Introduction to Urinalysis (Specimen) Flashcards
Who published Fasciculus Medicinae in 1491, depicting a circle surrounded by thin-necked urine flasks?
Johannes de Ketham
What are the four temperaments?
Sanguineous (blood), Choleric (yellow bile), Phlegmatic (phlegm), Melancholic (black bile)
Who documented the importance of sputum in uroscopy?
Who discovered albuminuria by boiling urine?
Frederik Dekkers
Who wrote a book about pisse prophets (charlatans)?
Thomas Bryant
Who examined urine sediment?
Thomas Addis
Who introduced urinalysis as part of routine patient exams?
Richard Bright
Who identified urochrome?
Ludwig Thudichum
Who discovered cerebrospinal fluid?
Domenico Cotugno
Who identified phenylketonuria?
Ivan Folling
Who discovered alkaptonuria?
Archibald Garrod
Who described orthostatic cyclic proteinuria?
Frederick William Pavy
Who identified cystine calculi?
William Wollaston
Who created Benedict’s reagent?
Stanley Benedict
What is the water percentage in urine composition?
What is the major organic component of urine solids?
What is the principal salt in urine composition?
Sodium chloride (NaCl)
What specimen is ideal for routine urinalysis and pregnancy testing?
For evaluation of orthostatic proteinuria
First morning
What is the ideal specimen for cytology studies with prior hydration and exercise?
also for routine testing and qualitative urinalysis