Charisma & Stories Flashcards
Fundraising : Defiant
The first step in fundraising is psychological Franklin said that you must psych yourself into believing that you’re doing this investor a favor. You’re giving him the chance to be a winning entrepreneur, you’re going to make him a bundle, you’re giving him a map to the part of the end of the rainbow, keep reminding yourself that you are not a teenager asking your dad to buy you a car
Definition example: Obama
Barack Obama, who understood a good label when he saw one during the 2012 campaign he came out with a zinger
Obama: Honorable people could disagree about the real choice between tax giveaways to the wealthiest Americans and health care and education for America’s families, I’m ready for that honest debate.
Balancing figure-Obama
Make the complex simple, with a balancing figure in the spring of 2008. The Democratic presidential primary race had narrowed to a close match between Obama and Hillary Clinton, a scandal on either side could tip the balance. And that’s just when Obama’s former minister jeremiah wright appeared all over YouTube calling damnation upon America. Up to that point race hadn’t been much of an issue in the campaign. Nobody could win from using it.
This time, Obama had no choice but to answer the preacher, but instead of just distancing himself from the loose cannon, the senator audaciously took on the whole issue of race. It was as if he repaired a broken down car by turning it into a rocket ship. Obama, the church contains in full, the kindness and cruelty, the fierce intelligence and the shocking ignorance, the struggles and successes, the love and yes the bitterness and bias that make up the black experience in America.
Obama attempted to show that the ministers extremeism was just one part of a very complicated story. But how do you tell a complicated story without getting too complicated. With a figure of speech, the antithesis that pairs contraries in succeeding clauses. The figure lets him show the brighter side of a tarnished coin by implying that the reverend wright actually blesses America when he isn’t damning it. So what’s Obama really doing here. He’s using demonstrative rhetoric to show that the values of black Americans including this one church match many of the values of America itself struggles and successes, love, and bias to emphasize a point.
Switching sides
If you need switch say new information has been bought to light which should make any sound person change their mind.
When a judgment is about to be ruled against you, make it seem like a sacrifice
Power word
Pause before the word with the most thrust in the — sentence.
Blame issue:
Who moved my cheese?
Past tense:
Watch law and order or CSI, and you will notice that most of the dialogue is in the past tense. It works great for lawyers and cops, but a loving couples should be wary of the tense. The purpose of forensic rhetoric is to determine guilt, and mete out punishment. Couples who get in the habit of punishing each others suffer the same fate as the doomed marriages and Dr Gottman love lab
Dont use words against your argument
You want to avoid repeating words that hurt your argument. If you say, don’t be scared, a kid may hear scared. If you say, there aren’t any monsters under the bed, the kid hears monsters under the bed, avoiding harmful words, it’s especially important when you fend off an accusation. If you repeat the charge. I am not a crook.
You may actually strengthen it in the audience’s mind. In fact, the reverse is true. You can use denial to mean the exact opposite of what you’re literally saying as bush did when he described how Iraqis received our troops. What Bush said, I think we are welcomed, but it was not a peaceful welcome. What stuck in people’s minds. Welcome, peaceful, welcome. I call this technique, reverse words, repeating the words that mean the opposite of what hurts your case instead of saying, We hadn’t anticipated the violent reaction to the invasion, or said, We are welcomed, but it was not a peaceful welcome. He transformed a violent reaction into a peaceful welcome with an incidental, not in front of it.
Global warming, Learning to swim
We’ve got about 30 years left before things go downhill. Its kinda annoying to be black during this kinda Apocalypse. i mean, you die first in any apocalypse but this is the worse one. I rather have the zombies.Were good at that Cardio and wu tang taught me to swing a samurai sword
Use a serious of questions
Was it under democrats we the deficit has gone up
Was it under democrats that we invaded 4 countries
Was it under democrats that we (etc.)
Sub communicate you are not there for a fight.
Use and upward inflection as if you are just probing for information.
Slow the debate down by taking a deep breathe.
Crack a joke to slow down debate. Laugh in the middle of it.
Im the luckiest person on earth to be able to travel so much. I can’t pick just one but I’ll tell you about one place. What region are you interested in?
Im the luckiest person on earth to be able to travel so much. I can’t pick just one but I’ll tell you about one place. What region are you interested in?
Appeal to popularity
The appeal to popularity makes another false comparison. Other kids get to do it so why don’t I
Over sympathy
Over sympathy
Over sympathizing make someone’s mood seem ridiculous without actually ridiculing it. When a staffer complains about his workspace, say, let’s take this straight to the top. Watch his mood change from whiny to nervous.
Poetic consonants
Those who GAVE their LIVES so this nation might LIVE
Practice see/stop/say.
Read the newspaper, pause and speak. The pauses are good. It makes it sound conversational. It’s one of your most powerful tools. It may seem long to you but your audience loves it. It makes it sound more natural.
Getting them to do what you want is the challenging part.
After hiking emotion, presenting options,
Goal number three, in which you get an audience to do something.
It must seem like no big deal.
Power Poetry -
Every speech is a rhyme-less, meter-less verse - Churchhill. End you lines before they cut off for easy reading.
General wegot/battle of France is over battle of Britain is just beginning hitler knows hell have to break us - if we succeed/bright sunny lose/we will be plunged into darkness (take pauses at the end of lines as needed)
Use dashes. Never semicolons.
Government is not solution to the problem, government is the problem
We shape our dwellings and afterwards are sensation is is.
We shall fight on the beaches
We shall fight on the landing grounds
We shall fight on the streets
We shall never surrender
The problem with capitalism is capitalist.
God helps those who help themselves.
Arguing goals
You need goals, and everyone has to remain intent on real persuasion, things can get a little rough, you might have some logical horseplay and ad hominem attack or to some intense emotions crude language even, but the game continues the argument can reach its conclusion, so long as no one fights or distract in rhetoric fighting and distracting constitute the same foul. In each case, it means arguing the unarguable. I love rhetorics refreshing lack of rules.
