Fair play, respect for opponents, and polite behavior by someone who is competing in a sport or other competition is called what?
What is ethics?
The rules of moral conduct governing an individual or group or in other words- rules we live by.
What is a defining characteristic of sportsmanship?
Where does the value of competition lie?
In the integrity of its participants
Name two of the best ways to teach sportsmanship.
Help people understand how to be a good sport, set a good example, talk about expectations
When should sportsmanship be taught?
Describe the levels of sportsmanship.
1) Follow the rules, hold high expectations for attitude and performance
2) Attitude
3) Seeing past yourself
“You did really well today!!” Is this an example of showmanship or ethics?
What is the busiest place at a horse show?
Warm up arena
How should you pass an exhibitor in the warm up arena going the opposite direction?
Left shoulder to left shoulder
How should you pass someone in the warm up arena going the same direction?
Pass to the inside and at least one-horse length away from the horse you are passing
What should you do if you are traveling across the pen, schooling over a jump or anything off the rail?
Call where you are going
What should you refrain from doing in the warm up pen?
Excessive schooling
When in the warm up pen what should you do before stopping?
Look behind you
Where should you not stop in the warm up arena?
Entrance to the arena
When at a horse show, where should you lunge your horse?
A safe spot outside the warm up pen
When in the show pen, how far should you be from the horse ahead of you?
8ft or 1 horse length
What should a parent give their child at a show?
Support and Encouragement
Who should parents NOT approach while at a show?
Official or judge
Who can talk to the judge at a show?
What should a coach do with their clients?
set short term and long term goals
What should the coach do with their client’s goals?
write them on a dry erase board in the barn or tack room where clients can see and write them
When in the show pen or warm up arena what is the first rule that you should remember?
Pay attention to everything
What should you do if you need to school in the show pen?
Keep it to a minimum
Besides not talking to the judge, what should parents also NOT do at a show?
Refrain from gossiping and talking negatively of others (Judges, coaches, horses, and other riders)
Who should a parent discuss a bad score with?
Coach (let the coach address the issue)
How should a coach act?
Upbeat and Positive
What should a coach do at a show?
Be quiet on the rail
Who keeps the show going and running smoothly?
Gate Keepers
What should a gate keeper do before taking their place at the gate?
Get a show bill, pens, and draw sheets if available
If a draw sheet is not available, what should a gate keeper ask for?
A total of entries for each class
What does a count of entries for each class do for a gate keeper?
Allows them to know when to close the gate or when a last call needs to be made for an exhibitor
What should a gate keeper do as exhibitors enter the holding arena?
Check the exhibitors off the list for the class
What can a ring steward learn?
More about horse shows and judging
If you are a ring steward at a show what should you do first?
Show up on time and be prepared
What should a ring steward have?
Pens, pencils, and a clipboard if necessary
How should a ring steward dress?
Professional with pressed jeans/slacks, boots, and a long sleeved collared shirt
While working with a judge, what should a ring steward do?
Relieve judge of any unnecessary details (lining up classes, counting exhibitors) and refrain from discussing any exhibitor, horse or performance
During a rail class where should a ring steward be?
Close to the judge but out of the way so they can see the class
What is it called when an exhibitor is too close to the horse ahead of them?
What are the four purposes for a speech?
Inform, Persuade, Entertain, and Inspire
What should you consider when preparing a speech?
Type of Audience (Age, demographics, etc.)
What type of speech provides information about a topic?
What type of speech motivates an audience?
Name three types of public speeches.
Impromptu, Extemporaneous, and Scripted
What is the least formal speech that requires you to be able to think quickly and is delivered without notes?
Which type of speech is a casual style of presentation and is not memorized or read from a script? Bullet points or an outline may be used.
Which speech is formal and can be read from your script?
When giving a scripted speech what are three things you should do?
1) Do not get caught up in reading
2) Remember to look up
3) Pause during the delivery of the speech
What must you do to be successful at public speaking?
Know your subject
By not memorizing your speech, what does this add to it?
Character and it helps keep you from having additional fear or anxiety. You can also be more flexible with your time.
When practicing your speech name two ways to practice.
Give your speech to yourself, speak in front of a friend, coach, or parent, or videotape or record your practice sessions
Giving a speech is more than preparing a group of words, what are the other items that are important?
pace, inflection, and body language
When giving a speech what is it called when your voice changes in regards to loudness, tone, and pitch?
Name three words to avoid when giving a speech.
Um, Like, You know
What steps can you take to overcome fear when giving a speech?
Educate yourself on the topic, practice regularly, create a pre-speech routine
What is the most important part of your body language when giving a speech?
Eye Contact
How long should you make eye contact with a person in the room during a speech?
3-5 seconds
What adds character to your presentation and emphasizes important points?
What helps you appear more confident and gives a judge a much better impression of you during a speech?
Good Posture
What type of presentation is given “off the top of your head” and can be more difficult for someone who prefers to have everything planned?
Oral reasons
What is ethical behavior?
Following the rules