Chapter 1 Key terms Flashcards
Air raid wardens
patrol during WWII make sure no lights showing (police/civic groups)
black September organization (BSO):
terrorist group
smuggled alcohol
boston police strike (1919)
a strike that killed unionization until 1960’s
bum blockades
police blocked immigrants from city - during depression - drain on gov.
carpet baggers
northerners who came south suitcase cheap carpet
challenge of crime in a free society
1967 gov. called for improvement of criminal justice system
Cesar chavez
farm worker civil rights activist wanted better working conditions and better pay
city manager movement
management style began 1908 stanton, Va
Civil right act 1964
Fed. law invalidated jim crow law. Title 7 illegal to discriminate in bus. and unions (did not apply to state and local gov. )
commission on accreditation of law enforcement agencies: CALEA
created 1979 accredits L.E. agencies that meet list of standards
community oriented policing
1980’s philosophy services to neighborhoods/business used with problem oriented policing
Dillinger, John
Bank robber killed 1934 by FBI - end lawless era
dried out prairie states/immigrated for better life (OKIES)
Equal Opportunity Employment
1972 amend title 7 include state and local gov.
evidence based policing (EBP)
policing practices based on evidence from larry sherman article
fores act
1870 - fed. legislation combat KKK
fosdick, raymond
author played major role in Cleveland foundation study
freedman’s bureau
federal agency provided assistance after civil war
frontier closing
1890 - official date of closure of frontier - transition from rural to urban society
president garfield
assassinated by frustrated patronage - momentum for pendelton act
greensboro massacre (N.C.)
brutal attack 1979 - on african americans by KKK and american nazi party
president harrison
accused of prostitution of public service
Hispanic american police command officer
Ass. HAPCOA 1973 - provides training and other opportunities for members
International association of chiefs of police
organization, international, federal, state & local police agencies of all sizes
international ass. of police women
organization 1969 - 1926
kansas city preventive patrol study
trilogy of research and experiments that rocked policing 1970’s
civil rights leader
founded in 1866
lexow committee
1894-1895 examined corruption new york police department
initially severe beating now illegal hanging - rough justice
military model
theory war against crime, police, front line soldier
journalists & writers expose corruption and abuses
national academy
institution founded 1934 train state & local L.E.
national association of american asian law enforcement
2002 fosters leadership, fraternal enrichment and advancement
national ass. of women L.E. exec.
establish unique needs of women holding senior positions
national commission on law observance and law enforcement
1929 first national comprehensive study of police 1929
national criminal justice reference service
on line reference source for criminal justice students
national organization Black L.E. executives 1976 elimination of racism and bias
national sheriffs association
1940 provides education and training
carry nation
wctu activist gained notoriety for hatchitations ripped alcohol kegs w/ axe
rewarding voters for their loyalty not ability - useful in applying qualified supporters who can help politicians implement their policies
Sir Robert Peel
force behind London Metropolitan police 1829
Pendleton Act:
Federal Legislation 1883 - establishing u.s. civil service comission
Police executive research forum:
group formed to do research and public policy work of interest to the larger jurisdiction founding it.
popular front for the liberation of palestine
terrorist organization
Pinkerton national detective agency
private det. agency excelled tracking outlaws
Police Administration
O.W. Wilson - book - bible of police admin. profess. model of policing.
Political Machine
tight controlled political party headed by boss/autocratic group. Purpose - win elections for personal gain. corruption
control over gov. including police
Peace officer standards and training commission organization that played important role in police professionalization
Rand Criminal Investigation Study
Trilogy of research rocked policing in 1970’s
ration books
divert food to service members in WWII 1942
Reformation period
reformers sought to free policing from political abuses and corruption - - 1 arouse apathetic public - 2 conceptual model to drive it
residency requirements
live in community 6mo. or 1 yr. - protect jobs from local tax paying residents
ruby ridge
1992 Idaho standoff (weaver family)
singleton Benjamin “Pap”
former Tennessee slaves promoted founding of African American townships in Kansas after the civil war.
Slave patrol
hunted slaves
snatch racket
1920’s & 1930’s gangster term “kidnapping”
illegal bars - prohibition
team policing
reshape how police resources used - reduce specialization and enlarging the role of uniformed patrol officers “part of trilogy that rocked 1970’s”
temperance movement
late 19th century anti-alcohol movement - church based
unequal badge
african american officers southern communities - walked beats in african american bus. locations - not allowed to arrest Caucasian - “ ugly incident (until early 1960’s)
treasury agents under elliot ness assigned to chicago who couldn’t be corrupted
victory gardens;
small household gardens planted during WWII - Personal consumption
August Vollmer (GUS)
Father of modern L.E.
Volstead act
prohibition act
Texas city 1993 - 51 day fed. siege david koresh - fed fatalities & 75 civilians
Watergate scandal
petty burglary led to pres. nixons resignation
charles whitman
1st mass murder - college campus 1966
wickersham commission
see national commission on law observance and law enforcement 1929
Wilson - chief of several jurisdictions studied under Vollmer
Zero Tolerance Policing
Premise that small infraction ignored it creates a climate to more serious crime.