Intramuscular Injections Flashcards
What are the 8 rights of medication administration?
Right medication, right dose, right patient, right time, right route, right response, right reason, and right documentation
What is an injection?
Giving medication using a syringe and needle
What is the intramuscular (IM) route?
Where the medication is injected into the muscle layer lying beneath the subcutaneous layer of the skin allowing for larger amounts of medication
Which site for injection has a faster absorption rate: The IM route or the subcutaneous route
The IM route
What is the subcutaneous route for injections
In this type of injection, a short needle is used to inject a drug into the tissue layer between the skin and the muscle.
What type of needle is used for the IM route?
23G or 21G
What do we ask the patient to do to lessen the pain from an IM injection?
Ask the patient to take a deep breath and exhale slowly to relax muscles as the needle is inserted
Do you insert the full length of the needle when preforming an IM injection?
No, aim to insert 3/4 of the needle
Do you remove the needle slowly or quickly during an IM injection?
quickness reduces discomfort
How do we aspirate during an IM injection?
Pull back the plunger to be certain the needle is in the muscle and not in a vein/artery
If you see blood during aspiration what do you do?
Withdraw the needle and start again
Do we inject medication slowly or quickly during an IM injection?
Slowly to lessen discomfort
After you remove the needle during an IM injection what do you do?
Use pressure on a piece of gauze/cotton ball to stop any bleeding and dispose of the needle directly into the sharps container, finally remove gloves and wash hands
Define palpate.
the process of examining part of the body by careful feeling with the hands and
Define anterior.
describing or relating to the front (ventral) portion of the body or limbs.
Define superior
situated uppermost in the body in relation to another structure or surface.
why do we use the ventrogluteal site for IM injections?
Because it is relatively free of major nerve and blood vessels, as well as the muscle is large and well defined therefore easy to locate.
Would we use the ventrogluteal site with infants
How do we locate the ventrogluteal site for IM injections?
Simply place the palm of your hand over the greater trochanter (hip joint), index finger over the anterior superior iliac tubercule, and middle finger along the posterior iliac crest. Inject
perpendicular into the center of the V formed by the separated fingers.
What is the Z Track Method?
A method to prevent leakage and help seal the drug into the muscle
How do we do the Z track method?
Using your non dominant hand, pull the skin and subcutaneous tissue 2-3cm sideways, follow normal procedure then when withdrawing release the skin to create a disjointed pathway which locks in the medication.
Why are subcutaneous injections given?
Because there is little blood flow to fatty tissue and the injected medication is generally absorbed more slowly, sometimes over 24hours.
What are some medications that are given subcutaneously?
Growth hormones, insulin, epinephrine ect
What sites should we avoid injecting over?
inflamed, oedematous, scarred or covered by a mole, birthmark or other lesion.
Subcutaneous administration of fluids is for what?
Maintenance fluid replacement only
Can we administer hypotonic solutions subcutaneously?
Can we administer hypertonic solutions subcutaneously?