually defend itself with Nukes.
The second super power is public opinion. Protest in 1962 2nd basically non existent. In 2001 the protest was happening before the invasion even happened. Now it cant be called an actual war and the enemy must be vilified.
1930 - Wilson’s policies in the Caribbean left Hati and DR in ruins.
In 1938- Hitler wanted to safgaueg checkoslovakia
Mussolini wanted to liberate people of Ethiopia.
Japan wanted to create and Earthy paradise in Manchuria and china and save the people from communist bandits
“democracy is only acceptable if and only if it is consistent with economic interest -Thomas Curuthers
The us does not want to control Nicaragua or surrounding nations. but it didn’t want developments to get out of control. The same thing went for Iraq.
Financial expropriation
GenX’rs and Service Oriented
Skilled workers must now be adaptable, be a networkers. Need to be able to learn automated process quickly. Firms act quickly and connect quickly.
10-20% low skilled workers/industrial.
Financial expropriation -Wages are stagnant. Social impact is the push work force into financialized behavior. Working time is no longer tied to time in the office and you can be called on the weekends and at home.
Network individuals- Richard senate sociologist says work rewards superficiality and compliance. values networking over loyalty, lacks commitment to hierarchy and structures. Both at work and in activism. People adopt multiple personalities at home and online. Detachment barley concealing violent resentment.
Temporary systems -
China and brazil is next on this train. We will all be moving forward together. Globally we are all headed the same direction toward automization.
Yui - Yuen shoe factory network was used in factories to network with each other and check wages, message in the factory to distribute.
Factory workers in Hong Kong used this networking to enact democracy protest known as Occupy central in hong kong.
It the past 20 years capitalism has created networked humanity which will ultimately be it downfall. They may be as clueless to strategy as the works were in the 1920’s but slowly they are learning and spreading ideas around the world of dissatisfaction around the world. Organized strikes, marches and revolts are again becoming common organized through social media.
Neoliberalism - growth at the price of suppressing freedom and expanding inequality. Austerity until death but with a new iphone every year.
Guns, Germs and Steel-hunter/gatherers
hunter/gatherers - cant store food, can’t have kids to close together, cant develop central government because there aren’t enough calories to feed people who aren’t farmers. Less scribes and writing.
Agriculture - More calories, more people, more specialization, more preist, more artisans, more scribes, writing can help pass on knowledge, animals provide different types of calories/materials. Horses can be raised and be used as superior assault vehicles.
Started by accident. Spread on purpose. Could only pick one thing to do in a day. Prestige for hunting men. Southwest asia is where it started.
Food production increase food production increases population density. positive feedback loop
Hunter/gathers in latest colonized places lasted the longest - Australian, Native americans - confined to areas not good for food production and no contacts with food produces.
Human selected edible crops and picked things that were best for human. They effectively revered plant evolution.
Unequal distribution of animals that could be domesticated, Crop diffusion that could not get past different areas (such as the african rainforest, the himalayas, great plains etc, thinness in panama)
Women eggs are very valuable. We have competing interest when it comes to sex. The women are ultimately make choices. Men should be advertising more.
Men look for younger women because of longer term fertility. Women look for older men with resources.
Eggs are valuable , sperm is not. Women want commitment, ability to make money and dependency(longer term mate)
We are a K- selected species - Means we take care of children and have less. 20-30 years where women can have kids. Kids are very expensive. Women have to choose the right mate.
Culture trumps biology explaining why women cheat and hook up too even if it can be dangerous. Birth control did a lot to change culture.
Practical film
Get a body man like Kubrick
Get Winnebago or trailers that can used as mobile offices and wardrobe.
Always ask for more than you intend to get. Kubrick always asks his employees for more.
Kubrick never yelled on Set and always kept its cool.
Work like an essayist. Study all other things said about the subject they express yourself. Get books and movies on the subject and research hard. Stably had readers to give him notes on books
Star wars- pulp myth
Sense of Spiritual awakening. Creates big wonder.
Crude physical delights. Mixed with the awe of space. Set in back before earth not in future
Leia - mother, sister, mistress, bride(to empire).
Han - cool ladies man
3 heroes appeal to Different demographics
Have 2 character disagree about hokey religion v belief.
Annie Hall - Romantic longing
Anhhadonia- inability to feel pleasure. Bittersweet longing for something we lost. Tragic story world of unfulfilled desire. Start with joke voice over and end with joke voiceover.
Our hearts burn the hardest not when we get what we want but with longing.
Use soliloquy(voice over). Script begins with the end but shows disappoint. Shows beginning. Show previous gfs to contrast with annie hall.
She invites him over one last time. Its going to be Different this time…except it won’t be…
The characters have actual divided selves.
Have main characters earnestly contradict themselves again and again.
The irony is heightened by the characters having same two fears. They both want to be alone and they don’t want to get caught in an empty relationship.
Gotta just enjoy ourselves while we’re here. Love is Impossible dream. Must be determined to try again.
Nobody actually knows anyone all the way. Give characters misunderstandings
Princess Bride - Charm
Keeper of a special secret. This is hidden gem shared with others with dope lines.
As you wish = I love you. Butter cup used to bully westly, the farm boy, but falls for him. His quirk of saying “as you wish” is turned into a secret code.
Irony - there is a hidden logic to the world.
Tone - ironic tone. Juxtiposes significant things with minor ones
Give you plot a kick by re igningting the conflict with characters or conflict in the story world.
Give characters inside jokes
Robots | Life Project
Biomimicry- Mimic the world like animals and plants. Tokyo train designed like animals.
Mimic animals /plants.
Mimic form- rain water cleans forms with rain water like on lotus
Mimic process- How ants communicate
Mimic ecosystem- circular economy ( no such thing as a byproduct. ). Every thing has a reuse materials.closed loop
(Language barrier between designers and biologist)
Orders taken at kiosks. Assmbled by robots(Moeley Robotics)
Vertical farms/
Soil composted from trash. Misted water more effective than traditional water. No chemical or pesticides.
Waste / sorted and composeted. Plastics and papers recycled. Reusable bottles and bags.
Heathcare /
Free universal. Largely done by robots. NurseBot, DiVinci surgereon, Watson
3d printed houses infinity copied
Reputation, respect from ones peers. Social media and fame give us examples. Isn’t that what money really is? (This is like how it was before capitalism)
Will be the reason you want to labor (prestige + likes+ Artists+ Engineers+ celebrities )
“The future is already here its just unevenly distributed “ Gibson
Down in out in the magic kingdom
Faust thinks the God of the old testament is evil
Gnostic - Faust philosophy -
Faust thinks the God of the old testament is evil and seeks to destroy him. Jesus was sent by the the real God to correct this.
Slavery | Debt 5000
Slavery only works based on violence because it is needed to rip people from their context.
Slavery only works based on violence because it is needed to rip people from their context.
Slavery across in china, Sumer, Rome, Judea (Niamaiah), Ireland (where slave girls were used as currency). A mans wife, children and sheep were considered in the same category as markets for slaves developed. It appears at the same time as money and markets. It arose in agricultural lands and spread around from these places. This can be seen as a start of patriarchal domination as well (5:38)
In human economies no person is equivalent to another. Money can never substitute for a person. A person could never substitute for a person. Slavery could only be possible by ripping a person from their context . It takes literal bondage to isolate so much from their Network (like say Atlantic slave trade)
Agricultural Rise and Amazon Dwellers
griculture Arise:
Early agricultural populations weren’t as healthy, couldn’t move, more disease.
Amazon river dwellers. At first the teacher wasn’t accepted until he showed he wasn’t week. Polygamy is cool especially for the headman. Headman has to be more generous than others but doesn’t command.
They have shaman who connect the world’s. Ingest snuff to connect to spirit world. They can see if a person is ill in this state. They have a “nau - wall” or spirit animal. They arent supposed to hunt their own spirit animal.
They do slash a burn agriculture. Whole village live in one big house.
Their men’s firceness was formed by the blood of the moon. Women are formed from fruit.
They practice cannibalism. They practice indocannabilsm - when a person dies, they cremate them. They mix the ashes with gruel and eat them.
“We like meat but we like women even better”
They steal women. This causes wars, big or small. When someone kills, they get qet honorific status.the honored men have more wives and children
Bretton Woods agreement, when the USD was selected (imposed) as a world reserve currency. It was right after the WW2 was almost done, and the pound had the status at that time. | Debt 5000
Seigniorage may be counted as revenue for a government when the money that is created is worth more than it costs to produce. This revenue is often used by governments to finance portions of their expenditures without having to collect taxes. It could also be called tribute paid by the rest of the world. We make sure everyone else pays their debts while we act in the exact opposite way.
It all goes back to the Bretton Woods agreement, when the USD was selected (imposed) as a world reserve currency. It was right after the WW2 was almost done, and the pound had the status at that time.
So, the Bretton Woods agreement decided the following:
The US dollar was established as an international reserve currency
The US dollar was backed by gold at a price of $35 per ounce and any country could exchange dollars for gold
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was formed to monitor and regulate financial operations in the world and provide loans, often in the form of bailout funds, to balance out fiscal deficits of nations
The World Bank was formed to finance the capital needed by developing countries for national development programs (ranging from infrastructure projects such as roads and highways to social projects such as disease prevention and education
Military occupied states and protectorates buy the most treasury bonds. We make sure west Germany, Japan, Singapore, South Korea etc central banks. China, since the Han dynasty, has always used tribute system. It was a technique developed as a trick to bribe steppe nomads with luxurious so they would become complacent and effeminate. They would shower surrounding empires with goods since they felt as if they didn’t need anything back from these empires. They would do it so that the US will eventually act like an old school Chinese tributary.
Is the us a land of opportunity? It depends on the place
America is a collection of societies, not just one. Education is a big factor
Life expectancy varies based off of income / where they love. Poor people live longer if rich people live there. (May pick up contagious behavior like more excersize and less smoking)
Where your born - correlation with success.
Depends on college town. Athens is high. College towns gives them access to indie music, radio stations.
Tuskegee- Macon county Alabama. Had the same rate of success as the best white town.
Also a big city. You can see success it gives you better chance. Children should grow up near big ideas.
The higher the population of immigrants in an area the higher it produces known Americans.
Everyone needs their own internal dictionary.
Narrator, character dialogue, monologue all serve the same purpose. To characterize your protagonist. Add character to pry at deeper meaning of protagonist.
Write all reveals and facts in a separate documents. Put them in and/ repeat them as the stories unfold.
Don’t make character preachy. Stories are metaphors for life. Treat writers like adults. Show don’t tell.
Tell the audience what they need to know when they need to know it.
Hiding exposition is the best way to get it across. Dont show newspapers, news channel, long dialogue, telling things the already know with no emotional punch.
Jesus / Muhammad viewed social distinctions as meaningless
Jesus / Muhammad viewed social distinctions as meaningless and invited people to live as if the kingdom of heaven was already here.( Arab not superior to non arabs, not blacks or whites) Budda says people are all spirit and only have differences by past karma
Language Anthropology
No one knows when first languages started.
No writing existed until 6,000.
Some languages don’t hear differences in sounds in other languages (Ie Japanese R and Ls
Language is a dialect with a Navy.
Language is often political. Swedish and Finnish are very close but are separate languages. Same with Spanish and Portuguese. Chinese is considered one big language as a political statement.
Is Thought possible without language?
Sapir whorf hypothesis- Language influences thoughts.
Strong version- Like in 1984 newspeak constructed so some things are literally unthinkable.
Weak version- language influences culture and culture influences language.
Inuit words for snow, shadenfruida,
shou-dode(Brazilian Portuguese word - painful ache nostalgia).
Language is inadequate often for expressing ideas an communicating most.
Men- report talk -“ take the garbage out”
Women-repore- indirect “the garbage cans full”
Make sure people are still engaged.
women’s use hedges “i think, maybe,my thoughts”
Fafafini- 3rd gender in Somalia
2 spirited people- native 3rd gender
Terrorism | Noam Chomsky
Reagan had us build more missiles against gaddafi. The CIA gave disinformation on Libya in 1981 to build up missiles and let us invade Libya. The us press and Germany never confirmed the ‘disco bombing ‘ in Germany that killed a black GI. There was never any evidence . it was an excuse to bomb Libya.
Iceberg technique
3rd thing in scene- 2 people dialogue about something happening. What are they doing on the scene that the characters can give Different takes on. What is the conflict in the scene that causes they change at the end of the scene.
Images are the voice of the subconscious. Words are the tools of the conscious
How does my character see the world? Active or passive? What’s their life experience. How would they say the words to make them their own. Go inside to see what your character has seen.
Public persuasive speaking/Think as a wise man, but speak as a common man
Black youth is:
16% of all youth, 28% of all juvenile arrest, 35% of those waved to adult courts, 58% admitted to state adult prison.
Striking jourers is a way to control cases
Harass the hood because its convenient and there is no one politically powerful enough to fight back. In Seattle study citizen complaints are from white areas and inside but most places searched were black areas outside . heroin overdoses were causing more overdoses then all other combined.
Many courts make it nearly impossible to challenge.
Police chockhold of Lyons where he sustained permenant damage to his lyrancs. The state or state police cannot be sued for damages for constitutional damages.
One must prove conscious racial bias to fight police discrimination in courtyard.
US v Brignoni-Ponce
It is legal to us race to stop and pull over people for race. It applied to race based stops. Makes race discrimination legal
Conflict is important
Heroes shouldn’t react to challenges in typical ways. This is what the everyman wouldnt do. Why is the hero the only person who could do what the hero does.
Heroes may not want to accomplish something because of the lies they believe. What the hero does has to be what they want to do. Elsa can fight her sister because she wants to save her. it would reveal a painful secret, it would get loved ones in trouble,
Why cant the police just be called? Why cant they just use a cell phone.
Does the plot permanently change the character? The character arc and plot must intersect. The plot and character must intersect.
India | Debt 5000
Hindu law codes - A debtor who did not pay would be reborn as a slave in his house hold or even his hours. Hindu laws treat death as synonymous with guilt and sin. We are born as a debt not only to the gods who we repay in sacrifice, to the sages we must pay back through study, to our ancestors that we must repay by having children, To men we must repay buy offering hospitality to strangers.
History shows that barter is a fairly new phenomena. Economics and capitalism were seen as being their own phenomena but in reality they were pushed by mining war and slaves.
Media | Noam Chomsky
the media is ran by elites and used to narrow our lines of thought.
Most of the time it corperations selling to corperations (ads)
We refer to leaders we like as moderate - indonesian and Saudi Arabia are moderates and the leaders of Salvador and Nicaragua are radicals
Cut off pentagon structure and get to social spending. | Noam Chomsky
Military spending may be less efficient than spending on customers. Spending in customers makes corporations less profit (since the companies that make the money from contracts won’t get as much ) and it makes people pay attention to what you’re doing because it effects them. That makes it hard to keep people in line.
State interaction is an important part if growing an economy. The government develops technology through nasa, agriculture and science development, then gives the tech back to American companies to make a profit.
Cut off pentagon structure and get to social spending.
Just cutting off the budget will just make the economy collapse. You need create a culture and a social structure that public funds can be used for social needs. Putting control over these decisions into popular hands.
Masculine chivalry I
Marriage was created for the upper classes as a way to share resources and kingdoms. No love was involved
Men have been forced into feminization and beta game. It makes men feminine, thinking that’s what women want.
We aren’t the same. We don’t have the same sex drive. Men have 17-20x testostone then women.Griffin handberry female to male transformation. Understands what its like to be a guy.
At first men didn’t understand women so they resorted to control them. In an attempt to fix the problems of sexism, the pendelm has swung the other way and produced weak men.
Men are told to be nice guys for sex. Japan is the end point of homogenization
Women want to be told no. The one who won’t bend to her just for sex.
Women want alpha males but without mysogony. They are attracted to the most commanding primate in the room.
Mysogony is a creation for stopping women’s sexuality after hunter gatherer phase (To assure proper offspring?)
They want to have sex but cannot because of patriarchal ideas of purity of women with no sexual thoughts.
To avoid feeling like sluts or being judged as sluts by others they lie and covertly spin plates when single. They say they cheat because
Cheat when in relationships. Men have developed this in ancient times to avoid incest . Monogamy drain a mans testostrone. Men who have affairs have high levels of Testosterone. When testosterone drops means less sex(masculinity) in the relationship which reduces the balance. Kinsey agreed. Novelty is the aphrodisiac.
The Church, socialiatiy, cultural and legal traditions don’t stop men from cheating.
Most exports recommend getting out of a relationship and leaving your wife and kids.
The melenosian tribe had a practice of polygamy. Wife regarded concubines as status symbols and not competition.
Chimps or bobobos. I think both.
Islam, debt and the middle ages | Debt 5000
For most of the world its easy to see Judaism, muslims and christianity as the same tradition and the differences as negligible. They would see Muslim scholars debating Plato and Socrates and Neo-Platonist. They would see them both trying to square new wisdom with Universal rationalism, mercantile capitalism, poetic expressions of romantic love. It is part of the same intellectual tradition steaming from the Levant and extending from the middle east to Egypt, Greece and the Levant.
For most of the middle ages, Islam was the core and the bleeding edge of western civilization. It was an exporter of slaves, raw material and occasional exotica amber, elephant tusk. Its was an importer of Chinese , Indian calicos, Arab steel. It was sending missionaries and winning converts in pacific ocean.
Military, slavery, coinage started again. Once they started conquering money flowed in and slaves were created. Many didn’t need to mine however probably since they were able loot so quickly. Most slaves just ended up a decoration in peoples houses or soldiers.