Distill 5 second moment in your story first
Distill 5 second moment in your story first. It’s the ending and comes as close to the end as possible. It’s your theme. You then find a place to start. Start as close to the end as possible.
Beginning of the story is the opposite of the end. It creates and Arc. I once feel/think this , now I feel/think this. Stories about embarrass ment or shame with small changes are often good. Stories about failure are great, small growth is great. Start with forward movement (in medias reys). Dont start by giving expectations (this is hilarious, your not gonna believe this) ruins surprise.
Amazing person who did amazing thing=douchbag
Pathetic person who does a pathetic thing = is sad sack
End with thesis or beginning if you can
End with thesis or beginning if you can
To many slides makes audiences sleepy
Don’t rely on visual aids too much. Graphs can be a good tool but it’s not sub for speaking. The tongue can paint what the eye cant see.
MLK bought people along step by step by step using enthymemes.
“But more basically, I am in Birmingham because injustice is here. Just as the prophets of the eighth century B.C. left their villages and carried their “thus saith the Lord” far beyond the boundaries of their home towns, and just as the Apostle Paul left his village of Tarsus and carried the gospel of Jesus Christ to the far corners of the Greco Roman world, so am I compelled to carry the gospel of freedom beyond my own home town. Like Paul, I must constantly respond to the Macedonian call for aid.”
Invert the first phrase to find syllogism.
Once you’ve agree’d to one thing, if the person is good with logic, they will need to move you along. People dont want to seem disagreeable.
Almost died on horseback in salento (got over a huge fear)
First time riding a horse. They are like 8 feet tall monsters up close. The guide says the horses are all tranquilo and there isn’t anything to worry about. I take a deep breath and go to meet my horse. Actually, he was a— stallion. We were doing the basic bitch tourist stuff, went to a Coffee farm, went to see a waterfall.
I thought it was going to pretty scary…and I was right — We ride for about 1 hour for around the beautiful countryside. Took a tour My stallion would not let the other horse pass him. After everything its starts pouring raining. The guide nervous but tries to play it off.
The last leg of the trip was this insane dirt trail through the woods. The rain is pouring by now. So naturally I was freaking out. The more experienced girl tries to pass my horse on this narrow dirt road but here wasn’t having it. We climbed a giant dirt hill and my horse almost capsized like 3 times at the other horse was rubbing up against us. I kept thinking if I fell off of the horse and broke my leg in colombia Id be screwed.
Shit was insane. But I’m really glad in the longrun I faced that fear. Now i just need to get over the Nomophobia: (Fear of Being Without a Phone) and I’m homefree.
Definition jujitsu
Definition jujitsu accept your opponent’s term, and its connotation. Then defend it as a positive thing.
Try this in the office. Arguments don’t just attach labels to people. They also label everything you do at home or work. If a co worker labels your idea on original, say, Sure, in the sense that it’s already been used successfully better to use concession employ your opponent’s language than to deny it.
Neither snow
Nor head
Nor rain
Nor gloom
Use it for long exhaustive list. Dont use more than 3 things.
South beach diet and no big deal approach
The Rodale editors stimulated and emotion by making readers picture a desirable and highly personal goal you in a bathing suit, looking great. So much of the desire part. The book subtitle employs the no big deal tactic, the delicious dr design foolproof plan for fast and healthy weight loss, no suffering perfectly safe instant result, they hit all the buttons except for, so you can eat like a glutton and get hit on by lifeguards people took action in droves. The book has sold in the millions,
Find the hidden premise
Dialogue can help people agree with you and figure out if they are ignorant, but only if you trigger their defense mechanisms.
Fundraising : Dual
Imagine that It’s high noon at the OK Corral, and you must let your potential investor draw first. Wait until he answers before you say anything. The weight, not the asking, is the hardest part. But it’s the Surefire formula for fundraising. Say for example, is big bucks, we want you to be the charter investor, then pause and wait for her answer, look her in the eye and wait. If you speak first after the request, you’ve lost her, perhaps forever. When you say something like, we hope you’ll consider it, or I’ll call you back next week. If stepped down from being an equal, you’re back to being a teenager asking dad for the car. Wait. She may need time to figure out her cash flow situation with fixed eyes stare straight into her eyes.
Wait, wait, and wait some more until her eyes blink. While waiting stand like a statue without a flicker of movement. Let her be the first to break the gaze and talk. It’s like playing chicken with another driver on a one lane road. Let the other driver make the first move to turn aside.
If she answers first, she almost never says no, she might say, Let me think about it, or let me get back to you. She might even say, I’ll go for 50 not 100,000.
The ancients listed definition as the tool to fall back on when the facts are against you, or when you lack a good grasp of them. If you want, you can harness definition to win an argument without using any facts at all. facts and definitions are part of a larger overall strategy called stance. It was originally designed for defense, but it works offensively as well. Before you begin to argue, or when you find yourself under attack. Take your stance.
Facts > Definition > Quality > Relevance
(Orwell - euphemism and English language)
Saying words that mean nothing and dont call up mental pictures.
Reframing debate - Antigreed program -
Power pause
Napoleon, hitler and others mastered the power pause. To build anticipation in the audience, pause for a minute. Frame your full answer in your mind. Some leaders wait a few minute.
When answering a question it shows you took the time to absorb the question before answering. Frame answer before replying and prevent rambling.
Citing something without saying what it’s from.
“Let freedom ring” it’s a quote from my county tis of the. You are trying to access its cultural authority.
King alludes to Lincoln, Lincoln alludes to founding fathers and bible. Do this more than quoting obscure quotes and citings.
Short words for emotion
When you are in the midst of emotion, use short words
Listen deeply
React to each of their statements.
