Intro To Lab Tests Flashcards
What are indications for ordering specific lab tests?
. Screening
. Confirm presence of suspected diagnosis
. Monitor disease progression
. Determine treatment
. Follow guidelines by governing board/hospital/ drug manufacturer
. Patient, parent, peer, sub specialist request
Complete blood count (CBC)
. Evaluates WBC, RBC, platelets
. Gives info about cell type (number, size, shape)
When are WBCs important to look at?
Diagnosing infections, leukemia
When are Hgb/Hct important to look at?
When are RBC important to look at?
When are platelets/ PT/INR important to look at?
Bleeding disorders
Patient symptoms/physical exam findings to learn to ordering CBC
. Fatigue, fever, enlarged lymph nodes, unusual bruising, rectal bleeding, light-headedness
. Suspected infection, polycythemia
Normal adult lab Na value
135-145 (mEq/L)
Normal adult lab Cl value
97-107 (mEg/L)
Normal adult lab BUN value
8-21 (mg/dL)
Normal adult lab Glu value
70-100 (mg/dl)
Normal adult lab k value
3.5-5.0 (mEq/L)
Normal adult lab CO2 value
22-26 (mEq/L)
Normal adult lab Creat value
0.6-1.2 (mg/dL)
Normal adult lab WBC value
4.5-11 (x10E3/uL)
Normal adult lab Hgb value
12.0-17.5 (g/dL)
Normal adult lab Hct value
34-52 (%)
Normal adult lab Plt value
150-450 (x10E3/uL)
Normal adult lab PT value
Normal adult lab PTT value
Normal adult lab INR value
When would you order CBC/ hemoglobin and hematocrit (H and H)
. Anemia . Fatigue . Easy bruising or bleeding . Suspected infection . Polycythemia
What does a basic metabolic panel (BMP) tell you?
. Give info about electrolytes (Na, K, CL)
. Blood sugar
. Kidney function
. Creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
What symptoms prompt ordering a BMP?
Light-headedness, fatigue, palpitations, swelling of arms and legs
What does a comprehensive metabolic panel (COMP) tell you about?
Electrolytes, blood sugar, kidney function, Ca, Liver enzymes (AST/ALT), total bilirubin
what is COMP useful for diagnosing?
Diabetes, electrolyte disorders, kidney dysfunction, liver disorders
Symptoms/physical findings that prompt COMP
Light-headedness, fatigue, palpitations, swelling in limbs, jaundice
WHen would you order BMP or COMP?
. Dehydration . Electrolyte abnormality . Altered mental status . arrhythmia . Abnormal Ca or Mg levels . Abnormal urine output
Hemoglobin A1C
. Hgb converts to A1C form in presence of glucose
What does hemoglobin A1C tell you?
Estimate of average blood sugar over last 90-120 days
What is Hemoglobin A1C used for?
Screening test to diagnose diabetes or to evaluate diabetes control
Symptoms that would prompt HA1C test
Fatigue, vision changes, weight gain, inc. urination, inc. thirst, inc. BMI
Hypothyroidism symptoms
. Fatigue . Memory loss/brain fog . Depression/mood swings . Hearing loss . Weight gain . Broken sleep . Brittle nails . Joint pain . Hair loss . Constipation . Intolerance to cold . heavy periods . Numbness/tingling in extremities
Hypothyroidism signs
. Sparse eyebrows . Face swelling . Rapid HR w/ weak force contraction . Slow thinking . Slow pulse . Sluggish movement . Unexplained weight gain
Hyperthyroidism symptoms
. Exophthalmos . Nervousness . Insomnia . Itching . Palpitations . Poop shoots . Heat intolerance . Light periods
Hyperthyroidism signs
. Warm skin . Vomiting . Goiter . Skin flushing . High BP . Weight loss . Muscle weakness . Breast development in men
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
. Produced by pituitary
What does measuring TSH do?
. Evaluates functional state of thyroid
. Diagnoses thyroid disease or used to monitor thyroid disease therapy
Symptoms to warrant testing TSH levels
Fatigue, hyperactivity, insomnia, heart palpitations, high cholesterol, excessive sweating, depression, anxiety, enlarged/tender thyroid, bulging eyeballs, nail changes, irregular menses
What does lipid panel do?
. Analyzes total cholesterol, LDL (bad), HDL (good), triglycerides
. Screens for lipid disorders, assess MI/stroke risk
Symptoms to warrant lipid panel
Chest pain, skin changes from high cholesterol (xanthoma), EKG abnormalities, dec. limb circulation
Prothrombin time/international normalized ratio (PT/INR)
. Evaluates clotting ability
. Uses vein puncture or finger stick
What situation/symptoms is PT/INR ordered
. Before surgery to verify normal clotting, monitor clot treatment, evaluate liver function
. Symptoms: easy bruising, unusual bleeding, jaundice, dark colored urine, light colored stool
Urinalysis (UA)
. Analyzes urine chemically to look for evidence of bleeding, infections, sugar, protein
. Microscopic test for crystals
What is urinalysis used to diagnose?
UTI, hematuria, nephrolithiasis pregnancy screening
Symptoms/physical findings to prompt urinalysis
. Painful urination . Inc. urine freq. . Fever . Visible blood in urine . Mental status changes . Flank tenderness (Lloyd’s sign)
Blood in urine
Kidney stones
What are urine results measured against and what are the normal values?
Specific gravity, urine (1.005-1.029)
Neisseria gonorrhea and chlamydia trachomatic assays (GC and chlamydia PCR)
. Urine tests that detect presence of gonorrhea or chlamydia DNA
. Diagnoses genitourinary tract infections
Symptoms to prompt GC and Chlamydia PCR
Pain with urination, vaginal discharge, penile discharge
Urine human chorionic gonadotropin (pregnancy test, UCG)
. Detects UCG to diagnose pregnancy
. Confirm home test accuracy
Symptoms to prompt UCG test
. Irregular/missed periods
. Screening before surgery or radiologic procedures
Rapid antigen detection test for group A streptococcus (rapid strep)
. Oropharnyx swabbed to detect strep nuclei acid
Symptoms to prompt rapid strep
. Sore throat, redness, pus in throat
Rapid influenza test
. Nasopharynx swabbed, secretion analyzed for flu virus antigens
. Diagnoses A or B flu
Symptoms to prompt rapid influenza test
Fever, fatigue, body aches, cough, sore throat
Types of cultures
Wound, urine, sputum, blood (blood and sputum only in hospital setting)
What is done in a culture?
. Fluids analyzed for presence of microbes
. Diagnoses infection in respective fluid
Symptoms to prompt culture
Fever, chills, pain w/ urination, generalized weakness, skin abscess
What is at stake as to why it is important to be accurate with reporting and documenting lab tests?
. Correct patient . Appropriate treatment . Accuracy and validity of test . Medical-legal document . Physician license and reputation . School/university/office/hospital/community