Kaplan Cards Flashcards
In classical conditioning, the process of taking advantage of reflexive responses to turn a neutral stimulus into a conditioned response
In perception, a decrease in stimulus perception after a long duration of exposure; in learning, the process by which new information is processed; consists of assimilation and accommodation
Adaptive Value
The extent to which a trait benefits a species by influencing the evolutionary fitness of the species
A behavior with the intention to cause harm or increase relative social dominance; can be physical or verbal
State of consciousness in which one is aware, able to think, and able to repsond to the environment; nearly synonymous with arousal
Aligning Actions
An impression management strategy in which one makes questionable behavior acceptable through excuses
An impression management strategy in which one imposes an identity onto another person
A form of helping behavior in which the intent is to benefit someone else as a cost to oneself
A state of normlessness; anomic conditions erode social solidarity by means of excessive individualism, social inequality, and isolation
Anxiety Disorders
Disorders that involve worry, unease, fear, and apprehension about future uncertainties based on real or imagined events that can impair physical and psychological health
Appraisal Model
A similar theory to the basic model, accepting that there are biologically predetermined expressions once an emotion is experiences; accepts that there is a cognitive antecedent to emotional expression
A portion of the limbic system that is important for memory and emotion, especially fear
In Jungian psychanalysis, a thought or image that has an emotional element and is a part of the collective unconscious
Arcuate Fasciculus
A bundle of axons that connects Wernicke’s area with Broca’s area. Damage causes conduction aphasia, characterized by the inability to repeat words with intact spontaneous speech production and comprehension
A psychological and physiological state of being awake and reactive to stimuli; nearly synonympus with alertness
In psychology, the process by which new information is interpreted in terms of existing schemata; in sociology, the process by which the behavior and culture of a group or an individual begins to merge with that of another group
Arousal Theory
A theory of motivation that states that there is a particular level of arousal required in order to perform actions optimally; summarized by the Yerkes-Dodson law
A tendency toward expression of positve or negative feelings or evaluations of a person, place, thing, or situation
A very deep emotional bond to another person, particularly a parent or caregiver
Associative Learning
The process by which a connection is made between 2 stimuli or a stimulus and a response; examples include classical conditioning and operant conditioning
Circadian Rhythm
The alignment of physiological processes with the 24-hour day, including sleep-wake cycles and some elements of the endocrine system
A portion of the brain that contains the cerebral cortex, limbic system, and basal ganglia
Cerebral Cortex
The outermost layer of the cerbrum, responsible for complex perceptual, behavioral, and cognitive processes
A portion of the hindbrain that maintains posture and balance and coordinates body movements
Disorganized motor behavior characterized by various unusual physical movements or stillness
Canon-Bard Theory
A theory of emotion that states that a stimulus is first received and is then simultaneously processed physiologically and cognitively, allowing for the conscious emotion to be experiences
Bystander Effect
The observation that, when in a group, individuals are less likely to respond to a person in need
Broca’s Area
A brain region located in the inferior frontal gyrus of the frontal lobe; largely responsible for the motor function of speech. Damage causes Broca’s aphasia, a loss of the motor function of speech, resulting in intact understanding with an inability to correctly produce spoken langage
The most primitive portion of the brain, which includes the midbrain and hindbrain; controls the autonomic nervous system and communication between the spinal cord, cranial nerves, and brain
The ethical tenet that a physician has a responsibility to act in the patient’s best interest
Basal Ganglia
A portion of the forebrain that coordinates muscle movement and routes information from the cortex to the brain and spinal cord
Back Stage
In the dramaturgical approach, the setting where players are free from their role requirements and not in front of the audience; back stage behaviors may not be deemed appropriate or acceptable and are thus kept invisible from the audience
A form of negative reinforcement in which one eschews the unpleasantness of something that has yet to happen
Availability Heuristic
A shortcut in decision making that relies on the information that is most readily available, rather than the total body of information on a subject
The ethical tenet that the physician has the responsibility to respect patients’ choices about their own healthcare
Attribution Theory
A theory that focuses on the tendency for individuals to infer the causes of other people’s behavior
Attribute Substitution
A phenomenon observed when individuals must make judgements that are complex but instead substitute a simpler solution or perception
Process by which existing schemata are modified to encompass new information
Absolute Threshold
The minimum of stimulus energy needed to activate a sensory system
Circular Reaction
A repetitive action that achieves a desired response; seen during Piaget’s sensorimotor stage
A portion of the embryonic forebrain that becomes the thalamus, hypothalamus, posterior pituitary gland, and pineal gland
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
The guide by which most psychological disorders are characterized, described, and diagnosed; currently in its 5th edition
The violation of norms, rules, or expectations within a society
Depressive Episode
A period of at least 2 weeks in which there is a prominent and persistent depressed mood or lack of interest and at least 4 other depressive symptoms
The statistical arm of sociology, which attempts to charcaterize and explain populations by quantitative analysis
Fixed, false beliefs that are discordant with reality and not shared by ones’ culture, but are maintained in spite of strong evidence to the contrary