Abased dynasty 750-1258 AD
Slaves became almost exclusive soldiers in the empire. Manluk slave empires became rulers of Egypt. They were mostly form Turkish steps. It was unprecedented. They needed to prop up the wall between slaves (non-belivers) and believers to justify slavery. This is mostly because they must be used to fight other muslims.
Islam has a positive view of commerce since Mohammad had started as a merchant. Outlawed Usiery, kidnapping for slaves. Banking for this reason wasn’t huge in Islam. Mostly credit was used and not much money. These function mostly on trust and reputation. If you lost your reputation you were done as a trader. Muslim scholars would act as courts and preferred not to involved governments. This lead to a spread of Islam using caravan routes and sea faring mostly across the Indian ocean which could be considered a Muslim lake.
1980- 2000
300,000 - 2 million. By 2007 its 7 million.
Supreme court was eviscerated by supreme court. 4th amendment is violated so much Thurgood Marshell reminded America there is no drug clause in the 4th amendment (against search and seizure). Supreme court has destroyed freedom if drugs are suspected.
Terry v Ohio - 1960: officer is allowed to stop and frisk if they think someone has drugs or weapons.
The rule is “why didn’t they say no, to officer search”. Atwater v lagovista- they can arrest you for a traffic stop for no reason.
Operation pipeline. Federally run search program. Sweeps innocent people until they find a guilty one.
98% task force searches result in nothing. DEA profiles - large bills, small bills, broken car, expensive car.
Bern-grant laws corrupted justice system.
1997 - 1.2 million pieces of military equipment. 3.4 million orders from military agencies to 11,000 police departments in 50 states. 253 archarft,uh 60 black hawks, 7856 m16, 181 grenade launchers. Size of drug related policing linked to drug arrest.
Swats are often severed after a raid. They create chaos and gave one women in Harlem a heart attack even though the raider.
News | Big Data
Most papers around the country get papers based on how their city population votes.
There is a left leaning slant but it’s because theyre giving people want They want.
Cooperations are immortal people | Debt 5000
Cooperations are immortal people. They are Angelic beings (invisible, ageless, ubiquitous, mystical body) They were developed at the same time as Aquinas in the middle ages. They peculiar European institution probably originating in monasteries.
The church had been so against Usury because it creates a rival moral system. People can hide behind doing what is best for the stock holders at cooperation because money is their only mortality.
Credit started as an expression of mutual Aid and became a weapon to harm others. Small English villages were using credit and made up money systems, and tabs until 1600 AD.
When Harry Met Sally - Romance
Love is a crazy and impossible thing but will happen. It’s the main rule of this world.
Not changing the world but getting what we need. When they meet they dont have a lot in common. In the beginning of rom-coms the character know it all. One needs to out-know-it-all the other. They component each other perfectly.
One thing keeps them apart. Fears keep them apart in most cases.
Harry deludes himself into thinking he knows more than their parent’s.
Its essentially a tease for 1 1/2. Harry and sally date other people, we see older couple vignettes and see them flirt at Different points.
Protestants and Debt | Debt 5000
Peasant uprising in 1520 in Germany were a result of Martin Luther message getting out of hand and giving way to revolutionary movements to not pay back debts, get sabbatical year and return to true communism of the Bible. they stated to question aristocratic privilege and private property. Martin Luther had to pick a side and though he had stated advocating for the poor ultimately he picked the side of the rich.
“We need laws because humans are sinful creatures. ()”
Calvinism and most Protestants said Usuery was fine as long as it was 4-5%, it wasn’t the lenders only business, and it didn’t exploit the poor.
This now meant people don’t need to treat any foreigner as a neighbor. One can see this in the way they treated people in America
There is no end to arcane complications of the banking systems. “If Americans actually found out how the banking system worked there would be a revolution tomorrow”. The US military debts are so high that by many estimations if it wasn’t for them, the US wouldn’t run a deficit at all. This power hold world monetary system together since coercion is and debt is the soul of capitalism. This power only works as long as this power remains symbolic. It seems to work best when we don’t actually use it or its used sparingly (case of Vietnam, Korea, or Iraq).
Media refraining war | Noam Chomsky
According to Geneva accords in 1950s we violated international law.the question shouldn’t be weather or not the us was stupid in vietnam or Afghanistan. That means the solution is to not be stupid in the next invasion. The question should rather be if there is any right to invade in the first place. Asking that question , if the us is an aggressive entity or even terrorist is the real question.
Axial age and the Military, Slave, Coinage complex - 700 to 700~ | Debt 5000
Liydian coins were the first. they were probably used exclusively to pay mercenaries.
Greece, china and India all had army developing around the this time. States warred with other and gold was taken from houses of rich and placed in the hands of lay people. How was this done? It was probably stolen from one king to another.
Mercenaries were common and greek soldiers, after developing the famous phalanx were rented out all over Mesopotamia. Kings needed to pay these armies and started issuing currency in coin form in order to pay them small parts of the plunder. Promisary notes would have been useless in their own countries and cattle was not easy to transport. precious metals were easy to move and accepted in many places.
Greece would distribute spoils for paying people to attend the city, and vote on juries.
Slavery made all of this possible by having slaves working down in the mines, mines in Lorium in Greece had 20-30,000 of them. Alexander the great had many of his captives working in mines to pay his army (Seizure of Tyr, and had gold and silver of Babylonian temples dethazorized (melted) and made into his own money. 285 Billon Dollars )
Greeks and Romans- Attempts to stave of the debt crisis by military expansion were just ways of fending off the problem and they only worked for limited times. When expansion stopped everything returned who how it was before. Things got messy because there were no mechanisms short of outright revolution to stop stop the debt crisis unlike in Mesopotamia where the king would cancel debts. (labor would have to go on strike or have an armed revolt)
Large population in the Greek world would sink to the rank of serfs. Church fathers lament that people have fallen into the debt traps and are miserable. At that point the peasants began being tied to the land. This stopped Romans from having a capable army that cared about Rome sparking it downfall.
Force doesn’t always work, even for a god
Paris killed hector with an arrow after staring war in the first place. Achilles was just using force and was killed by force.
Dobi juit X! wansi.
Live Calihari dessert. Situational leadership, standard of living is like anyone else. Nomadic. Follow waterholes.
Polygamy with easy divorce. Meat is a delicacy because 70% of calories come from gathering. No one goes hungry because of sharing. Dobi work 20 hours a week.
Hunting is done with poison darts.shoot then follow animals. Very egalitarian. Little specialization except by sex.
Scarcity is a product of western civilization. People trade to meet friend and not for economy. Little attachment to things. No one really cares about lending and borrowing. You can just roll into someones but and borrow their stuff. Not much envy.
They are very affluent and don’t want much
Zen Affluence.
As you move up “scale of civilization” (bands, tribes, cheiftom, state) we get less freedom,less vacation, decrease kinship ties and tight social network. The amount of work per capita increases. The more $$ you make the more leisure time you have.
Europeans “civilized” Africans and created hunger and envy on the continent.
Climate change
Climate change destroys the current economic world. John ashton 2014 British rep on climate change - The market will not transform the economy. even if all the things go down that are in the works, CO2 emissions will rise 20% by 2035 - The temp will rise 3.6 degrees.
The wanted to incentive lower carbon us by rationing it, taxing it, subsidizing the incentive. It hasn’t worked. 60%-80% of oil and coal are nonburnable. 2011 companies invested 674 billon in fossil fuels. Market isn’t reacting to the fact that burning carbon will kill us.
Climate denial lobbyist groups received 558 million dollars from 2003 - 2010 from koch industries, and Exxon mobile etc. They then transferred it through third parties and are currently anonymous.
Energy grid may have to be a public resource if we are to survive. Planning may be the only way. Will have to be done using state ownership, direct control and targets.
Often observed to be the poorest man in the village. They would usually get away more than they received. Needed awesome skill in oratory and convince and control because they were unable to compel people to do things against their will. | Debt 5000
Native American Chief
Europe, the seas and slavery | Debt 5000
Portuguese flotillas ruined the peace on the Muslims seas with Vasco de gama. Chinese were mining silver right after the mongols had been kicked out. The Chinese exhausted their silver mines, and the same thing happened in Japanese. For most of history the Chinese didn’t want to buy any European goods. After silver was discovered however, things changed and china had a nearly unlimited demand for silver from Americas with Europeans getting rich in the process.
To take what might seem an “objective, “ macro-economic approach to the origins of the world economy would be to treat the behavior of early European explorers, merchants, and conquerors as if they were simply rational responses to opportunities-as if this were just what anyone would have done in the same situation. This is what the use of equations so often does: make it seem perfectly natural to assume that, if the price of silver in China is twice what it is in Seville, and inhabitants of Seville are capable of getting their hands on large quantities of silver and transporting it to China, then clearly they will, even if doing so requires the destruction of entire civilizations. Or if there is a demand for sugar in England, and enslaving millions is the easiest way to acquire labor to produce it, then it is inevitable that some will enslave them. In fact, history makes it quite clear that this is not the case. Any number of civilizations have probably been in a position to wreak havoc on the scale that the European powers did in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (Ming China itself was an obvious candidate} , but almost none actually did so. 12
Casablanca- Sentimental Return
Delay gratification if characters getting together until last minute.
People on nazi occupied Casablanca are forced to act coldly and logically.
Let rick start out as part of the world. He seems headless. flashes back to time where rick was the romantic hero in Paris. Hes a Closet sentimentalist.
Character feels for lazlo, isla and rick. They all have their own fears that are in conflict. isla meets with lazlo and can’t say she loves him. He is scared of losing her but also can’t force her. Construct most of scenes were characters are in this conflict.
Make other scenes that character come our of conflict sharing their deepest fears.
End with shackles coming off and characters finally free.
Scene-Start with conflict and end with with a character change or revolution.
Start with the end and work backwards .
Have character change by talking to another, realizing something, or mirror scene (character in same situation)
Adapt a book or short story into a screenplay.(Count of Monte Cristo)
Above all creation, where sun’s are born, has olorons pot. His pot is the most magnificent. It boiled with his power and is the source of all creation. He was pressed for time because he was so busy maintaining order In the universe.
He decided to make life and he tried it once by flooding the universe with his pot but the pot was too hot and scorched the heavens. He needed a helper. Oladumare his oldest daughter and he sent for her, olodumere was sent for and the plan was to mix the juice from their pots into the lower universe creating the stars and all matter in the universe. Olodumere was tasked with watching out for earth and putting rhythms and cycle in place to evolve over time.
He suggested that she enlist her 401 children the orisha , to help. After my waters have cooled a bit In your great pot, send your children to assist in their own way. Everything that you would create in my behalf but in your own way. I trust you would but the best of your goodness into this work. I am too busy and needed in too many places to worry about the details. So I leave them to you. You will be known as the creator”
Orisha Orgin
Everyone sees their own movie. Actors see their Characters, Prop sees using specific props, Ad sees leaving on time . Only you see the whole movie. In the absence of your choices they will make their own movies.
Scriptnotes Podcast
Persuading is key
Ability to persuade was what set Pericles apart. He could persuade his allies, his own army and his enemies.
Mesopotamia | Debt 5000
Palace complexes employed tons of priest, metal workers and farmers. They gave us the words dozen and 24 hour day. One shekel meant one bushel if barley. Silver didn’t circulate get much at all and sat unworked or unmarked in vaults for thousands of years.
Promissory notes were common and tablets usually could be traded around and we’re credit but sometimes acted like money. Taverns and markets operated on credit.
Orgins Interest bearing loans were always
2402 - king imentena of Lagash - started a war claiming someone occupying his land owe him 1 trillion.
He then he cancelled many debts in his kingdom. Resorted debt to mother and mother to child. First time freedom appears in a Political document. Canceled all debt and slavery except commerical loans.
This was repeat by various sumarían rulers in babalyon. Hamarabi was a good example. They would ritually destoy debt tablets.
You can’t argue with a feeling but you can acknowledge it. .
Name the emotion- Give validation
Listen to feelings, validate fears, repeat her emotion words. Name an emotion by micro expression.
Find out what they are seeking
“You seem, are you feeling…, what caused this”
Identify their primary value. Narrow it down.
Don’t move on until they are done talking. Wait until emotion is gone.
Address her primary value met. “What can we do to make you feel better, how can I help”
Won’t work on everyone.
Rational Choice theory | Debt 5000
Rational Choice theory
“Human beings are best viewed as self interested actors calculating how to get the best terms possible out of every situation - The most profit or happiness for the least investment but experimental psychologist have demonstrated over and over again that this isn’t true. “ -debt
If this is the starting point the barter would rationally follow.
Barter does sometimes happened but it almost never happens between fellow villagers. Numbiquara of brazil - Small bands will get together, hide women and children the forest, each chiefs gives a formal speech praising others and belittling his own. They will exchange goods by saying it is very bad. the other will say his object is very bad. they will conclude by snatching object out of others hand. They would then have a big party.
Not everything is about straight reciprocation.
We don’t actually pay back our parents for all the work they done. Margret Atwood created a character on a recent book about debt. Ernest Thomas Setan was presented by a bill from his father of all the expenses he accrued as a child. He payed the debt and never talked to his father again. Its monstrous for most of us to even think about it.
Europeans assume an antagonistic relationship between buyer and seller which isn’t true. Most of the time people give and receive gift. One gives one something at one point then gets something back later.
Markets aren’t real. They are just mathematical models. Things are infinity more complicated. Its easier to imagine the economy as a cartoon and reduce complexity.
Masculine chivalry
Living by a code. What you will and won’t do
The more masculine you are, the more feminine you’ll make a women feel.focus on developing your character.
Women who are frivolous and feminine need a strong, unwavering guy for balance.
Be comfortable saying NO. You don’t need anyone’s approval. It means you have boundaries and won’t be a format for her. Don’t let her access everything upfront
Kill your insecurities. That is probably the most important step.
I refuse to suffer.
Masculine isn’t a sexist word.
Extremism - 4 Futures
If there’s robots rich won’t need poor. What happens if the masses are dangerous. Thompson wrote notes in extremism, the final stages of humanity. He wrote during cold war when huge miltaries we’re built up for no reason. Now we have war on terror for no reason but have the same military budgets.”
“The handmill give you society with a futile lord, the steammill society with social capitalst “(Marx) but what do when get when the society gives us robots
Rich may not need the poor anymore. Rich may try to first escapee the poor. They will go to gated communities, rich neighborhoods, private islands , crazy home security, borders (on a nation state level). The poor are relegated to ghettos and prisons.
Billionaire bunkers are becoming a huge industry. Rich can hide from the poor for 2 million and wait for them to die.
Prisons are a good example of getting rid of undesired population.
We have to be sure we don’t become monsters when we fight monsters. When you gaze into the abyss . the abyss stares back
Long standing personal problem
Something the hero has been struggling with and should be phrased by how the hero would say it even if they haven’t self examined. Usually framed externally. Its not the flaw because the flaw is something internal.
Social humiliation - The character should be deserved the the scene where they are confronted should be disproportionate. Ironman deserves to be attacked by his own weapons but maybe not held hostage.
Intimidating opportunity- The size of how big this task will be to try and quick fix the problem. It shouldn’t be a no-brainer. Hero should hesitate before accepting even this.
Gay| Big Data
Fb 2.5% of men are gay (out of closet)
5.2% is probably closer to truth
Man who searches for Judy Garland(diva) 3x more likely watch gay porn.
Overall more searches for gay porn in tolerate states.
“Gay Test” 2X as common in less tolerant states. Back and forth between gay porn and gay test.
Craigslist Casual encounters - Larger in Kentucky, Luisiana, Alabama.
Human nature hasn’t changed since the days of Narmor
Human nature hasn’t changed since the days of Narmor, pericles or ceaser. We still have the same hunger for power, jealousy, hate, but also love and creativity
Napoleon, Hitler Stalin flattens topography instead of navigating within them. They knew how they world worked. They flatten people that lead to slavery, dispossession and extermination. (Gran strategy)
Good leaders like Lincoln respected topography. They adapted to it. They were able to accept they didn’t know always what laid ahead.
Question of evil
In the oldest book of the bible, God and the adversary make a bet to see of Job will stay loyal. He looses everything and jobs friends say he should repent. Job knows they’re wrong. Jobs friends say there had to be a sin. One of the friends say there is an order and job just doesn’t comprehend it.
What is justice when it comes to God? Justice is for when 2 people are equal before the law and there is no judge. How can we hope to imagine the processes of God.
“Where were you when I laid then Foundation of universe?”
Even in the text, terrible things happen to good people. Evil sometimes triumphs over good. We have to find ways to love in an unjust world.
God/The universe is incomprehensible to us and the biggest pride is assuming it revolves around us. Even if there is meaning? Can we grasp it?
The book beginning and the end may have been grafted on later. Maybe job doesn’t get his shit back. The meaning is that maybe we will never figure out what’s really happening.
Racism II | Big Data
Most racist searches:
Upstate New York, western Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio, industrial Michigan, west Virginia, southern Louisiana, Mississippi.
Areas underpay blacks. Voted for trump.
The true debate is not north v south with east v west. Democrats in the north are racists too.
Obama did worse in those places then john Kerry , the other democratic candidate. Obama was 4 points below Kerry just for racism.
Trumps rise correlation was highest in those places with the highest searches for nigger.
This doesn’t necessarily increase when people lose their jobs.
Voting can probably be determined usually by who is Googled first “Hilary v trump” “trump v Hilary”
African Americans born into poverty give their kids Different names. Poverty makes them 2x likely to have unique names. LeBron is an outlier.
60% of blacks in the 80s had unmarried parents.
