How are deer flies identified?
Their gold or green eyes and dark bands across their wings
Why are black flies sometimes called buffalo gnats?
Due to their humpback appearance
An allergic reaction to the Culicoides species saliva can cause what problem in horses?
Sweet itch
How does larvicide work?
It prevents the formation of the exoskeleton of fly larvae
What are the two species of cattle grubs?
Hypoderma bovis and Hypoderma lineatum
What are two common names for adult cattle grubs?
Heel flies and bomb flies
What two types of ticks are the primary vectors for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?
The Rocky Mountain Wood Tick and the American Dog Tick
Bites by the Rocky Mountain Wood Tick and the American Dog Tick can cause what issue that is an especially important concern for free range animals?
Tick-bite paralysis
Besides Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, what other disease are Rocky Mountain Wood Ticks known for?
Colorado Tick Fever (Mountain Tick Fever)
The Eastern Blacklegged Tick and the Western Blacklegged Tick are known to transmit what two equine diseases?
Lyme Disease and Equine Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis
The Lone Star Tick is considered a vector for which equine disease?
Equine Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis
The Tropical Horse Tick is a known vector for which equine disease?
Equine Piroplasmosis
What species of mite causes Chorioptic mange?
Chorioptes bovis
What are the two most toxic species of blister beetles?
The striped blister beetle and the three-striped blister beetle
Currently, what three internal parasites are considered to be the most important in regards to potential risk?
Small strongyles, ascarids, and tapeworms
Which of the main strongyle species is commonly referred to as the bloodworm?
Strongylus vulgaris
Ascarid parasites primarily live in what area of the small intestine?
The duodenum and jejunum
How many species of small strongyles are there?
Temperatures greater than what will kill small strongyles larvae?
100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
Small strongyles eggs will not hatch at temperatures lower that what?
40 degrees Fahrenheit
What percentage of horses on any given property can harbor tapeworms?
20% to 80%
What are two names for the mite that is the intermediate host for the taperworm?
Oribatid mite of forage mite
What are three species of stomach worms?
Habronema muscae, Habronema microstoma, and Draschia megastoma
Infection with lungworms can result in what two problems in horses?
Parasitic pnueumonia and bronchitis
Clinical signs of lungworms infection are similar to clinical signs for which disorder?
Recurrent Airway Obstruction (Heaves)
What is the scientific name for the hairworm?
Trichostrongylus axei
At 45-50 degrees Fahrenheit, how many days will it take stongyle eggs to hatch?
At 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit, how many days will it take stongyle eggs to hatch?
1 to 2
At 85-100 degrees Fahrenheit, how many days will it take stongyle eggs to hatch?
What percentage of the horse population carries what percentage of the worms?
20%of the horse population carries 80% of the worms
Name two dewormers that are effective against Tapeworms?
Pyrantel and Praziquantel
Fecal egg count thresholds of how many eggs per gram are recommend?
100 to 500 eggs per gram
Threadworms can be detected in foal manure by what age?
12 days of age
An overdose of moxidectin is how many times the labeled dose?
An overdose of ivermectin is how many times the labeled dose?
Moxidectin is to be used in horses over what age?
Six months
The time between deworming and seeing eggs in the manure again is called what?
The egg reappearance period
Culicoides biting midges can spread which other parasite to the horse?
Onchocerca cervicalis
Onchocerca cervicalis migrate to, and then take up residence, in what areas of the body?
The nuchal ligament and the ventral midline
Onchocerca cervicalisare also known as what?
Neck Threadworms
What can Onchocerca cervicalis cause in the horse?
The adult worms can form bumps in the skin that cause intense itching
What is it called when the inner corner of the eye is affected by Habronema worms?
Ocular Habronemiasis
At 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit, how many days will it take strongyle eggs to hatch?
What dewormer is effective only against Tapeworms?