If you interrupt, ask if they
Shut up.
Pause for 2 seconds before answering. Absorb what they are staying, then validate.
Kairos Seizing the moment
Kairos, the art of seizing the perfect instant for persuasion. Just as educators have their teaching moment, an opportunity to make a point persuaders have their persuasive moment. A person with Kairos knows how to spot when an audience is most vulnerable to her point of view, and then exploit the opportunity. When someone sees you all dressed up and wants to know what the occasion is he asks a Kairos question. What timing and circumstances warrant that outfit snorkeling gear and an evening cocktail party is bad Kairos knowing the perfect occasion to make your husband were inappropriate snorkeling gear.
That’s good Kairos a racecar driver with Kairos knows how to spot an opening and cut off the car ahead. The ancients referred to chariots, same thing, a kid with Kairos can tell precisely when her father is most vulnerable to a request for ice cream Kairos. In short, means doing the right thing, practicing your decorum offering the perfect choice making the perfect pitch at the right time
Churchill would take a walk mentally and compare things in nature to other things. Heaping Rocks, Mighty rivers, fluffy clouds.
Write down what you want communicate and get that across with a metphor. Use all ‘powerlines’ sparingly because people are only likely to remember on at a time.
12 second burst- Obama
Barack Obama used it in his 2004 democratic national convention speech. There is not a liberal America and a conservative America, there is the United States of America, there is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America, there’s the United States of America. Time yourself saying this and see how close you come to Obama’s rhythm. It took him 12 seconds, exactly like Cicero he brought the house down. Trump on the other hand does things differently.
He uses the period the way a comedian uses a gag sending little 12 second thought balloons into his audience, they’re particularly suited to social media, where attention spans rarely last longer than that. And they allow people in the crowd to cheer every 12 seconds, making them feel part of the whole deal.
Office future tense
Try this in a meeting. Hold your tongue until well into the discussion. If an argument bogs down in the past or present tense switching to the future. You’re all making good points but how are we going to make sure that question defines the issue in a way that’s favorable to your side
Use a power opener
Start with a bang to grab attention.even if it sounds aggressive or sad it’s better than boring.
Use a power opener
” the people I represent have no reason to celebrate this holiday “ -Douglas
Shocking facts of interest to your audience
“On dec1 a day which shall live in infamy, pearl harbor was…”
A funny personal anecdote. Don’t thank your audience. Pleasantries are banalities Churchill said. If you must thank then put it into the middle. It sounds more sincere as an afterthought.
Insecure people feel like they need to use every minute or their time.
Add inter-monolouge
Add inter-monolouge
Never debate the undebatable (future)
Suppose your uncle Tommy decides to divorce your aunt on their 30th anniversary so he can marry a surfing instructor he met at ClubMed, you have two issues here.
One moral and the other practical. The moral issue is in arguable by our definition. Your uncle is either wrong or right.
You could remind him that he is breaking a wonderful woman’s heart, but you would be sermonizing not arguing. You could threaten to bar him from Thanksgiving dinner, assuming he would prefer your turkey to a cruise buffet with his Club Med hottie.
The practical debatable issue in your uncle’s case deals with the likely consequences of ditching your arm for the trophy wife. You should leave you within a year and you’ll be lonely and miserable forever. Uncle, no she won’t, and a young woman will make me feel younger, which means I’ll live longer, which prediction is true. Neither of you has a clue. But uncle Tommy might persuade you that he is good practical reasons for remarrying. Will he ever convince you that he is morally in the right. Not a chance. morals are in arguable in deliberative rhetoric arguments, rule number one. Never debate the undebatable. Instead, focus on your goals.
Piffy and prominent.
If you quote something make it short and by somebody who your audience likes. Try to preform it to make it more interesting.
Use only 1 quote per speech. Perform it.
Necessity never made a good bargain. / no one can make you inferior without your consent.
Persuading order
Opponent: Accusation
Socratic method Quip (Banter)Yes and Redefine Is that what you're really mad about?
If these dont work
Facts> Definition > Quality > Relevance
Power props
Churchill used props like a custom made bowler had and distinctive black rimmed glasses to form his character. Also a sugar.
FDR wore pinstripes suit with his father’s stop watch. Margaret Thatcher wore custom suits.
You need a perfect, immaculate, tailored power suit. Add a prop to it like a bow tie or costume glasses or pocket watch. Maybe a red carnation pinned to the lapel? Maybe something foreign.
Cleaned fingernails, shined shoes, etc. Though don’t upstage the master
Find the shared beliefs to start with. They could be wrong or right, but it serves as a starting point. Sometimes people will object in the form of their common place.
“I wont vote for democrats this because I don’t want my taxes to go up.” This objection is basically stating her objection straight up.
Suppose you want a group of conservatives to support low cost housing in your areas.
“The American family needs protection” Is a great place to start because it uses their values of keeping families together to enact your bill. “ Keep the family together and foster the culture of ownership”
If you audience says “Kids these days” she probably doesn’t enjoy rap music
If she says “Its not PC to says this but:” She’s probably a Trump supporter
Jump on to the commonplace and pile on. Essentially yes, and:
“The democrats raise taxes”
“I know what you mean. The taxes have been crazy. But you know, I live in a republican state and the taxes are still high (The politicians are all the same truism). Their all alike aren’t they cathy? Both of them says they wont raise taxes or the deficit and somehow it keeps going up. Can I send you a link about what the deficit would do to your taxes, would you look at it?”
Remember and callback
Use callback humor for continuity. It links back to a good emotion.
Or combine your current topic with something that was said earlier.
Bridging gap of desire.
How can they persuade this customer to join that program and start selling for them. Another gap to be bridged with a different desire. Maybe she lust for independence, the chance to work at home. Maybe she lusts after a new car.
