Kendra’s English Conversations By Topics Flashcards
Why should we hire you?
Where do you see yourself in five years?
What are your salary expectations?
Give me an example of a time you failed.
How do you handle stress?
What are your weaknesses?
What are your strengths?
What sets your company apart from competitors?
I’m looking forward to our business appointment.
Let’s aim to keep the business appointment to an hour.
Are there any specific topics you’d like to cover in the meeting?
l’lI send over the agenda for the meeting.
I have rehearsed my
presentation multiple times.
I encourage the audience to ask questions and engage.
I will be speaking for approximately 45 minutes, followed by Q&A.
I have sent out a meeting invitation with all details.
I am looking forward to seeing my family after work.
1 am excited to relax and unwind after work.
I am clocking out and heading home.
lam finished with work for the day.
I am starting my shift at the store today.
I have been waiting for a response to my complaint for far too long.
I was given incorrect information by a staff member.
The product I received is not as described.
I am not satisfied with the resolution of my previous complaint.
I was overcharged for this purchase.
The employee I spoke with was rude and unhelpful.
I was promised a refund and have yet to receive it.
1 am dissatisfied with the quality of this item.
lam unhappy with the service I received.
Can we meet in person to go over the details?
Let’s set up a conference call with the team.
Can you send me the project brief?
I’ll email you the updated document.
Can we discuss the project over the phone?
I’lI send you the proposal by tomorrow.
Let’s schedule a meeting next week.
The IT department is upgrading the software.
The HR department is hosting a training session.
I heard there’s going to be a layoff.
Do you have any updates on the deadline?
There’s a new hire starting
There’s a new hire starting
I heard the boss is in a bad mood.
Can you pass me the stapler?
Emily is working from home
The company has a flexible work schedule.
I need to pick up some supplies before heading to the office.
Can I use your flashlight?
I need to report a crime.
I need to call a tow truck.
Can you call a fire truck?
I think I have a concussion.
Can you help me cancel my credit cards?
Do you have a lost and found service?
Can I use my phone or take photos inside the salon?
Do you have a waiting area or do I need to wait outside?
Can I come in without an appointment?
Do you offer any discounts for first-time customers?
Can I reschedule or cancel my appointment?
What time slots are available for today?
Can I make an appointment for a haircut?
I am interested in studying abroad.
I want to earn a Master’s degree.
I have completed coursework in computer programming.
I have completed coursework in computer programming.
I have a background in science and technology.
Have you had any internships?
What was your favorite class?
What was your major?
What school did you attend?
What degrees do you have?
Can someone please summarize what we have learned so far?
Please raise your hand if you want to contribute to the discussion.
Please turn in your papers at the end of class.
Let’s move on to the next topic.
Let’s break into small groups and discuss.
Can someone volunteer to read out loud?
Put away your phones and pay attention.
Please take out your homework.
Do you need help with anything?
What did you do over the weekend?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Do you have any upcoming projects or assignments?
What club or activity are you involved in?
How was your test or quiz?
lam so lucky to have you by my side.
You are my best friend and my soulmate.
You make me happier than anyone else ever has.
Do you want to grab a drink with me?
Can I take you out to dinner sometime?
Are you interested in checking out that new restaurant?
Are you free to hang out tomorrow?
Want to go see a movie this weekend?
Do you want to grab lunch together?
Do you want to grab lunch together?
I’m unable to answer the phone at the moment.
Please leave a message and
I’ll get back to you.
Sorry, I’m not able to take your call right now.
Thanks for calling, bye for now.
I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name.
Can you say that again please?
When’s a good time to call you back?
Sorry, she’s not here right now.
Thank you for calling, have a good day.
I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.
What is the best time to reach you?
Can you suggest a good shampoo for oily hair?
Is it necessary to use mouthwash?
How do I properly wash my hands?
I make time for self-care activities like meditation or reading.
I try to eat a balanced diet.
I try to eat a balanced diet.
I use moisturizer every morning.
Are you the oldest, middle, or youngest in your family?
Are your parents still together?
Do you have any step-siblings?
Where did your family come from originally?
Are you close with your extended family?
Do you have any siblings?
I have a blended family with step-siblings.
I come from a big family.
My parents are both teachers.
I want to become an expert in my field.
I want to become a leader in my industry.
I’m hoping to move up the career ladder in my current company.
I’m planning on going back to school to get a higher degree.
I’d like to transition into a different field in the future.
Managing stress and burnout is important for long-term success.
Setting boundaries with coworkers can improve relationships.
Finding a good work-life balance can be difficult.
Maintaining a positive attitude can improve morale in the workplace.
Dealing with a heavy workload can be stressful.
