Innate Immunity 2 Flashcards
what are cytokines?
small proteins that act as signalling molecules to co-ordinate immune responses
what are chemokines?
small proteins that are involved in directing cells to the site of infection
give an example of a cell that is both chemokine and cytokine
IL-8 / CXCL8
what is the most abundant cell type at the oral mucosa?
what do neutrophils do during inflammation?
they increase in number and they are attracted along a CXCL8 gradient to the site of inflammation
what do cell adhesion molecules do?
control interactions between immune cells and endothelial cells
what are the three main families of cell adhesion molecules?
selectins, integrins and immunoglobulin superfamily
what do cell adhesion molecules promote and what are they important for?
promote cell-cell interactions and are important for immune trafficking
what are endothelial cells?
cells that line the interior surface of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels
where are selectins and immunoglobins found?
on endothelial cells
where are integrins found?
on migrating immune cells
what is the primary funciton of neutrophils?
to engulf and destroy invading pathogens
what do granules contain?
degradative enzymes and antimicrobial substances
what is degranulation?
when the granules are released upon activation of receptors
what happens when neutrophils are activated?
it induces them to release proteins and some genetic material (chromatin) to form extra-cellular fibril matrix which TRAPS PATHOGENS
what do monocytes do?
circulate in the blood as precursors to macrophages
what is the primary function of macrophages?
phagocytosis as well as presentation of antigen to adaptive immune cells
what is the function of mast cells?
what is the function of dendritic cells?
present antigen to T cells
what cells contain granules?
mast cells, natural killer cells, monocytes, macrophages and neutrophils
what are granules?
vesicles containing preformed mediators
what preformed mediators are contained within granules?
proteinases, antimicrobials, chemical mediators
what are the preformed mediators in the granules in response to?
MAMPs (e.g. microbial antigens), complement proteins, cytokines and other inflammatory mediators