Everyone lusts after something. If you can suss out the desire exploit the lust dangle the carrot, then you can bridge the gap. Back in the introduction I mentioned the car salesman who sold me a lemon by showing the PT Barnum engrave. He spotted my desire from the get go. I lust after American history. The way Dorothy desires botany, and so with the magic of rhetoric, the salesman turned PT Barnum into a territory.
Practical wisdom
you should have the actual skills in addition to sharing audiences values.
Craft and competence is important.
Anecdote of Nobel’s obituary
Eyecontact storytelling.
Make eyecontact with 3 people in your audience who like you. The people who are smiling or nodding.
Ask specific questions rather than broad
Questions/narrow it down to choices
You: What music do you like?
Her: I’m not really sure/ I like everything
You: Are you more of my Motzart or death metal? If you had to pick one for a dessert island.
To Quo Qui
Connect a person to being a hypocrite. You aren’t engaging with a persons ideas but saying ‘you did it too’.
It works very well but undercuts logical arguments. It eventually pulls everything down to the lowest level.
Being a hypocrite is not all bad. I never said i shouldn’t beat my children, he beats his children, and says people shouldn’t so he’s a hypocrite.
I urge you not to depend on an apology. Instead, say how you fail to live up to your highest standards. The same technique works when you’re talking to others about their screw up, or when you committed together. This is the best kind of demonstrative rhetoric to segue into a deliberative choice boost the confidence of your audience. while reminding them, the values you share.
Obama - America, we are better than these last eight years. We are a better country than this. Every rhetorically minded parent knows this technique. Instead of telling your little miscreant that she’s a bad girl for plastering the wall with baby food, you tell her she’s acting out of character you oh so sad. You don’t do things like that. You’re a good girl. Essentially, that’s what Obama did when in his acceptance speech at the 2008 Democratic Convention, he talked about America being better than the previous eight years.
Office framing example
Suppose the company wants to merge your department with one headed by an idiot. How should you define the issue in terms of fairness, the managers competence, or your department’s ability to produce more as an independent entity productivity is the broadest of the three issues because it appeals to the widest array of company managers,
Buy a rhyme dictionary
“Out of intense complexities, intense simplicity emerge” Internal rhymes work well too
“Humanity, not legality should be our guide” Internal rhyme
“Little strokes, fell great oaks” Ben Franklin
“Early to bed, early to rise” Ben Franklin
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” - MLK
“We cannot reclaim the market, by remaining the company we are”
Fundraising Design
Franklin said you must paint a picture of that new product. When Franklin invented the lightning rod, he described to investors, how the rod would protect houses from being struck by lightning by deflecting a lightning strike.
Later in his career Franklin invented bifocals. Then he showed interested backers how he could identify the different trees outside his window.
You must practice your presentation, until your excitement comes through. Then you can show the investor the plan of the new resort or retirement community.
Churchill once said this about drafting a presentation or a talk. There is in the act of preparing that moment when you start caring donors must see that you really care about the project before they will care. Don’t swamp, those who wish to persuade with numbers. Sure, tell them what it’s going to cost, but don’t reel off a raft of numbers, save these as answers to their questions about profits and yield. Just pick one or two startling facts. For example, if your product relates to seniors who might give the new numbers on retired people, how that population is getting larger because they’re living longer, or with a map display the intersection of roads narrow proposed shopping mall to show that it will be the most accessible place in the metropolitan area. Tell investors about the reduced risks, but the probable profits in your venture. Put passion into your presentation. Put some romance in your recital.
Tell the investor how he’ll be creating jobs, shaping history and building tomorrow. all the while reaping big dividends and big profits donation faint heart wins not.
Yes and, yes really
In response to someone else’s suggestion thought or topic, always say, yes, and, which means that you drop your train of thought. Adopt theirs and add something to keep the conversation.
Agree with the other person’s assertion. You take it as true, then accept it. You don’t deny or argue with it.
“Yes, really” for assertions you dont agree with.
“I heard that somewhere too. Where did you hear about it?”
“That’s interesting.where did you hear that?”
(You are giving a concession. Go into Socratic method)
Redefining Terms II
Now when I talk about defining the terms. I don’t necessarily mean choosing which are the Oxford English Dictionary is eight definitions of marriage to use the dictionary simply offers the literal meaning of the word, it’s denotation.
Wayne does something different. He redefines the connotation of the word, the unconscious thoughts that the term sparks in people’s minds. Garth has teased Wayne by asking whether he plans to marry his girlfriend to garthe marriage connotes something adult and mushy Wayne’s reply erases whatever marital image Garth has in his mind and replaces it with criminal justice redefinition works well in politics, where candidates tried to stick labels on each other conservative my opponent is another tax and spend liberal liberal liberal doesn’t mean tax and spend, that’s just a nasty label liberal means caring about working class families.
My opponent is a conservative, which means robbing from the working class and giving to the rich.
buying things for people to impress people you wish you were dead. Whoever dies with the most stuff wins. Its like were all on competitive hoarders?
It depends v one side fit all
That depends a trustworthy persuader matches her advice with a particular circumstances, instead of applying a one size fits all rule.
The practically wise person sizes up the problem before answering it. Your advisor should question you about the circumstances first. If she’s about to theory without having a clue about your problem, then don’t trust her judgment,
Turn a problem into identity rhetoric- Obama
Despite what far too many after dinner speakers seem to think you can’t make people, eager for the tasks ahead by simply calling a problem and opportunity, nor can you just call a problem a challenge though even Obama was guilty of this cliche now and then.
Instead, tell the audience that they’re being given a chance to prove themselves. That’s what he did in his first inaugural speech, he turned the horrible economy into a test of our character. Obama, let it be said by our children’s children that when we were tested, we refused to let this journey and that we did not turn back, nor did we falter. And with eyes fixed on the horizon and God’s grace upon us. We carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations.
