Kidneys Flashcards
Position and Relationships of Kidneys
- Between L1 and L4
- Posterior to Psoas Major (also Quad Lumborum and Diaphragm)
- 12th rib crosses it superiorly
Surfaces, borders, and poles of Kidney
- Anterior and Posterior Surface
- Medial and Lateral Borders
- Upper and Lower Poles
Which kidney is lower and why?
The Right kidney because of the liver
What structures is the Right Kidney’s Anterior Surface related to?
- Liver
- Descending Duodenum
- Right Colic Flexure
- Small intestine
What structures is the Left Kidney’s Anterior Surface related to?
- Stomach
- Spleen
- Pancreas
- Left Colic Flexure
- Small Intestine
What is the Hilus of the Kidney and where is it located?
Concavity of the medial border of the kidney where the renal pelvis enters
Renal Sinus
Opening just inside the kidney from the Hilus
Renal Pedicle
- Renal Vessels
2. Renal Pelvis
Divisions of the Renal Pelvis
- 2-3 Major Calices
2. 7-14 Minor Calices
Relationship between Ureter, Renal Vein, and Renal Artery from Anterior to Posterior
- Renal Vein
- Renal Artery
- Ureter
Damming of ureter, causing region above it to expand
Why may the Renal Artery have accessory arteries?
Because the kidney develops interiorly (pelvic area) and migrates to normal position, retaining inferior blood supply
Which Renal Vein is longer and why?
The Left one because it has to cross anteriorly to the Descending aorta
Pelvic Kidney
Kidney never migrates superiorly to normal position
Cystic Kidney
- Condition of having cysts on kidney, common
- Only dangerous if kidney becomes polycystic and nonfunctional
Horseshoe Kidney
Kidneys connect together in pelvis and get hung up on the Inferior Mesenteric Artery
What kind of organ in the ureter?
How long is the ureter?
about 10” long
What is the path of the ureter?
- Descends on Psoas Major
- Crosses common Iliac or External Iliac Anteriorly
- Dives into pelvis along Lateral wall
- connects to posterior lateral surface of bladder
Congenital Abnormalities of Ureters
- Bifidus Ureter
- Double Pelvis
- Megalo-ureter
- Post Caval Ureter (btwn IVC and Aorta)
- Ectopic Ureter (goes into urethra)
Differences in Urethra length in Males and Females
- Females: 1.5” long
2. Males: 8” long
Path of Urethra in Males and Females
- Females: btwn vagina and clitoris to vestibule of vagina
2. Males: Intermural urethra, prostatic urethra, membranous urethra, spongy urethra
What is the longest part of the urethra in a male?
Spongy urethra
What is the name for the condition of having the prostate gland encroach upon the urethra?
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
What procedure treats BPH?
Trans Urethra Resection of Prostate (TURP)