Kendra’s english 5 - Key Phrases 🧠🧠 Flashcards
Let me get ready.
“Laisse-moi me préparer.”
Think twice before you do it.
“Réfléchis deux fois avant de le faire.”
1. “Think twice before you trust him with your secrets.” 2. “You should think twice before making such a big decision.” 3. “I would think twice before jumping into that lake; it looks pretty cold!” 4. “Think twice before you spend all your savings on that car.” 5. “She told me to think twice before getting a tattoo because it’s permanent.”
These examples demonstrate different contexts where the phrase might be used to advise caution or further consideration.
“Who thinks so?”
“Qui le pense ?” ou “Qui pense cela ?”
Friday would suit me best.
“Vendredi me conviendrait le mieux” ou “Vendredi serait le jour qui me convient le mieux”.
Do you know each other?
Vous vous connaissez ?
It sounds exciting!
“Ça a l’air excitant !” ou “Ça semble passionnant !”
What a relief!
“Quel soulagement !”
I’ll give it a try.
«I’ll give it a try» en anglais signifie “Je vais essayer” en français. C’est une expression que l’on utilise pour montrer qu’on est prêt à faire quelque chose, même si on n’est pas sûr d’y arriver. On peut l’utiliser pour accepter une proposition, pour essayer quelque chose de nouveau, ou pour se lancer dans un défi.
Voici quelques exemples de phrases en anglais qui utilisent l’expression “I’ll give it a try”:
“I’ll give it a try, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to do it.”
“Do you want to try the new restaurant that just opened up?” “Sure, I’ll give it a try.”
“I’m not very good at painting, but I’ll give it a try.”
There are pros and cons to anything.
signifie “tout a des avantages et des inconvénients” .
C’est une expression que l’on utilise pour montrer qu’il n’y a pas de décision ou de choix parfait, car tout a des avantages et des inconvénients.
“There are pros and cons to living in the city.”
“There are pros and cons to getting married.”
“There are pros and cons to having children.”
Sorry to interrupt.
je suis désolé de vous interrompre.
Talk like that will raise suspicion.
“Parler ainsi éveillera des soupçons.” ou “Un discours comme ça suscitera des doutes.”
1. “If you keep mentioning the money you found, talk like that will raise suspicion among your friends.” 2. “She advised him not to mention the secret deal, as talk like that will raise suspicion in the office.” 3. “Even if you were joking, talk like that will raise suspicion about your intentions.” 4. “Avoid discussing our plans in public; talk like that will raise suspicion among strangers.” 5. “In a security-sensitive environment, talk like that will raise suspicion and could get you reported.”
They’ve made headway!
“Ils ont fait des progrès!” ou “Ils ont avancé!”.
Cela indique que des progrès notables ont été réalisés dans une tâche ou un projet particulier
1. “After months of negotiations, they’ve made headway on the peace treaty.” 2. “The research team was stuck for a while, but recently they’ve made headway in finding a solution.” 3. “I heard the construction crew has run into multiple issues, but despite that, they’ve made headway.” 4. “The charity was struggling to raise funds initially, but lately, they’ve made headway and have collected a significant amount.” 5. “Although the language barrier was challenging for them at first, they’ve made headway and can now communicate comfortably.”
Ces exemples montrent comment cette phrase peut être utilisée dans différents contextes pour indiquer des progrès ou des avancées.
Calm down.
Calme toi
The news makes us uneasy.
“Les nouvelles nous mettent mal à l’aise.” ou “Les actualités nous inquiètent.”
Let’s give it one last try.
Traduction : “Essayons une dernière fois.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “The project has been tough, but let’s give it one last try.”
2. “I know we’ve had our differences, but let’s give it one last try.”
3. “We almost solved the puzzle; let’s give it one last try.”
4. “Before giving up on the recipe, let’s give it one last try.”
5. “The team was about to disband, but they decided to give it one last try.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Let’s give it another shot.”
2. “Let’s try once more.”
3. “One more attempt and we’ll see.”
4. “Before we quit, let’s have one more go.”
5. “Let’s make a final effort.”
I was almost late.
Traduction : “J’ai failli être en retard.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I was almost late for the meeting because of the traffic.”
2. “I was almost late to catch my flight, but luckily I made it.”
3. “Thanks to the alarm not going off, I was almost late for my exam.”
4. “I was almost late for the concert, but found a shortcut.”
5. “If not for the neighbor’s reminder, I was almost late for the trash collection.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “I nearly missed it.”
2. “I was on the verge of being late.”
3. “I almost didn’t make it on time.”
4. “I was close to running late.”
5. “It was a close call, but I wasn’t late.”
I don’t know if I can make it.
D’accord, je suivrai cette méthode.
“I don’t know if I can make it.”
Traductions :
1. “Je ne sais pas si je pourrai venir.” (contexte le plus fréquent : se rapportant à une présence ou une participation à un événement)
2. “Je ne sais pas si je pourrai réussir.” (dans le contexte d’un défi ou d’un objectif)
3. “Je ne sais pas si je vais m’en sortir.” (dans un contexte de survie ou de situation difficile)
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I’ve got two other commitments that day, so I don’t know if I can make it to your birthday party.”
2. “The exams are so tough this year, I don’t know if I can make it.”
3. “The hike is getting difficult and the weather is worsening; I don’t know if I can make it to the summit.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “I’m not sure I can attend.”
2. “I’m uncertain if I’ll succeed.”
3. “I doubt I’ll pull through.”
The problem was beset with difficulties.
Traductions :
1. “Le problème était truffé de difficultés.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Le problème était plein de complications.”
3. “Le problème était entouré d’obstacles.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “The engineering project was beset with difficulties from the outset.”
2. “Her journey was beset with difficulties, from bad weather to lost luggage.”
3. “The team’s efforts to launch the product were beset with difficulties, including supply chain issues.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “The problem was riddled with challenges.”
2. “The issue was fraught with complications.”
3. “The situation was surrounded by hurdles.”
Is that so?
Traductions :
1. “Vraiment ?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Ah bon ?”
3. “Est-ce vrai ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “She’s moving to Paris next month.” “Is that so?”
2. “They said it’s going to rain all week.” “Is that so?”
3. “I heard he got the job.” “Is that so?”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Really?”
2. “You don’t say!”
3. “Is it?”
Jeff makes fun of his dog.
Traductions :
“Jeff se moque de son chien.” (
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Every time the dog chases its tail, Jeff makes fun of it.”
2. “When his dog barks at the TV, Jeff makes fun of him.”
3. “Jeff makes fun of his dog’s silly habits.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Jeff teases his dog.”
2. “Jeff pokes fun at his dog.”
3. “Jeff jests about his dog.”
Don’t be biased
Traductions :
1. “Ne sois pas partial !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Ne sois pas biaisé !”
3. “Reste impartial !”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “When judging the competition, don’t be biased.”
2. “I want your honest opinion, so don’t be biased.”
3. “In the debate, try to listen to both sides and don’t be biased.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Stay neutral!”
2. “Keep an open mind!”
3. “Avoid taking sides!”
it’s not good enough yet
Traductions :
1. “Ce n’est pas encore assez bien.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Ce n’est pas encore satisfaisant.”
3. “Il y a encore du travail à faire.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I’ve reviewed your report, and it’s not good enough yet.”
2. “The team’s performance is improving, but it’s not good enough yet.”
3. “Your skills have come a long way, but they’re not good enough yet for this level of competition.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “It’s still lacking.”
2. “There’s still room for improvement.”
3. “It doesn’t meet the standards yet.”
I’d like to use a safe.
Traductions :
1. “J’aimerais utiliser un coffre-fort.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Je voudrais utiliser une caisse de sécurité.”
3. “Je souhaite avoir accès à un coffre.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “While staying at the hotel, I’d like to use a safe for my valuables.”