Keep in mind that his audience considers the men and women who fought World War Two, to be the greatest generation. I have friends who seemed downright jealous that they didn’t live through that war. They missed the chance to prove that they too could be the greatest, people will do a lot to prove their virtue, even at times, to the extent of risking their lives. admonished your audience by flattering it
AOC smears progressives like yang
Smearing makes it hard to push the party to the left
Andrew Yang wants to push the party to the left
Yang would be able to push the party to the left easier
Conclusion: AOC makes it hard to push the party to the left
Power lines
Churchill’s formula for memorable lines.
I watch Everything because I’m a poor mans Tarantino. Master of None, Stranger Things… Game of thrones, my dogs name is John Snow. (Telanovelas with my abuelita.).
What are the 3 are your all time favorite…? What are you watching right now?
Exaggerate reactions
Exaggerate reaction when someone wants validation. Be on their side alittle more than usual without mocking. (Can relate to rhetorical exaggeration)
React to everything to show you are paying attention. Eyerolls, stretching, sighs etc.
Passive voice
Pretend that things happened on their own. You didn’t track motocross the living room floor. mic was tracked across the living room floor, this talk of pathetic manipulation will make the argument squeamish uncomfortable.
If only the world could follow formulas and conduct its affairs scientifically, but in actuality, even scientists regularly employ a pathetic trick. They’re writing uses a millennia, old rhetorical device to calm the passions, the passive voice. The experiment was conducted upon 30 domestic rhesus monkeys, says the researcher who did the experiment on monkeys. When you think about it, scientists seem almost childish pretending their work somehow just happened.
Augustine changing audiences mood
Changing the mood is the easiest goal, and usually the one you work on first, St. Augustine, a one time rhetoric professor and one of the fathers of the Christian church gave famously boffo sermons. The Secret he said was not to be content, merely with seizing the audience’s sympathetic attention. He was never satisfied until he made them cry. Augustine could not have been invited to many parties as one of the great sermonize of all time, he converted pagans to Christianity through sheer emotional pyrotechnics by changing your audience’s emotion, you make them more vulnerable to your argument, put them in the mood to listen.
Logical induction as argument
Homer - I’m not a bad guy. I work hard and I love my kids. So why should I spend half my Sunday hearing about how I’m going to hell
A splendid instance of logical induction as argument homers examples works hard loves his kids show he is not such a bad guy. Having established his nice guy premise, he had straight to his conclusion church wastes his time, whether the examples actually do prove his case is up to the audience, and God. But the logic works. Homer recites facts, sort of, that’s one kind of example, but his examples are really more comparison than fact comparisons are the second kind of example he works harder and loves his kids more than the average churchgoer.
False Analogy
The closely related false analogy joins apples to oranges and calls them the same. Because gay men are sexually attracted to other men, we should keep them out of the classroom, they must be pectoris says well.
Political opinion and concession
I’m gonna put you on the firing line again, you want to sell another idea, a political opinion, this time
You - I think we need to increase the headstart budget. A third of the kids in this country, live below the poverty line. And unless we can give them a decent breakfast and some early education, we’re just asking for trouble when those kids grow up
Him - Well I think just the opposite. We should cut aid to poor families welfare mothers are lazy and a drain on society.
How do you answer?
You could call him a bigot, but that would end the argument. You could try to reason them out of his prejudice by offering macro economic structural explanations, then follow up with an appeal to pathos emotional examples of hard working mothers making $6, an hour. If your real audience is a group of liberal intellectuals, that response might work though your opponent probably would remain unconvinced. Besides, it’s awfully hard to pull such an answer, practically a full fledged or ration out of your hat, your alternative. When in doubt, concede
You - Yeah, I’m sure there are lazy people on welfare.
The best kind of concession redefines the issue, without appearing to hear you shift the generic welfare mothers to a limited number of lazy people. Plus you depersonalized the bad guys in the story, welfare mother implies a slattern, who shoots up to entertain her boyfriends while the kids terrorize the neighborhood, lazy people conjures up a hazier less specific image. Still concession alone won’t win an argument so you follow up by changing the tense and the issue you. But the question is, how can we spend the least federal money over the long run. A kid in headstart is much less likely to end up in prison. I’d rather the kid got a job than have to support him behind bars by shifting the tense, you move the conversation, away from tribal talk and into something arguable. ‘
Plus you use a conservative commonplace spend less money with the arguments succeed. It might, especially if the audience includes more than just your opponent. The advantageous is a powerful topic. It can even work in an election, provided you have a savvy audience.
Labeling techniques
Term changing don’t accept the terms your opponent uses insert your own redefinition accept your opponent’s terms, well changing their connotation. Definition jujitsu. If your opponent’s terms, actually favor you use them to attack.
Family re-framing example
re-framing an issue doesn’t always require changing the terms, you can accept the words, your opponent uses spouse that kid of ours is plenty smart. He’s just lazy, you yes he’s lazy. So how do we motivate him. Or you can change the terms. You know I don’t think he’s lazy, he’s bored. Or you can redefine them. You if lazy means frantically shooting aliens on a computer and picking up valuable hand eye coordination, then he is lazy.
Making people angry works but it’s mostly short term. The greeks reserved it for immediate actions like courtroom rhetoric. Use something like patriotism for long term gains.
Combine concessions with wit and you get banter.
“Winston (Churchill), if you were husband I’d flavor your coffee with poison “
“My lady if was your husband, I’d drink it”
Constants are better than alliteration in vowels.
Vary the pose, and the pitch, and dont forget the pause
The letter P/B works the best,
Pay any price
Bear any burden
Not by the color of their skin
but by the content of the character
Use a thesaurus to find words that alliterate.
Fights back to Arguments
Try this when arguing turns to fighting. Consider what should we do about it, and how can we keep it from happening again as rhetorical versions of wd 40 lubricant. The past and present can help you make a point, but any argument involving a decision, eventually has to turn to the future.