San Bernardino -Minutes after incident. 1\2 of all search volume about Muslims was “Kill Muslims”
Obama lecturing people got ignited a more Negative response. Stoking people’s curiosity and giving them Different images and perspectives made positive change (Muslim athletes, Muslim black slaves, Muslim solderers). Changing image made people change highest search from “kill Muslims” to “ Muslim athletes).
Obama made a speech - Went up 60%. It increased.
It seems more explicit/ hidden then subconscious
Jensou and Shipiro 2004-2009 - studied political segregation on US. Liberals and conservatives are more likely to meet on the same news site 45% of the time. 41.6% Co-worker- 40.3 / neighbor / 37% family member
Yahoo news most popular - 90 million (600x storefronts audience)
More diverse on than previously thought. Since they have more friends with weak ties we see more differing views.
Highway patrol stops - Operation pipline
NJ - 17% of stops in jersey turnpike were black but 42% of stops and 72% of arrests. 77% of all searches were minorities. Whites were 2x as likely to be found with drugs.
Baltimore- 17% were. Black, 70 % were stopped and searched.20% were minorities but they were 80% of all stops. Whites were also more likely.
Illinois - operation Valkyrie
8% latinos, 30% of stops. Less likely than whites to have contraband
New York- 1999
Amedu Dialu- shot 41 times at his house for producing his wallet for police.
6x more likely, and whites more likely to have drugs. 2008 were 5,400 people were stopped for 85% of blacks/ latinos.
90% arrested for drugs in Illinois are black. 55% all black men in Chicago have a drug record. 70 % of all criminal cases ate low level class D drug cases
13x city average of frisk in 8 blocks of Brownsville Brooklyn. .01x of stops yielded guns. Whites more likely to have drugs.
NYPD 50,300 Marijana arrest. Get blacks into system. Can show up on databases as drug arrests. Electronic permanent record. 5x more likely to be arrested.
Things at first looked like solutions but eventually cause it’s downfall.
Fiat Money allowed whole world to live on debt because money can be printed at any time or Loosinging credit. The U.S. 1971 Nixon scraped an agreement that pegged us money to gold. Greespan at first was thought it was a bad idea but then realized the us could manipulate trade and manipulate other countries. Created making money from speculation and attempts to fix every economic crisis.
Greenspan - cuts interest rates anytime there is a down.
Ben Bernake - 2002 - us has a printing press. Under a paper money system a determined government can always generate higher spending and hence positive inflation.
At first the economic right loved it now they hate it.
One of the main goals was to remove strength of labor reform. 1981 Air traffic control strike was broken up and leaders were paraded in chains . 1985 Thatcher us paramilitary policing to destroy miners strike. Union was destroyed on a cultural level. 1980-2003. Membership fell in all countries. US membership 20%-12% , UK 31%-20% Japan 50% -30%
They successfully atomized the unions. Wages fell and wage share of GDP fell sharply.
Understanding how others view the world allows you to manipulate their thoughts by giving out signs he knows they would be read in a particular way.
Strategy notes
Financial system today.
“For neoliberalism to die democracy must fade. “ - JP Morgan economist
“Ratings agencies create an even bigger monster, the CDO market, lets just hope were all healthy and retired before this house of cards falters”- S&P regulations exec.
Debt is growing. $21 Trillion in debt. Peoples debt, student loans, home loans go unpaid.
Bankers know they system is about to collapse and knows its a house of cards.
Cause of collapse - deregulation banking a loosing credit caused the collapse. Bankers were told it was duty to get rich and the wealth would trickle down.
Larry summers - Treasury director under Bill Clinton/architect of bank deregulation - In 2013 said Low growth faces secular stagnation in the West will persist for the foreseeable future. Low growth has been persistent for a long time but has been masked by by unsustainable finances.
Robert Gordon economist “ Low growth will continue for 25 years because of high debts, wealth in equality, lower productive, ageing population”
China | Debt 5000
Legend has it an emperor struck coinage in order to free slaves.
Debts didn’t have to be paid in silver and could be paid in basically anything. Monetary systems were usually made in credit and could drink and eat in the markets in credit. This could be paid at harvest time with wheat or barley or anything else.
koiri shells were used earlier. These were often used with people who didnt know each other very well. Between family, friends and government they used a knotted string system.
Quan-Chi - It is said coinage of money came from tong emperor to help children who had been sold into slavery. (probably not true but could have some background in truth with people actually selling their children)
Chinese book on statecraft - talks about going to war is determined by profit and lost but dress it in nationalism and patriotism.
Soviet scientist in 1927. Did not have a a lot of perfect ideas but theorized that there are long waves in capitalism (50-60 years). He was executed by Stalin because he said Capitalism wouldn’t collapse as Stalin thought.
In his theory attack from the rich, working class bite back, then capitalism mutates.working class resistance pushes back on raw capitalism in order push productivity.
1st cycle- Britain have industrial economy v old aristocracy. Factory owners tried to deskill workforce then cut wages.
1790-1848 - Steam, factory and canales -
1848- 1851 - Mexican war. Chartist movement Factory strike 1842
The economy mutates with corn laws are abolished, Bank of England gains bank monopoly, industrial capitalist beat our aristocracy.
2nd Cycle
1848-1890 - Stable currencies, railways, telegraphy, big ships, Machine built machines
Happens in American, Britain, Europe, Russia and Japan creates monopolies, bring in migrant workers as cheap labor, move into the gold standard, impose trade tariffs.
1873-1890 - long depression , mass workers movements, resistance to automation and social welfare.
Mutates by State becomes indispensable for maintaining monopolies.they push more empire and trade tarriffs.
3rd cycle
1890 -1945 - Heavy industry, mass production, telephone, sciencfic management
Attack on wages. Striff and depression increases.
1930- 1940 - people fight back and social unrest pushes programs to end the Depression, destruction of capital.
4th cycle
Transistor, synthetic material, mass consumer goods, factory automation, nuclear power, calculators
Marshall plan.
Major powers grew at 10% . 3.2% per year/per person GDP growth. Real income grew by 90%. In Japan wages grew by 700%. This is in stark contrast to the Stalin company line. Varga Stalin’s economist he warned about this was forced to recant
Data became began to be shared. Management info, processes and Arpanet was funded.
Oil shock of 1973-2008 slow decline. No major depression. Arabs at war with isreal put an oil. Instead of the problem at this point being fixed by innovation the 1% instead took more from working class.
Long wave where there is one country that could make money out of nothing, information Technologies changed everything.
1985 - 2012 - Banks, credit card, Hedge funds, insurance stock brokers mans 40% of all cooperate profit in the US (not employing us). Those companies contribute nothing and make more for borrowing and debt.
3rd world grew and top 1% grew. Little or no increase for middle class. Doubling of the work force internationally made globalization cheap . The globalization experiment does not increase wages for middle class here.
5th long cycle
1990s - Now
Overlaps with previous.
Information technology , global market, network Technologies. It has stalled now.
don’t let secrets come out until character is under pressure. (She’s my sister and my daughter. Luke I’m your father)
Turn the action to turn the scene- “slap, I’m not taking this anymore”
Turn the scene on revelation-“ ive been sleeping with your sister for the last few years”
Flashbacks can be done right. Maybe do it after emotionally hard hitting scene. Create in the audience a need and desire to know.
Gender gap
More black men are in jail, paroled than were enslaved in 1850
Disappearing black men
3million more black women then men in us. 26%(everywhere) -37%( in urban areas like new York)
The whole system is on autopilot now. We don’t need that now. The current system is invisible and harder to see then it predecessors
They are then dumped back in ghettos.
70% of black poor live in poverty neighborhoods
70% White poor don’t live in poverty neighborhoods
White professionals may be most likely to have used drugs.
Slavery was about money more than discrimination. Same with laws now.
Primordial way of being.
The primary world is deep, ineffable, devoid of culture is the real reality. There is no connection between our descriptions and reality.
The material world is full of jobs, and cars and houses
Religion part of balance of Spirituality. Religion is the intellectualism part spirituality.
Every thing is codependent on its opposite.
A well lived life requires knowledge of both Yin and Yang. Male v Female. Art v Science.
Silver in the Americas | Debt 5000
Consider, for instance, how the gold and silver from the American mines were extracted. Mining operations began almost immediately upon the fall of the Aztec capital of Tenochtithin in 1521. While we are used to assuming that the Mexican population was devastated simply as an effect of newly introduced European diseases, contemporary observers felt that the dragooning of the newly conquered natives to work in the mines was at least equally responsible.U In The Conquest of America, Tzvetan Todorov offers a compendium of some of the most chilling reports, mostly from Spanish priests and friars who, even when committed in principle to the belief that the extermination of the Indians was the judgment of God, could not disguise their horror at scenes of Spanish soldiers testing the blades of their weapons by eviscerating random passers-by, and tearing babies off their mother’s backs to be eaten by dogs.
Such acts might perhaps be written off as what one would expect when a collection of heavily armed men-many of violent criminal background-are given absolute impunity; but the reports from the mines imply something far more systematic. When Fray Toribio de Motolinia wrote of the ten plagues that he believed God had visited on the inhabitants of Mexico, he listed smallpox, war, famine, labor exactions, taxes (which caused many to sell their children to moneylenders, others to be tortured to death in cruel prisons) , and the thousands who died in the building of the capital city . Above all, he insisted, were the uncountable numbers who died in the mines: The eighth plague was the slaves whom the Spaniards made in order to put them to work in the mines .
“At first those who were already slaves of the Aztecs were taken; then those who had given evidence of insubordination; finally all those who could be caught. During the first years after the conquest, the slave traffic flourished, and slaves often changed master. They produced so many marks on their faces, in addition to the royal brand, that they had their faces covered with letters, for they bore the marks of all who had bought and sold them. The ninth plague was the service in the mines, to which the heavily laden Indians traveled sixty leagues or more to carry provisions . . . When their food gave out they died, either at the mines or on the road, for they had no money to buy food and there was no one to give it to them . Some reached horne in such a state that they died soon after. The bodies of those Indians and of the slaves who died in the mines produced such a stench that it caused a pestilence, especially at the mines of Oaxaca. For half a league around these mines and along a great part of the road one could scarcely avoid walking over dead bodies or bones, and the flocks of birds and crows that carne to fatten themselves upon the corpses were so numerous that they darkened the sun.”14 Similar scenes were reported in Peru, where whole regions were depopulated by forced service in the mines, and Hispaniola, where the indigenous population was eradicated entirely.
Abstract art / abstract film we make up stories to interpret the work just like we do with the world.
We construct our identities through stories.
Language is important because stories are relatively inaccessible if you don’t speak language.
Nagi- relationships you participate in. All the stories about these relationships. All of the stories that have shaped up and formed us and forged us.
Jesus and Secret knowledge of reincarnation
The following are some the secret teachings of Jesus from the Gnostic gospels that affirm reincarnation, revealing the secret knowledge:
“Watch and pray that you may not be born in the flesh, but that you may leave the bitter bondage of this life.” (Book of Thomas the Contender)
“When you see your likeness, you are happy. But when you see your images that came into being before and that neither die nor become visible, how much you will bear!” (Gospel of Thomas)
In the Book of Thomas the Contender, Jesus tells the disciple Thomas that after death those who were once believers but have remained attached to things of “transitory beauty” will be consumed “in their concern about life” and will be “brought back to the visible realm”.
In the Secret Book of John, reincarnation is placed at the heart of its discussion of the salvation of souls. The book was written by 185 AD at the latest. Here is the Secret Book of John’s perspective on reincarnation:
All people have drunk the water of forgetfulness and exist in a state of ignorance. Some are able to overcome ignorance through the Spirit of life that descends upon them. These souls “will be saved and will become perfect,” that is, escape the round of rebirth. John asks Jesus what will happen to those who do not attain salvation. They are hurled down “into forgetfulness” and thrown into “prison”, the Gnostic code word for new body. The only way for these souls to escape, says Jesus, is to emerge from forgetfulness and acquire knowledge. A soul in this situation can do so by finding a teacher or savior who has the strength to lead her home. “This soul needs to follow another soul in whom the Spirit of life dwells, because she is saved through the Spirit. Then she will never be thrust into flesh again.” (Secret Book of John)
Another Gnostic text, Pistis Soph
Game of Thrones
Bran climbing. As he see Jamie and Cersri we learn but also are innocence is destroyed. The more we learn the more we suffer.
Conflict between two faces of power. Achievement and punishment.
Seductive Mystery that ends with a jolt.
Each character should be introduced as answers to conflicts in the story world.
Bran learns seeing a man die, and learns about the world. Part of his innocence dies
Lannisters are experienced. Starks are inexperienced like bran.
Plot needs to get seeker or knowledge to the biggest keepers of knowledge
Establish core conflict/ engine before all locations.
Tyrion is a knowledgeable person but also jaded
Women | Big Data
9/ top 100 searches are for incest. Father and daughter mostly. Nipple sucking, man eating pussy, passionate love making.
25% straight porn - painful anal crying, extreme brutal gangbang. Men search for these half as much.
5% rape videos
20% of all videos are lesbian porn.
Twice as many Boyfriend won’t have sex then a girlfriend won’t have sex. It’s just something women can’t talk to about girlfriends.
40% of women complaints its that its too big and there’s pain during sex. Most women want to make sex shorter. They mostly ask why it isn’t happening at all.
Pussy searches - 70% health related. 30% not about health are how to shave, tighten and make it taste better. Worried if smells like feet, fish, rotten meat. They don’t google partners penis very much.
What does the the protagonist want vs what drives him to it.
Super-intention is the subconscious longing (usually generic like “perfect mate or self actualization”)
Motivation- why do they need it. Usually childhood scares or longing
5 stages Desire Sense of antagonism Choice of action Action reaction Expression- nonverbal ending activity (hurling plate across room, clenching fists, smiling)
Prisoner get points based on what they did. The prisoners with higher point end up in stricter prisons. Those criminals commit more crimes when released.
Prep work
Read it allowed with writing partner.
Table read - invite actor freinds over. Bring pizza. Have them read your work and get harshest notes. The script might be bad, but the pizza will be good.
Experience rejection and maybe tweak it.
Scriptnotes Podcast
Sharing economy - Data is the new biggest innovation of the 21st century.
Wikipedia has deprived advertisers of 3 billion dollars and destroyed encyclopedia business for free. The network and internet cannot be silenced or dispersed.
They can no longer but the genie back in the bottle of or ingorance and propaganda. All information is just a swipe away. The networked generation caused Arab spring and revolts in Turkey, Brazil, Ukraine, India and Hong Kong. They could turn off the internet but not without damaging markets.
I used to be able to silence everyone you like. Now we could develop a new economy and way of thinking shaped modulator on the internet.
The struggle is Network V. Top down economy.
Merchant capitalism > industrial capitalism> cognitive capitalism.
Labor theory - Smith invented first labor theory. Ricardo said labor adds value and machines and the machine is just part of the process.
We should be seeking happiness, not productivity.
Were not machines. Jermey betham says we should work to maximize happiness. The rate of suicide in industrialized nations is troubling. Would you rather be a productive sucidal Singaporean or a happy coasta rican
Self Interest | Debt 5000
I want to draw particular attention to the underlying notion of “self-interest. “56 It is in a real sense the key to the new philosophy. The term first appears in English right around Hobbes’ time, and it is, indeed, directly borrowed from interesse, the Roman law term for interest payments. When it was first introduced, most English authors seemed to view the idea that all human life can be explained as the pursuit of self-interest as a cynical, foreign, Machiavellian idea, one that sat uncomfortably with traditional English mores . By the eighteenth century, most in educated society accepted it as simple common sense. But why “ interest” ? Why make a general theory of human motivation out of a word that originally meant “penalty for late payment on a loan “ ? Part o f the term ‘s appeal was that i t derived from bookkeeping. It was mathematical. This made it seem objective, even scientific. Saying we are all really pursuing our own self-interest provides a way to cut past the welter of passions and emotions that seem to govern our daily existence, and to motivate most of what we actually observe people to do. - “no less is the moral universe ruled by laws of interest. “ Helvetius, in a passage reminiscent of Lord Shang, And of course it was on this assumption that all the quadratic equations of economic theory could ultimately be built.
“Self-interest” is first attested to in the writings of the Italian historian Francesco Guicciadini (who was, in fact, a friend of Machiavelli) , around 1510, as a euphemism for St. Augustine’s concept of “self-love. “ For Augustine, the “ love of God” leads us to benevolence toward our fellows; self-love, in contrast, refers to the fact that, since the Fall of Man, we are cursed by endless, insatiable desires for self-gratification-so much so that, if left to our own devices, we will necessarily fall into universal competition, even war. Substituting “ interest” for “ love” must have seemed an obvious move, since the assumption that love is the primary emotion was precisely what authors like Guicciadini were trying to get away from. But it kept that same assumption of insatiable desires under the guise of impersonal math, since what is “ interest” but the demand that money never cease to grow ? The same was true when it became the term for investments” I have a twelve-percent interest in that venture”-it is money placed in the continual pursuit of profit.59 The very idea that human beings are motivated primarily by “ self-interest,” then , was rooted in the profoundly Christian assumption that we are all incorrigible sinners; left to our own devices, we will not simply pursue a certain level of comfort and happiness and then stop to enjoy it; we will never cash in the chips, like Sindbad, let alone question why we need to buy chips to begin with. And as Augustine already anticipated , infinite desires in a finite world means endless competition, which in turn is why, as Hobbes insisted, our only hope of social peace lies in contractual arrangements and strict enforcement by the apparatus of the state.
