IFSTA Chapter 2 maintenance & inspection Flashcards
What transmits data to a radio receiver on a traffic light in order to promptly signal at the intersection and will operate automatically as long as apparatuses and range
Strobe light activated preemption device
To maintain control when in an accelerated skid, the driver should not apply the brakes but instead, ease off the accelerator and ….
Turn the front wheels in the same direction as a skid
NFPA 1071 page 29
Standard for emergency vehicle technician professional qualifications
Typically departments require driver operators to perform apparatus inspections and maintenance checks how often
page 30
At the beginning of each tour of duty
What Purpose do inspection record serve
2nd edition page 31
Warranty claims
document required maintenance
be used in investigation following an accident
decide whether to purchase a new vehicle
Over cleaning in Apparatus can lead to
Removal of lubrication from chassis
During the first six months the vehicle should be washed frequently with what temperature of water
page 33
Dust or grit should never be removed from an apparatus with ….
Dry rubbing
Wash a fire apparatus with
Good automotive shampoo
Dry the fire apparatus with
page 34
clean chamois
How long until you can apply waxes are polishes
page 35
Six months
The walk around method starts at
Drivers door
What is another term for the drivers/left side of the apparatus
2nd editio page 36
Street side
when performing inspection of tires, what should be checked
3rd edition page 38/39
When inspecting cord reels they should be….
completely unreeled and inspected while wiped down with a damp cloth