IR Phase Flashcards
Specific radial to and from
Accuracy required for tracking a radial
+ - 5 deg
Half scale when using CDI
Correcting heading error message to beacon
Apply double the heading error and anti pare capturing the heading
Flying away from beacon
Needle pointing right of heading
Fly left
Again fly double the track error to intercept
Needle to and from the beacon? Correction s
To the beacon follow the needle
From the beacon follow the tail of the beacon
Using the same beacon and intercepting a new radial at different distance
Visualise the aircraft on the compass rose and use the outer circles as distances. Transfer these on the centre of the compass rose and you can figure out the distance and radial
What categorie approach do we use?
Pans Ops
Cat A
Reversal procedure
Reversal is required if the hold is in the same plane as the outbound track. Therefore as you fly over the beacon you make a tear drop to turn onto ourbound.
If arriving within 30 deg of outbound you can join straight on
If 30 of reversal heading could joking straight into tear drop
Race track procedure
Pretty much flying the hold outbound using corrected drift (x3) then when abeam beacon flying outbound on single drift.
DME arcing
Using set distance from DME to fly on arc until a certain radial
Outbound timing corrections
One second per knot of head or tail wind per minute
Procedure 3min outbound
20kts tailwind
20x3 = 60
Outbound is 2 mins
Turns in a hold
25 deg or rate 1 which ever is least
Gate angle form beacon
30 degrees
Sops for parellel join
Correct timing at 1.5 times the headwind
Limit relative bearing to 20-25 degrees
Roll out of outbound turn when needle passes through the nose
Intercept 20 relative bearing
When it hits 25 degrees turn towards 20degreews to restore
Keep repeating until with 10degree
Then turn onto inbound heading with drift applied
Using NDB with parrell entry SOPs
NDB is prone to dip when aircraft is turning so roll out when needle is less so around 5-10 degrees through the nose
Offset join angle
30degrees from outbound radial or QDR
Correct for drift
1 minute correct for wind
L3 SOPs checks at gate
60 degrees to go 30 degrees to go
NDB dip correction
10-15 degrees
Needle drops down towards the direction of the turn
60 degrees from inbound
Still air on track
VOR should be 10 degrees
ADF should be on
Right hand pattern!
Overshooting under shooting turn inbound at 60 degrees
VOR less than 10
ADF less than inbound track
Under shooting (cutting inside)
VOR greater than 10
ADF more than inbound track
Right hand pattern!!!!
Indications at 30 degrees
VOR + 3
ADF - 7
Drift corrections
Wind from holding side
Bearing at 60 degrees
Blowing into the hold
X1 on inbound
x3 outbound if wind is surging 30degrees reduce to X2
Bigger than still at by about half the single drift value
Wind from non holding side
Outbound X2 so to reduce risk of overshoot
DME readings in hold
Because ILS coupled DME are of set to read zero at thresholds and may read zero in its protected bubble
ILS cat and meaning?
Higher the Cat better the equipment
We operate cat 1 ILS
DH not less than 200ft
RVRgreater than 550m
Vis greater than 800m
ILS identifiers
26 IBH
Full scale deflection of VOR vs ILS
VOR 10 deg
ILS 2.5 deg
ILS is 4 x more sensitive
What is a OM and LOM
Outer marker 3.5-6nm out 1400ft
Co located NDB = locator outer marker
Middle marker - 0.5-0.8 , DH/ 200-250ft
When should flap be lowered on instrument app?
Non Precison
- ToD 0.3 nm
- Asym Tod 0.1
- 1/4 scale
- when bottom of diamond touches centre
DME arc protected area and flying tolerance?
Radius of turn?
+- 2.5nm
When joining a DME arc aim for 90 intercept and allow for 1% of ground speed for radius of turn. I.e
120kts allow 1.2nm before radius to turn
Flying the DME arc?
Want to keep the needle pointed 90 degrees however this doesn’t work so
Fly to cut the circle 85 degrees allow to move through 90 to 95 then move back to 85 degrees
Calculating distance along arc
60 divided by DME distance
Arc angle divided by answer
FAT is 158 deg
App trk is 204 degrees
DME radius = 12
60/12 = 5
46/5 -= 9