Important crap to know Flashcards
lumbar plexus goes from what to what
T12 half the time
Sacral plexus goes from what to what
the 5 muscles of the medial compartment of the thigh (think the sides of the thigh)
- gracilis
- adductor longus
- adductor brevis
- adductor magnus (oblique fibers)
- obturator externus
B. There are 4 muscles that comprise the posterior compartment of the thigh:
This compartment runs from the buttock to the posterior aspect of the knee and is separated from the extensor compartment by the lateral intermuscular septum.
- biceps femoris
- semitendinosus
- semimembranosus
- adductor magnus (vertical fibers)
posterior compartment of thigh is innervated by (*note the exception)
(this includes vertical fibers of adductor Magnus)
exception - bicep femoral short head = common peroneal nerve
lumbar plexus forms within which muscle?
psoas major
what innervates the tensor fascia latae?
superior gluteal n
which four muscles line the posterior wall
a. the psoas major,
b. the iliacus
c. the quadratus lumborum.
d. Often, a fourth muscle, the psoas minor
the terminal branch of the femoral nerve?
saphenous n - medial foot & leg
The floor of the femoral triangle is gutter-like and is formed by (lateral to medial) the ___, ____, ____ and ____. The roof is formed by skin and fascia
the iliacus
psoas major
adductor longus
6 external rotators of the hip
PGOGOQ piriformis gemelus superior obturator internis gemellus inferior obturator externis quadratus femoris
also external rotators of the hip also function as ____ except for ____ ____ which does hip ____
abductors of hip except quadratus femoris which does A-Dduction
boarders of the popliteal fossa
superior medial - semitendonosis, semitendonosis
superior lateral- bicep femoris
inferior medial - medial head of gastroc
inferior lateral- lateral head of gastroc
contents of popliteal fossa
popliteal arteries
popliteal veins
genicular arteries
anterior compartment of thigh
quadriceps femoris rectus femoris vastus medialis vastus lateralis vastus intermedialis sartorious pectinious iliopsoas Quads Pack Serious anterior Impact
What supplies blood to anterior compartment of thigh?
femoral artery
what innervates anterior compartment of thigh
femoral N
What innervates the medial compartment of thigh and what supplies blood to the medial compartment of thigh?
Optorator N (a or p) obturator artery
what supplies blood to the posterior compartment of thigh?
deep femoral artery
anterior compartment of leg
tibialis anterior
extensor digitorum longus
Extensor Hallucis Longus
Peroneus (Fibularis) Tertius
posterior compartment of leg
superficial then deep
1.Gastrocnemius Medial Head
2 Gastrocnemius Lateral Head
4. plantaris
- popliteus
- tibialis posterior
- flexor digitorum longus
- flexor hallicis longus
lateral compartment of leg
Peroneus (Fibularis) Longus
Peroneus (Fibularis) Brevis
anterior compartment of leg is innervated by
the deep fibular(peroneal) n
what is the lateral compartment of leg innervated by
the superficial fibular (peroneal)n
fractured tibia could lead to
common peroneal n injury
posterior compartment of leg is innervated by
tibial n
lateral compartment of leg does what?
what muscles invert the leg?
Tibialis Posterior & Anterior; Extensor Hallicus Longus