Plurium atagotionum
People asks a ton of questions to badger someone. It make it impossible for someone to answer.
Make someone answer yes no to a very complex question
Get more fallacies
Make your interest different
Say you once believed what your opponent believes, but have change your mind due to over whelming evidence. Act as if supporting it hurts you personally.
Started editing to get attention
Lede- tidbit of information (Little suzie jones i cry over remains of the her dollhouse after ). Then go to the 5 W’s and an H. Lets people in. then describe the housefire
Selling to a VC
You want to make standardized BNB’s
One of the Venture Partners has a puzzled look a venture capitalists standardized B and Bs. Isn’t that an oxymoron.
You - so is venture capital. Love this snappy answer.
But remember that thing called decorum. Your job is to make the audience identify with you and your decision poking fun at the audience’s profession does not constitute good decorum. Try again.
You-it’s more of a paradox strike to Mr VC clearly loves to show his area edition. So, arguing about terminology lacks decorum. We’ll give you one more try.
You- That’s a great point. And it illustrates the genius of BMP MB. We take a mature industry and create a whole new sales category, a short uniqueness that may look like an oxymoron, but it actually eliminates the flaws of two mature industries. The standard hotel chain, and the independent bnb property. The visitor is guaranteed a unique experience, no two properties will look alike, while being assured of a high level of quality. This kind of selective branding should produce an ROI north of 80%, within five years.
Now you’re talking, you use VC code language mature industry property ROI, meaning return on investment to show you understand the venture capital world. And you refer to the firm’s most cherished commonplace profit through risk. Keep this tactic in mind when you find yourself in trouble. You can often buy time with appropriate code language concession makes an even better instant response, especially if your Challenger and the audience are one in the same. Your answer to Mr VC Great point. constitutes an excellent concession a neat jujitsu move that turns a hostile question to your advantage.
5 virtues of style
The five virtues of style are proper language, clearness, vividness, decorum and ornament
Logos Ethos and Pathos
Logos pathos and ethos, usually work together to win an argument debates with argumentative seven year olds accepted by using your opponent’s logic and your audience’s emotion, you can win over your audience with greater ease you make them happy to let you control the argument.
Build up to passion
Pathos works best at the end of an argument. Let emotion build over time.
Start with logos and ethos to tell audience what you want, then build up.
Logos and ethos works better for smaller convos, pathos works best for large crowds.
Gradually increase doses.
Redefining terms
One of the best ways to define the terms, is to redefine them. Don’t accept your opponent’s definition, come up with your own instead. That way you sound as though you agree with your opponent’s argument, even while you cut the legs out from under it. For most lawyers redefining as a matter of instinct. When President Bill Clinton told the special prosecutor, it depends on what the meaning of the word is, is he was redefining a term in the slickest most loyally way, unfortunately, Wayne and the movie Wayne’s World does better. Wayne garthe marriage is punishment for shoplifting in some countries.
Punch - Punch a word by giving it emphasis
Use for feeling words, (desire, want, love) and power words (plus, buy, now)pause right before it.
Elongate - for emphasis - This is called Dem-ocratic-socialism (underline)
Adds dramtic effects, lets users mind engage. Explain larger, new words.
When you want to spark recognition - “This is Darrien? From the weekend? (-?-)”
The reason for this is - Whisper Technique -
Pause for a few seconds. It gives them a second to nod their heads when you now. Do it after an important statement to give them time to absorb it. (—)
Uses examples for logic instead of common place. Good for when audiences commonplace doesn’t work for you.
9/10 dentist agree
Your own mayor raised taxes twice. The Democrats havent
Speaking last
Why do the last speakers have the persuasive advantage? lest you doubt that they do research confirms it. One reason, the earlier speakers can cause opinions to begin migrating. Take advantage of this by restating the opinion to the earlier speakers including opponents.
The uncertain audience can be as vulnerable, as the half persuaded one. If your audience is self satisfied and unanimous perfectly content with its current opinion. Then you lack a persuasive moment. But few attitudes stay intact forever. As circumstances change cracks begin to form and your audience’s certainty. You’ll find a persuasive moment in a time of uncertainty change or need, or when a mood shifts.
-Opposites attract
“If the present quarrels with the past, surely the future would have already been lost”
“This is not the end, not even the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning “
“As I would not be a slave, so I will not be a master” -Lincoln
“There never was a good war, or a bad peace” Franklin, poor richards
“If you would keep a keep a secret from an enemy, tell it not to a friend”
volume control.
You can often portray an emotion most effectively by underplaying it in an apparent struggle to contain yourself even screaming demagogues like Hitler, almost invariably began his speech quietly, and then turned up the volume
Commonplace Words III
Find the persuadable audiences common places, define the issue in the broadest context, then deal with a specific problem at hand. Using the future tense. The words people use to sum up an argument constitute the issues definition. It’s about values. It’s about getting things done. This is really about wanting to go out Saturday night, the rhetorical tenet that there are two sides to everything applies to issues as well. There are two descriptions to every issue.
Sometimes gestures say more than words.
Clinton is great in convos and one on one but never made a great campaign speeches or quotes. He’d look up at the ceiling to think. In small group meetings, he was very persuasive. His warmth is legendary. Study his gestures/acting
Code words and Bush II
Believe it is repetitive use of code language extended to women. Before his reelection bush appealed to women with sentences that began with, I understand. And he repeated words such as peace and security and protecting for the military he used, never relent and whatever it takes, and we must not waver and not on my watch for Christians, it began sentences with end, justice, the Bible does.
Bush - and in all that is to come, we can know that his purposes are just and true
for men, he used swaggering humor that implied he personally pulls the military trigger.
Bush- when I take action. I’m not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty 10 and hit a camel in the butt. It’s going to be decisive.
