Hip and Knee Disorders Flashcards
Occurs due to interruption of vascular supply of the femoral head. Commonly bilateral.
avascular necrosis
Special test performed if there is clicking or snapping of the hip joint to check for iliopsoas or labral tear
Thomas test
What diagnostic imaging should you order if you suspect stress fractures?
Patient presents with hip pain with deep click that persists 2 months after a fall. Catching sensation. Worse with deep flexion and raising from seated position. Decreased ROM
Acetabular labrum tear
Recreational runner who has gradually increased distance of workouts presents with pain and snapping in groin and anterior hip with hip flexion and crunches
Iliopsoas Bursitis/Tendinosis
First line of treatment for acetabular labrum tear
physical therapy
Patient presents with lateral hip pain laying on left side. Pain with Ober test and tender over lateral thigh. Gradual onset. No trauma or previous hx
Trochanteric bursitis
13 yr patient presents with increasing groin pain over the past 2 months. Pain to jump, run, stretch, and land. Point tender on superior pubic ramus.
Pubic Ramus Stress Fracture
What should you do if you suspect a stress fracture on superior side of femoral neck?
ortho referral- high risk for complete fracture and AVN
Patient presents with chronic right groin pain for the past several weeks. Increased training. Worse with right footed kicking and resisted adduction. Pain with resisted adduction and TTP medial groin tendon insertion
adductor tendinopathy
Patient presents with left groin pain that’s been progressive over past month. Worse with skating and hip motion. Pain in hernia region without palpable hernia
athletic pubalgia/sports hernia
Patient presents with left buttocks pain that hurts to sit, increases after a run, some radiation of pain to hamstrings. Painful ROM with internal/external rotation
Piriformis syndrome
What is the difference between piriformis strain and syndrome?
with the syndrome you have +sciatica whereas this is absent with a strain
Dislocation that needs to be reduced immediately to avoid AVN
hip dislocation
Knee injury associated with noncontact injury with pop
ACL tear
Knee injury due to lateral blow to knee
MCL tear
Knee injury due to medial blow to knee
LCL tear
Knee injury associated with fall onto a flexed knee
PCL tear
Knee injury characterized by knee “giving out” or “buckled”
ACL tear or patellar dislocation
Only palpable structure normally in the popliteal fossa
popliteal artery
Patient presents with nonspecific anterior knee pain worse with running, squatting, and jumping. Occasional popping
Patella Femoral Syndrome/ Chondromalaciae
Test that assesses injury to MCL
valgus stress
Test that assesses injury to LCL
Varus stress
Cause of PCL tear
Hyperextension or posterior load
Special test to evaluate suspected meniscal tear
Patient stepped off ladder, knee twisted with immediate medial pain. Some swelling. Trouble squatting, kneeling, and climbing ladders. Pain and tenderness on joint line
meniscal injury
Treatment for meniscal tear
arthroscopy with meniscectomy vs repair
Anterior knee pain localized to patellar tendon. Affects participants in “explosive” sports. Most commonly basketball. Due to excess activity, improper mechanics, excessive weight
patellar tendonitis (jumper’s knee)
What is the difference between septic bursitis and septic arthritis?
septic bursitis is red with mov’t intact whereas spetic arthritis is swollen, tender and mov’t causes pain