Key terms chapter 9 Flashcards
age discrimination in employment Act (ADEA) 1967
forbids age discrimination in any aspect of employment for those 40 or older
all - qualified list
promotional roster method in which anyone on the list can be selected in any order
alpha generation
born 2011-2025 projected to be best educated and most technologically sophisticated
americans with disability act 1990
provides equal opportunity to jobs for qualified persons with a disability as well as other protections.
assessment center
consist of several exercises or job simulations designed to elicit from candidates the behaviors found to be important to job success by the job analysis
baby boomers 1946-1964
many still employed by law enforcement agencies reaching end of career - grew up in era of widespread social change
banded list
promotional roster method in which candidates with similar scores are grouped together
computer voice stress analyzer
a lie detection mechanism
conditional job offer
an employment offer made contingent on passing a medical screening
under ADA 1) physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities 2) a record of such impairment and 3)a perception of such impairment
the core meaning is to teach or instruct
discipline matrix
a formal schedule for disciplinary actions, imposed, reduced, increased
disparate treatment
an EEOC theory of discrimination; a member of a protected class is intentionally discriminated against in an employment decision.
Early identification and intervention systems
also called early warning systems or locally by some more unique term. intended to 1) guide officers to more successful performances; 2) reduce the number of incidents that create liability exposure; 3) increase the accountability of supervisors for the actions of their subordinates
employee polygraph protection act
limits the use of lie detectors by employers, provides a law enforcement exception
equal employment opportunity commission
a unit within the U.S. Department of justice (USDOJ) that administers several key job discrimination laws. EEOC recognizes four theories of discrimination.
exempt employee
not entitled to overtime pay under FLSA
Equal Pay act
1963 prohibits wage discrimination based on gender
fair labor standards act
establishes national minimum wage, work hours, overtime pay, child labor and record keeping requirements
Family medical leave act
provisions to help employees balance their career and family needs. Mandates unpaid leave by covered employees for eligible workers for up to 12 weeks during any 12 month period for four specific reasons.
Field training officer
guides the field training of a recent basic/academy graduate, see officer in training
4/5ths rule
a rule of thumb used to determine whether averse impact has occurred, not a legal standard
generation X 1965-1980
the largest generation working in law enforcement presently; first generation latch key kid;
Generation Y
largely children of baby boomers, recently entering law enforcement agencies. Tend toward traditional family values, spiritual, not necessarily religious
Generation Z
Zedders - little known about them, fascination with virtual reality
Genetic information nondiscrimination act 2008
limits the use of genetic information, provides a law enforcement exemption
discriminatory unwelcome action toward an individual on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, religion, disability, or genetic information.Sexual harassment is perhaps the most well known type of Harrasment
hostile environment
created when the prohibited and unwelcome behavior has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the individual’s work performance or by creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment
lilly ledbetter fair pay act
2009 law that states that each discriminatory paycheck is a new violation
moral turpitude
conduct contrary to honesty, justice, or good morals
non exempt employees
entitled to overtime pay FLSA
officer in training
a recent academy graduate under the supervision of a field training officer
peace officers standards and training commission
a state level organization that sets standards for police employment, basic and annual training, special certifications
Pregnancy discrimination act
the act makes it unlawful to discriminate against women in employment if pregnant
progressive discipline
slowly increasing the severity of sanctions unless a higher level is immediately required
protected class
a Title VII 1972 - designation, race, color, sex
Adverse impact
an employment practice, which although lacking any discriminatory intent and on its face appearing to be neutral, an employer is prohibited from using because it has an unjustified impact on members of a protected class.
qualified individual with a disbability
job applicant or employer who meets the employers legitimate requirements for the position
quid pro quo
something for something sexual harassment
rank order list
promotional roster method in which candidates are listed in their rank order.
reasonable accommodation
accommodating for those handicap
if the same test or a parallel form is given to the same group substantially the same results will occur. results are not random
one of four EEOC theories of discrimination, 1) retaliation for participation 2) retaliation for opposition
Servicemembers civil relief act 2003
provides protections to service members including those called to active duty - leasing agreements, amount debtor can charge - life insurance
sexual harassment
a specific type of harrassment 1)quid pro quo 2) hostile environment
Silent generation
born 1925-1945 loyal - security conscious, conforming are key attributes
Title VII
1972 amends civil rights act prohibits job discrimination
uniform guidelines for employee selection procedures
uniform guidelines developed by EEOC create single set of selection
Uniformed services employment and reemployment rights act
1994 encourages non career participation in the uniformed military service by eliminating barriers to such service, minimizing the disruption of the lives of those called to service and prohibiting discrimination against them
u.s. Department of Labor
administers some job discrimination laws in addition to other responsibilities
quality of test that means it actually measure what it is intended to measure
working test
the probationary period for a position