Injections Flashcards
What is the effect of epinephrine in relation to blood loss?
decreases it
What are toxic doses of lidocaine with and without epi?
4mg/kg for plain lidocaine
7 mg/kg for lidocaine with epinephrine
Good for superficial lesions such as skin abscesses
field blocks
How many nerves is each digit supplied by?
4- 2 dorsal and 2 palmar/plantar
Where should you start a digital block?
dorsally moving down each side of the proximal phalanx
CI to digital blocks
vascular compromise
What is used in trigger point injections?
combo of lido and a steroid
Name the short-acting steroid preparations for injections
Hydrocortisone; Prednisilone
Where should you inject a knee?
Lateral side at level of superior pole of the patella
Where do you place a posterior shoulder injection?
2cm below base of acromion, 2 cm medial to edge of humerus