Demographic Transition
The transition from high birth and mortality rates to lower birth and mortality rates, seen as a country develops from a preindustrial to an industrialized economic system
The idea that people will lose a sense of self-awareness and can act dramatically differently based on the influence of a group
Defense Mechanism
A technique used by the ego that denies, falsifies, or distorts reality in order to resolve anxiety caused by undesirable urges of the id and superego
Cultural Relativism
The recognition that social groups and cultures must be studied on their own terms to be understood
Deductive Reasoning
A form of cognition that starts with general information and narrows down that information to create a conlusion
Crystallized Intelligence
Cognitive capacity to understand relationships or solve problems using information acquired furing schooling and other experiences
Critical Period
A time during development during which exposure to language is essential for eventual development of effective use of language; between 2 years of age and puberty
Correspondent Inference Theory
A theory that states that people pay closer attention to intentional behavior than accidental behavior when making attributions, especially if the behavior is unexpected
Context Effect
A retrieval cue by which memory is aided when a person is the location where encoding took place
Concept seen in quantitative analysis performed by a child; develops when a child is able to identify the difference between quantity by number and actual amount, especially when faced with identical quantities separated into varying pieces
Awareness of oneself; can be used to describe varying levels of awareness that occur with wakefulness, sleep, dreaming, and drug-induced states
The changing of beliefs or behaviors in order to fit into a group or society
Conflict Theory
A theoretical framework that emphasizes the role of power differentials in producing social order
Confirmation Bias
A cognitive bias in which one focuses on information that supports a given solution, belief, or hypothesis and ignores evidence against it
In Freudian psychoanalysis, the result of overindulgence or frustration during a psychosexual stage; causes a neurotic pattern of personality based on that stage
The practice of making judgements about other cultures based on the values and beliefs of one’s own culture
A form of negative reinforcement in which one reduces the unpleasantness of something that already exists
Errors of Growth
Misuse of grammar characterized by universal application of a rule, regardless of exceptions; seen in children during language development
The process of receiving info and preparing it for storage; can be automatic or effortful
Elaborative Rehearsal
The association of info in short-term memory to info alreadys tored in long-term memory; aids in long-term storage
Elaboration Liklihood Model
A theory in which attitudes are formed and changed through different routes of informational processing based on the degree of deep thought given to persuasive info
Self-centered view of the world in which one is not necessarily able to understand the experience of another person; seen in Piaget’s preoperational stage
In Freudian psychoanalysis, the part of the unconscious mind that mediates the urges of the id and superego; operates under the reality principle
Drive Reduction Theory
A theory that explains motivation as being based on the goal of eliminating uncomfortable internal states
Dramatutgical Approach
Impression management theory that represents the world as a stage and individuals as actors performing to an audience
Divided Attention
The ability to attend to multiple stimuli simultaneously and to perform multiple tasks at the same time
Dissociative Disorders
Disorders that involve a perceived separation from identity or the environment
A defense mechanism by which undesired urges are transferred from one target to another, more acceptable one
A sudden increase in response to a stimulus, usually due to a change in the stimulus or the addition of another stimulus; sometimes called resensitization
In classical conditioning, the process by which 2 similar but distinct conditioned stimuli produce different responses; in sociology, when individuals of a particular group are treated differently from others based on their group
Disconfirmation Principle
Idea that states that if evidence obtained during testing does not confirm a hypothesis, then the hypothesis is discarded or revised
A change of behavior of an individual at the request of another
Collective Unconscious
In Jungian psychoanalysis, the part of the unconscious mind that is shared among all humans and is a result of our common ancestry
Cognitive Dissonance
The simultaneous presence of 2 opposing thoughts or opinions
A rule of thumb or shortcut that is used to make decisions
Halo Effect
A cognitive bias in which judgements of an individual’s character can be affected by the overall impression of the individual
Perceptions that are not due to external stimuli but have a compelling sense of reality; drugs that cause hallucinations, such as LSD or psilocybin-containing mushrooms, are termed hallucinogenics
A decrease in response caused by repeated exposure to a stimulus
Gestalt Principles
Ways for the brain to infer missing parts of an image when the image is incomplete
Group Polarization
The tendency to ward decisions that are more extreme than the individual thoughts of the group members
The tendency for groups to make decision based on ideas and solutions that arise within the group without considering outside ideas and ethics; based on pressure to conform and remain loyal to the group
In classical conditioning, the process by which 2 distinct but similar stimuli come to produce the same response
Gemeinschaft anf Gesellschaft
Theory that distinguishes between 2 major types of groups: communities (Gemeinschaft), which share beliefs, ancestry, or geography; and society (Gesellschaft), which work together toward a common goal
Game Theory
A model that explains social interaction and decision making as a game, including strategies, incentives, and punishments
Fundamental Attribution Error
The general bias toward making dispositional attributions rather than situational atrributions when analyzing another person’s behavior