JVD 2014 #3 - Abstracts Flashcards
Low SB, Peak RM, Smithson CW, Perrone J, Gaddis B, Kontogiorgos E.
Evaluation of a topical gel containing a novel combination of essential oils and antioxidants for reducing oral malodor in dogs.
What did they find?
•Application of an antibacterial and anti-oxidant gel reduced oral malodour
According to Ladouceur EEB, Walker KS, Mohr FC, Murphy B. In:
Odontogenic Keratocyst in a Cat,
What structure is though tto give rise to odontogenic keratocyst?
Rests of serres (remnants of dental lamina)
According to Ladouceur EEB, Walker KS, Mohr FC, Murphy B. In:
Odontogenic Keratocyst in a Cat,
What are the key histologic features?
- luminal parakeratotic or, less commonly, orthokeratotic keratin,
- surrounded by a thin cystic lining of squamous epithelium 6-10 cell layers thick.
- epithelial lining is characterized by a prominently palisading layer of columnar basal cells
According to Ladouceur EEB, Walker KS, Mohr FC, Murphy B. In:
Odontogenic Keratocyst in a Cat,
In suspect cases, what is it important to submit for pathology, what is it’s gross appearance?
Cyst lining - thin and friable and frequently folded or collapse
Cyst content - , viscous, opaque, pale yellow material
According to Ladouceur EEB, Walker KS, Mohr FC, Murphy B. In:
Odontogenic Keratocyst in a Cat,
What was performed in this 16yo MC DSH diagnosed with odontogenic keratocyst on incisional biopsy?

No further treatment, older cat, seemed comfortable, would have needed mandibulectomy.

According to Kögel B, Terlinden R, Schneider J.
Characterisation of tramadol, morphine and tapentadol in an acute pain model in Beagle dogs,
What are tramadol’s mechanism of action?
- activation of opioid receptors preferentially of the u-subtype
- Enhancement of the extra-cellular concentrations serotonin and noradrenaline by blocking reuptake
- additional release of serotonin
According to Kögel B, Terlinden R, Schneider J.
Characterisation of tramadol, morphine and tapentadol in an acute pain model in Beagle dogs,
What is tramadol’s active metabolite?
O-demethyl tramadol
According to Kögel B, Terlinden R, Schneider J.
Characterisation of tramadol, morphine and tapentadol in an acute pain model in Beagle dogs,
how was pain tested in these dogs?
tail flick test - used a hot heat lamp directed at the tail and measured delay in flick in response to heat condition
According to Kögel B, Terlinden R, Schneider J.
Characterisation of tramadol, morphine and tapentadol in an acute pain model in Beagle dogs,
how effective was tramadol at anti-nociception?
what about morphine and tapentadole?
tramadol did nothing - no response measurable
both of the others caused anti-nociception
According to Kögel B, Terlinden R, Schneider J.
Characterisation of tramadol, morphine and tapentadol in an acute pain model in Beagle dogs,
What was the conclusion with regards to tramadol’s efficacy for pain control and their reasons why?
No analgesic effect of IV tramadol
low concentration of the active metabolite O-demethyl tramadol (M1)
According to Gracis M, Molinari E, Ferro S. in
Caudal mucogingival lesions secondary to traumatic dental occlusion in 27 cats: macroscopic and microscopic description, treatment and follow-up,
where were the majority of proliferative locations located?
near the mandibular first molar
According to Gracis M, Molinari E, Ferro S. in
Caudal mucogingival lesions secondary to traumatic dental occlusion in 27 cats: macroscopic and microscopic description, treatment and follow-up,
where were the majority of foveae located?
buccal mucosa or gingiva of mandibular M1 (6/7)
(other was mandibular P4)
According to Gracis M, Molinari E, Ferro S. in
Caudal mucogingival lesions secondary to traumatic dental occlusion in 27 cats: macroscopic and microscopic description, treatment and follow-up,
Where were the majority of clefts located?
Mandbular M1 (7/11)
Mandibular fourth preolar (4/11)
According to Gracis M, Molinari E, Ferro S. in
Caudal mucogingival lesions secondary to traumatic dental occlusion in 27 cats: macroscopic and microscopic description, treatment and follow-up,
Name the mucogingival lesions pictured.