Division of Labor
“As it is by treaty, by barter, and by purchase that we obtain from one another the greater part of those mutual good offices which we stand in need of, so it is this same trucking disposition which originally gives occasion to the division of labour. In a tribe of hunters or shepherds a particular person makes bows and arrows, for example, with more readiness and dexterity than any other. He frequently exchanges them for cattle or for venison with his companions; and he finds at last that he can in this manner get more cattle and venison than if he himself went to the field to catch them. From a regard to his own interest, therefore, the making of bows and arrows grows to be his chief business”~~~
Self Interest
Understanding all this allows us to see some of the European authors considered in earlier chapters in an entirely new light. Take Panurge’s encomium on debt: it turns out that the real joke is not the suggestion that debt ties communities together (any English or French peasant of the day would have simply assumed this) , or even that only debt ties communities together; it is putting the sentiment in the mouth of a wealthy scholar who’s really an inveterate criminal-that is, holding up popular morality as a mirror to make fun of the very upper classes who claimed to disapprove of it. Or consider Adam Smith : It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages .68 The bizarre thing here is that, at the time Smith was writing, this simply wasn’t true.69 Most English shopkeepers were still carrying out the main part of their business on credit, which meant that customers appealed to their benevolence all the time. Smith could hardly have been unaware of this. Rather, he is drawing a utopian picture. He wants to imagine a world in ,which everyone used cash, in part because he agreed with the emerging middle-class opinion that the world would be a better place if everyone really did conduct themselves this way, and avoid confusing and potentially corrupting ongoing entanglements . We should all just pay the money, say “please” and “thank you,” and leave the store. What’s more, he uses this utopian image to make a larger point: that even if all businesses operated like the great commercial companies, with an eye only to self-interest, it wouldn’t matter. Even the “natural selfishness and rapacity “ of the rich, with all their “vain and insatiable desires” will still, through the logic of the invisible hand, lead to the benefit of alJ .7°
One reason that historians took so long to notice the elaborate popular credit systems of Tudor and Stuart England is that intellectuals of the time spoke about money in the abstract; they rarely mentioned it. For the educated classes, “ money” soon came to mean gold and silver. Most wrote as if it could be taken for granted that gold and silver had always been used as money for all nations in history and, presumably, always would be.
General population - for us all to survive
Cooperations - main interest to make profit | Noam Chomsky
There needs to be a social contract. It won’t work with just one person. Greed is the only thing that is supposed to motivate people. Saving the environment is not supposed to motivate people.
Business throws another hissy fit when you want to tax and regulate them.
We have interest in keeping 3rd world poor so that we can take cheap labor, resources, and markets. Every country must serve assigned functions. Only the elites gain from this sort of arrangements. Most cost are payed by the poor while most profit is made by the rich. At first Japan was on par with many countries in America.Japan was never a European colony and grew organically gaining it’s own prestige.
The biggest problem in a country is its internal population.
Have we been here before?
People think we’ve been here before because this seems as if the indicators are the same. The reason its different is because of the cognitive changes to machines. This time middle class and upper class workers are being replaced as well as lower classes.
Ludites smashing looms to stop industrialization.
John Maynard keynes warned economizing labor is outstripping finding uses for labor.
Oxford study says 50% of USA jobs will be at risk in the next decade.
IOT - implanting A.I In things that previously had no A.I.
Smart home will be a big area. $398 billion in the next
$11Trillion by 2025
2020- 90% of cars will be online.
Industries that need to be Digital Healthcare Real estate Retail Banking Insurance Life science
3 M's Companies must align 3 M's. Machines Raw materials Buisness models
Massive job losses due to AI
160 millon jobs in total.
75 million jobs would be gone.
(When machines do everything) 13% of jobs will be automated 19 million eliminated 21 created(?)
75% of existing jobs will be altered
Money was need to produced armies, to capture slaves, to produce money | Debt 5000
If we see money as growing out of war and impersonal interactions where no one really wants to know where the money came from, then we can see how people would eventually equate it with advantage, self-interest, and violence of war.
In gift giving economies people gave gifts for all kinds of reason. Competition, love, affection, to spite an enemy, to look good, etc. But by Adam smiths time it was possible to reduce all of these motivations to one motive, self interest. As if every motive could be distilled down to one, and this was all people ever cared about throughout history and money let them drop the pretenses.
“Even if they miss only one season, then the number of people who will die of cold and hunger is incalculable. Now let us calculate the army’s equipment, the arrows, standards, tents, armor, shields, and sword hilts; the number of these which will break and perish and not come back … So also with oxen and horse” If one could add up the total cost of human lives ~ the only way to profit all of humanity is to abandon war and take up principle of “universe love”
Mcguffin- don’t make mcguffin something people don’t care about
Use it to kick the story off but build more on characters than pointless mcguffins
Add mystery to what it is and what it does, exact properties obscured
Make an anti mcguffin(no one actually cares about it)
Make the mcguffin a character we like
Make the mcguffin connect to the theme
Political Shaka
Be the political shaka. Lightening campaigns
The philosophers have always interpreted the world in various ways. The point is to change it. -Marx
This isnt left or right. Left and right are just boxes to define things in terms we already know
Capitalism treats people like cogs in a machine and on a bigger scale it treats countries like cogs. More specifically it treats poor countries and former colonies like cogs. Were short sighted and mostly exploit other people for our own gain.
Work doesn’t need to be done all the time. We produce too much so our biggest challenge is to figure out how to develop systems to distribute our wealth and minimize selfishness.
Use american hegemony for good. After we fix America there will be a change in culture around the world. One we change the military to a helpful institution the while world benefits.
We should all work less. These ideas of hard work forever comes from protestants and is not at all rational.
No problems with freedoms of religion, sex, or most drugs as long as they aren’t harming anyone else.
Feed homeless and solve hunger using A.I for redistribution.
Break up the big banks
Tax rich and close loopholes. Churches should get tax cuts if they help the poor.
Foster freedom for all race, sex & religion
Free education
Free month of travel for Americans
Less work hours
Decrease military spending (by alot)
Veteran initiatives
Fight global warming a fund clean energy
Promote self education
App that tracks government bills being passed. Ability to comment and veto
People can directly veto bills
Start polos areas of town with free books, movies, public pools and bars (like spain)
Large well managed homeless shelters that retrain the homeless for jobs and link with government job agencies
Voting through internet. Democratization of lawmaking
Involve people who are dissatisfied with the government. To after the people disappointed by trump 70%. We should be learning and teaching them how to argue and organize.
Left people think that all the power in the world is concentrated and just give up without even fighting.
Working people should control places where they work.
American Rabid individualism is the reason we think we need a bigger tv instead of helping to feed the old lady down the street.
Investment from people with money is why organizations exist. We have crowd funding now
Conspiracy theories take up so much time these days on the left . it takes up energy and no one has the power to change.
Release Marijuana criminals and use taxes from legalized marijuana to help rebuild communities affected with felon re-entry /rehabilitation/ education programs.
Welfare goes to the rich. You get huge tax subsidies for home ownership(goes up the higher you go), business dinners, tax breaks for business. We give far less to the poor then any other industrialized countries. Cobb county gets biggest subsidies than any other county but talk about welfare queens. The Lockheed company got 5.3 billion in government subsidies.
Food stamps will never get cut because there big agriculture behind it.
Children should learn early they don’t deserve human rights. Just what they can get on the labor market. If their mom can’t afford to feed them they should starve.
Maori People| Debt 5000
When you compliment a warrior necklace he may give it to you. After a reasonable amount of time he may come back and compliment your coat or your gun.
Bible on Debt | Debt 5000
Nehemiah Chapter 5
Verses 1-13: Alongside intense opposition from the outside, Nehemiah faced internal pressures, with the people crying out against one another. The Israelite had become bogged down in financial quicksand. Facing the burden of high taxes with a famine underway, they mortgaged their houses and land at such high interest rates that their children were eventually forced into slavery, to their own people. Although Nehemiah sharply rebuked these practices, he also set a clear example of leadership by calling on the wealthy to follow his lead: “fear … God” and freely lend the needed “money and … corn”. He could challenge them to a high standard because he practiced what he preached. Enemy opposition and difficult time in general had precipitated economic conditions which had a devastating effect on Judah’s fragile life. The effect of this extortion on the moral of the returnees was worse than the enemy opposition.
He the had the debts forgiven and gave jubilee which has the debt forgive every 7 years.
The lords prayer - forgive us our trespasses (debts) as we forgive those who trespass against us (debts to us)
People outcry much more throughout history than slaves, untouchables, women’s rights etc. Everyone can relate on debts, peasants join the armies, and if they cant pay taxes no one gets paid. Its brings everything to a screeching halt.
Q2 ) Tries to solve problem the easy way, without self examination, resulting in a big crash. Once they accept the task, they realize this easy way wont solve the problem because they wont solve their big problem. Unexpected conflict will come from a person.
Hero can have fun here where they try diffrent things. The audience should be having fun here too because these moments make it into the trailer. At this point the hero must commit and they must continue.
Around the midpoint this leads to the crash. The further this crash the higher they have back to climb. The lose of safe space here is literal.
“How did we get here ? My own suspicion is that we are looking at the final effects of the militarization of American capitalism itself | Debt 5000
“How did we get here ? My own suspicion is that we are looking at the final effects of the militarization of American capitalism itself. In fact, it could well be said that the last thirty years have seen the construction of a vast bureaucratic apparatus for the creation and maintenance of hopelessness, a giant machine designed, first and foremost, to destroy any sense of possible alternative futures.”
Who was the first man to look at a house full of objects and to immediately assess them only in terms of what he could trade them in for in the market likely to have been ? Surely, he can only have been a thief. Burglars, marauding soldiers, then perhaps debt collectors, were the first to see the world this way. It was only in the hands of soldiers, fresh from looting towns and cities, that chunks of gold or silver-melted down, in most cases, from some heirloom treasure, that like the Kashmiri gods, or Aztec breastplates, or Babylonian women’s ankle bracelets, was both a work of art and a little compendium of history-could become simple, uniform bits of currency, with no history, valuable precisely for their lack of history, because they could be accepted anywhere, no questions asked. And it continues to be true. Any system that reduces the world to numbers can only be held in place by weapons, whether these are swords and clubs, or nowadays, “ smart bombs” from unmanned drones .
Even more, by turning human sociality itself into debts, they transform the very foundations of our being-since what else are we, ultimately, except the sum of the relations we have with others into matters of fault, sin, and crime, and making the world into a place of iniquity that can only be overcome by completing some great cosmic transaction that will annihilate everything.
History of Humanity
Savannah was nice as long as 6000 bc
Neanderthals migrated to Europe 600,000 years ago
Mitochondrial DNA has proven all women around the world have very similar dna. The Africans have the biggest diversity
Anatomically modern humans first evolved 300,000 years ago (2017 morraco fossils)
The oceans used to be much lower. That’s why it was easier for humans to spread. The Sahara acted as a pump drying up and and becoming fertile pumping people out
60,000-40,000 genetic adam lived. Common male ancestor of all living humans. Great leap forward. Tools, jewelry , painting bigger brains and better vocals. 1.2 million humans in all
Cromagna- anatomically modern humans
Famous ones Lived mostly in France. Traded sea shells. Religion bought people together and developed identifies.
It used to be the the Europeans were the first to do this but the same were discovered in South Africa and Australia. During the summer the band’s would meet and hang out together. Winters could be harsh but layers clothing made it possible to live in Europe.
Cave paintings illustrate religion started soon after with shamans depicted in elaborate headdresses
25,000 - 10,000 years ago, eastern European hunted mammoth. We don’t know much about them. Some hunter gathers like these, new Guinean, and certain native Americans knew about agriculture but never had an incentive to take it up. Its so laboriously and time consuming.
15000 - 10000 years ago
Sea levels rise after little ice age
8000 bc Mesopotamia was settled
7000 bc China was settled and rice was cultivated
5600 Great flood- Great flood around 5600- water levels rose by ice sheets melting. The poem of atrahases is the Mesopotamian person. Humans were making too much noise. The gods were gonna wipe us out but one, Oa who had sworn ti protect humanity warned us.There is also akkadian version. We cannot ignore that story. In China - Yan shou say a wall eater tears a whole I’m the sky. Water cover the earth and drowns everyone the only survivor takes place in a moutan top. In india - the rig veta tella of a flood that washed away all 3 heavens. Maya-In the Americas the humans turned into fish to survive. They get drunk after landing to celebrate like Noah. In Peru a llama that refuses to eat tells a farmer the earth will end in 5 days. Someone was lost and the gods lamented it. Bantu-In the beginning in the dark there was water .
3500 uruk reaches its peak of 10,000 people
3300 first invention of cunieform writing. Marks of ownership and counters for tallying
3200 first hieroglyphics and empire starts
2600 minions start on Crete
2550 pyramids started
Rome and Slavery | Debt 5000
Roman emperors started to claim Domenium (freedom do whatever they want. This was less of a right and more of a power) This idea became the idea of kingship adopted by germanic conquerors. The conquered people where servants, like it Rome.
Eventually slavery morphed into people being inherently subservient.
12 Century during the middle ages. roman law was recovered and dominium was troubling. Was it absolute power or just property? How could anyone except the king have absolute power or anyone but God?
Natural rights - Lisbon & Antwarp - It should be someones right to sell their rights. According to them there was no reason africans hadn’t sold their rights or no reason why this shouldn’t be a bad thing. There may have been some abuses but there were abuses in every system right? (obviously a justification for their holocaust)
Characters that surprise us- characters don’t change, they just surprise is by showing unknown depth
What is characters superpower
Tyrion is misusing his superpower
Walter white is misusing his power
Jaws- Building tension
Story world enforces humans and sharks who need to satisfy appetites. Teens wanna party, kids wanna swim, sharks want to eat.
Rachet up tension
Use false hope so they constantly imagine threats and bad outcomes.
If the violence its too visceral and overdone the audience becomes numb. Steven Spielberg puts a lighter warmer tone that contrast with horror. It gives audience a false sense of security. He hired sitcom writers for quippy dialogue.
Add a huge shock to the end.
Raise a series of false alarms
Deception or force could be used
The Greeks started with gods to solve all of the problems but through debate and reason turned to other forms. Deception or force could be used. Deception could be seen as cowardice or lack of honor. Force could be seen as Brutishness or honorable death. This can be seen in Achilles v odysses. Reliance on deception has a law of diminishing returns as opponents catch on. Force is not a strategy on its own. Oddsyous became the victim of his own lies, after the trojan horse, people seemed to fail to believe his because his lies were successful.
Gift giving
Reciprocity is huge with bands. Certain gifts move clockwise or counter clockwise around island because sometimes trade is ceremonial.
Some tribes will meet, have a 3 day long feast. Be given the opportunity to attack the other group but not, then the other group will get chance to ceremonial attack them but will not.
In trobian society, yams show how wealthy.tribute and gifts are more valuable then those grown. They display yams in front of house to show wealth.
Follows actors eye level as they walk
Doesn’t move the camera unless he has to. No handheld
Uses CGI mostly for background
Places characters in relation to how they interact with each other.Blocking scene with characters facing or not facing each other subtly.
Using split level time remapping for using actors diffent takes
Omniscient camera.
Tragedy, Comedy and Action
Establish rules crispy and clearly at the beginning of story world. Define simple rules quickly.Don’t make up more rules as you go.
Borrow rules from the genre we already know. At one big twist to lead to a Different ending.
New country for old men - cyclical world where man is the same sheriff like his father. World is different now though(Different rule)
Heroic script is newer than tragedy and comedy. In the old story world people were product of the world. In heroic worlds the world changes because of the hero.
Heroic- hero changes world at the end
Tragedy- the world stays cyclical
Comedy- love changes the world.
Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey
Garvey traveled around the states starting chapters of the negro improvement operation.
Had a division for men and women.
Preached unity
Developed official songs and the pan African flag
Started a paper with poems, historical events, essays. Gave people overblown titles like barron of the nile.
Had uniforms made (the shortest man in uniform looks like giant)
Had elaborate rituals
People could join just by submitting a picture and mailing it into the office.
Bought a church building for his official headquarters and called it liberty hall.
Made many investment funds.
He wanted to teach success.
He started many black business that would benefit people. Employed 100 people in Harlem. Unfortunately he hired people with little experience and moved money from one business to cover losses in another.
He was shot 3 times and recovered getting even more followers. 1/4 million followers.
Called Africa for the Africans. There were 500 divisions of UNIA around the world in 22 countries. It was printed in Spanish, french and other languages.
Was tracked by hoover and the justice department. Hoover called he the Negro Moses. Hoover hired first black FBI agent in history to infiltrate his organization.
He called for blacks returning from WWI with army training which sounded alarm.
Tried to start a black star line that would let black
communities trade around the world. Was betrayed by people who built ships who gave him 5x as much as the ship was worth. One worked for J.Edgar Hoover.
Had a convention with 1000 leaders of the organization from all over the world.
Supported Irish republican Army. Had delegates go to UN to argue for giving up African colonies to Africans.
Lost tons of money on the black star line. Mismanaged organizations by hiring inept people.
Defended himself in court, firing his attorney. Was charged with mail fraud. bad decision. He was deported. Assets were seized by the government and former organization members were destroyed.
Unsolvable dilemma for TV series
Irony that can never be unraveled.
Walter wants to save his family but he destroys his family doing it.
Mad Men- traditionst family man that is also marriage wrecker.
GoT- How can good people prevails as leaders when power corrupts absolutely.
Slavery in Africa | Debt 5000
Europe was burning witch, developing complex slavery etc. Very Savage place. We don’t like to think about violence but imagine going into a university library without a pass.
African port of callobar. In 1600 white Merchants would come to African ports. They would trade people pawns or the African sellers would let them hold pawns to substitute for debt. In the African system they were not dehumanized and temporarily help as debt collateral. The European would demand more and more pawns as payment.
