Induction of Labour Flashcards
What is induction of labour?
Planned initiation of labour prior to spontaneous onset
What are the maternal indications for IOL?
Poor obstetric history
Medical disorders; renal/ CTD
What are the foetal indications for OIL?
Suspected IUGR
Rhesus isoimmunization
Antepartum haemorrhage
What are the mixed indications for IOL?
Post dates pregnancy
Obstetric cholestasis
What makes up a bishop’s score?
Consistency Position Dilation Length Station
What is a bishop’s score of 0?
Consistency; firm Position; posterior Dilatation; 0-1cm Length; 2-4cm Station; -3
What is a bishop’s score of 1?
Consistency; average Position; mid Dilation; 1-2cm Length 1-2cm Station; -3
What is a bishop’s score of 2?
Consistency; soft Position; anterior Dilatation; 2-4 cm Length; 0.5-1cm Station; -1/0
What is a bishop’s score of 3?
Dilation >4cm
Length >0.5cm
Station; below spines
What are the different methods for IOL?
Prostaglandins (prostin gel or pessary)
Mechanical; membrane sweep, foley balloon catheter
Amniotomy (artificial rupture of membranes)
IVI syntocinon