HEART Flashcards
what’s a good way to view congenital heart defects and heart circulation?
cardiac catheterization
what’s the embryological derivative of the right auricle?
premordial atrium
incomplete closure of fossa ovalum?
atrial septal defect —-> hypertrophy of right atrium, ventricle, & vascular system
occlusion of artery supplying the brain by a thrombi
stroke/cerebrovascular accident
where do coronary arteries come off of aorta?
left & right cusps
failure of valve to fully open which slows blood flow from chamber
failure of valve to close completely (nodule formation on cusps)
turbulence/eddies from stenosis and regurgitation
superficial vibrations on skin over area of turbulence
surgical replacement of valves
method that uses ultrasonic waves to determine position and motion of heart
visualization of coronary artery
coronary angiograms; through ascending aorta
blood regurgitates into left atrium when left ventricle contracts
prolapsed mitral valve
conus arteriosus underdeveloped & right ventricle hypertrophy
infundibular pulmonary stenosis
back up of blood under high pressure during diastole because of thickened cusps —> murmur
pulmonary valve incompetence
result of degenerative calcification; left ventricle hypertrophy
aortic valve stenosis
aortic regurgitation into left ventricle, producing heart murmurs & collapsing pulse
aortic valve insufficiency
pain originating in heart due to lactic acid build up from anaerobic metabolism from oxygen insufficiency; result of ischemia of myocardium but NO MI occurs
angina pectoris
sudden occlusion of major artery due to embolism and leads to necrosis; common cause is atherosclerosis
myocardial infarction
lipid accumulation on interior walls of coronary arteries
coronary atherosclerosis
slow occlusion that allows for large collateral circulation
slowly progressive coronary artery disease
segment of artery or vein is attached to ascending aorta or proximal coronary artery distal to stenosis
coronary bypass graft
catheter with small balloon used to inflate artery & flatten atherosclerotic plaque
precutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
what is injected through catheter to dissolve blood clot?
the smallest cardiac vein is important for?
reversal of blood flow to bring luminal blood (blood in chamber of heart) into myocardium to provide collateral circulation
amplification and recording of the passage of impulses over the heart through the SA nodes
what coronary artery supplies the AV bundle?
what coronary artery supplies the SA and AV nodes?
right coronary artery
condition where the impulse does not reach ventricles; ventricles contract slower than normal & atria continue to contract at normal rate
heart block
where is an artificial pacemaker attached to in the heart?
trabeculae carnae in ventricular wall in contact with endocardium
multiple, rapid, circuitous contractions or twitching of musclular fibers
rapid, irregular, uncoordinated twitchings of atrial walls
atrial fibrillation
rapid, irregular twitchings that don’t pump blood
ventricular fibrillation
electric shock given to heart to stop cardiac movements & the heart begins to beat normally afterwards
persistence of left anterior cardinal vein that opens into right atrium via coronary sinus; may anastomose with left brachiocephalic vein
double superior vena cava
blood from right carried by right brachiocephalic vein into a left superior vena cava
left SVC:
left anterior cardinal vein & common cardinal vein can form left superior vena cava and right anterior cardinal vein deteriorate
blood from inferior body flows into right atrium through azygos vein & hemiazygos vein; hepatic veins open separately into right atrium
absence of hepatic segment of IVC
failure of anastomosis to form between veins of trunk; inferior left supracardinal vein persists as a 2nd IVC
double IVC
none or some pulmonary veins don’t connect with left atrium; instead connect to right atrium or systemic veins
total/ partial anamalous pulmonary venous connection
conducting tissue abnormality; potential ANS or brain stem abnormality
sudden infant death syndrome
dextrocardia with transposition of viscera; normal heart function
dextrocardia with situs inversus
heart is partly or completely exposed through sternum with an open pericardial sac; death soon after birth
ectopia cordis
abnormal resorption of septum primium during development of septum secundum; blood is shunted through fossa ovali into left atrium; cyanosis
patent oval foramen
defects of septum primium and secundum that results in pulmonary hypertension
ostium secundum defect
septum primium does not fuse with endocardial cushions
patent foramen primum-ostium primium defect
incomplete absorption of right sinus venosus into right atrium and/or abnormal development of septum secundum
sinus venosus atrial septal defects
interatrial septum absent
common atrium
incomplete closure of IV foramen from failure of membranous part of IV septum to develop or failure of subendocardial tissue to grow from right side of endocardial cushion & fuse with aorticopulmonary septum
membranous ventricular septal defect
excessive cavitation of IV foramen/myocardial tissue
swiss cheese VSD
failure of IV septum to form and both atria empty into single ventricle; usually occurs with transposition of great arteries
single ventricle or common ventricle
failure of truncal ridges and aorticopulmonary septum to develop and divide truncus arteriosus into aorta and pulmonary trunk; ventricular septal defect always present
persistant truncus arteriosus
opening between aorta and pulmonary trunk near aortic valve
aortic window
aorta arises from right ventricle & pulmonary trunk arises from left ventricle; commonly causes cyanotic heart disease
transposition of great arteries
unequal partitioning of truncus arteriosus superior to valves, aorticopulmonary septum is not aligned with IV septum & VSD results
unequal division of truncus arteriosus
cusps of pulmonary valves are fused to form a dome with narrow opening; hypertrophy of right ventricle
pulmonary valve stenosis
conis arteriosus of right ventricle is underdeveloped; hypertrophy of right ventricle
infundibular stenosis
pulmonary trunk stenosis, VSD, overriding aorta, right ventricle hypertrophy; cyanosis; sometimes pulmonary atresia with VSD
tetralogy of fallot
division of truncus arteriosis is so unequal that pulmonary trunk has no lumen; if VSD is also present, entire output is through aorta & pulmonary blood flow is dependent on ductus arteriosus
pulmonary atresia
obstruction of aorta; valve is complete
aortic atresia
left ventricle is small and nonfunctional; right ventricle maintains systemic and pulmonary circulation; atresia of aortic or mitral orifice; hypoplasia of ascending aorta
hypoplasia left heart syndrome
constriction of aorta at entrance of ductus arteriosus
juxtaductal coarctation
constriction of aorta after ductus arteriosus that permits development of collateral circulation
postductal coarctation
constriction of aorta before ductus arteriosus
preductal coarctation
symptoms of coarctations
high blood pressure in upper limbs; low blood pressure in lower limbs; blood back up to left subclavian & internal thoracic artery for collateral circulation
failure of distal part of right ductus arteriosus to disappear; compression of esophagus and trachea **right arch is larger and passes posterior to esophagus and trachea
double aortic arch
right ductus arteriosus persists and distal left ductus arteriosus disappears, forming a right arch
right arch of aorta
ductus arteriosus passes from right pulmonary artery to right arch of aorta, no vascular ring
right arch of aorta without retroesophageal ring
ductus arteriosus attaches to distal right arch to form a ring; right arch posterior to esophagus & can constrict
right arch of aorta with retroesophageal ring
right subclavian arises from distal arch and passes posterior to esophagus and trachea
anomalous right subclavian artery
right 4th pharyngeal arch & right dorsal aorta disappear; right subclavian artery forms from right 7th intersegmental artery; forms vascular ring with left subclavian artery
retroesophageal right subclavian artery
failure of ductus arteriosus to involute; aortic blood is shunted into pulmonary trunk; failure of muscular wall contraction **maternal rubella infection & respiratory distress syndrome
patent ductus arteriosus
diffuse swelling of body part from dilation of premordial lymphatic channels or hypoplasia of vessels
congenital lymphedema
large swellings in inferolateral neck from abnormal transformation of jugular lymph sacs
cystic hygroma