Communication is key to avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts.
Prioritizing tasks and setting goals can improve productivity.
Adapting to changes in the workplace can be challenging.
Collaborating with
difficult coworkers can be challenging.
Time management is crucial for balancing work and personal life.
Don’t be discouraged by rejections, keep trying.
Keep your Linkedin profile up-to-date and professional.
Keep your Linkedin profile up-to-date and professional.
Consider internships or part-time work to gain experience.
Consider internships or part-time work to gain experience.
Practice your interview skills with a friend or colleague.
Consider joining professional organizations in your field.
Tailor your resume to each job application.
Networking is key to finding job opportunities.
Have you had any career highlights or accomplishments?
Have you had any career highlights or accomplishments?
What do you enjoy most about your job?
What led you to your current profession?
How long have you been working in your field?
What do you do for a living?
Have you seen the new play at the theater?
The Sopranos is the best TV show ever.
The Godfather is my favorite movie.
I love the storyline in this game.
I’m so addicted to this game!
I’m stuck on this level.
Can you pass me a controller?
Let’s make predictions for the outcome of the game.
The football game is on at
Let’s go to a bar to watch the soccer match.
Who’s your pick to win the World Cup?
How can I improve my overall athletic performance?
Can you recommend some workouts for increasing speed and agility?
What are some tips for hitting a harder serve in tennis?
Can you recommend some drills for basketball?
I go to the gym regularly.
Keep your software and security programs up to date.
Always log out of your accounts when using public computers.
Use two-factor authentication for added security.
Don’t share personal information online.
Don’t share personal information online.
Check the privacy settings on your social media accounts.
Make sure your sound system is properly connected.
Make sure your tablet is charged.
Update your laptop’s operating system.
Try restarting your phone if it’s not working.
Use your smartwatch to track your daily activity.
Sync your fitness tracker with your phone.
Use a headset for a better gaming experience.
You can customize your laptop’s desktop.
You can use voice commands on your phone.
What do you think of this new smartwatch?
I’m looking for a new virtual reality headset.
The new virtual reality headset is incredible.
Do you offer same-day delivery?
Do you have a size chart for clothing?
I’m going to wear a statement necklace with this outfit.
I like to wear scarves with my outfits.
I love the way this skirt flows.
This shirt is too long for me.
These pants are too tight in the waist.
Can you help me zip up the back of this dress?
Faux fur coats are a popular choice for winter.
Trench coats are a timeless wardrobe staple.
Plaid is a classic pattern that never goes out of style.
Can you give me some advice on how to mix and match colors?
I’m not sure if this outfit is too formal or too casual.
Can you help me choose the right shoes for this outfit?
I’m not sure which accessories to pair with this dress.
What do you think of this outfit for the wedding?
Can you help me pick out a new outfit?
The new iPhone has a better camera.
Can I track my order online?
High waisted jeans are in this season.
We have a shared interest in photography.
Baking is a great stress reliever for me.
I swim laps every morning.
I’m considering improving my endurance.
Can you tell me the train timetable?
I want to get off at the next stop.
Can you take me to the mall please?
Can you wait for me while I run an errand?
How much will it cost to go downtown?
My luggage is lost, what do I do?
My luggage is damaged, what do I do?
Can I bring a stroller on the plane?
My luggage is overweight, what do I do?
Can I bring my prescription medication with me?
I have a criminal record, will that be a problem?
Can I bring alcohol in my carry-on?
I have a Global Entry card.
Can I get a headset for the in-flight movie?
Can I get a headset for the in-flight movie?
I need to use the restroom.
Can I charge my phone at my seat?
Can I have a pillow and blanket please?
I need to check in for my connecting flight.
Can I change my seat assignment?
I have a layover in Chicago.
Do I need a boarding pass?
Can you recommend any good hiking trails near here?
Do you have any recommendations for outdoor activities?
What are the must-see sights in this city?
Where is the museum located?
Can you tell me the way to the airport?
Hostel or hotel for New York?
We need to book tickets for the museum before they sell out.
Guided tour or explore on our own?
Rent a car or take public transportation?
I want to visit Italy someday.
Can we get our things, please?
Can we get our coats, please?
Can you add a 20% tip to the total on the check?
Can you put the check on my account?
Can you give us separate checks, please?
Can you add the tip to the total on the check?
Can you split the check evenly between the four of us?
The food was cooked perfectly.
The drinks were well-made.
The waitstaff was friendly.
I prefer dark chocolate to milk chocolate.
I’m on a low-carb diet.
I’m trying to cut back on sugar, so I don’t drink soda very often.
I love seafood, especially shrimp and crab.
I’m not a fan of spicy food.