Imagine if aliens came with no morality, undefeatable weapons, and unlimited money. Then gave a million dollars per worker, no questions asked. Not everyone would do it but a few would.
Greed spread to Africans eventually. Violence increase and kings made slavery the the punishment for every crime. They would also make fines too high to pay and get people into debt. Eventually through debt schemes the people who we tricked would become slaves for the creditors and we’re eventually sold. This happened much in Thailand and other places in South East Asia and Bali where people would often sell themselves and women often were often exported. The Africans just we in the wrong place and the wrong time.
Eckbay secret societies would come up as a slave trading secret group that would use criminal justice practices to exploit others.
Vedic Rishis
were so touch with universe they could hear the sounds of the universe. Sounds are important, not really the context
Cyclical universe. 4 yugas that get progressively worse until the universe restarts. Priest must be married to perform.
Vishnu says - we shouldn’t be afraid to kill or die for our principles. As a varnya you should kill or die according to your dharma.
All 3 lead to moksha. 3 stages.
Householder, forest dweller, wandering aesthetic
Dharma - morality : written by superhuman sage called Manu. Most authors used his name. He is the first man. Upanashads came from this. Modern India is based on laws of manu. Uneven fines and punishments
Urta- Material power
Various perceptions for artist guild’s, masons etc.
Kama - Sensual pleasure. Art is seduction. Kissing, touching and what to do with partner.
Inuit story | Debt 5000
“Freuchen tells how one day, after coming home hungry from an unsuccessful walrus-hunting expedition, he found one of the successful hunters dropping off several hundred pounds of meat. He thanked him profusely. The man objected indignantly:
“Up in our country we are human!” said the hunter. “And since we are human we help each other. We don’t like to hear anybody say thanks for that. What I get today you may get tomorrow. Up here we say that by gifts one makes slaves and by whips one makes dogs.
… The refusal to calculate credits and debits can be found throughout the anthropological literature on egalitarian hunting societies. Rather than seeing himself as human because he could make economic calculations, the hunter insisted that being truly human meant refusing to make such calculations, refusing to measure or remember who had given what to whom, for the precise reason that doing so would inevitably create a world where we began “comparing power with power, measuring, calculating” and reducing each other to slaves or dogs through debt.
Tokenism/black exceptionalism
Obama is held as progress and they are bit they are also used as tools to say “ well he made it, why can everyone?”
Affirmative action sometimes paints the picture that every thing is equal because of the demographics in elite places but on the street things are Different.
We need more then a trickle down racial justice. There needs to be mire of a team mentality to succeed
Reciprocation | Debt 5000
If one saves the other life, they would become like brothers. We don’t really know what these people were thinking but we can speculate these moralities have nothing to do with European tit for tat exchanges.
18th century stories of people working in Africa Lucien Lévy-Bruhl compiled many similar stories. After getting savaged by a tiger, the man would ask for a knife. A man saved for drowning asked for nice clothes.
Reciprocity to the point where the other would do something for you but not necessarily that they will. They give things and may get something back or may not.
Catholic History and Debt | Debt 5000
Much of the roman money ended up in churches to build statues.
At first, the Catholic attitudes toward usury were just as harsh as Muslim ones, and attitudes toward merchants, considerably harsher. In the first case, they had little choice, as many Biblical texts were quite explicit. Consider
Exodus 22:25 : If you lend money to My people, t o the poor among you, you are not to act as a creditor to him; you shall not charge him interest. Both the Psalms ( 15 :5 , 54:12) and Prophets (Jeremiah 9 . 6 , Nehemiah 5:n) were explicit in assigning usurers to death and hellfire. What’s more, the early Christian Fathers, who laid the foundation of Church teachings on social issues in the waning years of the Roman empire, were writing amidst the ancient world’s last great debt crisis, one that was effectively in the process of destroying the empire’s remaining free peasantry. 97 While few were willing to condemn slavery, all condemned usury. Usury was seen above all as an assault on Christian charity, on Jesus’s inj unction to treat the poor as they would treat the Christ himself, giving without expectation of return and allowing the borrower to decide on recompense (Luke 6:34-35 ) . In 365 AD, for instance, St. Basil delivered a sermon on usury in Cappadocia that set the standard for such issues: The Lord gave His own inj unction quite plainly in the words, “from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away. “98 But what of the money lover ? He sees before him a man under stress of necessity bent to the ground in supplication. He sees him hesitating at no act, no words, of humiliation. He sees him suffering undeserved misfortune, but he is merciless. He does not reckon that he is a fellow-creature. He give in to his entreaties. He stands stiff and sour. He is moved by no prayers; his resolution is broken by no tears. He persists in refusal . . .99 That is, until the suppliant mentions “interest.” Basil was particularly offended by the crass dishonesty by which moneylenders operated; their abuse of Christian fellowship. The man in need comes seeking a friend, the rich man pretends to be one. In fact he’s a secret enemy, and everything he says is a lie. Witness, St. Basil said, how the rich man will always at first swear mighty oaths that he has no money to his name: Then the suppliant mentions interest, and utters the word security. All is changed . The frown is relaxed; with a genial smile he recalls old family connection. Now it is “my friend. “ “ I will see, “ says he, “if I have any money by me. Yes, there is that sum which a man I know has left in my hands on deposit for profit. He stipulated a very heavy rate of interest. However, I shall certainly take something off, and give it to you on better terms. “ With pretences of this kind and talk like this he fawns on the wretched victim, and induces him to swallow the bait. Then he binds him with a written security, adds loss of liberty to the trouble of his pressing poverty, and is off. The man who has made himself responsible for interest that he cannot pay has accepted voluntary slavery for life . 100
Christians pushed jews to money lending. They were killed, purged and tortured at different times in history.
8oo century - Charlemagne - Used pounds, shillings and pence. He never actually made pounds. The monetary system he created continued after his empire for 800 years.
1100century - Notched tally sticks - Were used to record debts as IOU’s. Take hazel wood stick - They would notch it to indicate how much they owed. The holder would keep the stock (stockholder) and the other person would take a stub (Ticket stub). They would then circulate this tally stick as an IOU (from the king)
1179 - Usury was made a mortal sin. you could be excommunicated and denied a christian burial.
1187 - Merchants were forbidden to charge higher prices when selling on credit
1200 century Catholics - All known usurers were to be excommunicated. Jews would be employed as all the money lenders. In medieval Europe civilizations would speak
1481 - German peasant revolt was huge under Margrave Casimir of BrandenburgAnsbach(I48I-I527) based largely on debt. His fathers debt, his debt, and the debt of peasants.
1692 - Consortium of English banker made a load to King Henry. They would sell pieces of the debt he owed and charge him 8%(they would also charge the peasant more money as well). Obviously this only worked if Henry never paid his debt. If he did pay his debt all the money would cease to exist. To this day the loan has never been paid back.
Why did early kingdoms make subjects pay taxes at all. If smith was right, and markets operated independent of governments, wouldn’t the obviously thing be to just seize control of gold and silver minds. Many ancient kings did. Then he could stamp his face on these coins and disperse those coins. but why? Because they wanted to create markets.
One big reason is the military. If you hand out coins to peasantry, you dont have to provision your soldiers. You ask your citizens to give these coins back to you. The soldiers give coins to peasants, the peasants give coins back to you, the solders are feed. Voila, war machine keeps chugging. This was also true for China (Salt and iron) and susainians.
Tax policies are created to create markets
1902 -French counqouerer Galianie - Madagascar was conquered, he printed money and demanded everyone on the island pay him. It was an education and moralizing tax. This is the tax to “teach the natives the value of work”. The farmers would have to sell a portion of their rice crop to the Chinese and Indian merchants. If one sold too much of ones crop, One would not have enough to feed ones family all year, they would be force to buy their own rice back at a time of year when the prices were much higher. Farmers fell quickly into debt from loan sharks. The only way to pay it back was grow cash crops like coffee and pineapples, work on plantations, or send their kids to the city to work. The french, according to their own documents were, wanted them to have some money leftover and wanted the people to become accustomed to minor luxuries available at the Chinese shops and make sure demand that would endure far after conquering happened. This would tie them to france forever. They tried to resist but by the 1990’s (after the tax ended a generation ago by revolutionary governments) even spirit mediums would be reciting phrases like adam smiths scripture.
Wizard of Oz - populist parable about dorthy getting fighing back against debt
In 1964 Henry Littlefield, a Columbia University-trained historian, wrote a breakthrough article in the scholarly American Quarterly titled “The Wizard of Oz: Parable on Populism.”
America - Most unsympathetic to debtors. It was one of the last country in the world to adopt a law a bankruptcy on moral grounds.
“For every subtle and complicated question, there is a perfectly simple and straightforward answer, that is wrong,” HL Minken
Guns, Germs and Steel IV
North chinese created most of the language and culture we know of today.Hmong live in rural areas and have their own language. Unification of china was influence by having no desserts and a long unifying river.
North america
Rainforest of panamanian ismass, dessert in northern mexico, andes mountains acted as natural barriers between societies
The wheel, animal domestication, plant domestication, writing, metallurgy, states and so on. Until 900 AD europe west of the alps contributed nothing of significance to old world tech. Even from 1000 ad to 1400 the flow knowledge was from china.
8500 bc to 1400 ad Europe was the most backwards until the rise of greece, then rome.
American fiat money is backed up only by US military force
American fiat money is backed up only by US military force. We keep gold bars of other countries in New York and the money is transferred every year. Since 1971 since Nixon removed us from the gold standard the dollar is now the US reserve currency instead of gold. When we have our money floating around the world, other countries can only used it to by more bonds AKA stock in the US. These bonds are supposed to be paid back but they never do. The effects of inflation, and price fluctuations make it so they actually depreciate over time. Since the US prints the money that the world spends the effect is we can give ourselves a free ride monetarily. It is the only currency used by OPEC members for petroleum. When Saddam and Iran made the choice to use Euro in 2000 and 2001 instead we quickly invaded them. It was just this, probably, but this was a big reason. The power of all empires rest on terror
Don’t drink to be drunk
Don’t drink to be drunk. Its immature and its and weak.
Americas shortsightedness
Were the authors of out own fates thanks to shortsightedness. Stalin imported entire factories from the us and the industrial practices. 5 years plan. American exports to the Soviet union were higher than any country in 1920s. Russia became largest foreign purchaser of American agricultural and industrial equipment. Hoover didnt acknowledge Soviets but FDR did to buffer power against nazis and japan.
Core value
every story has a core value(it determines genre). The overall story should change charge. Each scene goes back and forth of story values. Story values are smaller values that relate to core value. Negative to positive.they don’t have to reverse, just change. Negative to more Negative.
Be sure the value changes
Average scene is 2-3 minutes. Ending scene usually longer but you have to earn it.
Alfred Hitchcock - when screenplay is written and dialogue is added then we are ready to shoot
People get 50% of scene info from visuals
Rewrite scenes at actors practice dialogue. Keep energy up. Write less and use visuals much more.
Don’t use-They are, it is, she is, he is - there is a big house on a hill. A mansion guards the healands across the village. Don’t use descriptions that aren’t photograph-able
Narrow imagery to appropriate connotations. Benz- rich, Ferrari - furiously rich.
US as guardian of liberty
How can the country that murder s it’s own children and discriminates between them daily based solely on the color of their skin, a country that allows the murderers of the negroes to go free actually protects them, and punishes the negroes for respect of their lawful rights as free human beings claim to be a guardian of liberty?
What we need/what we want/rules
10,10,10 rule. Divided a city into 10. Then people. Then divided into 10. Definitely disproved the notion blacks couldn’t organize
Newton - Automation would eliminate the minimum wage workers. It will cause blaxks to be useless to American casualties. The loupon proletariat are those “below” the proletariat. People who have the most potential for change.
At its peak the Black Panthers fed 70,000 children. They gave away 1000 bags of groceries a month
Friends of the Panthers(jane Fonda and wealthy actors) + yale students black panther defense committee + peace and freedom party were trying to help black panthers
Eldridge cleaver - was a writer who made the party credible to black Intllectuals and the left. Huey was the the visionary. Bobby was the the personality.
FBI wanted to prevent rise of black messiah and prevent them from gaining respectability. In order to stop surveillance panthers would have a panther pad where members would live together complete with security and cleaning. Used newspapers to fund party. Women made breakfast mostly and men carry guns.
Set up embassy in Algeria way from the US. Met up with vietnamese during vietnamese war. Also revolutionaries from all over the world.
Many people were arrested but many people raised funds (like Jane Fonda and other stars). They held them for 2 years and had 100,000 bail. 156 were judged not guilty.
Bobby seale went to court and asked the judge to postpone his trail. The judge refused. He wanted to represent himself and the judge said no. The judge ordered him to be chained and gagged.
7) Empathy with or without sympathy. Don draper and Walter White get away with so much because of empathy.
8) Audiences much identify with hero. Connect with audiences with a moment of shared humanity
9) Having characters be Misunderstood. Everyone feels misunderstood. Don draper appears Different to audience then to other characters. Have motives established then have those actions be judged and misunderstood by other characters.
10) Problem should be center focused. What is the desire? What do they want? The problem should be focused and not all over the place.
11) even a biopic should be about 1 problem and desire.
12) people like to feel like ‘ I knew that was going to happen’. Don’t put to many twists and turns with no setup. When your character changes it needs to pay off. We want to create tension for change. You know what’s your with your character and it can be frustrating to see them change.
13) Irony is the source of all meaning. Set and reset audience expectations. Any meaningful gap between expectation and reality. Lure the audience into expecting something the upset that expectation in more ways than one. (Sought justice but got injustice). You hero should have flaw as a flipside of a great strength. Ironic contrast between exterior. Every story ironic dilema (good v good or evil v evil)
Lure audience into the world by giving them personal identify with this character.
Neat ideas aren’t everything. Plot should be important but character journey should be front and center. Plot should be 1 hour, character should be 1 hour. Characters should characterize everytime they talk about the plot. The character with biggest hurdle is who your viewer will identify with.
Writing Tips II
Tiv People | Debt 5000
aura Bohanan - Neighbors bring over things as soon as she arrived. These gifts have to be returned but not the exact amount. But be sure to bring back something that cost a little more or a little less. this way they would continually create communist society.
Used bride prices paid to a women’s parents. You could never use anything to pay off a women. The only thing that could pay for one women is another women. If you marry a mans sister he will give you his. If you don’t want his sister you may keep her as your ward. Many men who marry many women will have a tangled web of owing a woman back to the clan that gave him a wife.
Superior Man I
Who am I?
Continuity, through change is your masculine. You are not your body. You identify with Eternal. Don’t identify with the outside world. You are you.
Sexual polarity is an arch of energy between Masculine and Feminine pole. You need two poles.
Surrender in a relationship.
Sumer II
Mari 2200 -1700 BC
Ur3 rulers where next dynasty. Changed tax code, very pious in artwork, married for peace and fought slightly less.New weights and measures. 4000+ accounting documents. Literate kings who portrayed themselves as gods.shulgi wrote about how badass he was and how he was good at everything
Zimiari Lim was the last ruler who was invaded by Hamarabi. They started out being friends and allies in battle against other small Mesopotamian kingoms. He married his daughters off to other kingdoms and was nervous about Hamarabi invading
Diet was close to current middle eastern diet.
1900 BC - Hamarabi of Babylon. Amarites were foreign tribes around Mesopotamia. They were considered similar to others in babalonia.
He forgave debt salary, conquered a lot of land, and united the kingdom. He was very popular. The people made him a god instead of making himself a god. His dynasty went on for another 150 years.He broke down old emphasis on city states.
They developed astronomy and sent letters to the pharoh in Egypt. The Babylonians liked Egyptian gold and negotiated for it.
2000B.C. Sham shiadad started Assyrian empire.
800-600 BC - Assyrians :
Gender rules became very restrictive in this period.
Very violent accounts of kings reign.peaceful relations with Babylon. First historical old testament Jewish king.
But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will commend the general cause by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example. She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom. The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force…. She might become the dictatress of the world. She would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit….
American Poem
Terrorism is when they do it to US | Noam Chomsky
Bush and condaliza rice hinted that Saddamn may react to us with a mushroom cloud. Israel even said the evidence was sparse. The propaganda didn’t work around the world but only here. Fear was a huge motivator in the next election.
You can’t say the us was terrorizing Vietnam because terror is what other people do to us not something we do to other people. It is what we say it is.
Del Toro
Hero’s have to make a heavy choice
Treats the otherworldly as mundane. You do t have to give a ton of backstory
Builds one big statement piece onto ever set(custom stairs, door frames, beds etc)
2 different colors pallets for different story-line. They start to mix as worlds mix.
Mystery is a high part of what drives story.
He seems to lean to much on visuals and not enough of pushing actors. Visuals are important but you need both
Crisis theory
Not perfect.
1) overproduction
2) inefficiently flow of capital between sectors
3) the steps is the above sectors fall out of step with each other
4) Credit could become overextended. The main reason for credit is to develop exploration to the highest form of gambling and swindling and ti reuces more ans more the few who exploit the social wealth. - Bernie Madolf, Enron
Profit and growth have rebounded but workers wages have stagnated.When it fails It produces more we are able to buy and sometimes requires bailouts.
Very good at diagnosing the problem.Marx was great at talking about the history and his present but all of this can’t be applied to the future were living in now.
For Marx labor exploitation was wsre profit came from.Now people don’t need to exploit labor and would loose technology.
General intellect, according to Karl Marx in his Grundrisse, became a crucial force of production. It is a combination of technological expertise and social intellect, or general social knowledge - increasing importance of machinery in social organization.