2. “With all the important documents at home, I’d like to use a safe.”
3. “Before leaving for my trip, I’d like to use a safe to secure my jewelry.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “I want to secure my belongings.”
2. “Can I have access to a lockbox?”
3. “I’d prefer to store my items in a safe.”
Way to go!
Traductions :
1. “Bravo !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Bien joué !”
3. “Félicitations !”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “You finished the marathon? Way to go!”
2. “You got the job? Way to go!”
3. “You aced the test? Way to go!”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Great job!”
2. “Nicely done!”
3. “Keep it up!”
There he is
Traductions :
1. “Le voilà !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Voilà !”
3. “C’est lui !”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “We’ve been looking for the birthday boy everywhere. Oh, there he is!”
2. “I was wondering where the manager was, and then I spotted him. There he is!”
3. “We were waiting for the keynote speaker, and then he walked on stage. There he is!”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Look, it’s him!”
2. “Over there, that’s him!”
3. “I found him!”
You read my mind!
Traductions :
1. “Tu lis dans mes pensées !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “On a eu la même idée !”
3. “C’est exactement ce que je pensais !”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I was just thinking we should order pizza tonight. You read my mind!”
2. “I was about to suggest the same movie. You read my mind!”
3. “That’s the song I’ve had in my head all day. You read my mind by playing it!”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “We’re on the same wavelength!”
2. “Great minds think alike!”
3. “That’s just what I was thinking!”
I’II be with you in a minute.
Traductions :
1. “Je suis avec toi dans une minute.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Attends-moi une minute.”
3. “Je te rejoins dans un instant.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Just finishing up this email, I’ll be with you in a minute.”
2. “I’m wrapping up a call. I’ll be with you in a minute.”
3. “Just one last task to complete, then I’ll be with you in a minute.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Just give me a moment.”
2. “Hang on a second.”
3. “I’ll be right there.”
We’ll be done in no time.
Traductions :
1. “Nous aurons fini en un rien de temps.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Ça sera fait rapidement.”
3. “Nous finirons très vite.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “With all of us working together, we’ll be done in no time.”
2. “The task seems daunting, but with this new tool, we’ll be done in no time.”
3. “Once we get started, we’ll be done in no time.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “It won’t take long.”
2. “We’ll finish quickly.”
3. “We’ll wrap this up fast.”
That’s not fair!
Traductions :
1. “Ce n’est pas juste !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “C’est injuste !”
3. “Ce n’est pas équitable !”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I did all the work, and he got all the credit. That’s not fair!”
2. “They got a bonus, and we didn’t? That’s not fair.”
3. “She always gets special treatment. That’s not fair.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “It’s not right!”
2. “That’s unequal!”
3. “It’s not balanced!”
Definitely next time!
Traductions :
1. “La prochaine fois, c’est sûr !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Assurément la prochaine fois !”
3. “Sans faute la prochaine fois !”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I couldn’t make it to the party this weekend, but definitely next time!”
2. “I missed the sale today. Definitely next time, I’ll be there.”
3. “Sorry I couldn’t help with the project this week. Definitely next time.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “I promise, next time!”
2. “For sure, the next time around!”
3. “Next time, count me in!”
Take my word for it.
Traductions :
1. “Crois-moi sur parole.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Fais-moi confiance.”
3. “Prends ma parole pour cela.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I’ve tried that restaurant, and it’s not good. Take my word for it.”
2. “This route is faster, even if it seems longer. Take my word for it.”
3. “You don’t want to watch that movie, take my word for it.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Trust me on this.”
2. “Believe me.”
3. “You can rely on what I’m saying.”
I have stuff to do.
Traductions :
1. “J’ai des choses à faire.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “J’ai du boulot.”
3. “J’ai des trucs à régler.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Sorry, I can’t chat right now, I have stuff to do.”
2. “I won’t be able to join the meeting today; I have stuff to do.”
3. “Let’s catch up later; I have stuff to do right now.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “I’m busy right now.”
2. “I’ve got tasks to handle.”
3. “I’ve got my hands full at the moment.”
That’s awesome.
Traductions :
1. “C’est génial !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “C’est super !”
3. “C’est formidable !”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “You got the promotion? That’s awesome!”
2. “They’re coming to our city for a concert? That’s awesome!”
3. “You finished the project ahead of schedule? That’s awesome!”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “That’s fantastic!”
2. “That’s great news!”
3. “That’s amazing!”
I don’t sleep very soundly.
Traductions :
1. “Je ne dors pas très profondément.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Je ne dors pas très bien.”
3. “Mon sommeil n’est pas très lourd.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Since the accident, I don’t sleep very soundly.”
2. “I often wake up throughout the night; I don’t sleep very soundly.”
3. “Even with earplugs, I don’t sleep very soundly.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “I have a light sleep.”
2. “I often toss and turn at night.”
3. “It’s hard for me to sleep deeply.”
Don’t be silly!
Traductions :
1. “Ne sois pas bête !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Ne dis pas de bêtises !”
3. “Ne fais pas l’idiot !”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “You think you’re to blame for the rain? Don’t be silly!”
2. “You’re not ruining the party, don’t be silly!”
3. “Thinking of giving up after one try? Don’t be silly!”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Stop being ridiculous!”
2. “Don’t be absurd!”
3. “You’re talking nonsense!”
The car is waxed and shining.
Traductions :
1. “La voiture est cirée et brillante.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “La voiture a été cirée et elle brille.”
3. “La voiture est lustrée et éclatante.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “After hours of hard work, the car is waxed and shining.”
2. “Before the car show, make sure the car is waxed and shining.”
3. “Nothing feels better than driving a car that’s waxed and shining.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “The car is polished and gleaming.”
2. “The car looks brand new and shiny.”
3. “The car’s finish is sparkling and clean.”
It should be alright.
Traductions :
1. “Ça devrait aller.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Ça devrait être bon.”
3. “Il ne devrait pas y avoir de problème.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Don’t worry about the rain, with this tent, it should be alright.”
2. “I checked the engine and it seems fine, so it should be alright for the trip.”
3. “Even if you arrive a bit late, it should be alright.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “It should be fine.”
2. “It’s expected to be okay.”
3. “There shouldn’t be any issues.”
I know that without being told.
Traductions :
1. “Je sais ça sans qu’on me le dise.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Inutile de me le dire, je le sais déjà.”
3. “Je suis au courant, pas besoin de me l’annoncer.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “You don’t have to remind me about the meeting; I know that without being told.”
2. “She’s upset, but I know that without being told.”
3. “It’s going to be a challenge, but I know that without being told.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “I’m already aware of that.”
2. “I’m in the loop on that matter.”
3. “No need to mention it, I’m informed.”
She didn’t turn up after all.
Traductions :
1. “Elle n’est finalement pas venue.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Après tout, elle n’est pas apparue.”
3. “Elle n’a finalement pas fait acte de présence.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “We waited for an hour at the café, but she didn’t turn up after all.”
2. “She promised to attend the seminar, but she didn’t turn up after all.”
3. “I thought she’d join us for the hike, but she didn’t turn up after all.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “In the end, she didn’t show up.”
2. “She was a no-show after all.”
3. “Ultimately, she didn’t come.”
One thing’s for sure.
Traductions :
1. “Une chose est sûre.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Ce qui est certain, c’est que…”
3. “On peut en être sûr.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “No matter what happens, one thing’s for sure, we gave it our best.”
2. “This situation is unpredictable, but one thing’s for sure, we’ll stick together.”
3. “One thing’s for sure, this will be an event to remember.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “That much is certain.”
2. “If there’s one certainty, it’s that…”
3. “That’s a given.”
Any thoughts?
Traductions :
1. “Des idées ?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Qu’en penses-tu ?”