I’m in the mood for something spicy, do you have any options?
Can I get a slice of pizza, with extra toppings?
Can I get a vegetarian wrap, with avocado?
I’d like the salmon, grilled, not fried.
Can I get the salad, with dressing on the side?
I’d like the pasta, with extra sauce.
I’d like the fish, with a side salad.
Can I get the chicken sandwich, no onions?
Can I get a burger, well done?
I’lI have the steak, medium rare.
Can I have a chicken sandwich with no mayonnaise?
We have a large group. Can you accommodate us?
We have a reservation under the name Smith.
This product is defective.
I received the wrong item.
I’m not satisfied with this product.
Can I get my money back for this?
Can I get a refund?
Can you give me a breakdown of my total by item?
Do you have a loyalty program or rewards program?
Can we negotiate the price?
Can you lower the price?
Is there any flexibility on the price?
I was hoping to pay less than the asking price.
Can you offer me a discount?
I’d like to pay less than the listed price.
Can you give me a better price on this?
Can you tell me where the checkout lanes are?
I have a coupon for this.
Where is the produce section?
Can you show me where the bedding section is?
I need help picking out a good bottle of wine.
Can you help me find a nice hotel nearby?
Can you tell me where the home goods section is?
What kind of seasonings are you using on the chicken?
Sure, you can cut up the veggies if you want.
That sounds delicious! What should we have on the side?
I was thinking we could try grilling some chicken.
I’m not sure, what do you feel like?
Mary gives me a handmade scarf as a gift.
1 help my grandma with the stuffing.
My sister wraps presents.
My mother bakes cookies.
My friends come over for dinner.
I pour everyone a glass of water.
My mother sets the table.
We finish the housework by 6:00pm.
John’s mom drops him off at school.
Keep pushing through, you will succeed.
Keep trying, you will get there.
Keep pushing forward, you’ve got this.
You deserve recognition for your work.
Your efforts did not go unnoticed.
I think this is the wrong decision.
I feel that this is the best course of action.
In my view, this is the wrong approach.
I approve of your suggestion.
I concur with your statement.
I support your idea.
I think the same way.
I’m not sure how to do this, can you help me?
Can you please give me some advice?
Can you please show me how to do this?
I’m struggling with this task.
Can you please assist me?
Would you mind giving me a hand?
Would you mind giving me a hand?
Please accept my sincere apologies.
I’m sorry for the way I acted.
I apologize for any hurt I caused.
I apologize for my thoughtless words.
I apologize for any inconvenience.
Thank you for being there for me.
I appreciate your willingness to help.
I’m thankful for your advice.
I’m grateful for your kindness.
I really appreciate your support.
I am dejected.
I am feeling blue.
I am down in the dumps.
1 am fearful.
I am elated.
I am thrilled.
I am in a good mood.
I am delighted.
lam overjoyed.
How do I access the WiFi?
How do I open this jar?
Can you tell me where the nearest gas station is?
Where do I check in for my flight?
Where do I put the trash?
I love keeping up with the latest news and trends.
What’s your schedule like for the weekend?
Do you have any special events coming up?
What are your holiday plans?
Are you doing anything fun this weekend?
What do you have planned for the day?
I’m a cashier at a grocery store.
I’m a salesperson at a retail
I’m a bartender at a bar.
I’m an engineer at a tech company.
I commute to work by train.
My mother does the grocery shopping on Saturdays.
My family has dinner together at 6 pm.
My friends and I have a weekly movie night.
John and I meet for lunch at noon.
It’s supposed to be really nice today, isn’t it?
The forecast is calling for thunderstorms tomorrow.
There is a storm coming
The weather is warm and muggy.
The temperature is in the high 80s.
It’s cloudy with a chance of rain.
The wind is blowing very strongly.
It’s raining heavily.
Bye for now, have a good rest of the day.
It was nice meeting you.
Farewell, I’II talk to you soon.
Bye for now, see you later.
Goodbye, it was nice talking to you.
Till next time.
I haven’t seen you around before. Is this your first time here?
What brings you here
Have you been to this place before?
What do you do for work?
Hi there, I’m Emily. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
I’m Sarah. Nice to meet you.
I’ve been busy, but good.
I’ve been good, just trying to stay healthy and productive.
I’ve been alright, thanks for asking. And you?
I’m doing alright.
I’m hanging in there.
Not much, just the usual.
I’m good, thanks.
I’m doing well, thanks for asking.
How have you been holding up?
How’s everything going?
Anything interesting happen lately?
How’s everything?
Hey, how’s it going?
Do you have any specials or promotions?
Where is the nearest grocery store?
Can you spell that for me?
Can you write that down for me?
Can you speak louder, please?