“Nature builds no machines, no locomotives, railways, electric telegraphs, self-acting mules etc. These are products of human industry; natural material transformed into organs of the human will over nature, or of human participation in nature. They are organs of the human brain, created by the human hand; the power of knowledge, objectified. The development of fixed capital indicates to what degree general social knowledge has become a direct force of production, and to what degree, hence, the conditions of the process of social life itself have come under the control of the general intellect and been transformed in accordance with it; to what degree the powers of social production have been produced, not only in the form of knowledge, but also as immediate organs of social practice, of the real life process.”
— Karl Marx, The Grundrisse., 1858.[1]
He imagine info capitalism. He imagined the goal now would less work and more knowledge. Reduction of labor would produce universal education person by (Peter drucker)
Superior Man IV
Masculine - Grows through criticism and challenge
Feminine- Grows through praise
Masculine should let go of his more feminine properties. Trust your partners feminine and she should trust in your masculine. Trust the feminine beauty and in matters of love. There are infinite expressions of the feminine. There is only one expression of men. When a woman goes shopping she’s selecting different expressions of feminine. Woman and men seek variety in expressions of feminine.
Men - varieties of woman /beauty / spice/shoes
Use yearning for feminine energy as inspiration. Literal / figurative creations of feminine energy = Art
Spark: the protagonist needs a spark to generate wisdom. What was the reason the character changed. Why did they embrace this change.
Crisis. Chinese Ideogram is crisis /opportunity. 2 Crisis part is right before the resolution. This is luke Skywalker finding out Darth Vader was his father. The audience suffer with him through this choice. This could be at the beginning.
Of possible settle all the major plots and minor plots in one climax. Sum up romance , action and tell a truth all at the same time
The real axiom of the US | Noam Chomsky
Profound interest societies develop and strengthen those values in their respective cultures that elevate and protect individuals against the state.
But also protect against ideological victories of communism or any other system of government.
Nothing is said however about:
Preserving dignity of individual against foreign capital, dictators(Trujillo) and feudal systems. But really about individuals ideas
The real axiom of the US - The US has the right to extend its power and control without limit , where its feasible.
Usually intellectuals only argue that we can’t get away with it at this particular time.
Policy should never be immune to criticism. It seems to be not if we should invade but rather is it the right time to invade that’s the question here in America.
Some intellectuals argue we should just male small tweaks to what we have. Noam advocates for huge sweeping changes.
Scholar experts are replacing true revolutionaries. They are mire interested in keeping hate status quo.
Masculine chivalry III
Living by a code. What you will and won’t do
The more masculine you are, the more feminine you’ll make a women feel.focus on developing your character.
Women who are frivolous and feminine need a strong, unwavering guy for balance.
Be comfortable saying NO. You don’t need anyone’s approval. It means you have boundaries and won’t be a format for her. Don’t let her access everything upfront
Kill your insecurities. That is probably the most important step.
I refuse to suffer.
Masculine isn’t a sexist word.
prosecuting CEOS
Fossil fuel industry CEO should be tried for crimes against humanity. They knew about this since 70’s
28% industrial employment for black men. Poverty gave people the incentive to sell crack cocaine. Joblessness and crack came at the same time as the backlash to civil rights.Americans chose to deal with this with war. Crack became biggest news story since Vietnam and Watergate.
Washington post ran 1565 stories about drugs . Oct 1988-1989 even the paper admitted it had lost all sense of perspective.
George Bush Sr.
Opposed affirmative action, continued drug war enthusiastically. Had an ad the featured dark skin black man who escaped on bail program raping a white woman.
During WWII the US made plans to muscle out Britain in south America.
during wwii the US made plans to muscle out Britain in south America.
During World War II, study groups of the State Department and Council on Foreign Relations developed plans for the postwar world in terms of what they called the “Grand Area,” which was to be subordinated to the needs of the American economy.
The Grand Area was to include the Western Hemisphere, Western Europe, the Far East, the former British Empire (which was being dismantled), the incomparable energy resources of the Middle East (which were then passing into American hands as we pushed out our rivals France and Britain), the rest of the Third World and, if possible, the entire globe. These plans were implemented, as opportunities allowed.
Every part of the new world order was assigned a specific function. The industrial countries were to be guided by the “great workshops,” Germany and Japan, who had demonstrated their prowess during the war (and now would be working under US supervision).
The Third World was to “fulfill its major function as a source of raw materials and a market” for the industrial capitalist societies, as a 1949 State Department memo put it. It was to be “exploited” (in Kennan’s words) for the reconstruction of Europe and Japan. (The references are to Southeast Asia and Africa, but the points are general.)
…Theodore Roosevelt’s corollary to President James Monroe’s famous doctrine of 1823 proclaimed that not only did America have the right, à la Monroe, to block European attempts to re-colonize any of the Western Hemisphere, it also had the right to take over and shape up any nation in the hemisphere guilty of “chronic wrongdoing” or uncivilized behavior that left it “impotent,” powerless to defend itself against aggressors from the Other Hemisphere, meaning mainly England, France, Spain, Germany and Italy.
The immediate problem was that the Dominican Republic had just reneged on millions in European loans so flagrantly that an Italian warship had turned up just off the harbor of Santo Domingo. Roosevelt sent the Navy down to frighten off the Italians and all other snarling Europeans. Then the United States took over the Dominican customs operations and debt management and by and by the whole country, eventually sending in the military to run the place. We didn’t hesitate to occupy Haiti and Nicaragua, either.
Then, in 1950, George Kennan, the diplomat who had developed the containment theory of dealing with the Soviet Union after the Second World War, toured Latin America and came away alarmed by Communist influence in the region. So he devised the third corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. The Kennan Corollary said that Communism was simply a tool of Soviet national power. The United States had no choice, under the mandates of the Monroe Doctrine, but to eradicate Communist activity wherever it turned up in Latin America by any means necessary, even if it meant averting one’s eyes from dictatorial regimes whose police force did everything but wear badges saying Chronic Wrongdoing.
The historian Gaddis Smith summarizes the Lodge and Kennan Corollaries elegantly and economically in “The Last Years of the Monroe Doctrine, 1945-1993.” Now, Gaddis Smith was a graduate-schoolmate of mine and very much a star even then and has remained a star historian ever since. So do I dare suggest that in this one instance, in a brilliant career going on 50 years now, that Gaddis Smith might have been wrong? that 1945 to 1993 were not the last years of the Monroe Doctrine? that the doctrine was more buff and boisterous than it has ever been 10 days ago, Jan. 20, 2005?
But before we go forward, let’s take one more step back in time and recall the curious case of Antarctica. In 1939 Franklin Roosevelt authorized the first official United States exploration of the South Pole, led by Admiral Richard E. Byrd. The expedition was scientific – but also military. The Japanese and the Germans were known to be rooting about in the ice down there, as were the Russians, the British, the Chileans, the Argentines, all of them yapping and stepping on one another’s heels.
Europe has been the most savage and ruthless since the colonial period and most if the trouble in the world is left over from colonization. They got tired of this game of slaughter around 1945. There can’t be another full scale war, if there is no one will be around to hear about it.
Bush doctrine aka Preemptive attack applies only to us and not them. Strong countries and not weak countries. Terrorism definition only applies to them, not us.
Elimination of Slavery | Debt 5000
Slavery has been eliminated many times in human history. The spread of christianity had something to do with it though the church wasn’t explicitly opposed to it.
Planters had to set up plantations in the new world and get chattel slaves from Africa. Racism had to be invented because slave owner could not set up in his own country in most cases because many found it detestable.
Slavery in china and india collapsed around the same time around 600 around the world.
Credit to Cash after slavery.
China, India and Rome had credit crashes all the same time.
War was usually the reason why people went from credit to cash. A soilder is a bad credit risk and cash was traded more easily. Waring states in china, collapse of the roman empire, and india before the morian dynasty were good examples.
Set up soap with characters wound
They try to fix the wound but they fail and up repeating the same pattern.
They may add procedural elements but usually they are nonsensical like house. They are unlikely and emotional and we don’t really need to figure it out before the characters do.
Poetic justice is a big part . rewarding the good and punishing the bad.
Start with a particular conflict in the human heart. Create characters who embody extremes of the conflict. Add other characters on spectrum.
You gotta be my bodyguard
Damn your fucking trouble - You look like the type of girl who could back me up in a bar fight
“You know, you’re kinda cute. I think you’d make a nice girlfriend. WAIT, can you cook? I need a woman who can cook! Oh, you can? Great! I’m impressed. BUT what kind of food do you cook? Oh, Thai? I’m not sure I like Thai. What else can you cook? Italian? Now we’re talking! I like you already! BUT can you cook GOOD Italian food is the question.”
“You seem like you might be dramatic.You know, I usually don’t get involved with women who are X, but you have a great way of looking at the world so it’s cool, we can hang out.”
You’re adorable. You gotta be my little sister for tonight.
Not gonna work out -fight then make-up sex
Lean back and look at her analytically, without saying anything. When she says “What?? What is it?”, pause a second then say “I’m still trying to figure out if I really like you or not.” Then smile like a sly devil.
There are 3 things I look for in a woman (only tell two)
You know, I find it funny when women think all they need to impress me is LOOKS. Just once I’d like to meet a pretty girl with a friendly, cool personality too
You don’t have me fooled for a minute, dear.” (What are you talking about?) “Well, I know that most men fall for this ‘I’m beautiful and aloof and I get my way’ part of your personality… but I know something that none of them know… that there’s really another side of you. A side that none of THEM get to see. I’ll bet you a dollar right now that I know something about you that no one who’s only known you for 5 minutes has EVER known… … You may act tough, but you’re actually EXTREMELY sensitive on the inside.
Poetics = Image system.
External- Cars, colors,holidays
Start with your plot structure, them fill in subtext . Add dialogue later. Step outline, to plotting, dialogue last.
Rome and Slavery | Debt 5000
Roman Slavery - Absolute sovereignty - Roman law codified that roman could have natural ability to do whatever they wanted with their property. It should be noted many societies didn’t bother codifying it and making it the basis in law. In maccu piccu, china, etc, you dont see this.
In Rome however, Slaves were People who were also a (rez) thing. (Orlando Patterson). The emphasis on absolute power only makes sense if people where qualified as things. the word dominius, is not a particular ancient word and only appears in the later roman empire when slavery was at its zenith. Its related to the english term domestic (house cleaner). It denotes house hold but came to mean master or slave owner. By 50 BC roman writers assumed that all ‘workers’ were someone else’s property. It started becoming a genuine slave society. Famalous(familia) also comes from a latin word meaning slave. It was all those people under ones roof of the pota-familus who had absolute power over slaves and children and mostly over women(she half belonged to her father still)
Opion - Legal scholar who split hairs over slaves. The barber who is shaving a slave, and is hit by a baseball accidentally kills the slaves, who is to blame. If you convinced a slave to run are you a thief? can you get revenge if someone kills your slave that is also your son? Our contemporary juris prudence is founded.
Roman Elite finally found out that citizens should have rights to stop the struggle against creditors and debtors. Romans would conquer continually to get slaves. In opposition to American slavery roman slavery was arbitrary. He could liberate them, kill them, rape them, have them teach their kids but their was no reason one was superior to another. they were simply conquered people. Some greeks would sell themselves to wealthy roman citizen , give a friend the money and have themselves freed later and become a roman citizen. while under the contract though the could be killed at anytime legally.
1st year roman law students were made to remember this passage : Slavery: is an institution according to the law of nations where one person falls into the property rights of another; contrary to nature.
For most of history many people saw slavery as we see war: a taudry business indeed but one would have to be nai’ve to think it should be eliminated.
Racism | Big Data
7 Million of Nigger searches every year
(Highest when black people in the news: MLK day, hurricane Katrina, Obama was elected)
Same frequency as Migrane and economist
Nigger jokes
Stupid Nigger
Searches 10x higher for stormfront/ white nationalist group on day of Obama’s inauguration. Largest hate site 200,000-400,000.100 murders in past 5 years. . 30% are female. Trumps election didn’t increase sign up. Obama create the surge and trump rode the wave.
Montana, Alaska, Idaho. California 25x higher than national average. New York also slightly above average. Many complain about dating competition.
Many chat about normal shit. Some chat about jews and blacks.
Nigger President was higher than first black president in some states.
Strategy theory
The point if war is to impose your will on the enemy. More advanced nations in their have developed more subtle ways I’d thinking then raw force.
Theory can sometimes be insidious. Never confuse it for real experience. Remember that we a part of a continuum with no root cause and affect. Keep these 2 ideas in mind at once. Action should correct theory.
Inuits | Debt 5000
After dropping off meat for his fellow man. “In our country, we our human. By gifts we make slave and by whips we make dogs”
Scene - A story event(scene) creates change value. (Love, hate, freedom, fear, self confidence, doubt). Every scene changes one thing to another. If the scene doesn’t turn its most likely just exposition. If that’s the only reason it exists it should be trashed.
Sequence - is series of scenes (3-5) that culminate in biggest value change (episode ending?)
Sequences - culminate in an act. Biggest value charge difference. The impact of this is highest.
The ending of the last act is a value change that is profound and irreversible.
Change in Sequences
Marriage History
For most cultures love is not seen as s hood reason to marry. Especially if you get married early when they 12. 82% of culture allow man to have more than 1 wife. Less the 1% are polyandry (rough environments like Tibet where brothers have single wife, limits children because there are less resources)
Romantic love was a western invention from troubadors in France in 11 century. People in loves brains look like coke addicts.
Nyar- Tali right marriage. Girl gets married for 3-5 days when she’s 12 or w.e. after that she’s a women. She can get 10ish men after this. Men live with their sisters and mom but they come to her house , put his spear in front of the door. Very casual sex. One man must claim child if he gets pregnant.
Incest- prohibition around the world. The range (cousins,2 cousins) is the factor that changes. Immediate family is usually restricted by every culture in the world.
We get incest rules from Leviticus. Inbreeding is one reason Incest 8x more likely to produce defects. Familiarity breed contempt is another reason
Mindfulness in Orisha
Awareness help us see beauty in the word. Meditation and prayer help us see this. Mindfulness.
This too, is god. This too is ashe. Every part of my life is part of Gods sacred tapestry. Eb and flow is part of our lives and this is part of divine law.
Debt - US foreign debt | Debt 5000
Haiti was founded by former plantation owners and France demanded Haiti pay 150 million Frank’s (18 billion) for stealing themselves and defeating Napoleons military. All developed nation’s participated in an embargo until Haiti paid that impossible sum.
US foreign debt is selling treasury bonds to countries that are essentially in the US protectorate. Japan,Germany, Taiwan, south Korea, gulf states are a good example. China holding so many US treasury bonds makes it beholdant to US interest. When we raise national debt, we are effectively borrowing from future generations.
U.S. is an Empire and collects tribute from its protectorate states. The U.S is a different type of debtor then Madagascar. It is the reminiscence of debtors prisons where there were 2 types of debtor prisoners. One type got the royal treatment like the US and one type gets the shackled together covered in filth like the 3rd world.
Guerilla Warfare (Che)
The country people have a very large part to play in warfare. Needs full help from the area or else they are a bandit gang. Warfare cant break out until government at least pretends to follow the constitution.
No battle of skirmish is to be fought unless its to be won. This means use surprise, secretiveness and treachery. Hit and run, ambush,Greatest problem is perucrment of ammunition.
As the army grows the core group will stay in less dangerous areas. This includes the important leadership. Small bands will plant themselves behind the enemy and ambush him until growing big enough to be its own core group. When there is all out fighting both bands can unite.
Fundamental attribute of each band is mobility. Its main objective is to not be surrounded. When necessary it can use its mobility to escape encirclement.
Enemy loss is always repairable. If you lose one out of 10 it isnt the same as if they loose 1/100. Gorrilla must use sparatic accurate fire. They will rarely used a lot of bullets.
Number Defending soldiers and defensible position is the most important and not the number of attacking soldiers.
UBI - This Will push up wages of cost of low skill workers cause no one wants to do it. It will bring down wages for desirable knowledge work (engineers etc). Overtime this will eliminate work.
Some people will want to work, some will use crowd funding yo make other things
Food distribution planed by and AI
Eventually the basic income fades and GDP falls because cost of living will fall as well.
Corey robin -there will still be conflict. But well convert hysterical misery to regular unhappiness.
Robert vandervine- capitalist road to communism.
Practical intellgence
Passion v reason - short term goals can be staved off when thinking of the long term goal.
Practical intelligence Is proper relationship between reason and passion.
LIFE project
Live and die from slogans
L- lift up humanity. Bring people out of poverty, hate and chaos with education, Medicare jobs and clean energy
I- Invest in the planet - Plant trees, invest in sustainable communities
F- Fulfill our destiny as humans. Take to the stars and explore our galaxy.
E- evolve- eliminate money and reconnect with the earth. Become better people with education and bring ourselves to a higher level through meditation, study and empathy.
Social control | Noam Chomsky
there is a war on the poor and minorities. In the 60s as soon as blacks started politically organizing. It ruined the community.
Religious fundamentalism could start its own movement(it did)
Orisha as montheism
Orisha are like Angel’s. This is a monotheistic religion. They allow us access to sacrad waters. the reveal God in a multiplicity of ways. (Saints in catholic tradition).
Variation in belief is encouraged. You must find your own path in the orisha way.
Jesus talking aabout becoming little children
GThom 46
Jesus said, “From Adam to John the Baptist, among those born of women, no one is so much greater than John the Baptist that the persons eyes should not be averted. But I have said that whoever among you becomes a child will know the kingdom, and will become greater than John.”
