Chapter 13 Key terms Flashcards
a group of synthetic hormones usually derived from testosterone, that promote storage of protein and the growth of muscle tissue.
critical incident:
a crisis situation, often involving human suffering beyond the normal range, that causes emergency personnel, family members, or bystanders to experience a strong physical, mental, or emotional reaction that interferes with usual coping skills.
domestic violence:
acts of violence by one family or household member against another.
employee assistance programs (EAPs):
programs made available by employers to help employees having personal or occupational difficulties.
exhaustion stage:
the point in general adaptation syndrome when resistance can no longer be maintained and the body’s defenses against stress begin to break down.
general adaptation syndrome (GAS):
the biological and physiological reactions, caused by stress, that may eventually incapacitate an individual.
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD):
a psychological reaction that occurs after experiencing a highly stressful event outside the range of normal human experience.
resistance stage:
the second step in general adaptation syndrome, exemplified by specific responses to continued stress by the body in order to optimize adaptation.
roid rage:
an outburst of violent or aggressive behavior caused by taking large doses of anabolic steroids.
anything that places an adjustive demand on the organism. stress inoculation activities: activities that help eliminate or reduce stress.
suicide by cop (SbC):
a situation involving an individual who wishes to die and uses the police to affect that goal.
type A personality:
the personality type characterized by an intense and ambitious mindset, which puts the person under constant stress and physiological strain.
type B personality:
the personality type characterized by a more easygoing state of mind than the type A personality.
the personality type similar to a type A, which can result in serious physical and psychological consequences.
a tort action by which federal courts obtain jurisdiction of suits that involve the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution by an individual acting under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage of any state.
alarm stage:
the component of general adaptation syndrome that puts the body on a “fight-or-flight” alert by releasing hormones that produce an energizing effect on the body. anabolic