Joints Flashcards
stiffening or fixation of SC joint
inflammation and calcification of subacromial bursa; pain, tenderness, & limited movement at glenohumeral joint
calcific supraspinatus tendinitis, subacromial bursitis, & painful arc syndrome
paralysis of deltoid & small patch of skin over deltoid, inferior glenohumeral dislocation
axillary nerve injury
tear from sudden contraction of biceps or forceful subluxation of humeral head and glenoid labrum
tear of glenoid labrum
fibrousus and scarring between inflammed joint capsule & surroundings; difficulty abducting arm, strain on AC joint
adhesive capsulitis of glenohumeral joint
bursa inflammed due to excess friction “dart thrower’s elbow”
bursitis of elbow
excessive friction between triceps tendon and olecranon
subtendinous olecranon bursitis
pain with forearm pronation
bicipitoradial bursitis
transplant of a long tendon from contralateral forearm or leg
Tommy John Procedure —> ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction
when the ulnar collateral ligament pulls on the medial epicondyle
avulsion of medial epicondyle
posterior dislocation that occurs during falls or hyperextension of arm; numbness of D5 and weakness of wrist flexion & adduction
elbow dislocation —-> ulnar nerve lesion
injury when arm is lifted while pronated
subluxation/dislocation of radial head (pulled out of annular ligament)
fracture at the distal end of the radius
Colle’s fracture
avascular necrosis of lunate
carpal tunnel syndrome from displacement of lunate
how is degenerative joint disease of the wrist treated?
fusion of carpal bones —> arthrodesis
sprain of radial collateral ligament and avulsion fracture of lateral part of proximal phalanx of thumb
Bullrider’s thumb
rupture of collateral ligament of 1st MP joint due to hyperabduction of MP joint in thumb
skier’s thumb (also can cause dislocation of head of radius from annular ligament)