3. “Des réflexions à ce sujet ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “We need to come up with a solution. Any thoughts?”
2. “After hearing the proposal, do you have any thoughts?”
3. “I’ve explained the situation. Any thoughts on how to proceed?”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “What’s your take on this?”
2. “Do you have any input?”
3. “What are your feelings on the matter?”
Let’s start over from the beginning.
Traductions :
1. “Commençons de nouveau depuis le début.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Recommençons depuis le début.”
3. “Partons du début à nouveau.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “The project has too many errors. Let’s start over from the beginning.”
2. “I didn’t understand the story. Can we start over from the beginning?”
3. “This isn’t working out. Let’s start over from the beginning and try a different approach.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Let’s go back to square one.”
2. “Let’s begin anew.”
3. “We should reset and start again.”
That’s very becoming on you!
Traductions :
1. “Cela te va vraiment bien !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Ça te sied à merveille !”
3. “Tu es très bien avec ça !”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “That dress is a great choice; that’s very becoming on you!”
2. “I must say, that new hairstyle is very becoming on you.”
3. “Have you tried wearing blue more often? It’s very becoming on you.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “It suits you perfectly!”
2. “You look great in that!”
3. “That’s really flattering on you.”
Go for it, Meg.
Traductions :
1. “Fonce, Meg !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Vas-y, Meg !”
3. “Lance-toi, Meg !”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “If you think that’s the best decision, go for it, Meg!”
2. “You’ve been training for this moment, go for it, Meg!”
3. “If it’s your dream, don’t hesitate. Go for it, Meg!”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Give it your all, Meg!”
2. “Take the leap, Meg!”
3. “Don’t hold back, Meg!”
How lucky!
Traductions :
1. “Quelle chance !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “C’est du bol !”
3. “Heureux hasard !”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “You found a $20 bill on the street? How lucky!”
2. “They had just one ticket left when you arrived? How lucky!”
3. “You ran into an old friend while on vacation in another country? How lucky!”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “What good fortune!”
2. “That’s serendipity!”
3. “Fortune smiles upon you!”
Is that so?
Traductions :
1. “Ah bon ?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Vraiment ?”
3. “Est-ce le cas ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “You’ve never been to Paris? Is that so?”
2. “They announced a new product today. Is that so?”
3. “She’s moving to a new city next month. Is that so?”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Really?”
2. “You don’t say!”
3. “Is that a fact?”
How did you get to know him?
Traductions :
1. “Comment l’as-tu connu ?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Comment avez-vous fait sa connaissance ?”
3. “Par quel moyen l’as-tu rencontré ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “We have so many mutual friends. How did you get to know him?”
2. “He seems like an interesting person. How did you get to know him?”
3. “I’ve always wondered, how did you get to know him?”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “How did you meet him?”
2. “Where did you two first cross paths?”
3. “Under what circumstances did you two get acquainted?”
What have you come here for?
Traductions :
1. “Pourquoi es-tu venu ici ?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Qu’est-ce qui t’amène ici ?”
3. “Dans quel but es-tu venu ici ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “This is a restricted area. What have you come here for?”
2. “I wasn’t expecting to see you at this event. What have you come here for?”
3. “Seeing you here is a surprise. What have you come here for?”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Why are you here?”
2. “What’s your purpose for coming?”
3. “What brings you here?”
«Why» or «what for»
«Why » et « what for » sont deux adverbes interrogatifs qui peuvent être utilisés pour demander la raison d’une chose. Cependant, il existe une différence subtile entre les deux. « Why » est utilisé pour demander la raison sous-jacente d’une chose, tandis que « what for » est utilisé pour demander le but ou l’intention d’une chose.
Par exemple, vous pouvez demander « Why are you crying ? » pour demander la raison pour laquelle quelqu’un pleure. Mais vous pouvez aussi demander « What are you crying for ? » pour demander le but ou l’intention de ses larmes. Dans ce cas, les deux questions peuvent avoir la même réponse, mais la première question est plus à la recherche de la raison sous-jacente des larmes, tandis que la deuxième question est plus à la recherche du but ou de l’intention des larmes.
Voici quelques exemples supplémentaires :
Why did you go to the store ? (Pourquoi es-tu allé au magasin ?)
What did you go to the store for ? (Pourquoi es-tu allé au magasin ?)
Why did you break the window ? (Pourquoi as-tu cassé la fenêtre ?)
What did you break the window for ? (Pourquoi as-tu cassé la fenêtre ?)
Why are you so sad ? (Pourquoi es-tu si triste ?)
What are you so sad for ? (Pourquoi es-tu si triste ?)
Comme vous pouvez le voir, « why » et « what for » peuvent être utilisés dans un certain nombre de contextes différents. La meilleure façon de choisir entre les deux est de réfléchir à la raison sous-jacente ou au but de ce que vous demandez.
Isn’t that something!
Traductions :
1. “C’est quelque chose, ça !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Ce n’est pas rien !”
3. “C’est impressionnant, non ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “He climbed Mount Everest in just two weeks. Isn’t that something!”
2. “She wrote and published three books in a year. Isn’t that something!”
3. “They managed to renovate the entire building in a month. Isn’t that something!”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “That’s impressive!”
2. “That’s quite an achievement!”
3. “How remarkable!”
I don’t mind waiting for a while.
Traductions :
1. “Ça ne me dérange pas d’attendre un moment.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Je ne suis pas contre le fait d’attendre un peu.”
3. “Attendre un peu ne me pose pas de problème.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “If the next train is in 30 minutes, I don’t mind waiting for a while.”
2. “She’s running late? I don’t mind waiting for a while.”
3. “If the food takes a bit longer to prepare, I don’t mind waiting for a while.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “I’m okay with waiting a bit.”
2. “It’s fine, I can wait a little longer.”
3. “I have no problem waiting for some time.”
It smells!
Traductions :
1. “Ça sent mauvais !” (traduction la plus courante lorsqu’il s’agit d’une odeur désagréable)
2. “Quelle odeur !”
3. “Ça pue !”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I think something’s rotten in the fridge. It smells!”
2. “Did you take off your shoes? It smells in here!”
3. “Someone should take out the trash. It smells!”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “What’s that stench?”
2. “There’s a bad odor here.”
3. “It reeks!”
It’s upside down.
Traductions :
1. “C’est à l’envers.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “C’est renversé.”
3. “Tu l’as mis tête en bas.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “The painting on the wall is upside down. Can you fix it?”
2. “You’re holding the map upside down.”
3. “I just realized that the poster has been upside down this whole time.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “It’s flipped the wrong way.”
2. “It’s turned the other way round.”
3. “You’ve got it the wrong way up.”
Is breakfast complimentary?
Traductions :
1. “Le petit-déjeuner est-il offert ?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Le petit-déjeuner est-il gratuit ?”
3. “Le petit-déjeuner est-il inclus ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I’m checking into the hotel. Is breakfast complimentary?”
2. “We’re considering booking a room. Is breakfast complimentary?”
3. “For the conference attendees, is breakfast complimentary?”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Is breakfast included in the price?”
2. “Do we have to pay extra for breakfast?”
3. “Does the room rate come with free breakfast?”
About how long will it take?
Traductions :
1. “Combien de temps cela prendra-t-il environ ?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Ça va prendre combien de temps à peu près ?”
3. “Vous avez une idée du temps que ça prendra ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I’m getting my car serviced. About how long will it take?”
2. “If we walk there, about how long will it take?”
3. “You’re fixing the computer? About how long will it take?”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “How much time should I anticipate?”
2. “Can you give me an estimate on the time?”
3. “What’s the expected duration?”
There’s no rush.
Traductions :
1. “Il n’y a pas d’urgence.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Prenez votre temps.”
3. “Il n’y a pas de pression.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “You can finish the project by next week. There’s no rush.”
