Infratemporal Fossa and Oral Cavity Flashcards
Osteological features of Sphenoid Bone

Osteology of Mandible

Inside Osteology of Mandible

Contents of Infratemporal Fossa
- Muscles of Mastication
- Otic ganglion
- Temporomandibular Joint
- Maxillary Artery
- Pterygoid plexus of veins
- Branches of V3
- Otic ganglion
- Chorda Tympani - from CN VII
What arch are all muscles of mastication associated with?
- 1st Pharyngeal Arch
All Muscles of mastication are motor supplied by what nerve?
Masseter Function
- Elevtates Mandible (if both contracted)
- Ipsilateral excursion (if one contracted)
- Elevates mandible
- posterior fibers RETRACT mandible
- ipsilateral excursion if one side contracting

Medial Pterygoid
- Elevates Mandible
- One side contracting = contralateral excursion

Lateral Pterygoid
- Both sides contracting - protrusion of mandible
- One side contracting - contralateral excursion

Temporomandibular Joint
- Bony Features
- Mandibular fossa
- Articular eminence of temporal bone
- Condyle of Mandible
- Synovial Joint
- Articular cartilage
- Capsule
- Intra-articular disc

Articular Disc
- Attached to cricumfrence to joint capsule
- assures dic and condyle move together

Movement at TMJ
- Sliding translation
- Hinge
- Lateral Excursion
Actions and Muscles when opening mouth
- Suprahyoid muscles initiate motion (depression of mandible, lower joint space)
- must protrude mouth to open
- Condyle and disc must slide anteriorly into **articular eminence **
- Lateral pterygoids - prime mover
Actions and muscles when closing mouth
- Elevation and retraction of mandible
- Masseter
- medial pterygoid
- temporalis
Maxillary Artery
- Terminal branch of external carotid
- passes through infratemporal fossa and into pterygopalatine fossa
- supplies
- teeth
- nasal cavity
- muscles of mastication
- bones
- midface
- main artery of deep facial structures

Middle Meningeal Artery
- Branch of Maxillary artery
- Auricotemporal comes off of it
- enters middle crania fossa via **foramen spinosum **
- located at pterion (wings) of head…vulnerable to damage to skull fractures
Pterygoid Plexus of Veins connect to which veins?
- Surface of pterygoid muscles
- Connections to
- Facial veins
- Maxillary veins
- Jugular veins
- Deep connections to Cavernous Sinus

Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis
- Connections between cavernous sinus and
- Facial veins
- Pterygoid veins
- Ophthalmic veins
- Infections in face/dental region can travel to cavernous sinus/brain

Muscles of mastication all innervated by what motor nerves?
- Branchial motor fibers from V3
- also supply branchial motor to all muscles from 1st pharyngeal arch
Motor innervation of muscles of mastication
Branchial motors from V3
- also supply all other muscles from **1st pharyngeal arch **
Sensory Innervation in face area
Auricotemporal Nerve of V3
- sensory from side of face
- carries parasympathetic from CN IX from Otic Ganglion to Parotid Gland
Buccal Nerve of V3
- Sensory cheek from cheek
Lingual of V3
- General sensory to anterior 2/3
- joined by Chorda Tympani

Sensory Branch to mandible - Inferior Alverolar nerve
- General sensation from teeth
- passes through mandibular foramen
- Nerve of mylohyoid splits off from it
- ends in mental nerve after going through mental foramen

Where is Parotid papilla located?
- in Oral Vestibule
- opposite 2nd maxillary molar

Mylohyoid muscle
- Originates on mylohyoid line of the mandible
- Inserts into hyoid bone
- Action: elevates hyoid and floor of mouth
- depresses mandible

Submandibular & Sublingual Salivary Glands

Where does submandibular duct empty into?
- Sublingual caruncle (papilla)

Innervation of Salivary Glands
- Parasympathetics of VII travel with Chorda Tympani
- C. Tympani hitchikes on lingual nerve (V3)
- synapse occurs in submandibular ganglion
- post synaptics travel to submandibular/sublingual glands

What types of fibers does chorda tympani carry?
- Parasympathetic (to salivary/submandibular glands from VII)
- Special Sensory (Taste)
- Hitchikes on lingual nerve of V3 to enter oral cavity

Terminal Sulcus
- seperates Anterior 2/3 from posterior 1/3
- V shaped groove
- foramen cecum at apex
- origin of thyroglossal duct

Lingual Papillae
- associated with taste buds
- anterior 2/3
Extrinsic muslces of Tongue
- Hyoglossus - depresses tongue
- Styloglossus - retracts tongue
- Genioglossus - protrudes tongue

What supplies motor innervation to all tongue muscles?
- Hypoglossal Nerve (CN XII)
what do taste fibers from VII, IX, X travel through to get to brainstem?
- Solitary tract nucleus