According to Gracis M, Molinari E, Ferro S. in
Caudal mucogingival lesions secondary to traumatic dental occlusion in 27 cats: macroscopic and microscopic description, treatment and follow-up,
what were the two histological patterns for proliferative lesions?
- (type 1; seven lesions [41%])
- predominantly inflammatory, classified as chronic focal lymphoplasmocytic mucositis
- type 2; 10 lesions [59%]
- predominantly hyperplastic, classified as chronic focal fibrovascular hyperplastic mucositis
According to Gracis M, Molinari E, Ferro S. in
Caudal mucogingival lesions secondary to traumatic dental occlusion in 27 cats: macroscopic and microscopic description, treatment and follow-up,
what factors does the author theorize are responsible for the formation of fovaea versus clefts versus proliferations?
foveae and clefts - contact the gingiva with different degrees of contact
proliferations - contact aveolar or buccal mucosa
According to Gracis M, Molinari E, Ferro S. in
Caudal mucogingival lesions secondary to traumatic dental occlusion in 27 cats: macroscopic and microscopic description, treatment and follow-up,
how common was progression from one lesion type to another?
never occurred!
According to Boston SE, Lu X, Culp WTN, et al. in
Efficacy of systemic adjuvant therapies administered to dogs after excision of oral malignant melanomas: 151 cases (2001-2012).
What was performed in this study?
retrospective review of records from dogs with melanoma, treated with surgery +/- adjuvant treatment,
151 cases from a variety of clinics
According to Boston SE, Lu X, Culp WTN, et al. in
Efficacy of systemic adjuvant therapies administered to dogs after excision of oral malignant melanomas: 151 cases (2001-2012).
How many dogs were treated with surgery alone?
How many had adjunctive treatment?
98 dogs had surgery alone
12 had radiation
32 had chemo (26 had a platinum based)
14 dogs had a melanoma vaccine
According to Boston SE, Lu X, Culp WTN, et al. in
Efficacy of systemic adjuvant therapies administered to dogs after excision of oral malignant melanomas: 151 cases (2001-2012).
What effect did adjunctive treatment have on median survival time?
no effect was detected
According to Boston SE, Lu X, Culp WTN, et al. in
Efficacy of systemic adjuvant therapies administered to dogs after excision of oral malignant melanomas: 151 cases (2001-2012).
What was the overall median survival time?
346 days
According to Boston SE, Lu X, Culp WTN, et al. in
Efficacy of systemic adjuvant therapies administered to dogs after excision of oral malignant melanomas: 151 cases (2001-2012).
What were negative prognostic factors that were identified?
Age >12
maximum tumor dimension
intralesional excision (vs other types of excision) had a worse prognosis.
According to Ambros B, Alcorn J, Duke-Novakovski T, Livingston A, Dowling PM.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a constant rate infusion of fentanyl (5 μg/kg/h) in awake cats,
What was the minimum fentanyl serum concentration that induced antinociception?
1.33 ng/mL
According to Ambros B, Alcorn J, Duke-Novakovski T, Livingston A, Dowling PM.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a constant rate infusion of fentanyl (5 μg/kg/h) in awake cats,
How many cats had adverse reactions, what was it?
1 - hypersalivation
According to Ambros B, Alcorn J, Duke-Novakovski T, Livingston A, Dowling PM.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a constant rate infusion of fentanyl (5 μg/kg/h) in awake cats,
what were the behavioural reactions seen?
sedation (6/8)
euphoria (4/8)
According to Ambros B, Alcorn J, Duke-Novakovski T, Livingston A, Dowling PM.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a constant rate infusion of fentanyl (5 μg/kg/h) in awake cats,
how many cats became hyperthermic?
How many became aggressive?
According to Ambros B, Alcorn J, Duke-Novakovski T, Livingston A, Dowling PM.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a constant rate infusion of fentanyl (5 μg/kg/h) in awake cats,
what was determined with regards to accumulation of fentanyl in cats over the two hour time period?
Fentanyl did not accumulate over the time period,
Plasma concentration actually went down over the infusion period.
According to Arzi B, Verstraete FJM, Huey DJ, Cissell DD, Athanasiou KA. in
Regenerating Mandibular Bone Using rhBMP‐2: Part 1—Immediate Reconstruction of Segmental Mandibulectomies,
What major complications were encountered?
None in this case series
According to Arzi B, Verstraete FJM, Huey DJ, Cissell DD, Athanasiou KA. in
Regenerating Mandibular Bone Using rhBMP‐2: Part 1—Immediate Reconstruction of Segmental Mandibulectomies,
How many plates became exposed?
According to Arzi B, Verstraete FJM, Huey DJ, Cissell DD, Athanasiou KA. in
Regenerating Mandibular Bone Using rhBMP‐2: Part 1—Immediate Reconstruction of Segmental Mandibulectomies,
how many dogs developed exuberant bone growth?
According to Arzi B, Verstraete FJM, Huey DJ, Cissell DD, Athanasiou KA. in
Regenerating Mandibular Bone Using rhBMP‐2: Part 1—Immediate Reconstruction of Segmental Mandibulectomies,
What minor complications were encountered?
mild oozing from the surgery site at 2 weeks,
gingival cyst in 1 dog,
all resolved by 4 weeks
According to Arzi B, Verstraete FJM, Huey DJ, Cissell DD, Athanasiou KA. in
Regenerating Mandibular Bone Using rhBMP‐2: Part 1—Immediate Reconstruction of Segmental Mandibulectomies,
One dog developed a round void on radiographs which resolved by 5 months - what was the proposed nature and explanation?
development of fatty marrow void
BMP’s can also induce adipogenesis in addition to or instead of osteocytes
According to Arzi B, Verstraete FJM, Huey DJ, Cissell DD, Athanasiou KA. in
Regenerating Mandibular Bone Using rhBMP‐2: Part 1—Immediate Reconstruction of Segmental Mandibulectomies,
why do the authors theorize they had no plate exposure?
used a single bigger plate (3mm locking with locking screws) in a more ventral location than other reports where 2 plates were used.
According to Arzi B, Verstraete FJM, Huey DJ, Cissell DD, Athanasiou KA. in
Regenerating Mandibular Bone Using rhBMP‐2: Part 1—Immediate Reconstruction of Segmental Mandibulectomies,
How much BMP solution was used?
0.5mg/mL rhBMP-2 at a volume corresponding
50% of the volume of the prepared CRM.
According to Arzi B, Verstraete FJM, Huey DJ, Cissell DD, Athanasiou KA. in
Regenerating Mandibular Bone Using rhBMP‐2: Part 1—Immediate Reconstruction of Segmental Mandibulectomies,
How dense was the regenerated tissue compared to the other side?
roughly 50% of the density in the 2 dogs with follow up CT.
porosity higher in 1 dog, and lower in the other.