2. “We can wait for the next bus. There’s no rush.”
3. “If you need more time to decide, that’s okay. There’s no rush.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Take your time.”
2. “We have plenty of time.”
3. “Don’t feel pressured.”
You were a big help.
Traductions :
1. “Tu as été d’une grande aide.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Tu m’as beaucoup aidé.”
3. “Ton aide a été précieuse.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Thanks for assisting with the move, you were a big help.”
2. “I couldn’t have finished the project without you, you were a big help.”
3. “Your guidance made all the difference, you were a big help.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
2. “You’ve been invaluable.”
3. “Your assistance was crucial.”
You just made my day!
Traductions :
1. “Tu viens d’illuminer ma journée !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Tu viens de me faire ma journée.”
3. “Grâce à toi, ma journée est réussie.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “That compliment was so sweet, you just made my day!”
2. “I was having a tough time, but seeing you here just made my day.”
3. “That surprise gift you gave me? You just made my day!”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “You’ve brightened up my day.”
2. “That was the highlight of my day.”
3. “You’ve turned my day around.”
I’ve got to go.
Traductions :
1. “Je dois y aller.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Il faut que je parte.”
3. “Je dois partir.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “It’s getting late, I’ve got to go.”
2. “I wish I could stay longer, but I’ve got to go.”
3. “My train is in 20 minutes, I’ve got to go.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “I need to leave now.”
2. “I have to head out.”
3. “Time for me to take off.”
Where is the lost and found?
Traductions :
1. “Où se trouve le bureau des objets trouvés ?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Où est le service des objets perdus ?”
3. “Où puis-je retrouver les objets égarés ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I left my umbrella on the train. Where is the lost and found?”
2. “I can’t find my backpack. Can you direct me to the lost and found?”
3. “Someone said they turned in my wallet. Where is the lost and found?”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Where can I claim lost items?”
2. “Is there a place here for lost property?”
3. “Where can I check for misplaced belongings?”
It’s not on purpose.
Traductions :
1. “Ce n’est pas fait exprès.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Ce n’était pas intentionnel.”
3. “Je ne l’ai pas fait volontairement.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I’m sorry I spilled the drink, it’s not on purpose.”
2. “She didn’t mean to upset you; it’s not on purpose.”
3. “The file got deleted, but it’s not on purpose.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “It was accidental.”
2. “I didn’t mean to do it.”
3. “It was unintentional.”
Have a taste. How do you like it?
Traductions :
1. “Goûte. Comment trouves-tu cela ?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Essaie. Ça te plaît ?”
3. “Tente. Qu’en penses-tu ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I made a new recipe. Have a taste. How do you like it?”
2. “This is a special dish from my country. Have a taste. How do you like it?”
3. “I think I added too much spice. Have a taste. How do you like it?”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Try this and tell me what you think.”
2. “Give this a taste and share your opinion.”
3. “Sample this and let me know your thoughts.”
There’s no hurry.
Traductions :
1. “Il n’y a pas d’urgence.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Prenez votre temps.”
3. “Il n’y a pas de pression.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “If you can’t finish it today, that’s fine. There’s no hurry.”
2. “The meeting was postponed, so there’s no hurry to prepare the presentation.”
3. “Don’t rush; there’s no hurry to get there.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Take your time.”
2. “We have plenty of time.”
3. “Don’t rush on my account.”
You’re in luck!
Traductions :
1. “Tu as de la chance !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “C’est ton jour de chance!”
3. “La chance te sourit !”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “You’re in luck! We have one more ticket left.”
2. “I was just about to finish the last piece of cake, but you’re in luck, I’ll let you have it.”
3. “Looking for a discount? You’re in luck! There’s a sale today.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Fortune is on your side.”
2. “It’s your lucky day!”
3. “Things are going your way.”
Don’t overthink it.
Traductions :
1. “Ne te prends pas trop la tête.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Ne réfléchis pas trop.”
3. “Ne complique pas les choses.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “It’s just a casual event, don’t overthink what to wear.”
2. “You’re doing fine, don’t overthink your performance.”
3. “It’s a simple decision, don’t overthink it.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Keep it simple.”
2. “Don’t stress about it.”
3. “Don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be.”
I definitely agree.
Traductions :
1. “Je suis tout à fait d’accord.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Je suis entièrement d’accord.”
3. “Absolument, je suis d’accord.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “After seeing the evidence, I definitely agree with your assessment.”
2. “That’s a brilliant idea, I definitely agree.”
3. “The new policy makes sense, and I definitely agree with its implementation.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “I’m on the same page.”
2. “You’re spot on, and I concur.”
3. “I couldn’t agree more.”
I like the way that you think!
Traductions :
1. “J’aime ta façon de penser !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “J’aime comment tu réfléchis!”
3. “Ton mode de pensée me plaît.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “That’s an innovative solution, I like the way that you think!”
2. “You always come up with unique ideas. I like the way that you think.”
3. “Considering all perspectives? I like the way that you think.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “You have a great mindset.”
2. “I appreciate your perspective.”
3. “Your thought process is impressive.”
Don’t push yourself too hard.
Traductions :
1. “Ne te pousse pas trop fort.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Ne te surmène pas.”
3. “Ménage-toi.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I know you want to finish the marathon, but don’t push yourself too hard.”
2. “You’ve been working long hours; don’t push yourself too hard.”
3. “It’s important to rest, so don’t push yourself too hard during recovery.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Take it easy.”
2. “Don’t overexert yourself.”
3. “Be sure to rest when you need it.”
Do you feel like eating out tonight?
Traductions :
1. “Ça te dit d’aller manger au restaurant ce soir ?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Tu as envie de sortir manger ce soir ?”
3. “On va au resto ce soir ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I don’t feel like cooking. Do you feel like eating out tonight?”
2. “There’s a new Italian place downtown. Do you feel like eating out tonight?”
3. “I’ve had a long day. Do you feel like eating out tonight?”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “How about dinner outside tonight?”
2. “Fancy a meal out tonight?”
3. “Should we dine out this evening?”
John was tired from working overtime.
Traductions :
1. “John était fatigué à force de faire des heures supplémentaires.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “John était épuisé d’avoir trop travaillé.”
3. “Les heures supplémentaires avaient épuisé John.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “John was tired from working overtime, so he went to bed early.”
2. “With the project deadline approaching, John was tired from working overtime for weeks.”
3. “John was tired from working overtime and decided to take a day off.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “John was drained from the extra hours at work.”
2. “Working beyond his usual hours left John exhausted.”
3. “The extended shifts wore John out.”
What’s that for?
Traductions :
1. “C’est pour quoi ?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “À quoi ça sert ?”
3. “Pourquoi cela ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “You brought an extra bag. What’s that for?”
2. “She handed me a piece of paper. I asked, ‘What’s that for?’”
3. “I noticed a tool I didn’t recognize. ‘What’s that for?’ I inquired.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “What’s the purpose of that?”
2. “Why did you bring that?”
3. “What are you using that for?”
I am on the basketball team.
Traductions :
1. “Je suis dans l’équipe de basketball.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Je fais partie de l’équipe de basketball.”
3. “Je joue dans l’équipe de basketball.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I am on the basketball team, so I have practice every Wednesday and Friday.”
2. “Even though I am on the basketball team, I still make time for my studies.”
3. “Being on the basketball team has taught me a lot about teamwork and dedication.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “I play for the basketball squad.”
2. “I’m a member of the basketball team.”
3. “I represent our school in basketball.”
That’s a must-see.
Traductions :
1. “C’est à voir absolument.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Il faut absolument le voir.”
3. “C’est incontournable.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “The new exhibit at the museum? That’s a must-see.”
2. “If you’re visiting Paris, the Eiffel Tower is a must-see.”
3. “The movie won multiple awards, so it’s definitely a must-see.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “You can’t miss it.”
