What is the body’s natural barrier to bacteria?
What are the 4 stages of healing skin?
Hemostasis, Inflammation, Proliferation, Maturation
What are the 3 events that help stop bleeding?
Vasoconstriction, activation of platelets, initiation of clotting cascade
What is another name for platelets?
What are 4 ways the body signals an injury has occurred?
Rubor-redness, Calor-heat, Dolor-pain, Tumor-swelling
What do white blood cells do?
Fight bacteria and remove damaged and dead cells
What are the first type of white blood cells to go to the injury site?
In healing, what is the proliferation stage?
Creation of new tissue and the healing of blood vessels.
During the maturation phase of healing, what happens?
Collagen fibers and fibroblast cells reorganize in lines and promote proper tension in tissues.
What is another name for exuberant granular tissue?
Proud Flesh
What are some things that can cause problems with the integument?
Bacteria, fungi, tumors, parasites
What are some possible factors that cause proud flesh to grow?
Injuries in areas of high movement, infected tissues, wounds left open to heal, limited intact healthy skin to cover the wound, injury in an area that has little muscle or subcutaneous tissue.
How many muscles does the horse have on its body?
over 700
What are the 3 types of muscle in the body?
Smooth, cardiac and skeletal
What is the function of muscles?
To generate movement and thermoregulation
Why do muscles work in pairs?
To prevent injuries over extension and create movement back and forth.
What is the thin muscle which covers the whole body and is more developed in the horse than many other species?
What muscle causes the angle of hair follicles to maintain body warmth?
Arrectores pilorum
What are the 5 parts of muscle?
Fasciles, sacrolemma, sacromere, myofibrils, sacroplasmic reticulum
What are the 2 types of skeletal muscle?
Fast and slow
When labeling muscles, what terms are used in designating size?
Maximus and minimus
When referring to muscle length, what terms are used?
Longus and brevis
What are the 4 basic shapes of muscles when labeling them?
Trapezoid, triangle, serrated, flat
Describe the 4 shapes of Trapezius, Dletoid, Serratus, Platysma.
Trapezius-trapezoid, Deltoid-triangle, Serratus-serrated, Platysma-flat
What are the muscles that close joints?
Flexor muscles
What are the muscles that open joints?
When talking about methods of application of medicine to horses, how can they be given?
Topical, oral, intramuscular, intervenous, intra-articular
What causes corns?
Cumulative damage from repeated trauma over several days, deep sole bruises.
What is a hoof abscess?
A pus pocket or infection in sensitive tissue.
How much blood does an adult horse have?
13 gallons
What are the muscle fibers that are slow contracting, fatigue resistant and aerobic?
Type I
Which specific muscle type is used for speed at longer distances?
Type IIA
Which type of muscle fibers are used for quick bursts of speed over a short distance?
Type IIB
What are the accessory organs that aid in digestion?
Teeth, salivary glands, liver, pancreas
What are the 2 primary thyroid hormones
T4 and T3
What is sometimes referred to as the master gland?
Why are bones important to the body?
They serve as attachment for muscles, provide locomotion, growth and storage of minerals.
What are the phases of cell division?
Mitosis and cytokinesis