Imperialism In The 1800s Flashcards
What are the differences between the locations of the first vs the second wave of conquests?
The first wave occurred in Western hemisphere (Americas) while the seconds wave occurred in Afro-Eurasia
What are the differences between major imperialists between the first vs & second wave of conquests?
The First-Wave was led by France, England, Spain, Portugal, & Netherlands while in the Second-Wave England, France, & Netherlands were still big colonizers with the addition of Germany, the US, Italy, Belgium, and Japan. Spain & Portugal only played a minor role in the Second-Wave.
What are the differences between the way colonies were ruled between the first & the second wave of conquests?
In the First-Wave colonies were directly ruled by the “parent country” with formal government structures while in the Second-Wave colonies were ruled indirectly through local rulers & economic control
What were 8 European motives for colonization from 1750-1900s?
- European Racism
- Humanitarian Reasons
- Social and economic opportunities
- European nationalism
- Missionary Activitiy
- Millitary & Naval bases
- Places to dump unwanted excess population
- Source for Raw Materials
- Markets for finished goods
What were technological innovations from the Industrial Revolution that facilitated the Second-Wave of European colonization by allowing Europeans to go to new places?
- Railroads
- Steamships (Suez Canal) connecting Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean
- Quinine (anti-malaria drug) useful in the tropics
What were technological innovations from the Industrial Revolution that facilitated the Second-Wave of European colonization by allowing Europeans to conquer easier?
- Repeating rifles & machine guns
What was a technological innovation from the Industrial Revolution that facilitated the Second-Wave of European colonization by enabling near instaneous communication?
- Trans-oceanic telegraph cable
What did Europeans see Asians and Africans as which was a change from the past?
Culturally Inferior
How did Europeans’ perception of Chinese people change as a result of the Industrial Revolution?
They went from being respected academics & merchants to being weak, deceptive, & “yellow” threats to society
How did Europeans’ perception of African people change as a result of the Industrial Revolution?
African people went from being seen as kings & nations to “tribes and huts”
How did Europeans’ perception of American native people change as a result of the Industrial Revolution?
They went from being seen as fur traders & guides to “savages”
How did Europeans’ perception of Pacific Islander people change as a result of the Industrial Revolution?
They became to be seen as “children”
What is Darwinism?
- Theory of Evolution
- Natural Selection
- Species that are adapted to survive will survive at the expense of species that aren’t
What is Social Darwinism?
- Applies Darwin’s theories to countries, races. & human society
- The nations that “survive” are the ones who dominate others
- Wars, conquest, & making strong empires are seen as “natural selection”
What is the “White Man’s Burden”?
- European white men (superior race, religion, culture) have the obligation (the burden) of “civilizing” the non-white, non-Christian, and non-European world
What was the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?
Europeans decided how to split up Africa and no Africans were present
How was Africa Colonized from 1750-1900?
- Scramble for Africa occurred rapidly
- Some areas signed agreements (willingly or coerced) with Europeans that turned them into “protectorates” like Buganda
- Some areas fought against European encroachment like South Africa
- Some states remained independent like Ethiopia who defeated the Italians
Who was Cecil Rhodes?
A British businessmen and colonial minister of Rhodesia and South Africa. Inspired the creation of “The Colossus Rhodes”
Which country colonized India in the second-wave of imperialism & how were they controlled?
Britain & they were ruled by the British East India Company and were ruled indirectly at first
Which country colonized the Spice Islands (Indonesia) in the second-wave of imperialism how were they controlled?
The Dutch & they were initially ruled indirectly through the Dutch East India Company at first
What places did Japan colonize in the second-wave of imperialism in the 1750s - 1900s?
Taiwan & Korea (emulating Europeans)
What colonies did the US have in the 1750s - 1900s and how did they gain control of that region?
The Philippines after defeating Spain in the Spanish-American War in 1898
What places did France colonize in the second-wave of imperialism in the 1750s - 1900s?
Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, & Cambodia) & Algeria
How did Siam (Thailand) remain independent from 1750-1900 despite Asian imperialism of all of its neighbors?
Through diplomacy