2. “It’s essential viewing.”
3. “You’ll regret not seeing it.”
Something’s weird.
Traductions :
1. “Il y a quelque chose d’étrange.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Quelque chose cloche.”
3. “C’est bizarre.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I heard a noise in the other room. Something’s weird.”
2. “Everyone is acting secretive today. Something’s weird.”
3. “The computer just shut down by itself. Something’s weird.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “There’s something off.”
2. “I sense something unusual.”
3. “Things don’t seem right.”
What’s he like?
Traductions :
1. “Comment est-il ?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Quel genre de personne est-il ?”
3. “Il est comment ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I’ve never met her boyfriend. What’s he like?”
2. “He’s joining our team next week. What’s he like in person?”
3. “You’ve worked with him before, right? What’s he like?”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Can you describe him to me?”
2. “What kind of character does he have?”
3. “Tell me about his personality.”
Keep up the good work!
Traductions :
1. “Continue comme ça !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Garde le cap !”
3. “Bon travail, continue !”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I saw your progress report. Keep up the good work!”
2. “Your dedication is making a difference. Keep up the good work.”
3. “The project is ahead of schedule. Keep up the good work, team!”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Keep it up!”
2. “You’re on the right track, keep going!”
3. “Don’t stop now, you’re doing great!”
Whenever I drink, I get sleepy.
Traductions :
1. “À chaque fois que je bois, je deviens somnolent.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Quand je bois, ça me donne envie de dormir.”
3. “Je bois et je me sens fatigué.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Whenever I drink wine, I get sleepy and end up going to bed early.”
2. “It’s odd, but whenever I drink even a little, I get sleepy.”
3. “I avoid drinking at parties because whenever I drink, I get sleepy.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Alcohol makes me drowsy.”
2. “Drinking always puts me to sleep.”
3. “I tend to get tired when I drink.”
Have some more.
Traductions :
1. “Prends-en encore.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Sers-toi encore.”
3. “Il en reste, n’hésite pas.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “The pasta is really good, have some more!”
2. “There’s plenty of cake left, have some more.”
3. “Don’t be shy; have some more if you liked it.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Go ahead and take seconds.”
2. “Feel free to help yourself.”
3. “There’s plenty for seconds.”
Which college are you aiming for?
Traductions :
1. “Pour quelle université vises-tu ?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Quelle université as-tu en vue ?”
3. “Vers quelle université souhaites-tu aller ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I’ve been preparing for the entrance exams; which college are you aiming for?”
2. “Given your grades and extracurriculars, which college are you aiming for?”
3. “Many of our classmates want to study abroad. Which college are you aiming for?”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Where do you hope to study?”
2. “Which university is your top choice?”
3. “Where are you planning to apply for college?”
Let’s celebrate.
Traductions :
1. “Célébrons cela.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Fêtons ça.”
3. “Allons fêter ça.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “We just finished a big project. Let’s celebrate!”
2. “It’s your birthday next week, let’s celebrate.”
3. “We’ve reached our fundraising goal. Let’s celebrate!”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Let’s throw a party.”
2. “Time for a celebration!”
3. “Let’s mark the occasion.”
You look cheerful.
Traductions :
1. “Tu as l’air joyeux.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Tu sembles de bonne humeur.”
3. “Tu as l’air heureux.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “You look cheerful today, did something good happen?”
2. “Even though it’s Monday, you look cheerful.”
3. “After a week of rain, the sun is out and everyone looks cheerful.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “You seem happy today.”
2. “You’re glowing with joy.”
3. “Something’s put a smile on your face.”
Did you make up your mind?
Traductions :
1. “As-tu pris une décision ?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “As-tu fait ton choix ?”
3. “T’es-tu décidé ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Did you make up your mind about the job offer?”
2. “We need an answer soon. Did you make up your mind?”
3. “I know it’s a difficult decision. Did you make up your mind?”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Have you decided?”
2. “What have you decided on?”
3. “Is your mind made up?”
Let’s get started!
Traductions :
1. “Commençons !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Allons-y !”
3. “Mettons-nous au travail !”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “We have a long day ahead. Let’s get started!”
2. “All the materials are ready. Let’s get started on the project.”
3. “Now that everyone is here, let’s get started with the meeting.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Let’s begin!”
2. “Let’s dive in!”
3. “Time to kick things off!”
You poor thing.
Traductions :
1. “Pauvre de toi.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Ma pauvre.”
3. “Oh, tu dois avoir du mal.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “You’ve been working all weekend? You poor thing.”
2. “You’re sick again? You poor thing.”
3. “Lost your wallet on vacation? You poor thing.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “I feel for you.”
2. “That’s so unfortunate.”
3. “Oh, that’s tough.”
Give me the spelling.
Traductions :
1. “Donne-moi l’orthographe.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Comment ça s’écrit ?”
3. “Épelle-le pour moi.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I’m not sure how to write that. Can you give me the spelling?”
2. “That’s an unusual name. Can you give me the spelling?”
3. “To avoid any mistakes, could you give me the spelling?”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “How do you spell that?”
2. “Can you spell it out for me?”
3. “Please provide the correct spelling.”
I feel relieved.
Traductions :
1. “Je me sens
- “Je me sens soulagé.”
- “C’est un poids en moins pour moi.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “When I heard the good news, I felt relieved.”
2. “I was so worried about the test results, but now I feel relieved.”
3. “With that issue resolved, I feel relieved.”
She looks good in anything.
Traductions :
1. “Elle est bien dans n’importe quelle tenue.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Tout lui va bien.”
3. “Elle a l’air bien peu importe ce qu’elle porte.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Whether it’s a casual outfit or a formal gown, she looks good in anything.”
2. “She can pull off any style; she looks good in anything.”
3. “No matter what she chooses from her wardrobe, she looks good in anything.”
Phrases équivalentes :
My schedule is tight next week.
Traductions :
1. “Mon emploi du temps est chargé la semaine prochaine.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “J’ai un agenda serré la semaine prochaine.”
3. “Je suis très pris la semaine prochaine.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I have meetings back-to-back, so my schedule is tight next week.”
2. “With all the deadlines approaching, my schedule is tight next week.”
3. “I might not have time for lunch; my schedule is tight next week.”
I caught a cold over the holidays.
Traductions :
1. “J’ai attrapé un rhume pendant les vacances.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Je me suis enrhumé pendant les vacances.”
3. “Les vacances m’ont laissé avec un rhume.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Despite taking precautions, I caught a cold over the holidays.”
2. “It was unfortunate that I caught a cold over the holidays and couldn’t enjoy them fully.”
3. “Right in the middle of the holiday season, I caught a cold.”
Différence entre «over» et «during»
“Over” et “during” peuvent tous deux se rapporter à une période de temps, mais ils sont utilisés dans des contextes légèrement différents et peuvent avoir des nuances différentes. Voici une explication de leurs différences :
During :
- Signifie “pendant toute la durée de”.
- Est suivi d’un nom (ou d’une expression nominale) pour indiquer quand exactement quelque chose se produit.
Exemple : I fell asleep during the movie. (Je me suis endormi pendant le film.)
Over :
- Peut signifier “pendant” ou “à travers”, mais implique souvent une période de temps plus étendue ou une durée.
- Est souvent utilisé avec des week-ends, des vacances ou d’autres périodes qui ont une notion de début et de fin.
Exemple : I’ll be traveling over the weekend. (Je voyagerai pendant le week-end.)
Des exemples pour illustrer la différence :
- During : We learned a lot during our university years. (Nous avons beaucoup appris pendant nos années universitaires.)
- Over : Sales have increased over the past few months. (Les ventes ont augmenté au cours des derniers mois.)
Cela dit, il y a des cas où “over” et “during” peuvent être utilisés de manière interchangeable, bien que “over” puisse parfois donner une sensation de durée plus longue ou plus étendue que “during”.
