Imaging Flashcards
Where are perilymphatic nodules found?
Secondary lobule, peribronchovascular, subpleural
Perilymphatic nodules are most common in _____, as well as in _____.
sarcoidosis; pneumoconioses
The CT imaging features of early _____ are multiple ill-defined micronodules with a centrilobular distribution. As the disease progresses, these nodules tend to cavitate, and a combination of bizarre-shaped cysts and nodules is characteristic.
CT findings characteristic of _____ are diffuse, exquisitely thin-walled cysts. Additionally, the intervening lung is largely normal, with no nodularity.
Ground-glass opacities, centrilobular micronodules, thickening of bronchovascular bundles, and a few cystic airspaces. The cysts have thin walls, have a perivascular and subpleural distribution, and typically involve <10% of the lung parenchyma.
_____ is a rare, autosomal dominant condition characterized by the development of fibrofolliculomas on the face, head, and upper torso; kidney tumors; recurrent pneumothoraces; and irregularly shaped, thin-walled pulmonary cysts, most of which are <1 cm.
Small, irregularly shaped, thin-walled cysts