Dress a level higher than your station
When end doubt, go in camouflage
Embody the values of the people you represent. Or at least pretend to. Match the audiences beliefs.
Try this in a meeting, waited until late in the meeting, then speak in the tone of the reluctant conclusion, implying that cheer logic, not personal interest compels you, you will seem like a judge, instead of an advocate, try this with a major email.
Logical conclusion
Kaepernick triggered patriotism while displaying his own anger.
Patriotism could be any group. Family, freinds, religion etc. An abstract idea of belonging.
It’s an us v them tool.
What did he say v. What did he hear v. What did I do?
Dont write or say what you want to say. Write what they need to hear. The art of rhetoric is getting what you want by using words.
Illoqucian- you proclaiming something to get a certain outcome.
It’s one of the more manipulative figures in framing strategy, you want to choose terms that favor you while putting your opponent in a bad light. That means using words that already carry a big emotional throwaway with your audience, let’s call them commonplace words, the key words that form common places.
Think about the quotation at the beginning of this chapter, Mr Burns owns a nuclear power plant that has had an accident. He tries to define the issue by replacing meltdown with unrequested nucleur surplus. meltdown is a commonplace word heavily laden with emotion. He swaps it for jargon. stick to terms that don’t show up in any common place. They have almost no emotional effect. While we might object to his new terms.
His dislike of meltdown is understandable. The term is burdened with so much connotative baggage that burns feels compelled to swap it out. the words chemicals and logging, have a similar negative connotation unfairly in many cases where would we be without chemicals and would yet, you would have a hard time redefining either of these words for just about any audience, except chemists and loggers.
Abortion and common place words
Look at other issues and they’re two sided descriptions abortion, a baby’s right to live, or a woman’s right to her own body. gun control our shockingly violent society or its citizens right to protect themselves. borrowing the car, a privilege, or a matter of fairness, big sister got to borrow it last week, a framing consultant lurks behind almost every candidate and universities offer courses in this subject, but framing essentially follows the same rhetorical principles we have been talking about.
First, look for the most popular common places among the persuadable audience, the undecided and moderates, you might call this the bumper sticker phase of an argument. As always the most persuadable audience is the one in the middle. If you happen to debate abortion, your most persuadable audience is the one that wants neither to ban all abortions, nor do we allow them without restriction. A good pro choice slogan might be an egg is not a chicken or make abortion safe and rare Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill had been fond of the second one.
Well, an egg is not a chicken isn’t exactly a household rule of thumb, it still counts as a common place in Aristotle’s book because it appeals to the common sense notion that you can’t make an omelet out of a chicken. The slogan also works to convey the image of an embryo as an egg and not something that moves and responds to you. Once you have your commonplaces nailed down. You want to make sure that the issue covers as broad a context as possible. appealing to the maximum number of people with a widest ideological and Institutional Diversity.
Trump spoke of abortion in the most violent terms. If you go with what Hillary is saying in the ninth month you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby. While this kind of apocalyptic language describing illegal infanticide might have appealed to his base. I doubt that Trump won over undecided voters with that line. He narrowed the frame too much.
If not = Then Not
If we put flip it and put not on both sides, then it is true. It cancels out.
If its not a fish, it does not live in water
Structures keep your writing good
Structures keep your writing good. You need some constraints to produce better work. Steven king wrote much better when he had to follow constraints as opposed to when he wrote freely.
Syllogism is just a string of true statements
If it is rainy, then it is cloudy
if it cloudy, i’m not casting a shadow
if it is rainy, i’m not casting a shadow
End job interviews with a bit of pathos
End ALL SPEECHES with a bit of pathos
Ask questions whenever possible instead of making statements.
Don’t argue with the straw man of their beliefs. Ask them their beliefs, then state them back to them in your own words. Let them confirm that your summary is correct.
After you get their confirmation ask probing questions to further get their commitment and see if they believe all facets of their argument.
Stalin and Kairos
You could have the best argument in the world but it won’t get anywhere with these audiences. Not at the moment. Joseph Stalin, on the other hand was a master of Kairos even before he became the Soviet Union’s dictator. According to biographer Alan Bullock Stalin would sit mute it Politburo meetings until the very end. Finally, if there was any disagreement, he would weigh in on one side or the other, and settle the matter. He did this so often they comrades would look at him towards the end of every meeting, waiting for his judgment.
In a party of equals, he made himself more equal than anyone else. Despite being a course Ill dressed peasant among well bred colleagues, Stalin was the m&m of Kairos, a man who used his rhetorical skill to persuade an unlikely audience, if it worked for the mass murdering dictator, it can work for you.
One of the most boring fallacies that tautology basically just repeats the premise. Fan, the Cowboys are favored to win since they’re the better team. The proof and the conclusion agree perfectly and there lies the problem. They agree because through the same thing, the result is a tautology, a favored fallacy for political campaigns. campaign worker, you can trust our candidate because he’s an honest man. Proper rhetorical reply. I don’t trust you. So that makes your guys seem twice as shady.
Tee up a power line before you say it
Tee up a power line before you say it
let me say again what I always tell critics…
The secret is simple, it can be summed up this way.
And so my fellow Americans –
Use it to be supremely quotable.Try and use it only one once per speech
Commonplace words II
Your job as a persuader is to find the common place words that appeal most to your audience, or if you’re on the attack repel them. Politicians use focus groups to test terms like reform and protection, which resonate with American voters, for now. Attach reform to enough pork legislation though and politicians may find themselves stuck with a negative commonplace word. You don’t need focus groups to deal with smaller audiences. Just listen to the expressions people use and spot the key persuasive words. We need to be more aggressive. Let’s come up with a robust strategy. Welcome to the team. If we work smarter, will win. I like him, he has a good heart. We need to change the paradigm. I can’t relate to her way of working, chalk it up to a learning experience. He was traumatized in his last job.