I’m really looking forward to my vacation.
Traductions :
1. “J’attends vraiment mes vacances avec impatience.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Je suis vraiment impatient de partir en vacances.”
3. “Mes vacances me tardent vraiment.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “After such a hectic year, I’m really looking forward to my vacation.”
2. “I’ve planned so many activities, so I’m really looking forward to my vacation.”
3. “I need a break, so I’m really looking forward to my vacation.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “J’ai tellement hâte d’être en vacances.”
2. “Les vacances ne peuvent pas arriver assez vite pour moi.”
3. “Je compte les jours avant mes vacances.”
I can’t stand it anymore.
Traductions :
1. “Je ne peux plus le supporter.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Je n’en peux plus.”
3. “C’en est trop pour moi.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Every day the noise gets louder, and I can’t stand it anymore.”
2. “I’ve been patient, but I can’t stand it anymore.”
3. “This situation is too much; I can’t stand it anymore.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Je suis à bout de patience.”
2. “J’ai atteint mes limites.”
3. “C’est plus fort que moi, je ne peux plus le tolérer.”
I’ll vacuum
Traductions :
1. “Je vais passer l’aspirateur.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Je m’occupe de l’aspirateur.”
3. “Je vais aspirer.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Don’t worry about the mess; I’ll vacuum before the guests arrive.”
2. “I’ll vacuum the living room while you dust.”
3. “The carpet looks dirty; I’ll vacuum.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Je vais m’occuper du sol.”
2. “Laisse, je m’occupe de nettoyer.”
3. “Je vais faire le ménage.”
I’d like it in a brighter color.
Traductions :
1. “Je le voudrais dans une couleur plus vive.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “J’aimerais une couleur plus éclatante.”
3. “Est-ce que ça existe dans une teinte plus lumineuse ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “While this shade is nice, I’d like it in a brighter color to match my room.”
2. “Considering the theme of the event, I’d like it in a brighter color.”
3. “To contrast with the dark furniture, I’d like it in a brighter color.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “J’aimerais quelque chose de plus pétillant.”
2. “J’aimerais une version plus colorée.”
3. “Vous n’avez pas ce modèle en plus vif ?”
I’ll take care of it.
Traductions :
1. “Je m’en occupe.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Je vais prendre soin de ça.”
3. “Laisse, c’est moi qui gère.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Don’t worry about the mess; I’ll take care of it.”
2. “You’ve done enough; I’ll take care of the rest.”
3. “I know it’s a complicated task, but I’ll take care of it.”
I’II treasure it.
Traductions :
1. “Je le chérirai.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Je tiendrai cela comme un trésor.”
3. “C’est précieux pour moi.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Thank you for this gift; I’ll treasure it forever.”
2. “This photo brings back so many memories; I’ll treasure it.”
3. “Your advice means a lot to me; I’ll treasure it.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Je garderai cela précieusement.”
2. “C’est un souvenir que je chérirai.”
3. “Je tiendrai cela à cœur.”
I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.
Traductions :
1. “Je suis désolé de vous avoir fait attendre.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Excusez-moi pour l’attente.”
3. “Pardon de vous avoir laissé attendre.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “The meeting ran over, so I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.”
2. “Traffic was worse than I expected, I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.”
3. “There was an unexpected issue at work; I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Je regrette le retard.”
2. “Désolé pour l’attente.”
3. “Pardon de ne pas être arrivé plus tôt.”
Tom walked across the street.
Traductions :
1. “Tom a traversé la rue.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Tom est passé de l’autre côté de la rue.”
3. “Tom a marché pour traverser la rue.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Tom walked across the street to get to the store.”
2. “As soon as the traffic light turned green, Tom walked across the street.”
3. “After spotting his friend on the other side, Tom walked across the street.”
She’s amazing!
Traductions :
1. “Elle est incroyable !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Elle est exceptionnelle !”
3. “Elle est formidable !”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I watched her performance last night, and she’s amazing!”
2. “She solved that complex problem so easily; she’s amazing!”
3. “After hearing her speech, I thought to myself, ‘she’s amazing!’”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Elle est vraiment douée.”
2. “C’est une perle rare.”
3. “Elle est époustouflante.”
We should stick to our plan.
Traductions :
1. “Nous devrions nous en tenir à notre plan.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Il faudrait respecter notre plan.”
3. “On devrait suivre notre plan.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Even though there are many temptations, we should stick to our plan.”
2. “We’ve put a lot of thought into this strategy, so we should stick to our plan.”
3. “To achieve our goals, we should stick to our plan without deviation.”
What are they made of?
Traductions :
1. “De quoi sont-ils faits?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “En quoi sont-ils fabriqués?”
3. “De quelle matière sont-ils faits?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “These shoes look unique. What are they made of?”
2. “I’ve never seen such dishes before. What are they made of?”
3. “The sculptures in the gallery were exquisite. What are they made of?”
Phrases équivalentes :
- “What material is used for these?”
- “Of what substance are these composed?”
- “How are these crafted?”
How have you been?
Traductions :
1. “Comment ça va ?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Comment vas-tu depuis la dernière fois ?”
3. “Comment tu te sens ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Long time no see! How have you been?”
2. “I heard you were traveling. How have you been?”
3. “It’s been a while since our last meeting. How have you been?”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “How’s everything going?”
2. “How’s life treating you?”
3. “What’s been going on with you?”
What is this fruit called in English?
Traductions :
1. “Comment s’appelle ce fruit en anglais ?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Quel est le nom de ce fruit en anglais ?”
3. “Vous savez comment on dit ce fruit en anglais ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I’ve never seen this before in my country. What is this fruit called in English?”
2. “Can you tell me what is this fruit called in English? I’d like to search for recipes.”
3. “I know it in my native language, but what is this fruit called in English?”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “What’s the English name for this fruit?”
2. “How do you say this fruit in English?”
3. “Do you know the English term for this fruit?”
I’m all booked up this week.
Traductions :
1. “Je suis complet/complètement pris cette semaine.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “J’ai un emploi du temps chargé cette semaine.”
3. “Je n’ai aucun créneau de libre cette semaine.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Sorry, I can’t make it to the meeting. I’m all booked up this week.”
2. “I’d love to help, but I’m all booked up this week.”
3. “Can we reschedule? I’m all booked up this week.”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “My schedule is packed this week.”
2. “I’m swamped all week.”
3. “I have a full plate this week.”
She is so easy to be with.
Traductions :
1. “Elle est si facile à vivre.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “On se sent bien avec elle.”
3. “C’est si simple d’être avec elle.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I always enjoy our gatherings because she is so easy to be with.”
2. “Even though we just met, she is so easy to be with.”
3. “She doesn’t judge or criticize; she is so easy to be with.”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “She’s such a breeze to hang out with.”
2. “Being with her is effortless.”
3. “It’s always a pleasure being around her.”
With whom would you like to speak?
Traductions :
1. “Avec qui souhaitez-vous parler ?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Avec qui désirez-vous parler ?”
3. “Qui voulez-vous voir ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Sorry, Mr. Smith is not available right now. With whom would you like to speak?”
2. “You’ve reached the department’s main line. With whom would you like to speak?”
3. “If she’s not around, with whom would you like to speak?”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “Who are you looking to speak with?”
2. “Who do you want to talk to?”
3. “Is there someone specific you’d like to chat with?”
It’s very tasty.
Traductions :
1. “C’est très savoureux.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “C’est vraiment délicieux.”
3. “C’est très bon.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I tried the soup you recommended. It’s very tasty!”
2. “This cake you made? It’s very tasty!”
3. “Thanks for the dinner recommendation. It’s very tasty.”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “This is really flavorful.”
2. “It’s quite yummy.”