GThom 114
Simon Peter said to them, “Let Mary leave us, for females are not worthy of life.” Jesus said, “Behold, I shall guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Luke 9:46-48
And a reasoning came in amongst them, who should be [the] greatest of them. And Jesus, seeing the reasoning of their heart, having taken a little child set it by him, and said to them, Whosoever shall receive this little child in my name receives me, and whosoever shall receive me receives him that sent me. For he who is the least among you all, he is great.
Luke 18:15-17
And they brought to him also infants that he might touch them, but the disciples when they saw [it] rebuked them. But Jesus calling them to [him] said, Suffer little children to come to me, and do not forbid them, for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say to you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.
Matt 18:1-4
In that hour the disciples came to Jesus saying, Who then is greatest in the kingdom of the heavens? And Jesus having called a little child to [him], set it in their midst, and said, Verily I say to you, Unless ye are converted and become as little children, ye will not at all enter into the kingdom of the heavens. Whoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of the heavens.
4 story lines(up to 10)
(Movies usually have 2)
Storyline A - Will Walter white become a badass drug dealer.
Storyline B - Will Walter take care of his family
Storyline C- Is Walter going to Die?
Storyline D - Will Walt and Jessie Become Freinds
Storyline E - Amilo and other gangster come to kill Walt because they’re jealous
4 act chart box (5?)
28 beats in hour drama
(40 beats in a movie)
7 beats in each act
A | 14-16 beats B| 6-6 C| 3-4 D| 2-3 D|1
Malaccas port and islam | Debt 5000
Malacca’s port gateway to the spice island was legendary because it had Swahili, Ethiopian, Arab, arminian, India, Chinese, southeast Asian, and Egyptian. It is said that its merchants shunned enforceable contracts but having preferring to seal contracts with a handshake and look toward heaven.
Idealized pictures of him, the honorable muslim traveler, surrounded by slaves and hangers-on, surrounded books, travel souvenirs, skilled in the arts of double entry book keeping as well as codes and cyphers, giving alms to the poor as well as places of worship, writing poetry -lumbar (12:18)
There was a particular hostility to anything that smacked of pricefixing. One much-repeated story held that the Prophet himself had refused to force merchants to lower prices during a shortage in the city of Medina, on the grounds that doing so would be sacrilegious, since, in a free-market situation, “prices depend on the will of God . “ If all this bears a striking resemblance to Adam Smith’s “ invisible hand” (which was also the hand of Divine Providence ) , it might not be a complete coincidence. In fact, many of the specific arguments and examples that Smith uses appear to trace back directly to economic tracts written in Medieval Persia. For instance, not only does his argument that exchange is a natural outgrowth of human rationality and speech already appear both in both Ghazali (ws 8-1n1 AD) , and Tusi (1201-1274 AD) ; both use exactly the same illustration : that no one has ever observed two dogs exchanging bones .84 Even more dramatically,
Smith’s most famous example of division of labor, the pin factory, where it takes eighteen separate operations to produce one pin, already appears in Ghazali’s Ihya, in which he describes a needle factory, where it takes twenty-five different operations to produce a needle.85 The differences, however, are just as significant as the similarities. One telling example: like Smith, Tusi begins his treatise on economics with a discussion of the division of labor;
Cultural relativism - one culture must be evaluated on its own merits.
Modern Started with German scientist who lived with inuits and noticed how similar they all were. Argued against social Darwinism and European, American racism.
Female circumcism - practiced on America and Europe as a treatment for masturbation. Huge in Somalia and women are biggest advocates as it is a transition to womenhood.
(War works to start the economy because its a massive redistribution of wealth) | Debt 5000
Arthashastra of India’s Maorian Dynasty - The treasury is based upon mining, the Army upon the treasury. He who has army and treasury may conquer the whole wide earth. Kutilya Goddesses and gods, ancestral ritual, cults, even caste and ritual status systems all either disappear or are sidelines. No longer treated as ends in themselves, but as mere tools to be used as gain.
Camp followers of soldiers like prostitutes, merchants, and so on would spread that wealth paid to the soldiers around. In India The moarian dynasty would even hire government agents to works as merchants, prostitutes and so on to overcharge soldiers so the state could pay them back their own money and spy on soldiers.
Money was need to produced armies, to capture slaves, to produce money
Strength should be the flip side of a weaknesses
Won’t let others in(tough, honest)
Doesn’t believe in one’s self(humble)
Put work in front of family (hypercompetent)
Doesn’t stand up for ones self(sweet, loyal)
Too selfish (hypercompetent, zealous)
Won’t grow up (fun loving, innocent)
Uptight(careful, hypercompetent)
Risk Taker(brilliant, independent thinker )
Lost Faith (sarcastically witty)
Pessimistic (funny bitingly honest)
Can’t move on(loyal, sentimental)
Drawing an Audience
Comedy, Lust, Adrenaline rush, Bloodlust, Power fantasy, Romantic fantasy, Pathos, Gorgeous/Spectacle, Cognitive dissonance. If you want to right something smart, you need to bring people in with these.
What is the Image thats different from all other stories? How is this going to be marketed. (wardrobe choices, locations, set pieces, holy crap scene)
Whats the : “Whoa I’ve never see that before??”
The surprise can eliminate the story. The uniqueness cant disappear once the twist is revealed.
Your hero shouldn’t be too much of a loser at the beginning. The hero needs a badass to venerability ration. Audiences admire venerability and strength. We have to cheer for people and fear for them.
Superior Man III
Women are not lairs, weather doesn’t lie. The feminine is just an expression of the moment. Its deeply intuitive and you often can’t really nail it down. And that’s ok.
Asking a woman how she feels doesn’t really give you the depth of the answer. The answer is often so complex. Try instead to embrace her feelings. It’s all a dance. You can’t understand all of it. Your verbal mind can’t really understand the depths of your lovers feeling.
You can’t bring things to a final resolution. The masculine is always trying to make things as simple as possible. Just trying to feel her, instead of trying to change her, is how you embrace the dance. Give up on trying to get definite answers.
She would rather have the presence of your anger than nothing at all. She doesn’t want to resolve anything. You can’t analyze her.
Woman are the miracle of light and life and change. Men are the unaffected presence. That’s why we find women so beautiful. They represent nature. They represent the cycle of change.
Criminals never pay their debt to society.
Criminals have no rights. Legalized discrimination and being forced to check prison box.can’t join the military. Never allowed to join the military. Cant live in public housing. They Can also bar people suspected of using drugs. Even if they werent convinced or fine just an arrest could. Transportation is a huge problem as well. 1/3 black males are out of work.
We don’t deny complicity of people who get caught up in the legal system. You don’t just blame their backgrounds because that removes agency. Its hard for anyone at any level to change their life. Staying in college, saving money, sticking to diets are all hard to do and their easier to breaking out of hood. We Should be surprised how many people actually escape cycle.
Hate the crime but love the criminal
Many people kicked out will be homeless. Chastised for depression and anger.
What is a criminal? What is prison for?
Ori tutu
The tradition acknowledges the middle road. The path of coolness. Cool headedness. Attempt to lessen extremes but does not exempt us of emotions. a cool head to does not run from heat of chaos. it knows it has the outsources to ride out the storm.
Since no one can marry in their culture, meeting with distant tribes is much more peaceful. Everyone has something to gain. The musicians hook up with each other wives. Once women and men. they only meet for ritual trade. | Debt 5000
Gunwinggu Western Arnhem Land of Australia - Zumala
Q3) The easy way collapses, Engages in self examination, is plugged into a spiritual crisis. Do they finally try the hard way at this point? Even if the character gets betray, assaulted etc. the real conflict should come from what is being learned.
Simplify motivation - Double chase begins (hunter/hunted), Ticking clock could come in, Kidnap happens, Events the force a decision, partners get killed, mentor is killed off, Hero learns from mistakes in a painful way (lies exposed)
After doing things the hard way, they still fail, but with eyes open. Discover they need to change their personality.
Reversals by plot
3 positive/negative reverals are the minimum. 1st act should be longest, last act should be the shortest. Shakespeare used 5 acts. Raiders of the lost arc had 7 major reversals. Less acts reduces repetitiveness.
Fidel set up 10 safe houses for training, formed army is exiled and refugees. Joined a party and then split with it taking followers with him. once convinced an enemy that he was his superior to get info. Made many temporary alliances to be broken at first opportunity. It was necessary to appear less radical to get allies. Special concentration on radio propaganda
Purged old police and military officers, threatened rival revolutionaries until they surrendered. Put all his people in power. He then met with communist leaders along with che nightly to mold them into a single revolution. Che then made an academy to raise cultural level if the army, fidel pretended he wasn’t a communist while che shored up his power base. Executed a few hundred prisoners after trials every night.
How can the country that murder s it’s own children and discriminates between them daily based solely on the color of their skin, a country that allows the murderers of the negroes to go free actually protects them, and punishes the negroes for respect of their lawful rights as free human beings claim to be a guardian of liberty?
Malcolm x rally In Harlem with Zanzibar revolutionary.
Dear brothers and sisters of Harlem. I would have liked to be with you and brother Babu, but the actual conditions are not good for this meeting. receive the warm salutations of the Cuban people and especially those of Fidel who remembers enthusiastically his visit to Harlem a few years ago. United, we will win
Have fashion uniforms developed as a symbol of professionalism
Elite illusion
Stibison High school a private school in N.Y. - they measured people who missed the cut off. People attended identical IVY league collages and got identical SAT scores. It seems how far students go is really based on drive.
Character moments
You need to make your strangers believe. Get your character to be compassionate but its better if its out of character.(Aladdin steals the bread but gives it to kids because he sees them like himself)
Have their sympathetic moment relate to characters philosophy (Catniss doesn’t care if she dies)
Laugh with funny moment (We laugh with ironman and deadpools wisecracks)
Laugh at funny moment (Character is comically vain like people not recognizing starlord or his name. )
Unique but universal moment (andy tries to pee with erection in 40 years old virgin)
Hero needs to be defined by ongoing actions and attitudes, not backstory. Characters should all react differently to the same situation.
Ironic backstory - Backstory that doesn’t follow usual path. Stock analyst that started out as a gang-member.
Compelling contradictions - what they potray on a surface plus who they are on the inside.
Metaphors family - can come from cultural background. Can come from a friend, can come from a movie persona. When they are under pressure it comes out more.
They need a default philosophy, personally trait(gloomy, excitable, ) agrument tactics
Snowball - Send them charging off in the wrong direction first then go to the right direction. They may also start with something small and end up on a bigger goal.
How not to make a Short
Put the shit online. Even if its in a film festival.
Get a dank website for a film.
Submit to all film festivals(add awards to trailer)
Try to distribute to small movie theaters.
Make a comedy short. There are not enough
Get good cover art. Get an email list going.
Get clear music, don’t use logos, don’t use posters.
Sag shit
Get everyone sign a release.
Try and get film submission fees are waved. Make a list a of tiers of festivals to submit to. Fill in all submissions from completely adding previous screenings. Don’t include promotional materials. Don’t call and beg.
Don’t worry about press kit packaging submissions.
Make badass email blast with trailer. Collect emails and use that to market. Research film festival winners.
Get a lot of good images.
layers of reality
Talk about layers of reality all being correct at once. Some may seem contradictory (atoms, organs, body) but when they are observed at Different levels they all work together.
String theory (Quantum mechanics), Atomic physics don’t mesh. Einstien’s theories break down at the level of the big bang and black holes. .But they work as a system anyway.
Go against rules of the world. They must go against bug rules of story world. Conflict comes from character opposing story world. Fear and needs are how you motivate character. This is how to get empathy.
To get sympathy you write a soliloquy. Two fears in conflict. Buffy is fearful of not living a high school life and fear if not fighting. Tony soprano fear of being to soft to protect is family and too hard to loose them anyway. Can hide this in script. Sympathy isn’t always better than empathy. All protagonist are against the world but for Different degrees.
Characters that go with the world dogma are just extras. Background furniture.
Reverse engineer antagonist. They work with the world rules.
Post segregation - 1960s
They argued desegregation causes crime. They said MLK choosing which laws to follow caused criminality. Crime was on the rise (mostly because the Baby boomers came of crime age and police harassment)
Bary Goldwater- faned fears of blacks. Las and order was pushed as a way for discrimination.
Blue colar jobs 1950-1960s - 70% of African American men had jobs in manufacturing sector. Many of the other jobs moved to suburbs. Many educated did well but many didn’t have education.
God of the old testament
Pharaoh was coerced to let the people go. It was progressive turning of the screw. But God hardened pharaohs heart that suggested the only strategist at work here was God. He needed a show of power for future Jews to pass down. The moral of the old testament is to rely on God and win. As with David, Joshua, Moses,
Beats in a dialogue
Tony and soprano hitting on Therapist
Tries to get ask her out offering her tickets to Bermuda hotel
He Plays shy/sensitive- she stays cautious
Propositions her/explains- she calls him an idiot(offended at being implied to be a whore
Tony claims its practical- stays silent/cautious
Tony plays victim(begging)- she implies its not you it me(sorta)
Tony looks for a way out - She gives him a way out(sort)
Tony lays it on the line(sex for sex sake)- she buys time. Says her values are Diffrent
He know she means her values are better than his. He asks her to explain/corners her- she belittles him by saying she doesn’t like his values.
He softens his tone and confronts her- she says its getting late
He asks what she doesn’t like - She says he’s a liar and a bully in a very nice way
Tony” I don’t love people?” He is doubting himself and feels powerless - she says he doesn’t respect people
She finally denigrates her for his lifestyle - he storms our and attacks her with words.
Tension rises, stalls then keeps rising.
Friendship v hatred
Self deception v self awareness
Life threatening v not
Plato - Story is powerful. Its logic wrapped inside emotion.
History of the Earth
4.5 billion years ago the earth was formed
~ 250-66 Mya- Mesozoic
Great dying and pangea.
Archezores (dinosaurs ) developed lungs.
Sauropods ( Long necks) Theropods (Meat eaters)
210 Mya Flying dinos developed.
210 Pangaea broke apart causing another extinctions
200 Mya - 145 Mya - Jurassic Period
Mammals diversified to beavers and flying squirrels.
Sauropods, stegosaurus came on the scene.
145-66 Mya Cretaceous Period. Longest period. Flowers first bloomed.
Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus. Many Eruptions even before comet hit Yucatan.
Megasastradon lived among the dinosaurs as the first mammal.
KPG extinction event. Much of land vertebrates wiped out.
66 -2 Mya Cenezonic Era
Many Animals we know developed now.
55 Mya Ecocine
Global warming increased by 8-10%
13 Meters snakes, Giant carnivorous turtles (3 Meters long), (ongulant) Horses
33 Mya Oligiacine
Apes evolve. Mass extinction in Europe. True carnivores evolved. Ruminants (cows, sheep, etc ) thrived as grasslands developed
New world monkies got to south America. Old world monkies in africa spent most of their time on the ground.
23 Mya Myagine
Hymalayas formed, Alps was formed, Proconsul (First ape, no tail, short spine)
7 Mya We branched off from Chimps and Bonobos.
5- 2 Mya Playacine
South America and north america connected.
5 million years ago(southern ape) . Austrlapiphicus : first ancestor. South africa. Wasn’t quite human. More ape than man.
2 million years ago - Homo habalis was the tool maker.found at Olduvai Gorge.
1.8 fire million years ago
Magnetic field shifted 750 thousand years ago
Hand axe firs
Savannah was nice as long as 6000 bc
Advertising works
Superbowl city study and movie trailers. Cities with biggest movie attendance tripled after the trailer.
China, debt and the middle ages | Debt 5000
Han crashed in 220 Ad. Coins disappeared.
Bureaucracy continued because it was so well made. Many many rebellions. Highest in human history. Some decades it was 1.8 revolts per hour.
Many Chinese dynasties ,Han, Tang, sung and Ming. Most statecraft came down to stoping shoung nu invasion or making sure the poor didn’t get to poor.
limited loan shark was a constant government concern. Peasants would go into debt from predatory lenders. Threat of rebellion would make government have to act. Wong Mong in 9ad couped on the government because (so he claimed) effective tax rate rose from 3%-50% . instituted public granaries nationalized, large estates, reformed currency, banned slaves, government program to pay for funerals. This all started a trend and didn’t always work but helped make Chinese markets most developed in the world. Had the highest standard of living until maybe the 1820’s.
They were pro market but anti-capitalist. Capitalist was the art of making money from money. Chinese rulers refused to team up with would be Chinese capitalist. (11:30)
Chinese buddhist who committed suicide could be maybe perceived as the opposite of a selfish act of sales.
Cosmic debtor took on new meaning in china. Debt must be payed back in this life or the next. On the flip side merchants lie, cheat and steal in the market and must repay their debt being reincarnated over and over again.
Monks began collecting alms that made them inexhaustible money stores they were supposed to redistribute. At first they were welcome and given tax breaks. Then monks began taking this money and there were reports of them giving out interest bearing loans as well
511 AD. They wanted continual growth because the whole world needed to embrace the dharma. Coinage began disappearing and monks would melt down coins and start adversely affecting Chinese money supply. 713 AD government confiscated 2 different money stores three stages sect . 845 AD 46,000 monasteries razed along with their shops and mills, 260, 000 monks and nuns returned back to their families, 150,000 temple serfed released from bondage. there were no doubt multiple reasons for this. started being periodically repression of monks to officially get coinage back.
Data and The Machine
Data market is changing market on an astronomical scale.
If machinery lasted forever , if it wasn’t transitory material then it would most likely correspond to it’s concept.
Machines that last forever and can be made with no labor it transfers a zero labor value to the product it makes. The labor value of each product could go down to zero. After the machine is paid for the it produces has no labor values.
