Why is warming up a horse important before schooling?
It increases blood flow to the muscle, improves transfer of nutrients and oxygen from blood to muscle.
Why is cooling out important after working a horse?
To bring down the heart rte, to bring the respiration rate back to normal, prevent lactic acid build up in the muscles.
During what conditions should a horse NOT receive a massage?
When they have a fever, open or healing wound or systemic neurological disease.
What are the 7 classical massage techniques used on horses?
Stroking, effleurage, petrissage, kneading/muscle squeezing, vibration, tapotement
When should a rider post?
When the outside fore leg goes forward at the trot.
What does a simple lead change entail?
A brief transition from canter on one lead to a trot to a canter on the opposite lead.
What is a flying lead change?
A change of lead at the canter without a change in gait.
As a horse becomes fitter, what happens to stroke volume and heart rate during exercise?
Stroke volume increases and heart rate decreases.
When should foals begin being handled?
Within the first day or two of birth.
How do you begin to teach a foal to lead?
Lead the mare as the foal will usually follow, put on a halter and lead rope and gently pull, if needed use a butt rope.
How should weaning be conducted?
Allow the mare and foal to see, hear and smell each other without nursing for the first 7-9 days.
List 5 of the “Code of the West” Principles.
Live each day with courage; Take pride in your work; Always finish what you start; DO what has to be done; Be tough but fair; When you make a promise, keep it; Ride for the brand; Talk less, say more; Remember some things are not for sale; Know where to draw the line.
What are the levels of sportsmanship?
First, follow the rules and have high expectations without expecting to win; Second, attitude; Last, Seeing past yourself.
When sharing the arena with another rider riding in the opposite direction, how do you pass?
Left shoulder to left shoulder.
If traveling the same direction as another rider in an arena, how should you pass?
On the inside with at least a horse width between horses.
What should a rider always do before stopping in a schooling ring?
Look behind for other riders and do not block the arena entrance/exit.
What is the recommended safe distance between horses in a show ring?
A minimum of one horse length.
What is the job of a Gatekeeper at a horse show?
Keep the show moving and running slowly.
What should a successful Gatekeeper have with them?
Show bill or list of classes, writing utensil, total number of entries per the class.
What are the necessary items for a ring steward to have with them?
Writing utensil, clip board, and be dressed professionally.
What is being judge in a conformation class?
How the breed conforms to the breed standard in conformation.
On what is a performance class judged?
How well a horse and rider negotiate a set pattern or required movements.