3. “This is so delicious.”
Same as always.
Traductions :
1. “Comme d’habitude.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Comme toujours.”
3. “Rien n’a changé.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “How’s work going?” “Same as always.”
2. “What’s the weather like?” “Same as always, rainy.”
3. “Is he still being stubborn about that issue?” “Same as always.”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “Business as usual.”
2. “Nothing’s changed.”
3. “As per the usual.”
Could I have an aisle seat, please?
Traductions :
1. “Pourrais-je avoir une place côté couloir, s’il vous plaît?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Je voudrais une place côté couloir, s’il vous plaît.”
3. “Est-ce que je peux avoir un siège côté couloir, s’il vous plaît?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “When booking my flight, could I have an aisle seat, please?”
2. “For the movie, could I have an aisle seat, please? I might need to step out.”
3. “On the train, could I have an aisle seat, please? I get claustrophobic.”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “I’d like a seat by the aisle, please.”
2. “Can I get a seat on the aisle?”
3. “I prefer an aisle seat if it’s available.”
I’ll have to consult with my boss.
Traductions :
1. “Je devrai consulter mon patron.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Je dois en parler à mon patron.”
3. “Je dois voir avec mon patron.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Before making a final decision, I’ll have to consult with my boss.”
2. “I think it’s a good idea, but I’ll have to consult with my boss first.”
3. “I’m not sure about the budget for this project; I’ll have to consult with my boss.”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “I need to check with my supervisor.”
2. “I’ll have to get back to you after speaking with my manager.”
3. “Let me discuss it with my boss first.”
To consult with someone
The French translation of “to consult with someone” is “consulter quelqu’un”. It can also be translated as “prendre conseil auprès de quelqu’un”, “demander l’avis de quelqu’un” or “se concerter avec quelqu’un”.
Here are some examples of how to use the phrase “consulter quelqu’un” in a sentence:
J’ai consulté un avocat avant de signer le contrat. (I consulted with a lawyer before signing the contract.)
Je vais consulter mon médecin pour savoir si je suis en bonne santé. (I’m going to consult with my doctor to see if I’m healthy.)
Je voudrais consulter un expert en finances pour me conseiller sur mes investissements. (I would like to consult with a financial expert to advise me on my investments.)
Nous avons consulté les autres membres du groupe avant de prendre une décision. (We consulted with the other members of the group before making a decision.)
Could you turn down the heat?
Traductions :
1. “Pourriez-vous baisser le chauffage?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Est-ce que vous pouvez diminuer la chaleur?”
3. “Pourriez-vous réduire la température?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “It’s getting a little warm in here. Could you turn down the heat?”
2. “I think the room is too hot. Could you turn down the heat?”
3. “I’m feeling a bit overheated. Could you turn down the heat, please?”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “Can you lower the temperature?”
2. “It’s a bit warm; can you turn the heat down?”
3. “Please adjust the thermostat; it’s too hot in here.”
Let me show you around.
Traductions :
1. “Laissez-moi vous faire visiter.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Je vais vous montrer les lieux.”
3. “Permettez-moi de vous présenter les alentours.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “This is our new home. Let me show you around!”
2. “You’re new here, aren’t you? Let me show you around the office.”
3. “Since it’s your first time at our farm, let me show you around.”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “Come with me, I’ll give you a tour.”
2. “I’d be happy to introduce you to the place.”
3. “Follow me, I’ll take you on a quick tour.”
She’s easily moved to tears.
Traductions :
1. “Elle est facilement émue aux larmes.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Elle pleure facilement.”
3. “Elle est très sensible et pleure facilement.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Whenever she watches a touching movie, she’s easily moved to tears.”
2. “She’s easily moved to tears, especially when she hears heartwarming stories.”
3. “Even the smallest acts of kindness can make her easily moved to tears.”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “She tears up at the drop of a hat.”
2. “She’s quite emotional and can cry easily.”
3. “She wears her heart on her sleeve and tears up quickly.”
Can you get me some water?
Traductions :
1. “Pouvez-vous me donner de l’eau?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Pourriez-vous me rapporter de l’eau?”
3. “Est-ce que vous pouvez me chercher de l’eau?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I’m feeling really thirsty. Can you get me some water?”
2. “Before we start the meeting, can you get me some water?”
3. “It’s hot outside. Can you get me some water to drink?”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “Could you bring me a glass of water?”
2. “I’d appreciate it if you could fetch me some water.”
3. “Would you mind grabbing me some water?”
Can I throw this here?
Traductions :
1. “Puis-je jeter ça ici?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Est-ce que je peux jeter ceci ici?”
3. “Puis-je mettre ça à la poubelle ici?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I have this empty bottle. Can I throw this here?”
2. “I’m done with this wrapper. Can I throw this here?”
3. “I don’t need this paper anymore. Can I throw this here?”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “Is it okay to dispose of this here?”
2. “Can I trash this here?”
3. “Is this the right place to toss this out?”
Can you let me off here?
Traductions :
1. “Pouvez-vous me laisser descendre ici?” (traduction la plus courante, surtout en parlant d’un véhicule)
2. “Est-ce que je peux descendre ici?”
3. “Pouvez-vous m’arrêter ici?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “This is close to my destination. Can you let me off here?”
2. “I see my friend’s house. Can you let me off here?”
3. “This stop is convenient for me. Can you let me off here?”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “Could you drop me off here?”
2. “This is my stop, can you pull over?”
3. “I’d like to get out here if that’s okay.”
Watch your step.
Traductions :
1. “Attention à la marche.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Fais attention où tu marches.”
3. “Regarde où tu mets les pieds.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “The floor is wet over there. Watch your step.”
2. “There are loose stones on this path, so watch your step.”
3. “The stairs are quite steep. Watch your step.”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “Mind your step.”
2. “Be careful where you step.”
3. “Tread carefully.”
I can’t decide which to choose.
Traductions :
1. “Je ne peux pas décider lequel choisir.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Je ne sais pas lequel prendre.”
3. “J’hésite entre les choix.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “There are so many great options on the menu, I can’t decide which to choose.”
2. “Both of these shirts look good, I can’t decide which to choose.”
3. “I’m torn between two job offers and I can’t decide which to choose.”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “I’m torn between the two.”
2. “I’m undecided about my choice.”
3. “It’s hard for me to make a decision.”
Sounds great!
Traductions :
1. “Ça a l’air super !” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Ça sonne bien !”
3. “Super !”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “They’re offering a free workshop this weekend.” “Sounds great!”
2. “How about dinner at that new Italian restaurant tonight?” “Sounds great!”
3. “Let’s go for a hike in the morning.” “Sounds great!”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “That sounds fantastic!”
2. “Sounds like a plan!”
3. “I’m in!”
I’m all done with my work.
Traductions :
1. “J’ai terminé mon travail.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “J’ai fini avec mon travail.”
3. “Mon travail est terminé.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I’m all done with my work, so I’ll head home now.”
2. “Can I leave early? I’m all done with my work.”
3. “I finished ahead of schedule; I’m all done with my work.”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “I’ve completed my tasks.”
2. “I’ve wrapped up my work.”
3. “My work is all wrapped up.”
Can I have two more?
Traductions :
1. “Puis-je en avoir deux de plus ?” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “Est-ce que je peux prendre deux supplémentaires ?”
3. “Je peux en avoir deux autres ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “These cookies are delicious! Can I have two more?”
2. “The pens you gave me don’t work. Can I have two more?”
3. “I think I need a couple more folders. Can I have two more?”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “May I take two additional ones?”
2. “Could you pass me another two?”
3. “I’d like two more, please.”
I’m always forgetful.
Traductions :
1. “Je suis toujours distrait.” (traduction la plus courante)
2. “J’oublie tout le temps.”