(Capitalism hasn’t always existed. In its current form its only been around since the late 1600. Before that feudalism kept people tied to the land. Capitalism had a beginning so it also will have an end. Stalinism was garbage, occupy wallstreet had some good ideas, freeware and environmentalism are all parts of the same splintered movement)
Marx and Keynes Agreed on this fact
“One day there will be enough goods to go around and the economic problem will be solved. For the first time since his creation man will be faced with his real, his permanent problem. How to use his freedom from pressing economic concern. How to live agree agreeably and well”
GDP per person is going up all over the world, not just the first world anymore.
Feudalism (Rich get rich through coercion and legal violence) > Capitalism ( rich get rich through technical innovation ) > Communism (this isn’t necessarily true because it looks good in retrospect but according to the data we have it looks relatively sound)
Energy depletion, climate change, migration etc are the shocks.
Rise of un-ownable information. peer networks, unmanned enterprizes are the new external shocks
The internet is the ship and the ocean when it comes to the modern day conquest. It is the ship, the ocean, the compass, and the gold.
Our strategy should be to shape the outcome should be deliberate. The left can just be I prefer not to. We cant just ‘prefer not to’. Old marxist used to think things can just changed all at once. That isn’t true.
We need to learn to used government power in a radical and disruptive way.
Pulp fiction - indie revolution
Bring rules from outside of Hollywood to the movies.
Surrealism \ collage. Vincent and jewels walking out of restaurant in college clothes, flip flops.
Dream like quality to pulp fictions story doesn’t make logical sense but it all fits.
To add an aesthetic or theme, A tune your audience to problem your aesthetic was made to combat.(surrealism to post wwi Europe) make the world similar. The surrealist Follow logic of your own art style and break Hollywood rules.
Modern life is busted up. Random subcultures like the English, coffee shops, Amsterdam.
Characters are taking Different parts of culture and copy/pasting them onto Different parts. (“You will know my name is the Lord” )
Language Binds together random weird action. Each group recycle their words. “Do you consider a dog filthy” “ i wouldn’t consider a dog filthy” “get the gimp” “the gimp?”
Death of meaning. Shooting Marvin in the face with a big shock.
Guns, Germs and Steel III
Tech reversals - Sometimes tech is abandoned because of old rules and conservatism like japan rejecting guns in favor of swords. It only happens for isolated societies because there is no competition.
Eurasia population was 6 times higher than sub Saharan Africa and 8 times higher that america
Bands - Examples/ Australian natives /No animals to develop germs or food production, bad weather for growing food, droughts, isolation all contribute to staying in this stage.
Tribes - Tribes have no patriotism. Revenge warfare is a detriment to development, Population has a lot to do with it settling and developing into chiefdoms. Language unity is also important to get to the next level.
Chiefdoms - starts with tribute. Tribute can be redistributed as the chief sees fit. Religion helps people understand chiefs importance. Religion helps to unite citizens. Food production/
States - Writing is usually developed here for laws. Patriotism makes people ok with dying. usually formed by regional population size. War helps produce chiefdoms into states
Empire - tons of state’s bought together.
Data is the new oil because:
nfinite and shared
Its under your feat/nose now
Adding a drop of oil with another just gives you 2 drops. Data + data can make something new. More data increases its usefulness.
It is cheap to distribute. With moving oil you need a pipeline. With data, no so.
In the future proprietary data will be the real advantage.
Smart phone v dumb phone
FB Secrets
FB is mostly lies. Most social media is just used to promote yourself
Ignore what people tell you . pay attention to what to do
Fb was founded on secrets. People often say they want to do a thing and do the opposite. Fb decided to go with timeline because it got more clicks despite the outrage.
People say then way politicians to outline their positions( Donald trump). People say they don’t want to BDSM (But 50 shades). People say they don’t want trash tv ( but VH1)
Whats your story?I’m still trying to figure out if I really like you or not.
Thats 3 points. Keep it up
Were definitely getting married - Now you have to impress my 12 other wives. Wife 8 is an astronaut, wife 10 is Danyeres Targaryan
“I have something to tell you about that later” (mysterious)
Part time stripper, I’m in the new Magic mike movie// Im one of those guys who seduce women of money, are you rich??// I’m a painter, forgeries that I sell on the black market. Fake picassos
Im an artist and photographer, beauty is everywhere.What are awesome 3 things about you that aren’t physical
I just prefer girls who can have drunken semi-intellectual conversations
What do you want be when you grow up
Ill tell you all about your me, you just have to sign this contract later, its not big deal
Eskimo kiss
Close your eyes
The Gangster - Walk over there and put down her drink and kiss her
Chain of associations
Hip hop has evolved into a minstrel show for the consumption of white audiences . it gives white people the hood experience safety. Many minstrel shows were famous in their day too because they were the only black stars. This is changing now with the advent of the internet.
Many groups try to embrace stereotypes in order to preserve self respect.
Black superheroes, dear white people, she’s gotta have it show positive images of black people.
Pimpology II
Be as sweet as the scratch, no sweeter. Get the long scratch quick
Don’t let them Georgia you, get your scratch quick
Don’t ever pair 2 new bitches. Too much plotting
A pump should not have a shaky bottom woman.know which one will be next. Keep the tightest game on her
Pair them up right.
Don’t let them know you. Don’t be a whore yourself.
You’re lucky, but smart. You knew I would be your man
This family is one against the cold world..
Ill protect you with my last drop of blood.
What is money?| Debt 5000
Usually denoted as a means of exchange, Unit of exchange and store of value.
Its is usually denoted that barter is the only option. They dont say it happened, just tell reader to imagine. They superimpose barter on our world and take it as fact.
“Imagine the difficulty you would have today if you were to trade your labor for specific goods ect, etc”
Money isnt useful in itself. One only excepts it because one assimens other people will. The value of unit of currency is not the value of object but value of ones trust in other human beings.
Money is just and IOU > Bills are an IOU to pay gold > Gold is an IOU for food?
Salt money of Ethiopia, cacao money of mesoamerica were used mostly for trade with outsiders.
In colonial Virginia, a law was passed to make shopkeepers accept tabacco as payment.
Medieval palmeranian peasants made taxes, fees, and custom duties(payable i roman coins) payable in cheese, wine, chickens, peppers eggs and herring.
Build your name. Respect is important.
Pumps charge women to fuck them.
Don’t chase her. Replace her. Give that bitch a Chinese name. Long gone. Hoes belong to the community. They are in and out.
Keep a hoe in arrears. The more they depend on you, the more it seems like they need you. Most hoes don’t want to be in the driver seat.
Pimp the game. Don’t use your own money. Don king got Ali and foremen to fight without having a sponsor. Got the sponsors after the contracts. Went to king of Zaire with the deal and got more other peoples money.
Make sure you have a real plan That’s well thought out. Make sure you only do things you plan
Hoes come and hoes go. You gotta always be looking for the next opportunities. A pimp should never be hoeless.
Give knowledge to people you turn out but not all of the knowledge at once.
Don’t pay there’s hoes. That makes you a trick
Make your appearance the shit so ppl think you’re better than them
Relationships | Big Data
Common core group of friends is a strong indication relationships won’t last.
Monotone voice is seen masculine
Men varies her pitch. Using hedge words.
“You know, I mean, Talks about herself”
Use supportive words like “ that most be rough, that’s awesome”
There should be more women talking and staying on her topics. Less questions are better.
“Probabaly, I guess are bad. “
Loan Payments
More likely to pay back loans if they use Debt free Lower interest rate Graduate After tax Minimum paymebr Talk about past paybacks
Less likely to pay back loans if they use God(2.2×) Hospital Promise Will pay Hospital Mentioning family member Explain Thank you Appealing to mercy
Media refraining war | Noam Chomsky
“It [predatory capitalism] is incapable of meeting human needs that can be expressed only in collective terms, and its concept of competitive man who seeks only to maximize wealth and power, who subjects himself to market relationships, to exploitation and external authority, is antihuman and intolerable in the deepest sense…(neither will a beuacratized welfare state). modern technology can relieve human society of the need to preform specialized and inbicile labor…if we have the will to create it. “ ( language and freedom, on anarchy)
Peak coal was predicted by jevens in 1880s. Now we predict peak oil will call for less oil. The economy will stagnate at this point.
When climate change happens humanity may become extinct but more likely the rich will make it and escape the worst of it while the rest of us deal with the cost. Thus special interest groups.
Apocalyptic resignation - some liberals are sinking into nihilism and thinking catastrophe inescapable is not helping.
Peak coal
Women II| Big Data
2006- How to make ass smaller( white)
2014- Bigger overtook smaller
Is my husband gay (10× cheating , 8 × more likely then alcoholic, 10 × more likely depressed in
American search for porn more than they search for weather. 25% of men, 8% of women admit they porn.
Character does not equal characterization. True character is shown under pressure. Its more compelling to have character that contradicts their own characterization. Bond is able to be in so many films because when pressure mounts h reveals he’s not an idiot who likes to drink. Same with Han Solo. Presure must constantly increase enough to push character to edge.
Characterization under pressure.
Masculine chivalry IV
1890- industrial revolution fathers and sons started being pulled apart by working in factory.
50s men - Don Draper with polish and style on the outside but no harmony on the inside. No actually seeing women. Fathers bring home only temperament. Anger and powerlessness. No teaching. Not love. It creates damage and hunger for fathers.
60’s men - struggled during the sexual revolution. Embraced their feminine side
70’s men - hippy men embracing femininity
We swung past our goal. Women are now going into activity(women’s work has historically not been appreciated) while men go into passivity.
Women have been raising men recently. All adult men look like fools since the 60s. Homer, peter Griffin.
Men raised by women get a warped sense of masculinity. And their father because they see father through mother’s eyes.
80’s men - Start of the soft boy. A women will always betray a naive man without boundaries. The patriarchy has been superseded by industry domination. There are a few leftovers but now we are in the age of corporate domination. The father seems weak.
Softboys - get upset at women who put them in the freindzone because they were told by their mothers that’s what women wanted. There is not enough yang Energy in relationship. They learned to nurture and to be receptive but now relationship has ended with 2 receptors
Capitalism has nothing to do with freedom. | Debt 5000
For the owners it can be see with having to do with the free market but for the worker the only thing they have to offer is to rent out their body. We pretend like sweatshops don’t exist, or day laborers, or debt pions so we can feel better about our system. We can also pretend as its enviable that they will move on from forced labor like our country did but that isn’t true. We couldn’t really have a system where everyone lives well under capitalism because it works only because of the cheap labor or foreign countries. ,
Capitalism had never had the power to extend liberties and prosperity to everyone. The system built on slavery, debt and inequality isn’t made to feed everyone. After WW2 whites were bribed to not revolt with education, jobs, and houses in the suburbs. They abandoned class and stated to speak the language of the elite. In the 70s women and minorities began demanding those same rights fueling hostility and resentment. Demands for political equality around the world were granted just in time to make those freedoms mostly inconsequential. Those people were no longer barred from the American dream but wages stopped rising.
Assume love.
Assume love. Or at the very least. Civility.
CSI Prceduarals
Make a mystery, reverse engineer it to peices.
Give clues that way. And also add red herrings, story delays, and misdirection.
Make evidence seem to point in two different ways. Reconcile these two apparent contradictions with a new solution uniting them.
Archaic institutions should be subject to scrutinyr | Noam Chomsky
The treat of revolutionary change brings repression. Archaic institutions should be subject to scrutiny
Russo challenges every social institution e
Wealth is “Usurpation established only on a precarious and abusive right having been acquired only by force. Force could take them away with the rich having no ground for complaint.”
“Do you not know that a multitude of your brother-en die in need of what you have in excess?” It is contrary to nature that a handful of men are glutted with supercities while the starving multitude lack necessities.” Civil society is hardly more than a conspiracy by the rich to guarantee their plunder”
Moses Finley | Debt 5000
“In the classical world all revolutionary movements had a single program. cancel the debts and redistribute the land.”
Women | Debt 5000
3000-2500 BC - Sumerian - When it was first translated it was a shock. Women were everywhere. rulers, doctors, merchants, scribes ect. It wasn’t full gender equality but it was similar to now. By the end of the bronze age - Gradual the more familiar patriarchy takes place. Gradual women got a reduced legal status, they become sequestered away in harems, and mandatory vailed.
Tarhatam - Was paid to the women’s father. First it was used for the father to throw a feast. Eventually it became a mere payment paid in silver. sometimes the women ended up with the money. It was referred to as ‘the price of a virgin’. Many could not seek a divorce even in cases of abuse. For the rich they would receive a dowry, and for rich or powerful parents things were different.
As markets grew, so did patriarchy. Dessert people slowly came into sumarian city who were more patriarchal. Militarist grew. Militaristic state = harsher laws toward women.
War, states and markets seem to feed off of each other. Conquest leads to taxes. Taxes create markets convenient for soldiers and administrators. Markets lead to more debt.
As markets grew so did commodification of people.
Bride price in Africa weren’t the same. They could buy a wife but they could not sell their wife. 1930 league of nations debate and numerous anthropologist emphasis this.
In Mesopotamia a man couldn’t normally sell his wife but as soon as he took out a loan, everything changed. He could then sell his wife an children into slavery. For the poor one credit worthiness was the same as ones command over ones household. The members of ones household become collateral in the same way as a man could lose his servants, sheep and goats. Protection of ones family became property rights.
insulting ones wife or mother meant she was worth nothing since prostitutes were worth nothing.
Sumerian temples has courtesans who were sexually available to worshipers on certain ritual occasions. They were very important in society. These women were the ultimate embodiment’s of civilization. They represent music and dance and were spouses of gods. Procreative sex was natural, after all animals did. No procreative sex was divine. Think how sex with Ishtars courtesan civilized Enkido after making love for 6 days and 7 nights. Later when he is sentenced to death he curses her to become a common street walker (So it did it exist)
Men didn’t find anything troubling about their sisters having sex for money in temples. Eventually in other parts of the city red light districts came up. Knife throwers, whores, transvestites, preformers of all kind came up.
Slowly people left the city, formed bands, became Enkido again, and became patriartrical. The old testament tells us these desert dwellers had attitudes against corrupt urban life. Herotutus echoed greek fantasies when he said every maiden was made to prosisitute herself. Medieval literature, the quaran, the bible rural voices from today echo this sentiment.
Peter called Rome, Babylon. Revelations -Babylon the great whore sitting on the best. This is the voice of hater of the city.
Gerder learner - The improvisation of farmers and their increasing dependence on loans to survive periods of famine - which lead to debt slavery. Children of both sexes were sold into slavery or put up for adoption. Out of this prostitution of female family members could developed. Their husbands or fathers may used them. This was likely for the poor. For the upper classes they had to show their women weren’t poor and didn’t need to be prostitutes. They may be concubines with luck. The virginity of respectable daughters became a financial asset for the family. How to differentiate women
1400 - 1100 BC - Assyrian lawcode(very militaristic) - First vailing of Respectable women in the middle east.This included widows, high class courtesans, Married concubines. Prostitutes and slaves are not allowed to wear vales. The prostituted would be publicly beaten. Slave women was to have her ears cut up if she vailed herself. Men would be beaten if he helped a prostitute or slave wear a vail and pass her off as a free women.
China - Tried many times unsuccessfully to eliminate bride price and debt slavery. They are still being sold this day.
India - Brahmans(twice born) would sequestered their daughters and married them off for dowrys. The lower caste would have to practice bride price (Sell their daughters). Brahman would of course scoff at this while they would get these women to work their households,kitchens, laundry’s because of debt slavery.
Greece - Money existed but it wasn’t used to buy anything. Everyone was disdainful of trade. Honor took form in followers and treasure. Treasure was given as gifts and awarded as prizes. Greek coinage was used to pay soldiers and pay fines, and government. By the 5th century money started being used as a market place. Debt crisis - “The poor together with their wives and children were enslaved to the rich” - Aristotle. Leaders started being elected to stop debt crisis. Poor Greeks started being being deported in order to found other Greek colonies. by the 5 century all Greek city states had their own money, and there were small enclaves of Greeks all over.
Aristocrats protested markets and saw this as lowley. Man-boy love aristocrats saw this as subversive because low class boys could be initiated into aristocratic life in this way. Men would accuse other men of this.
Women’s honer was defined as exclusive in sexual term’s . Any interactions of public life would brand a women a prostitute. Women in greece were expected to wear vales in public. While it never caught on on persia or Syria. They were expected to be shut up inside the household
In the first literature Agamemnon and Achilles started a dispute of honer over between 2 heroic heros over disposition of a slave girl.
Money began to encourage the worst sort of behavior. Pirates and kidnappers do business in cash. Its a far way from the Hunter gather markets of credit based on community. This is created many criminal enterprises.
Masculine chivalry V
Monogamy, specifically marriage doesn’t work.
Co-parenting may work? You get to keep your Priscilla and eat her get family without the promise of exclusivity.
Herom - seems like a lot of work. Too male dominated. Were not gorilla. Show no weakness mindset all the time.
Polygamy, seems hard.I don’t want other men in the picture but if I don’t allow them she’ll find a way. Possibly off premises guys.
The promise of potential family is strong. Why? She wants to feel like the relationship is going somewhere because of the all important clock.
Dress masculine but always with a bit of the feminine to catch the woman’s eye
Examine stakes
what is the hero risking. At first the hero takes an action that doesn’t complete goal. This also raises forces of antagonism. He must take a second action. His world view is questioned. He must reaches his world view them take another action. He puts himself at risk. Reaches deeper into capacities and will power.every step makes even more antagonism and risks.
Logline - there should be a “must” as in “the hero must do -in order to-“
Ironic titles are great - little murders, the righteous terrorist, godkiller