All of these emphasized words reflect certain attitudes and come with varying emotional charges all positive except for the last one. Don’t call your new plan, innovative if you hear the word robust repeatedly, call it robust. Refer to your plan is a team effort that changes the paradigm. Of course, you don’t have to speak like a cliche programs humanoid. I exaggerate for effect. Just remember to spot the key words and use them to define the issue
Rhetorical deduction
Rhetorical deduction uses a common place to reach a conclusion interpreting the circumstances through a lens of beliefs and values.
Virtue II - be comprehensible
The second virtue clarity should be obvious, Alan Greenspan sounded like the Oracle of Delphi when he was chairman of the Federal Reserve, and that worked for him. It would not work for me
wrong - The queasy constitutional argument by my opponent contains an internal contradiction that comes to light. When you apply the principle of starry decisis.
Right- Does the town have the right to restrict noise. Yes, it has that right.
When someone takes offense at something you said.
Try this neat little concession. I’m sorry, how would you have put it, instead of getting defensive, you put your own words in her mouth
I’ll be your participation trophy husband
I’ll be your participation trophy husband
Anecdotes are the toys of history. Play with them. Use them. History is to be played with. They can be apocrypha and still he interesting as long as they are believable.
Start with a historical figure or someone you know. A brother, a friend, a women in a town you used to live in. Don’t just say “some lawyer” with no connection to you.
Parables give picture to abstraction.
Don’t say i have experience. Experience is an abstract word. Talk about in pictures, stories and concepts. Show, don’t tell.
parable power is persuasive power. Find stories from history or parables that relate to your topic and use them to make your point.
Tell a parable about their interest (business, politics, comedians, history, artists etc)
Appeal to ignorance
No one can prove Lima beans dont cause cancer (usually includes a double negative)
No ones ever disproven something so it might be true.
Your changing might to “it might “ to “a reason to believe .
a headstart
Head on the morning
Bush Code word I
Getting elected President of the United States does not always require great skill in formal rational debate, the ranks of presidents have been filled and no doubt will continue to be filled with individuals whose rather uninspired speech has been transformed through the alchemy of rhetoric into political dominance. America’s 43rd President George W Bush deserves a special place in the rhetorical Pantheon only to his particular talent for code grooming. Most of the candidates who followed him had been more articulate than he was but they still have a lot to learn from the man.
Pundits love to talk about his Christian code, but religion formed only a part of his grooming lingo. He also had his male code, his female code, and his military code. Bush spoke a pure demonstrative language of identity favoring the present tense and using terms that resonate among various constituencies. When he addressed the faithful, for example, he preferred, I believe, to, I think, in the summer of 2001. He used believe as a kind of fugue
bush - I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe. I believe what I believe is right.
Don’t start with your introduction. Start with what you are trying to communicate.
Circle back to the interdiction. This is fadic communication to get the reader to like you or draw them in with a story, a joke, a quote etc. End with your thesis (Whats your point?)
Thailand ( Vice to meditation)
Thailand ( Vice to meditation)
It was one of the most life-changing experiences but not really the way most people think. Im hanging out in Bangkok a this party hostel. It may have been the most insane party hostile ive ever been. There was the usual, an hour of free drinks, starting at 7, Crazy Australians (the only people in the world louder than Americans) , naked people in the bar area pretty much every night. I noticed my trip was turning into a frantic drunken blur
So finally, on my like 8 days waking up hungover I though, maybe its time to see another part of the city. So I go out and see the landmarks, see temples, and I fall in love. I go up to Ching Mai and see a temple on every corner. I saw the monks and just felt peace there. It was essentially the exact opposite of the party hostel. I started meditating everyday day. I wanted to take some of the peace home from me.
I still meditate everyday. I do it right before I hit the bars and when I’m hungover and it always reminds me of Thailand. (Buddish)
Present tense:
Should we build a plant in Detroit?
the rhetoric of the present handles praise and condemnation, separating the good from the bad distinguishing groups from other groups and individuals from each other. Aristotle reserved the present for describing people who meet a community’s ideals, or failed to live up to them. It is the communal language of commencement addresses funeral aerations and sermons. It celebrates heroes or condemns a common enemy. It gives people a sort of tribal identity. We are great terrorists are cowards. When a leader has trouble confronting the future, you hear similar tribal talk Aristotle’s term for this kind of language is demonstrative rhetoric, because ancient orators used it to demonstrate their fanciest techniques are argumentative couple uses it to divide each other.
Offense V Defense
For offense. Think of your goal set the tense and know youre audiences common places and values.
For Defense use ethos logos and pathos, usually in that order for defense. When you don’t know what to say. Try conceding, then redefining your concession. You could say it’s spinach other would say its broccoli.
“I’m going to skip over what your policies have done to the economy, instead we need to focus on how we fix the problem “
Various tools
Twist a cliche cliches make the world go round and your job is to screw up their orbit ways to undermine cliches include taking them literally and reducing them to absurdity attaching the surprise ending and swapping words.
Change word order, besides doing this with cliches, you can coin my favorite figure the chi asmus, which creates a crisscross sentence way both sides. This category of figure sums up opposing positions and compares or contrasts them
The either or figure dialysis offers a choice, usually with an obvious answer.
The contrasting figure antithesis. On the other hand, can be more even handed. These side by side figures sum up an argument on your own terms, allowing you to define the issue,
Edit out loud, by correcting yourself mid sentence, you can amplify an argument while seeming fair inaccurate and other editing figure is the refiner correct to which repeats the opponent’s language and corrects it turned the volume down the ironic understatement called lighttoetees can make you seem cooler than your opponent,
Turn the volume up the climax uses overlapping words in successive phrases to effect a rhetorical crescendo invent new words.
This is easily done by verbing anthem Amiriyah turning a noun into a verb or vice versa
Yes, but -
Find an area of agreement, validate them, recognize the value of one part before rebutting.