3. “Je suis constamment tête en l’air.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I’m always forgetful, so I need to set reminders for everything.”
2. “Can you remind me again? I’m always forgetful.”
3. “I left my keys at home again. I’m always forgetful!”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “I have a memory like a sieve.”
2. “Things always slip my mind.”
3. “I can never remember where I put things.”
Go ahead,
I’ll catch up later.
Traductions :
1. “Vas-y, je te rejoindrai plus tard.” (traduction la plus courante) 2. “Continue, je rattraperai mon retard plus tard.” 3. “Poursuis, je te retrouverai après.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “Start the movie without me. Go ahead, I’ll catch up later.” 2. “You guys start hiking. Go ahead, I’ll catch up later after I tie my shoes.” 3. “Begin the meeting, and I’ll join in a few minutes. Go ahead, I’ll catch up later.”
Phrases équivalentes en anglais :
1. “Start without me, I’ll join you soon.” 2. “Go on, I’ll be right behind you.” 3. “Proceed, I’ll catch up in a bit.”
I can’t put it into words well.
Je ne peux pas bien le formuler avec des mots.
Traductions possibles :
1. “Je n’arrive pas à bien le formuler en mots.”
2. “Je n’arrive pas à l’exprimer clairement.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I can’t put it into words well enough to explain.”
2. “I’m having trouble finding the right words to describe it.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Expressing it accurately is difficult for me.”
2. “Describing it adequately is a challenge for me.”
I’m into yoga.
Je suis passionné(e) de yoga.
Traductions possibles :
1. “J’aime le yoga.”
2. “Je suis intéressé(e) par le yoga.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I’m into yoga because it helps me relax.”
2. “I’ve been practicing yoga for years, and I really enjoy it.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Yoga is something I’m really enthusiastic about.”
2. “Yoga is a big part of my life.”
I can’t get the lid off.
Je n’arrive pas à enlever le couvercle.
Traductions possibles :
1. “Je ne peux pas retirer le couvercle.”
2. “Le couvercle ne veut pas s’enlever.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I can’t get the lid off the jar no matter how hard I try.”
2. “I’ve been struggling to remove the lid from this container.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “I’m having trouble taking off the lid.”
2. “I’m unable to open the container.”
I’m all wet.
Je suis tout mouillé(e).
Traductions possibles :
1. “Je suis trempé(e) de la tête aux pieds.”
2. “Je suis complètement mouillé(e).”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I forgot my umbrella and now I’m all wet from the rain.”
2. “I slipped and fell in the puddle, so now I’m all wet.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “I’m soaked through.”
2. “I’m drenched.”
No worries.
Pas de soucis.
Traductions possibles :
1. “Pas de problème.”
2. “Aucun souci.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I’m sorry for the mistake, but it’s already taken care of. No worries!”
2. “You don’t need to stress about it. No worries at all.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “No problem.”
2. “No big deal.”
Leave it alone.
Laisse-le tranquille.
Traductions possibles :
1. “Laisse-le en paix.”
2. “Ne t’en occupe pas.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “I’m trying to fix this myself, so please leave it alone.”
2. “He’s working on a project, so it’s best to leave it alone for now.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Don’t interfere with it.”
2. “Let it be.”
Whose turn is it next?
À qui est-ce le tour ensuite ?
Traductions possibles :
1. “À qui est-ce le tour maintenant ?”
2. “Qui doit jouer ensuite ?”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “We’ve all had a chance to speak. Whose turn is it next?”
2. “After you, it’s my turn to present. Whose turn is it next?”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Who’s up next?”
2. “Who goes after this?”
I’m so glad I made it in time!
Je suis tellement content(e) d’être arrivé(e) à temps !
Traductions possibles :
1. “Je suis si heureux/heureuse d’être arrivé(e) à temps !”
2. “Je suis vraiment content(e) d’avoir réussi à arriver à temps !”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “The train was about to leave, but I’m so glad I made it in time!”
2. “I rushed to the meeting, and thankfully, I arrived just in time.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “I’m relieved I got here on time!”
2. “I’m so pleased I managed to arrive in time!”
Go along this street about five minutes.
Suivez cette rue pendant environ cinq minutes.
Traductions possibles :
1. “Marchez le long de cette rue pendant environ cinq minutes.”
2. “Avancez sur cette rue pendant environ cinq minutes.”
Exemples en anglais :
1. “To reach the café, go along this street about five minutes and you’ll see it on your left.”
2. “Keep walking down this road for about five minutes, and you’ll reach the park.”
Phrases équivalentes :
1. “Walk down this street for around five minutes.”
2. “Continue on this road for approximately five minutes.”
The day’s a-wasting.
The day’s a-wasting est une expression anglaise qui signifie que le temps passe vite et qu’il faut en profiter. C’est une façon de dire qu’il ne faut pas perdre de temps et qu’il faut se mettre au travail ou faire quelque chose de productif.
L’expression est composée de deux mots : “day” (jour) et “a-wasting” (qui se gaspille). Le mot “a-wasting” est une forme archaïque du mot “wasting” (gaspille).
English: “The day’s a-wasting! Get up and get to work!”
French: “Le temps passe, il est temps de se mettre au travail!”
English: “I know I should be studying, but the day’s a-wasting and I just want to relax.”
French: “Je sais que je devrais étudier, mais le temps passe et j’ai juste envie de me détendre.”
English: “The day’s a-wasting, so let’s make the most of it!”
French: “Le temps passe, profitons-en!”
Let me sleep on it
• Écriture en API : /lɛt mi slip ɒn ɪt/
• Traduction en français : Laisse-moi y réfléchir
Exemples en anglais :
1. Let me sleep on it, and I’ll give you an answer tomorrow.
2. She wasn’t sure about the job offer, so she said, “Let me sleep on it” before making a decision.
3. I’m not sure if I want to buy this car. Can you let me sleep on it?
4. He asked if I wanted to go on a trip, but I told him I needed to let me sleep on it first.
5. The proposal sounds interesting, but I need to let me sleep on it before committing.
Expressions synonymes et mots dérivés :
• Consider it overnight (/kənˈsɪdər ɪt ˈoʊvərnaɪt/) - Considère-le pendant la nuit.
• Give me some time to think (/ɡɪv mi səm taɪm tu θɪŋk/) - Donne-moi un peu de temps pour réfléchir.
• IPA transcription: /ˈnaʊəˌdeɪz/
• French translation: De nos jours
• Examples in English:
1. Nowadays, people rely heavily on technology for communication. 2. Nowadays, it’s common to see people working remotely. 3. Nowadays, social media plays a significant role in our lives. 4. Education has evolved a lot, and nowadays, online learning is quite popular. 5. Nowadays, more people are becoming environmentally conscious and practicing sustainable living. • Synonymous expressions and derived words: • Currently (/ˈkɜrəntli/) - Actuellement • At present (/æt ˈprɛzənt/) - À l’heure actuelle
I’ll pull over
IPA: /aɪl pʊl ˈoʊvər/
Traduction: Je vais m’arrêter sur le côté.
Exemples en anglais:
1. “I need to answer this call, so I’ll pull over,” she said. 2. The driver decided to pull over to check the map for directions. 3. It’s safer to pull over if you’re feeling tired while driving. 4. He saw a beautiful view and decided to pull over and take a picture. 5. “Can we find a rest area soon? I need to pull over,” he requested.
Synonymes possibles: Stop the vehicle, park at the side, halt the car, come to a stop, pull to the side of the road.
Exemples avec synonymes:
1. “I need to answer this call, so I’ll stop the vehicle,” she said. 2. The driver decided to park at the side to check the map for directions. 3. It’s safer to halt the car if you’re feeling tired while driving. 4. He saw a beautiful view and decided to come to a stop and take a picture. 5. “Can we find a rest area soon? I need to pull to the side of the road,” he requested.