Ear Pain Flashcards
Cone of light
. Btw 5 and 7 o’clock
. Usually ant. On tympanic membrane
. Lose cone of light or deviate it when something is in the ear
Tympanic membrane
. Retracted: tympanic membrane more adhered to malleus process
. Pushed out: hide the malleus and deviate cone of light
External ear anatomy
. Canal curves inward, approx. 24 mm long
. Cartilage encases outer 2/3
. Inner third of canal is surrounded by bone and lined by thin,. Hairless skin
. End of canal lites lat. tympanic membrane marking med. limit of inner ear
Middle ear
. Air filled
. Ossicles
. Malleus, incus, stapes
. Transform sound vibrations into mechanical waves for inner ear
. Prox. End of Eustachian tube connects the middle ear to nasopharyngeal
Inner ear
. Cochlea, semicircular canals, distal end auditory n.
. Movements of stapes vibrate perilymph in labyrinth of semicircular canals, heair cells and endolymph in ducts of cochlea producing electrical nerve impulses
Otitis externa
. Will have pain on movement of auricle and Tragus
. Swimmer’s ear
. May be reddened
. Canal is swollen, narrowed, moist, pale, and tender
Ear exam tips
. Move auricle up and down, press the tragus and press just behind ear if inflammation or pain is present
Exam in infants
. Pull infant ear down and out, stabilize
. Light reflex will be diffuse
. Small, deformed, or lowest auricles may indicate associated congenital defects (renal disease)
. Small skin tab just forward of tragus is a first branchial cleft remnant (no significance), can sometimes be assoc. w/ familial hearing loss or renal disease
. Firm, modular, hypertrophic mass of scar tissue extending beyond the area of injury
. Common in shoulders and upper chest
. Deposit of uric acid crystals characteristic of chronic gout
. Hard nodules in helix or anti helix
. May discharge chalky white crystals through skin
. Appear near joints
Cutaneous cyst
. Dome shaped lump in dermis forms benign closed firm sac attached to epidermis
. Chronic inflammatory lesion
. Painful papule on helix/anti helix
. Biopsy needed to rule out carcinoma
Basal cell carcinoma
. Common slow-growing malignancy that rarely metastasizes
. Raised nodule w/ lustrous surface and telangectatic vessels
. Growth and ulceration may occur
. More frequent in fair people exposed to sun
. Skin cell buildup and form scales and pruritic dry patches
. Immune system issue
. Triggers: infections, stress, cold, trauma
Rheumatoid nodules
. Small lumps on helix/anti helix
. Can also occur in hands and distal ulna, knees, and heels
. Ulceration may occur as result from repeated injuries
. May antedate arthritis
Ear exam process
. Inspect ear canal
. Inspect eardrum
. Identify handle of malleus and inspect the short process of malleus (if unusually short process and prominent handle suggests retracted drum)
. Look at pars flaccida sup. And margins of pars tense
. Look for perforations
. Evaluate mobility of eardrum w/ pneumatic otoscope
. Nontender modular swellings covered by normal skin deep in ear canals
. Nonmalignant overgrowth, can obscure drum
Perforation of eardrum
. Holes usually from purulent infections of middle ear
. Membrane covering perforation will be extra thin and transparent